Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning sober fam.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 414 days free
Woke up and worked out
Feeling good
Treating Boscoe to a bone with marrow
Boscoes greeting
Time with hubby
Day off of work
Getting a pedicure today
this community
Time to chill
Love to you all. We can if we try.


I’m grateful for Tylonol and my slight headache is already gone. Again :grimacing:
I’m grateful this is bullshit!!

I’m grateful wifey and I are on the same page with concern about Maverick. He didn’t eat this morning. :scream_cat: grateful for my fucking pets.

Grateful Minnie liked her new dog food bowl but not the stand :grimacing: Strike 3 on the new dog food bowl stands. But I’m grateful she enjoyed her new bamboo bowl liner that didn’t move while she ate and she ate her breakfast.

Grateful I was able to get in some coffee before cleaning up the wad of cat puke from last night :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Grateful the dogs didn’t clean it up.

Grateful for my deck.
Grateful to be aware of my depression.
Grateful to accept my depression.
Grateful maybe I can take some action today and get over my depression.
I’m grateful I know it will pass.
I’m grateful I have my Al-Anon meeting tonight.

I’m grateful Mavy just got up and is by the water bowl. After splashing around he drank some.

Grateful Minnie is so perky up here in the mountains.

Grateful for grand baby pics on the shared album. Especially on holidays.

Grateful for my daughters sense of humor.
She found matching black tee shirts for dad and onesie for Gus. With white lettering that spelled out:
Dad’s “Ctrl-C”
Gus’s spelled “Ctrl-V”
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m grateful it was too fucking cute and I didn’t get it right away.
Grateful for humor.
Grateful for unexpected humor.

Grateful I feel good about conversing with my wife today.
Grateful she never misses a beat on the laundry. Or the :poop: chores.

Grateful for y’all.

The 3 A’s
Sometimes action can mean doing nothing. That’s an action.


Today I’m deeply grateful. I slept in. As it got hot I must use the cooler morning hours to get the work done. Heat affects me bad. I’m grateful the alarm went off and I decided to sleep another round with my old boy next to me snorring. Should have skipped it, had a horrible nightmare. I’m grateful the shower refreshed me .

I got a lot done today: Drove to my late mums house and filled the rubbish bin as it was collection day. Another babystep in removing her things from the house. I’m grateful for babysteps as I can handle them emotionally. I’m grateful for a lovely and caring talk to her neighbour. I’m blessed with wonderful neighbours all around my properties :pray:

I’m grateful for doing unloved office work. Adulting. A lot of adulting today. I’m grateful I draw and stick to my boundaries, I make myself heard, I ask for help and assistance. This weighted heavy on me as I’m very uncomfortable with talking uncomfortable issues on the phone. I’m grateful I did it :pray:

I’m grateful I found peace and serenity in some moments today. Let go and let God but do your work, life is a buffet, not a serving restaurant. I’m grateful I’m kind and friendly to myself, comforting my inner child when it sobbs heartbreakingly. It’s ok, we are adults now, you are loved and cared :orange_heart:

I’m grateful for the big poster I made with many quotes from the mental health thread. It’s hanging on a door and I see it multiple times a day. It helps me tremendously.

I’m grateful for you all. There is so much to learn, resonate and be grateful for :sunflower:

Edit to add: I’m grateful for good cries to let out grief and emotional overload.


@karenkw grateful your time with your mom is going well and nothing around to tempt you. GF cones – ooh now that’s exciting!!
@dazercat grateful for your daughters’ sense of humor – love the shirts! Hope every thing is ok with Maverick.
@i.cant.we.can grateful that you had such a great Father’s day. Beautiful pics – thanks for sharing
@erntedank sorry that the nap gave you a nightmare. Love the idea of your big poster and grateful that it’s helping you daily

Happy Monday afternoon to all my sober friends
I am so grateful that my day started with a large glass of freshly squeezed bottle gourd juice that my mom brought over for me
Grateful for a lovely day of chillaxing. I did not have to go into work today and have been given time off to try and rest up and work on this fatigue. SO grateful for my awesome family!
I am so grateful for light eating and a lot of liquids – had fresh squeezed lemon juice with black salt. Need to detox slowly.
I am so grateful for my brother making me watch (didn’t really have to twist my arm) a hilarious stand up skit. Grateful for the healing powers of comedy – did have a lovely night of sleep afterwards.
I am so grateful for the message from this comic - that we shouldn’t live with a victim’s mentality. No matter what hand we have been dealt in life, we need to be grateful in knowing someone could have it worse and we only have a short amount of time on this earth so cherish the moments we have. This is how we win at life
I am so grateful for my lovely shower and the crazy amount of sleep I’ve been getting today. Still super tired so may do a 10 min walk around the basement and get some for shut eye (didn’t think it was possible to sleep so much).
I am so grateful for my seaweed and avocado wrap snack with a side of ginger kombucha
I am so grateful for my sprout, broccoli, tofu stir fry I’m about to make for dinner after my nap
I am so grateful I’m sitting indoors comfortably and not outside in the heat today.
I am so grateful for my meditation – I need to practice my meditations and prayers more but grateful for being able to find peace and calm when I do practice. Takes me closer to connecting with my higher power.
I am so grateful for this loving community and my amazing friends – yes, I’m talking about YOU! Love the bonds being made in such a short period of time. Grateful for another day being awesome.
Have a wonderful sober day my friends – sending much love :heart: :heart:


This is gold. Through all the shit in my life, especially the mobbing/bossing years, I had a saying: I might be a victim but I am never helpless. Ich mag zwar ein Opfer sein, aber ich bin niemals hilflos.
Calling the native speakers please for a better translation.

