Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for recovery, the twelve steps and the principles they instill. I’m grateful that there is always more but I am tired.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t quit before the miracle. Ya you!!


Morning gratitude. Dang, I fell asleep yesterday and woke up rested and clear way too early. I’m grateful it gave me time to air the house, to cuddle with the cats and to prepare a fumigating ritual for summer solstice. Such a good feeling to hand over all on my chest and in my heart and soul to the universe :pray:
I’m grateful for the noise of the awakening day, church bells, lawn mowers, traffic, birds chirping, dogs barking. I’m grateful to sit on my deck with tea and being present. Gratitude overflow :pray:


I’m grateful for that thread! :point_up_2:

I’m grateful for the rains, rains, rains here - putting out those fires still.

I’m grateful for my Recovery Dharma meeting on Father’s Day. I couldn’t be more grateful for my dear Papa. I’m grateful I can miss him, can let myself feel the full range of feelings. Grateful I know now the only way I can do that is sober.

I’m grateful the dog girl is feeling better. Didn’t post much last week because we were sorting out some health stuff, the dog girl and I. I’m grateful I’m gonna get some answers at her home/favourite vet tomorrow. A lttle road trip for the dog girl and I. And we’ll even see my sweet Mama. I’m grateful they are both still with me. I’m grateful I get to learn to let go a little, every day.

I’m so grateful this thread is here - even when I don’t post. It companioned me last week, and I leaned on your posts. I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful I can fall asleep in seconds. I have an early morning. :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 416 days free
AA fellowship
Work from home flexibility
Boscoe cuddles
No more alcohol fueled fights with hubby
Communication improving with hubby
Basic needs met
Self compassion
Self awareness
The pause
Restful sleep

All of you and this amazing community


Good morning CJ :hugs: grateful to see you.
Somehow I feel things are, “in order,” when I come on here after you. Im grateful that feels good.

I’m grateful for the sight of kitten paws under doors “let me out :smiley_cat:

I’m grateful for such a great day yesterday.

I’m grateful to walk with myself. Om Mani Padme Hum :pray:t2:
I’m grateful to drive with myself. Om Mani Padme Hum :pray:t2:
I’m grateful the last couple of days I just didn’t want to put the :musical_score: “noise,” :notes: on.

I’m grateful the restaurant we kinda quit going to put the roast turkey dinner back on the menu. I’m grateful they are back in the rotation.

I’m grateful for 2 great meetings this week.
I’m grateful for my chiropractor.
I’m grateful for my pedicure and especially the strong young lady who massaged the hell out of my legs.

I’m grateful for a sense of calmness while waiting for things, appointments, people, traffic, etc……

I’m grateful the first thing I thought this morning, well after I was grateful Mavy was waking me up, was. Treat my wife like a person.

I’m grateful. I can’t explain it. But first thought out of bed was “treat my wife like a person today.” She has a fucken disease. We all have this fucken disease. I’m grateful I/we are blessed to be in recovery. But one fucken drink all bets are off. My disease comes out of remission and I’m exactly like my wife.

I’m grateful for slogans.
I’m grateful for gratitude and gratidudes.

I’m grateful I know:
I become powerless when the first drink hits my throat. I will do and say things that are full out insane.
It’s all about today.
If I don’t take a drink today then my day is good
It’s a simple formula.


@erntedank thank you for the beautiful reminder of summer solstice! I will be doing a healthy ritual today myself. Thankyou for starting the lovely thread. Hope you had a wonderful cleansing day

WOW friend this is so deep! Grateful for your meetings and the new enlightenment you are receiving.

It’s a beautiful Wednesday – HAPPY Hump day my sober friends
I am so grateful for a good nights rest and starting to feel a tiny bit better each day emotionally! Wow – it’s remarkable how we can sense the slightest shifts. I am grateful that I will keep taking it slow rather than jump into my manic routine(s) and undo the progress.
I am so grateful for waking up and realizing that today is my 6 months of alcohol / weed free sobriety! I love that I know my milestones are coming yet they still catch me by surprise. I am grateful that the journey has not been super trying or exhausting. I’ve got the strength with the help of this site and my higher power to keep fighting this addiction
I am so grateful for a lovely sunny day that is hopefully not too hot. I am freshly showered and have made some strides in moving today. Will try to catch up on my accounting today (my head is not so foggy today)
I am so grateful for air conditioning – damn the heat summer heat can be a bit much to take.
I am so grateful that my hair dye arrived just in time – I don’t have the energy today but that’s ok since I don’t plan to go anywhere either.
I am so grateful that I will be able to meditate / pray today and connect with my higher power.
I am so grateful that my mom introduced me to an new tapping exercise that boosts your immune system. Here’s hoping that it does work.
I am so grateful for my parents and siblings – Such amazing human beings! The support and unconditional love is unreal.
I am so grateful for this lovely community and all of you in here!
Sending everyone much love!!! :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on your 6 months of freedom Jazzy :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:

You have been such a great asset to this place. Especially this thread.
Thank you for being here for us and always finding time to encourage us while you are dealing with your pain and your own challenges.
:pray::heart: :hugs:


Congrats on six months @JazzyS Half a cake

P.s. You rock. Ya you!!


@Dazercat and @I.cant.We.can THANK YOU!!!

Found this and thought it was appropriate for this thread :slight_smile:


Congratulations on 6 months Jasmine!!! Great Job :sunflower::+1::four_leaf_clover:


Today I’m grateful the day is over. The heat and humidity are a horror for me. I’m grateful for a shiatsu therapy. I’m grateful my ex brought the TV cards over. Suprise, surprise, in person. He assumes that I wait until he is done with his whatever - oh, he assumes also I know what he is doing - to get on with the finances. Holy Molly, WTF does he think who I am? Mother Teresa with the magic glass ball to follow him??? I’ve had enough and sent my lawyer an email to bring it to court, I’m done with his bullshit behaviour. Yes, doing NOTHING is big bullshit.
I’m grateful for a well stuffed fridge, purring Schimanski bumping into me for pets, TV series, TS and my cozy house. I’m not happy that it gets warmer inside. Heat is a torture.


Thank you my friend!

:sweat_smile: naw - hes gonna learn real quick that you are a force to be wreckened with- go on with your strong bad self!!


nope, working hard on leaving this side behind me. He is immune to me getting furious as he in general is not interested in emotions. Or communication. Or relationship. Or working on something other than stone and wood.

In Austria everything takes loooong and he contributes to this looooong with his sloooooow. So I take the next step. Maybe this makes things move on.


Ah man that can be frustrating – wishing you the best of luck my friend!!!


I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful I got home on time last night.
I’m grateful my cats were happy to see me (although less grateful about Sox keeping me up all night!)
I’m grateful they will be calmer tonight.
I’m grateful for pizza delivery.
I’m grateful I got my yearly mammogram this morning and it wasn’t too terrible. (Ladies get those boobs checked!) Fingers crossed it’s clear. It’s been 10 years since I had cancer.



And I’m grateful for @JazzyS celebrating 6 months! Good for you! :grinning::partying_face::star_struck:


awe thanks Karen and congrats on 10 years cancer free!!! that’s definitely something to be grateful for


I’m grateful for rainy days
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful I can see things clearly today :yellow_heart:


Congratulations on 6 months!! I’m grateful you found your way here!


Thanks friend – i am so grateful for that too :slight_smile: