Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m so grateful that you are at this junction and becoming stronger emotionally by the minute! Love that you will be celebrating with the largest pizza and ice cream (my kinda celebration)

It’s a beautiful Saturday – hope all my sober friends are doing well and enjoying themselves!
Today I’m so grateful for @CJP and @butterflymoonwoman for reaching out to check in on me. I am grateful for doing better today and dealing with all my issues with a positive attitude.
I am so grateful that I do love my friends and we are all ok with me keeping my distance for the past 1.5 yrs (i do love whatsapp – so convenient to stay connected with friends from all over without the long distance calling)
I am so grateful for getting some rest – woke up groggy but that is to be expected with finally catching up on sleep.
I am so grateful that my parents came by at 9am to do our meditation / prayer. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to leave the comfort of my bed but grateful I grabbed a hot cup of heavenly coffee and joined in.
I am so grateful that my mom is like a Pitbull when it comes to my extended family and them trying to hang out with me knowing I don’t have the energy. She has been playing interference for me which I so appreciate.
I am so grateful that I am able to move around and breathe freely
I am so grateful my lovely freshly squeezed bottle gourd juice
I am so grateful for now wanting to go back to sleep but not in a depressive way but just because my body is so damn tired and just need to rest (chronic fatigue is something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to but I have faith that I will not have this forever).
I am so grateful for this illness and these symptoms – I don’t think I would have ever given up my lifestyle of drinking, smoking, over working, needing perfection, not enjoying the little things…etc. I am learning to live. I am so grateful that it is not too late to appreciate life and all its wonders.
I am so grateful for my family, the art of mediation to connect with my hp
I am so grateful for this site and all the wonderful folks I’ve connected with!
Sending much love to all – have a glorious sober weekend my friends :heart:


Grateful for the first day since…January? even before that? that my famiky had no commitments, activities…I could just…be! with them! So grateful!

Grateful I let my kids try to teach me how to dive properly from the diving block and we all had a laugh. Grateful I didn’t hurt myself too badly :smile:

Grateful for time with the hubby.

Grateful I had a nice cycling workout today.

Grateful for a wonderful Saturday, with coffee, burgers, ice cream / and breakfast for dinner!

Grateful I remembered a good friend’s birthday.

Grateful we go on a summer holiday in a week. Grateful I’m already picturing the situations when someone may offer drinks and my response.

Grateful for each and every day alcohol-free!

Much love to you all and have a great weekend! :heart:


Hi friends,
I’m grateful it’s the weekend. I’m grateful my family worked as a team to get the house in order. I feel more settled. I’m grateful for exercise and that I can do it. I’m grateful I can rest when I feel tired. I’m grateful I can read around here every day. I’m grateful my life is manageable now. I’m grateful I have friends.:heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for the out of town AA meeting I just got home from with my sponsor, our friend and that it was a small but experienced group. I’m grateful one of the shares involved lots about the use of H.A.L.T. I’m grateful that work was really busy and productive today and flew by. I’m grateful I have plans to attend church in the morning, my parents cottage in the afternoon and if I’m home in time AA to end the day.

May our higher powers shower us with love.

p.s. I believe in you. Ya you!!


Grateful for 126 D AF
Grateful to be sober , no going back!!
Grateful for HP so mighty awesome, sponsor reminded me it’s a Loving HP. This helps me :smiling_face:
Love absolute will see us through
It was said , Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past.
I forgive you big judge the harm has stopped (addictions) we can relax knowing we’re on the Path. Perfection is the enemy of progress.
May the God of your choice bless you and keep you :person_in_lotus_position::+1::heart::pray:


I just wanted you to know: I didn’t do the Wordle or the Mini yesterday! I am thankful for that! I also deleted Candy Crush.

I am thankful for yet another chance.
I am grateful for a roof, electricity, clean water.
I am grateful for a capable mind and ability to once again crawl out of the hole of depression.
(Probably way past time for meds).
I am grateful for this and my TLC communities. I don’t know why I consistently turn away from, instead of leaning into, them.

Luv ya’ll.


Good morning! Grateful for a quiet morning, grateful for a little bit of cloud cover so I can tackle the weeds in my boulevard garden. Grateful for my crazy pups, who are going to get their bath today so pray for them in this time of need. Grateful for a quiet day ahead, and a new video game to play if the weather turns. Grateful to be making progress on my chores while still making time for friends. Grateful for a visit with a friend yesterday, and grateful that my sobriety means that I can sometimes say yes to last minute get togethers. Grateful for my man and all the things he does to take care of us, like this week when I asked him to dispose of the dead opossum in the backyard. Which was actually faking but he said he would do it and it’s the thought that counts, right?


Happy Happy Sunday my sober friends! A very happy Fathers Day to all the fathers. What an amazing day to be alive

Starting with some fresh cut pineapple with a hot cup of coffee (weird how this works) – So damn grateful for breathing in clean air. Grateful for filling my lungs without pain and wheezing. Grateful for @Alisa and her amazing posts yesterday on the smoking thread (really hit home and didn’t realize I needed to read this). It’s when I start feeling better with my breathing that I think I can just smoke casually --NOT gonna happen.
I am so grateful that we are doing our meditation / prayer session at 11 today so it gave me enough time to wake up and move around (get in a shower and start laundry). Grateful that i don’t have any set plans for today and that is just perfect!
I am so grateful for having cut my nails last night so i am not going to cause myself harm accidental harm (can’t stop itching but that is ok – i will eventually wrap my hands in socks like for chickenpox scratching prevention – should be fun)
I am so grateful the my migraine is just a mild headache today
I am so grateful that i’ve now started gathering things to be grateful for throughout the day but then forget them when it comes time to write them down - at least i know that i am now finding gratitude in daily things and appreciating my surroundings
I am so grateful for my higher power - i can’t imagine going on without “Him” Grateful that he gave me the wisdom and strength to find this new path and stay the course.
I am so grateful for my family - so loving and supportive
I am so grateful for the TS community and all my new friendships.
Go on and have a wonderful Sunday friends - sending you much love :heart:


I’m grateful I’m sober.
Grateful B was already sleeping on me in bed.
Grateful I already had Mavy time.
Grateful Alice pushed her way onto my lap.
Grateful Minnie ate most of her food.
Grateful Minnie enjoyed the hell out of her walk up here in the cool mountain air. I’m grateful it was hard to keep up with her.
I’m grateful for my Father’s Day gifts.
I’m grateful for my first Grandfathers day.
I’m grateful for my children and my grandchildren.
I’m honestly trying to be grateful for my wife. But the truth is it’s been very hard the last couple of days. Weeks :grimacing: I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful I can recognize how I act when I am not so grateful for my wife. I’m grateful I know this will pass. Again. I’m grateful for Al-Anon meetings. I’m grateful I’ve pick up Courage To Change again and ODAAT In Al-Anon as daily readers again.
I’m so very grateful I don’t have a headache. I prolly should have lead with that but I was so grateful for a long time when I got up that my head didn’t hurt I guess I forgot about it.
I’m grateful my best childhood friend reached out and wished me a happy Father’s Day by text early this morning. That was nice.
I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful I can hear Alice purring in her heated bed by the fireplace. What a heavenly sound that is.

What is my part?


I love it when we get to this point in our gratitude practice. I love reading about it when it happens to others. Enjoy your no set plans for the day. Hope your pain is manageable. You make me think of Gus with socks on his hands so he wouldn’t scratch his face when he was an infant.
Thanks for the Father’s Day wishes.


Late afternoon gratitude. Today I’m grateful a friend came over yesterday evening spontaneously and stayed over night, she needed a break from home. It was nice to have a chat on the deck with lemon balm water in the morning. Ok, all morning, we were catching up and enjoyed the sunny weather under the sunshade between all the nice vegetable plants until it got too hot.

I’m grateful for my cuddly, talky, sweet cats. They made us laugh. I’m grateful for black tea with milk and honey, my sunday goodie. I’m grateful it still stays cool inside the house. So cozy. I’m grateful I laze around watching TV, chilling on the couch. I’m grateful for lots of laughter on funny videoclips.

I’m grateful I ordered dinner. I enjoy this relaxed sunday and don’t want to cook, not even the tortiglioni in the fridge. They will still be good tomorrow.

I’m grateful for freedom, for living in peace, for moderate emotions, for my cozy home, for friends, pals and neighbours, for staying in the present, for having faith in God and the universe.


Welcome to the 1000 club Bootz.
Glad you’re here.


Good morning sober friends,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 413 days free
Gazing into my husbands eyes and feeling our souls dancing
Didnt drink at the concert…didnt even want to
Felt a little nostalgia about the drink but played the tape forward
Losing weight this week
Late morning
Easy baked chicken and brocolli for lunch
My folks dont mind babysitting Boscoe overnight
I miss Boscoe
We live close to my folks
My parents are alive and spunky as ever
A juneteenth holiday off of work
My job
Feeling safe
Continuous learning and evolving

Peace be with you


Thanks Eric — if you are a “friends” fan - this is what comes to mind…




Good evening grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
Grateful to be visiting with my mom.
Grateful we got out for a lovely walk.
Grateful she cooked amazing fresh swordfish for dinner last night.
Grateful my headache from earlier is a bit better.
Grateful for the cool weather.
Grateful my mom is doing well at 82 after recent health scares.
Grateful for a job interview tomorrow up here. It would be a completely different life to move back here.
Grateful I have a friend taking care of my cats while I’m away.



I am thankful for the forgiveness of my many sins, for the strength continuing in recovery no matter my many failures, thankful for running water, for a dish of food, for having faith even if it is poor and little, thankful for good humor and for the greatness I see in so many persons here in this app


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I started the day with prayer followed by three mantra meditations, I fell back asleep during the third :grimacing:
I’m grateful when I woke about an hour later I had time to do five different daily readings aloud on the patio with a neighbor. I’m grateful I also had time before 10:30 Church to walk my favorite spot on the golf course while listening to a walking meditation then another on boundaries. I’m grateful the Church service was lovely and I got emotional and did a silent mini meditation again. It was and will again soon be mediatation day. Lol I’m grateful I got to ride with my Sister to our parents cottage and see my Dad for Father’s day, as well as Mom, other Sister her Husband, my Neices and their dog. I’m grateful I got to sit on the beach and do another self love meditation by the water. I’m grateful the water was warm enough to wade in. I’m grateful I have a job and could actually afford to get my Dad a belated Birthday gift and another for Father’s day. I’m grateful for all the food my parents always provide. I’m grateful to not be the black sheep anymore. I’m grateful my neices were not sheilded from me as they have been in the past. I’m grateful my Sister sent me a few pictures today of our biological Dad who passed on 36 years ago, as well as one of her wedding day from 20 years ago with two of our Dad’s sister’s, who we’ve been estranged from forever and one recently passed. I’m grateful I made it to an AA meeting tonight and had a really nice visit with my friend who chaired afterwards. I’m grateful that I got sent home with enough leftovers I was able to share dinner with a neighbor and still have enough left for my work lunch tomorrow. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill. I’m grateful I made plans to go to the golf driving range on Wednesday morning with a friend and tentative plans with another friend to play nine holes this Saturday after my shift. I’m grateful that an old friend that I have known my whole life from Church, the neighborhood and all of public and high school connected with me today on Facebook, we used to get asked if we were brothers more times than I can count not just because we were close, we look alot a like, lucky us :wink: I’m grateful to be safe and warm in bed. I’m grateful it was a wonderful day, being out in the sun by the water and in the wind is exhausting. I’m grateful that considering I have had issues with Fathers day after losing mine as a nine year old and not having children of my own, today was great. I am feeling truly blessed to be alive and walking this journey with God, you all, as well as my family, friends, co-workers, recovery and Church community and work mates. I’m grateful my sponsor now has me preparing for step 11 this week and has a sponsee lined up for me as well. I’m grateful to be feeling a healthier balance. Happy Father’s day to all the dads, step dads, grandads, uncles and anyone else.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to share with others what has been freely given.

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!

p.p.s. Grateful for these old beauty photos to add to my digital collection


Good morning :sunrise_over_mountains: Sober family!!
Happy Monday if that’s possible!!?!
Grateful for so many blessings, friends and family and focusing on the next right thing , grateful that big tasks can be broken down to little efforts in the present moment :pray:

Grateful for daily routines, journals , peer support and optimism and conscious contact.

Grateful for this :fast_forward: Let go Let God
All things are possible through him who strengthens me
Grateful for honest country music for the soul :heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Intoxicants not required nor wanted :arrow_left::arrow_left:
Let’s not forget to forgive and love ourselves we are all capable to be friendly :person_in_lotus_position::+1::heart::pray:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another sober day. My mom doesn’t drink so no temptations here.

I’m grateful I didn’t wake up with a bad headache today! I feel mostly human.

I’m grateful for local non dairy ice cream and gluten free cones. Yum!

I’m grateful for time with my Mom. This visit is super short, but better than nothing.

Grateful for all of you!