Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my day off today. I’m grateful I went to the golf driving range with a few friends this morning. I’m grateful I did a whole bunch of daily readings. I’m grateful I meditated three or four times today and need another. I’m grateful that I attended a relapse prevention group, AA and went and talked to my addiction counselor and my sponsor after a town hall meeting. The town hall meeting is simply a monthly meeting that happens in my building and things like fire safety, building security and event planning ideas are discussed. I usually don’t attend as I am busy living my life and know it can be a stressful shit show, but as stated earlier I had the day off. I was aked to attend by staff since I participate in and sometimes facilitate the recovery discussion groups fairly regularly, as well as pretty much work at supporting a few tenants for the last year. It was very hard to keep my integrity in tact regarding the security discussions because sadly majority of the tenants are actively using and many are dealing. I wanted to yell and scream and throw people out, sigh. I didn’t. Most of the people talking during the sharing portion are sick, I know that, didn’t make it any easier. Listening to someone who has been running a “business” talk about security and not letting random people into the building was frustrating to no end. Sadly many homeless people come here and couch surf from apartment to apartment and get their fix. With that comes more drugs, booze, prostitution, violence, constant visits from police, ambulance and fire services. These front line responders are tired of coming here, its clear to see that by those who work here and the few tenants that are currently working on themselves. I’m grateful that when a few people shared about security I walked away rather than listen to the, to me, obvious lies and attempted manipulation. Way more than once someone was talking to save face, but, actions show true colors. Sorry this isn’t the rant thread. I’m grateful for H.A.L.T. I’m grateful staff talked to me after and thanked me for being there and asked for more of my input, because I did share just not on the “security” issues. They mostly agreed that it’s sad and hard to deal with and watch. They have a fairly significant list of people who are in the process of being evicted so, sadly(again) it is likely going to get worse around here while people are hitting an even darker stage of the “fuck its” since they know they are on the way out soon. I’m grateful that there but for the grace of God go I. I’m grateful that my eviction notice has been dealt with, five plus months ago now after I too, sadly, got arrested on the sidewalk out front of the building last fall. Also I was way behing on rent. I’m grateful to not be that way or have a desire to be anymore. I’m grateful for the people who helped me through that, some who live here and others that work here, as well as you all, and the recovery rooms. I’m grateful my words and actions are in alignment these days. I’m grateful for music, creativity, prayer and meditation. I’m grateful that the cops were here again when I came home from AA removing someone visiting the building who is known to them. I’m grateful one of the cops smiled and said hi Brian to me and meant it. I’m grateful to have plans to work step eleven this Monday with my sponsor. I’m grateful I brought a newcomer to the meeting tonight and brought up the topic of working with others and it was really well discussed. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful that summer is here. I’m grateful for you, ya you. I’m grateful to end this post it took a long time to write, lol.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I can’t we can. You’re amazing. Ya you!!


Mid morning gratitude. It’s nearly 11 a.m. here and heat & humidity outside are too much for me. I’m grateful I made it home and don’t have to leave the house for the rest of the day.

I’m grateful the old boy demands love and cuddles today, he is so sweet. I’m crying because it touches me deeply that he wants my love. Contrary to my ex who didn’t. This unexpected in person meeting yesterday was bad for me.

I’m grateful I realize summer depression is creeping in. Fuck am I annoyed, grumpy and on the edge of my nervs. I’m the aggressive type of depression and this is NOT helpful in my situation. To be patient with whatever isn’t easy when I’m ok but now I have little to no patience. Not helpful.

I’m grateful the professionals mowed the lawn at my late mum’s house today. Been trying for over a month, fucking rain. I hope I can keep it short during summer. It’s a lot of work.

I’m grateful the only work still waiting for me today is office work. After a delicious bteakfast I now take a nap (headache creeping in) and I will see what I’m able to do. The only thing I’m motivated to do is crawl into the fridge and close the door from inside.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 417 days free
Boy to i love seeing the days add up
Woke my ass up and worked out!
Got a positive affirmation meditation in
My loving husband
Boscoe cuddles
Fresh air
Nature in the city
Looking forward to my ladies meeting
Clean water
Trash pickup
Our home
Going into the office today
My folks
Mental health meds
The calendar on my phone to keep me on track
Air conditioning
Shade and a good breeze

Love to you all


Thank you so much my friend :people_hugging:

I am grateful to have time
I am grateful for opportunities
I am grateful for feedback
I am grateful for the new coaching programm I am joyning
I am grateful for new perspectives

I am grateful, and… Surprised about 2 beliefs that came up in a practice today that seem to be very strong but I never identified them before!

I am not allowed to relax
I am not allowed to feel at my very best!


Reprogramming under construction!

Love, peace and ease :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I love Pema! I attended one of her retreats years ago; she was delightful and her eyes danced with light. I’ll be forever grateful to her for her wisdom & humor. Happy sober day to you :heart:


I’m feeling grateful for everything that has brought me to this moment, the ups & downs & everything in between;

I’m grateful I have had no cravings or creeping thoughts. Usually by day 5 I start to wobble but that’s not happening this go around;

I’m grateful to have the opportunity create a sober sanctuary in my new home in Taos, no booze or booze paraphernalia allowed :muscle: Only nice glasses for mocktails;

I’m always grateful for the animals in my life, my funny dogs and soulful horses;

I’m grateful my wife & I are being honest about being in very different places in our lives & that we’re navigating through it with respect;

I’m grateful it popped into my head to re-read (or listen in this case) to a fabulous book called Women Who Run with the Wolves (it’s great on Audible because the author reads it), it’s such an affirming book for how I’ve felt in my life & how I want to live here on out.

I’m grateful for this community & my Tempest community. There are AA meetings in Taos which I will check out & hopefully make some new friends.


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober. Very few cravings.

I’m grateful the cats left me alone to sleep last night.

I’m grateful Sox is currently in my lap. :cat:

I’m grateful I had a good cry last night. It’s weird to grieve something that never existed. But I’m allowed to feel sad. It’s time to move on.

I’m grateful I have therapy this afternoon.

I’m grateful for music. :notes:

I’m grateful for all of you!

(Yes the F is back for now due to current stressors)


I’m grateful Mavy woke me this morning and then snuggled in on my side. I’m grateful I don’t have to set an alarm at night. I’m grateful for windows open at night and cool mountain air and we haven’t needed a/c yet.

I’m grateful when I open my iPad I get to see my 2 children holding my 2 grandchildren on my Home Screen. I’m grateful for baby pics.

I’m grateful for coffee :coffee:
I’m grateful for my ginger turmeric green tea :tea:

I’m grateful for my Green Tara Mantra. I’m grateful I got to put it to work while having my first MRI. I did not like that btw. Doing the mantra was very challenging but I did it and it did work for me.
Om Tare :pray:t2:
Tuttare :pray:t2:
Ture Soha :pray:t2:
I’m grateful it was only 2, 15 minute scans.
I’m grateful, as I was about to freak out I was able to calm myself down. Naturally.
I’m grateful for Jazzy :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful I now have Daisy and her butt in my face as she settles in for a lap warm and a purr.

I’m grateful I’m enjoying all the fresh fruit I been eating lately I hope this continues into my future.

I’m grateful I got a noon meeting I can go to on Thursdays. I only been once. I hope I like it. I’m grateful if I don’t like it I’ll probably go anyway because it’s going to be a nice way to spend my Thursdays and do whatever the fuck I want after the meeting as I try to figure out the “Third G.” Get on with my life. I’m grateful I won’t have to feel obligated to come right home and do dinner as most meetings here are at 5:30. I’m grateful I hear the nursery calling me I hope they got a new delivery in for the weekend.

I’m grateful for retail therapy. Sometimes you just got to treat yourself.

I’m grateful I can treat my wife like a person today even when she’s a slob and falls asleep on the couch. I’m grateful I’m going to stop saying or thinking she fell asleep or passed out “on me.” I’m grateful I recognize this. It might be hard to do at first. But thinking or saying it that way is taking it personally. It’s the disease.

I’m grateful it’s Alice’s turn on my lap and she says wrap it up :smirk_cat:

I’m grateful I get to share my shit gratefully with you all and you all with me.

Today I’m grateful for my growth, regardless of how long it took me to get here.


Grateful for 1062 days without alcohol in my life.
Grateful we made it home safe from our trip. Grateful fiancé did the driving and I did the DJing… Grateful that the baby deer we came so close to hitting made it all the way back across the road! A miracle! He dodged 5 lanes of fast cars :face_holding_back_tears: (tears of joy) :+1::+1:
Grateful for the baby deer everywhere, they are so cute, I love them. :heart:
Grateful for the gratitudes and that I am learning to always search for the positive aspects in my life.
Grateful my heart was so filled with joy yesterday I was buzzing with happiness. Still on a vacation high today. Grateful housework is a breeze today. Grateful for the rain, naptime, and Encanto.
Grateful to come home to our yard mowed by an amazing human who I am so thankful for.
Grateful that mistakes are learning lessons. It never gets easier, you only get better.

Congrats @JazzyS on 6 glorious months of sobriety!


Today I’m grateful I’m already in bed. I’m grateful for the cool shower I took to get rid of the sweat and the panic attack that hit me. I’m grateful the sweat was from garden work. After a long nap and comfort time with the cats I decided to have early dinner, skip office and see if I can get a bit of garden work done. I’m grateful I know where the panic attack came from and that I was able to soothe myself. Grateful for a growing toolbox.
I’m grateful I put my head sober on the pillow. Tomorrow would be horrible with a hangover. Don’t borrow from tomorrow!


@i.cant.we.can greatful that you were able to attend the town hall meeting and keep your cool. Does seem like a difficult living situation. Glad to see that you are making the best of it and flourishing regardless of your living surroundings.
@erntedank it sucks that when we are doing well and then come face to face with our “person” that we realize we still have work to do. I’m sorry that the chance encounter has left you feeling this way. Your cats love you and we love you – he was not worthy of your love. I do hope the headache stayed away and you had a marvelous day (just realizing that 9 hours have passed since you wrote this). Just saw an update – glad you were able to dig into your toolbox and work through the panic attack. Sweet calm slumber my friend.
@juli1 greatful for your new coaching program – seems to really be helping. “reprogramming under construction” I do like this and may have to use it myself.
@karenkw “the F is back due to current stressors” – maybe it is time to make the move and find peace near the water?? Best of luck with your therapy session today
@dazercat I am grateful that your mantra’s kept you sane during your mri – now hoping for positive and informative results. BTW – love the new mug you got for fathers day.
@clarity Thank you so much my friend!

Happy Thursday my sober friends!!!
I am so grateful when the wifi actually works. For some reason I was unable to get my computer to find internet all day today. It does make work harder but also doing my gratitude’s and check in’s as its too much for me to type on my phone. I would for sure be writing gibberish filled with spelling mistakes. Grateful for spellcheck (love seeing the little red swiggly line - except for when i’m making up words).
I am so grateful that I was told by a company that they would not refund me my subscription fee (renewed my business domain name just last month for a 2 year period) -this did not get me all worked up. I’m cutting that loss and going on with my life.
I am so grateful that i feel for people but know when to back off when i realize that they really do not want my help. No use in putting your energy in areas it is rejected
I am so grateful for a lovely afternoon drinking coffee and relaxing. Was able to get a lot of work done (even without the internet)
I am so grateful that I did go swimming last night with my parents and brother (my mom can’t swim and is afraid of the pool but she came out and had a great time) – i had a blast and felt great but know that i have to refrain from this and other physical activity for a while as just this swim caused a 3 lb weight increase from inflammation.
I am so grateful for a cool quiet day today (no one working on outdoor maintenance in the condominium) so I may chill outside for a while with a good book - HHHMMMM? loving this idea more and more
I am so grateful that my slight headache has stayed slight and not progressed.
I am so grateful for my chia seed blueberry and peach bowl for lunch.
I am so grateful for my awesome family! love them to pieces.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer - my connection to my higher power.
I am so grateful for being a part of such an amazing community and doing so much to help ourselves grow and helping each other with daily / on going struggles.
Sending much love to all your beautiful people - :heart: :heart:


Thankful for a new opportunity


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for reading all your gratitudes and mentions about clarity, family, depression, love, grief, relationships, pets, moving, spirituality, meditation, milestones and more. I’m grateful that @Sunflower1 will be posting soon and that her @JazzyS @Soberbilly @Dazercat @M-be-free49 @Cjp @Alisa @anon74766472 @Nowenbrace and more, take the time to comment and encourage us all, you’re crushing it :muscle: I’m grateful I had a good day and didn’t rush so much at work and still got alot accomplished without overwhelming and overworking myself. I’m grateful I did groceries today and it was soooo busy. I live in a small town but its still the biggest one around a whole bunch of farms. They bring in offshore or migrant workers every year to work the farms, hope these terms aren’t antiquated or innapropriate, that is not my intention. I have worked on farms with them many times. On Thursdays through Saturday (as a kid it was only fridays) they get bussed into my town to do their shopping. There was literally close to a hundred men from Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Jamaica and so on waiting for maybe five cashiers to ring them through. It is quite the experience to be a part of. It takes some getting used to every year as the population spikes drastically for at least four months. I’m grateful for a really good AA meeting tonight. I’m grateful when I walked home up to the back door to my building I ran into some still suffering addicts who occasionally come to meetings and we had a good long chat. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill. I’m grateful to read a bit about the Nba draft this evening, and for sports. I’m grateful for music, creativity, humor and laughter. I’m grateful my parents are safely back at their cottage this afternoon, for the weekend. I’m grateful the healing begins with the sharing.

May our higher powers give us strength.

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Thank you for thinking of me. I am always grateful that you keep on going no matter what.

And your post reminds me of where I lived years ago. There it was fruits, asparagus, starting in early may until October I think with the wine. And I was all the time wondering why the grocery store where empty around 5 pm already. :grimacing: Because all the busses with the workers already left.And I feel ashamed to write this. I am grateful I don’t have to work under these conditions.
But I am derailing.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I still read on here but feel more calm on the other gratitude thread.
I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful my foot is better.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for the mention ( and nudge, thank you @I.cant.We.can ) to get back here and do some gratitude. I’m grateful that it’s Friday, and I will have a week off of work. I’m grateful that I prayed for “opportunity” on my drive to work yesterday morning , and I received a call from my brother in law about some possible part time work at his office. I’ll be honest, I don’t really even know what he does, but I feel like a prayer got an answer so I will explore it. I have an interview on Monday. I’m grateful my little garden is giving me cherry tomatoes to snack on, it feels good to grow something, and have it give you something back. I’m grateful there will be a big BBQ/swim party at my parents house tomorrow ( with lots of extended family) and I am not sweating it this time. I’ll enjoy it, take breaks if I get overwhelmed by to many people, and most importantly I can be helpful to my parents. I’m grateful I still have both of them. In the words of the great @Cjp , let’s slay this day soberly!:heart:

@JazzyS , I am pretty sure I have “read” all of his books ( I drive ALOT for work so use Audible), but I re-read my favorites. I just started The Stand again. The Institute is also a really good one, and newer. If you haven’t read that yet, I highly recommend it!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 418 days free from weed and alcohol
5.77 months of healthier lifestyle
Coworker complimented me on my weightloss
Hubby and i are in love more than ever
Boscoe cuddles in the am
Text convos with my mom
Decided to go to the family reunion this year!
Working from home today
A calm weekend planned
Sunshine and coffee
Starting to plan coasta rica
This community
Sobriety and the joy it allowed into my life

Lets do this damn thing today


@soberbilly I do hope everything goes well for your brother-in-law and his transplant. It makes me sick hearing about delays due to insurance. Thankfully he has received this transplant and hopefully will heal properly. So sorry about the loss in the family. Sending comfort for you / your mom and the family.
@i.cant.we.can thank you for the shoutout Brian – I appreciate being on this journey with you and look forward to reading your gratitude’s
@Sunflower1 hanks for that – I have not read The Institute and will for sure give it a try. I did really enjoy Needful Things and Thinner the most (did not appreciate the movies at all).
@cjp I love reading about your growing love in your healthy marriage. Yeah to the family reunion – is this in costa rica or is that a separate trip – either way those are fantastic getaways to plan for.
HAPPY FRIDAY my sober friends!!! TGIF (if that still has meaning – I would always be grateful for Friday’s even when I worked 7 days – it’s not just another day in my heart).
I am so grateful for waking up with little discomfort and being able to go back to sleep as my body needed it. I am so grateful that I feel somewhat refreshed and was able to make it to my parents for my morning routine of juice and such)
I am so grateful for my lovely hot cup of coffee keeping me company and providing me with the comfort I desire (my mom actually is trying to subtly suggest that I give up coffee — HAH – not gonna happen lady)
I am so grateful for a rainy day where I can turn off the ac and hopefully open the windows for some crossflow.
I am so grateful that today is not scorching hot – I’m sorry that @dazercat and @runningfree are in the midst of a heat wave – stay cool my friends
I am so grateful for my 90% raw diet and up extra vit d added – I think this is helping me regain some of my energy and making me last longer in the day.
I am so grateful that I will be able to return my new prescription sunglasses as they really are way to bulky and do not look good on me… I hate shopping and I think that day I was not well and just picked whatever to get it over with – grateful that my hastiness did not cost me to have to live with this mistake
I am so grateful for my family, my meditation / prayer, my connection to my higher power and all you amazing folks in this community!
Sending much love :heart: :heart: :heart:


Thank you Billy - appreciate you!

Everyone has their own ways of dealing with the life cycle. I know my mom is the same as you and many have called her cold but i don’t think so – she has intense feelings and cares deeply but is not saddened by death (in the same way that I am).
Grateful that you are able to support those around you in this time of need. :hugs:


Today I’m grateful I went to bed sober yesterday. I was up early, did the office work I skipped yesterday and drove over to my late mum’s house to mow the garden after it was mulched yesterday. I’m grateful I worked 4 hours. I’m grateful I realize I’m not in my 30s anymore (ooooouuuch). I’m grateful I called it a day when my energy was used up. I’m grateful I did 1/3 of this large garden and enjoyed the pauses in the shadow accompanied by birds and a white cat visiting.
I’m grateful for the cool shower afterwards. Can a shower be delicious? I felt refreshed and cooled down afterwards.
I’m grateful I cooled my hot head with a cool pack, the headache is mostly gone. Too much sun, too hot.
I’m grateful I’m in bed, the windows are open because the rain in the afternoon broke the heat and my belly is full with yummi curry. On days like today I’m grateful that on the bottom of my heart I’m a simple person: Enough sleep, good food, something to do and cuddles is basically all I need to be content. I’m grateful I talked with myself friendly and lovingly today. It felt good.
Good night sober folks :people_hugging:


I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful it’s Friday and I’m done with work for the week. Not sure what I’ll do this weekend.

I’m grateful for my new reading glasses. :nerd_face:

I’m grateful for patience waiting to hear about job opportunity. It’ll be sometime next week.

I’m grateful for having my place to myself. It’s less stressful.