It not only saved my life because I never went down the rabbit hole of despair and helplessness, it encouraged my fellow colleagues near and afar to stand up because they saw: Share, speak up, go public, be authentic, seek help (not helpful in my case) and keep your stand.
Long story short, my scalp was the only one ever in decades NOT hanging in the exbosses wardrobe and he chewed years after I left on my professional heritage (beeing excellent AND a situative asshole paired with expertise and allergy on psychopats helped a lot)

I’m grateful for the reminder. Thank you so much :hugs::pray:


Thanks for sleeping more today and for speaking with my sponsor


I am grateful that at any time on any day I can open this app and be with other humans being human in all their struggles and their strengths. I am grateful for each and every person on here. Keep fighting.


Being near the ocean is therapeutic.


@JazzyS thanks very much. Btw youre doing great being active on this home thread and others. Seems to be working well for you :muscle: Grateful for your support of me and others

@Soberbilly I would like the link for your Magnificent 7 zoom group to check out some time

I’m grateful to God for guiding my recovery again today and helping me remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I worked my program or should I say the program today. I’m grateful for having alot of tools and for gaining some consistency and balance through using lots of them, H.A.L.T , ODAAT, gratitude, sponsor, twelve step group(s) I’m grateful I saw my doctor today and stopped by the blood lab, Dr. is not impressed with me picking cigarettes back up but is more than satisfied with everything else. I’m grateful for the serenity prayer, upon awakening and meditation, did one today so far.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you.

p.p.s. hi friend @Sunflower1


Hi friends,
I’m grateful that although I didn’t do as well as I would’ve liked to today trying to keep a positive attitude at work ( in fact I didn’t do good at all), I can try again tomorrow. I’m grateful for recovery podcasts and Stephen King books for my long commutes. I’m grateful that the AC unit didn’t break completely, it’s limping along keeping the house coolish until it can be looked at on Wednesday. I’m grateful for my home and the people in it. I’m grateful for my home thread, and the people in it. :heart:


Grateful for the H.A.L.T reminder- it’s something I need to pay more attention to while at work.


I’m grateful he’s feeling a bit better we think.
I’m grateful he had a little lunch so we took him off our vets emergency on call list at 5.
I’m grateful he was just having some daddy time.

I’ll be real grateful if he eats his breakfast in the morning. He not one of the old ones. Well he’s 8 now so I guess he’s getting up there. And he always eats.
I’m grateful he seems ok.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 415 days free today
Time with hubby
Time with Boscoe the fuzzy was
Checked out a city pool yesterday and went down a waterslide :slight_smile:
Weightloss progress
Sore from my workout yesterday
Sunshine on my face
AA fellowship
Getting out of my comfort zone
Our home
Crockpot meals
Late start at work allowing me to catch up here
Better mental health
All of you


I’m grateful Mavy woke me up this morning.
I’m grateful Mavy was biting, and swiping at me with his claws, :smirk_cat: as I tried to fill the kettle this morning from the RO. I’m grateful that’s what he does every morning. I love that game. I’m grateful he ate his breakfast. I’m grateful Minnie ate all her breakfast in her new bowl. I’ll just throw the 3rd stand away and assume she doesn’t want to eat on a raised dog bowl stand.

I’m grateful I thought after all my feeding chores I can take the rest of the day off.
I’m grateful my wife thought the exact same thing after I filled her in on my accomplishments :laughing: this morning. And we are both grateful we don’t have to give Alice fluids.

I’m grateful for clean sheets every Monday night. I’m grateful for my laundry fairy.
I’m grateful wifey cooked dinner after my meeting. It was just warming up sauce and boiling water but I’m grateful she was able to do it. I’m grateful we will go out to dinner after tonight’s meeting.

I’m grateful I finally got my ass back on the reformer for a Pilates workout yesterday. It was a half ass workout but it’s a restart.
I’m grateful I good at restarting.
I’m grateful I showered yesterday.
I’m grateful for unlimited hot water.
I’m grateful I shaved and made myself presentable yesterday.

I’m grateful to sleep with windows open this time of year.
I’m grateful the yoga Nidra nap meditation gave me some super energy to hose all the pollen off my decks, front and back, before I left for my meeting.
Grateful I wasn’t a bum yesterday.
Grateful we are all in this battle together.

“My gratitude list is an excellent tool. It doesn’t change my life situation, but it does
focus positive energy on the present moment.”

The Forum, December 2022


Today I’m grateful for my house, it is still cool inside. I’m grateful I took it easy today, I was a bit tired from yesterday. I’m grateful yesterday was an intense day. I’m grateful for therapy allthough it was uncomfortable today. Therapy is not rainbows and unicorns. I’m grateful for a good session with my counsellor. It helps me to stay on track. I’m grateful Missi and Tiglat still sleep on me allthough it’s hot and I’m starting to get nervous and uncomfortable when they are too warm for me. Summer will pass too.
I’m smiling because I had a midnight snack yesterday. Normally I’m to bed early so this was special. I’m grateful for it. Today I’m looking forward to early bed time, I’m already tired and worn out from the heat. I’m grateful the ex texted back finally. It is exhausting and annoying that he only acts on massive pressure. Well, I was determined to report to the police about my stuff he took when he moved out. I’m seriously taking no more bullshit from him.
I’m grateful I can always take a shower when I want to. I’m grateful for living alone, the thought how straining summers with my ex were makes me humble. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself giving me credit for mastering my life at my pace. It’s very different from before but also not really different. Difficult to explain. I’m grateful for living in freedom, peace and wealth.


I’m grateful for…

1.Shade, the sun is intense in the high desert!
2. NA beer. I know it’s not for everyone but for me, sipping a cold one in the shade with appreciation I won’t go chasing a 2nd, 3rd, 4th is joyful.
3. Delicious New Mexican food & that my tolerance for hot chiles is growing :hot_pepper:.
4. My goofy dogs.
5. My heart-horse, always :heartpulse:


Hi Sober Fam :wave:

Grateful for new trails today at lunch with coworker too!!
He did help out ( learning for vacation relief) and it was super bc of lack of good sleep still.
I will check in with dr on this, it’s not healthy.
Grateful for relatively good health and job and just the odd craving here and there.
Grateful for program s (12 step and Refuge Recovery) and for loving higher power :pray: and for all of you :pray:
Ty for sharing recovery with us all.
Pema says everything is workable. God bless you Pema​:sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::heart::heart::heart:


I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful I got to see my mom.
I’m grateful I felt good about the interview.
I’m grateful for a quiet corner of the airport while I wait for my next flight.
I’m grateful to be getting home to my cats tonight.
I’m grateful the airport has free WiFi.
I’m grateful my anxiety isn’t too bad with a long day of travel.


I have so much to be grateful for lately! For starters, I am about to go have s’mores by a fire for the second time in 3 days. I’m grateful for this beautiful house I am staying in. The woman who owned it passed away, but this house was her life’s work. It is Victorian style and I think I might adopt this style for my next house because it makes my heart happy. The treasures and paintings and stone statues… her beautiful garden and fountains, I feel like I am in a story book. And the fireflies! We spent yesterday catching them. Im grateful for all the nature I’ve encountered this week. My eyes have been feasting on so much Beauty. I am grateful I am sober for all of this. Grateful for the lake view outside my window. For a life the little girl inside of me could have only ever dreamed of. Grateful my daughters get to experience this. Grateful for my life. Grateful for my daughter peeping her head through the door… must be time for those s’mores! Have a great day all! :sparkles:


@bomdhil I’m glad you are getting the rest your body needs. I do hope the talk with your sponsor is helpful

@sunflower1 sorry you had a hard day yesterday – hope today was better for you. Stephen King books – love his stuff. What book are you reading now?

@dazercat greatful that Maverick is doing better – what sweet daddy and cat time.

@cjp going down the waterslide – love this – makes me feel like a kid again!

@erntedank dang girl so very proud of you and loved the read – NO MORE BULLSHIT FROM HIM! Grateful for the living alone and the mastering life at your pace…. Love it all!!! YEAH YOU

Happy Tuesday evening and possibly Wednesday morning now for some… so late with my gratitude’s today

I am so grateful for being able to love and care for people we have never met or seen like they were our long-lost friends
I am so grateful for having a day with a few accomplishments and mainly self-care.
I am so grateful that I was able to help someone with a lot of deliberating if I was capable and it did not trigger me in any way
I am so grateful for not being so mentally tired today, I do hope that the physical fatigue lifts soon as well
I am so grateful for starting my day with castor oil – it made me super ill but it is supposed to help with detox
I am so grateful that I finally received the results from my spit test late last night. My doctor wants to discuss when we meet next (7/18) – I’m grateful that I’ve asked for a sooner date to discuss as I can’t make much sense of it. My low energy is explained but I’m guessing its not super alarming if she is willing to wait till mid July to discuss. I am so grateful for my healthy mash up of bean, tofu, Chinese broccoli, sprouts and cabbage – made enough for lunch and dinner :yum:
I am so grateful for my amazing family, grateful for my ability and knowledge to meditate and pray, grateful for my connection to my higher power
I am so grateful for the TS community and my lovely friends here.
Have a wonderful night / beautiful start to your day my sober friends … sending much love :heart: :heart: