Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I am grateful for feeling better and being more focused and careful about things


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the twelve steps, my sponsor and home groups. I’m grateful my work sponsors Canadian Olympians and the Olympic rings are in my uniform. I’m grateful for music and how it can change moods. I’m grateful to be aware of how it can affect my moods and chose carefully what I listen to. I’m grateful for meditation and that it calms me. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.

May our higher powers grant us wisdom

p.s. You are amazing, never forget. Ya you!!


Good morning!

I’m so grateful to be sober!

I’m grateful the hubby and I got to celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary yesterday with a fantastic day trip to a state park beach on Lake Michigan.

I’m grateful we planned it and enjoyed it and returned from it without a drop of alcohol! We were safe in nature and on the road. I’m grateful we have come so far.

I’m grateful that I got to swim a whole mile in the pool earlier this week! That level of fitness is also because my body is healthier without the toxins!

I’m grateful I got to spend some time in some strategic planning for the coming school year, both formally and informally. I will be reasonably prepared for an unusual amount of change.

I’m grateful and excited that my brother is 30 days clean today! He is working hard on himself and is making great progress. I talk or text with him every day and I’m grateful to see him awakening and empowering himself.

I’m grateful that my brother had a long talk with our mother and that he came away from that feeling that she is supporting him. I’m grateful I got to spend time with her 2 weeks ago talking about his journey and what he needs so she can be helpful. This is new for her too, to really acknowledge the pain and trauma we had in our family. We are very fortunate to have had so much time to work back to our healing before we are all too old.

I’m grateful to have made excellent progress on my curriculum writing projects. Wooot!!

I’m grateful to get to eat summer melons and berries and lettuce this week. Yum!

I’m grateful that it is Saturday morning and I’m with my family of pets and my hubby today.

I wish you all peace and freedom from your addictions. Attend to it, take care of yourselves. Work on it every day. You are worth it and life is really quite amazing when you step away from the substances that have dragged us down. Peace!


Today is my 4 year TS anniversary :revolving_hearts:
Grateful I’ve spent almost 3 years alcohol free (so close!)
Grateful I’m awake this morning and kids are still asleep.
Grateful today we are having a “no screen time” day… it’s started to take over in our house and I’m grateful I have the right mind to give us all a break, myself included.
Grateful I made it back to the gym yesterday and stuck to the first day of my diet.
Grateful for the gratitudes and the good people who take the time to write them and share the joy!
Have a great day!


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful I went for a walk early this morning and saw a deer :deer:
I’m grateful for my cats letting me sleep last night. And Sox being extra snuggly lately.
I’m grateful for curbside pickup. That way I only buy what’s on my list and not tempted by unhealthy snacks.
I’m grateful I can have a mostly lazy day today.
I’m grateful I have my own washer and dryer here.
I’m grateful for the active meme thread.
I’m grateful for all of you!

Progress not perfection.


Grateful to get my gratitude list in this morning.
Grateful I missed a day and it didn’t bother me.
I’m grateful I was actively grateful yesterday during all my struggles.
I’m grateful during all my struggles my sobriety is strong As Fuck! Ya it is!

I’m grateful Daisy has forgiven me for not feeding her yesterday and dumping her alone at the vets with a unknown veterinarian to do her dental. I’m grateful I had faith that the vet only hired qualified people and they’ve all been so good in the past. I’m grateful I spoke up and ask to meet the vet doing the dental but she was busy with an emergency. I didn’t think I’d get to meet her. But grateful I had the courage to ask. I’m grateful I brought my 15% off expired, no exceptions, coupon and pleaded my case of loyal customer. Six pets. Already had 3 dentals done. We wait for a long time for our appointments because it’s an emergency hospital as well and we never complain. And being a good customer I feel we can get 15% off even though the coupon expired. I’m grateful I’m learning not to have expectations because that leads to resentment. I’m grateful I calmly pleaded my case without expecting a thing. I’m grateful the nurse said she’d run it by the vet. I’m grateful the bill was much cheaper than the estimate but I did not see a 15% discount on there and I’m grateful I left it at that. More importantly I’m grateful Daisy is ok and she has clean snappers. And she’s doing fine.

I’m grateful I’m sober for Minnie, she is really struggling with pacing and diarrhea for quite a few hours last night into the early morning hours. Im grateful I was not passed out on the couch and I could be up with her until very late at night cleaning and comforting. So much for the new carpet. I’m grateful I don’t give a shit, no pun intended, about the new carpet. Minnie can shit wherever she likes. I’m grateful for the free standing pet barrier to keep her out of the guest bedroom. I wish I had thought of it earlier but I didn’t know we were going there.

I’m grateful for Al-Anon and during all this week of pet struggles I cannot stop thinking about leaving my wife. Yep I said it. This makes it more real. I’m grateful I told her that yesterday. We had a conversation. It was good for me. It’s not the first time I’ve told her. I’ve thought about divorce. Probably out of the question today. Separation, maybe. But not today. Going down to Scottsdale with Benson and Daisy for 2 days. Possible. Not today.
This is not the first time I’ve expressed these feelings to her. Maybe second. Possibly 3rd.

Im grateful for FIRST THINGS FIRST. Today it will be Minnie. I will call the emergency at my vets and get her on the list today. Im really feeling like today could be the day :cry: she didn’t want to eat this morning and I’m grateful I’m picking up her signs. Im grateful she loves her cool mountain walk. She practically runs the trail and I can’t keep up with her. But the rest of the day I think she might be suffering. It’s so hard. I’m grateful it’s just amazing how much dogs can love their walk even on their last day. Im grateful Minnie just walked over to me for a pet. No shit. We are so in tune. :smiling_face_with_tear:. Im grateful for the many people on TS that have had to go through this with their pets and do it sober. I’m grateful it my be my turn soon and I can follow all your leads. There’s too many to tag. I’m grateful God has given me almost 3 and a half years of sobriety before it’s my time to deal with this.

I grateful through all this emotional shit with Minnie eventually I am going to tell my wife again today I still continue to think and feel about how I need a break from her and my desire to go to Scottsdale for a couple of days.
It may not be the Al-Anon way. But I’m grateful I have no expectations. I’m grateful I will do First Things First and today that’s Minnie. And I’m grateful when I tell her this in all honesty I am not trying to control her drinking. This is for me. My health. My sanity.

So. Maybe I am learning for the first time in my life when people say “I’m grateful for my struggles.” “Im grateful for the alcoholic in my life.”
I’m grateful I always use to say FUCK THEM!
How can you possibly be grateful for that. I’m grateful I think I’m fucking getting it. I’m grateful I’ve never felt stronger. Calmer. More sure of myself and a bunch of other positive shit. I’m grateful I know I couldn’t do this if I wasn’t working 2 recoveries. I’m grateful I’m going to be ok.

I’m grateful I will try and keep up on here. I’m grateful I don’t have to. I’m grateful I’ll try and pop in once and awhile. I’m grateful I’m not leaving. I’m grateful I just don’t know what’s going to happen the next few days. I’m grateful drinking is not an option. I’m grateful for OFDAAT.
I’m grateful it might be OFHAAT

I’m grateful I can share my shit with you all. You all mean the world to me. Big hugs guys.
:pray:t2::heart: big hugs :people_hugging:

First things first.


Hearts and hugs sent your way with Minnie and seperation ideas @Dazercat we are here for you and your recovery game is strong!

Today im greatful for…

This wonderful community!
My sobriety, 419 days
A morning walk with Boscoe and the Hubby
Making shit happen
Its saturday
Im getting a pedi today
Time with hubby
Im not resentful today i do most of the kitchen duties
Weightloss progress
Clean water
Sparkling water
Financial discussions
Text messaging


Oh Eric - im so sorry for your stuggles my friend— big hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging:
I am grateful that you are handling this sober and with a clear head.
I do hope Minnie is at peace and not suffering. I just cant imagine!
Im sorry you are also dealing with separation- you do need to do what is best for your mental health and wellbeing but i do know how much you love your wife so this can not be an easy decision.
We are here for you - sending you comfort and hugs.


Thinking of you @Dazercat, it’s beautiful to be able to be there for an ailing loved one. Thinking of Minnie today, it is amazing how they stay loving to the end.

I’m grateful to be 7 days sober today with (so far) no desire to drink.

I’m grateful I finally found an excellent NA beer (Stella Artois Liberte). It will be my lifeboat when I drive back east from New Mexico next week.

I’m grateful for my joy even though it’s been a rollercoaster ride with my wife this month about living full time in Taos & things aren’t going as I’d hoped.

I’m grateful sobriety gives me clarity…do I really want to live FT with her? No, I don’t, so the space of living mostly apart is good.

I’m grateful I can run pretty well at high altitude & had a nice one this morning with my doggos.

I’m grateful I can think creatively, I don’t stop at initial resistance or barriers to living the life I want.

I’m grateful for all of you & wish everyone the best.


@Dazercat Sending love and strength my friend

Today I’m grateful for a cool morning and that the house cooled down overnight. It’s a relief. I’m grateful I can afford grocery & household shopping, it has become ridiculously expensive. I’m grateful I skipped chores and had a nap, still exhausted from yesterday.
I’m grateful for a nice picknick with the ladies in the afternoon at a beautiful park with a big rose garden. Lifelong friends are a blessing.
I’m grateful I realized the reason why I’m so unstable lately. Seems that my subconscious is running with scissors since my ex left the farm without notice and showed up at my house without appointment this week. This is weighting heavy on me and uses up my energy to cope with life. Identifying the problem is half of the solution. Now that I’m aware of what I’m struggling with I can tell it to shut the fuck up. Solutions will come but not on demand. Be patient and do your work, care for yourself, focus on what you CAN do and respect your own limits and boundaries dear @erntedank !!!
I’m happy that my life in general is good and my struggles I share with millions of other people. This too shall pass.


Thinking of you and your human and animal family @Dazercat :heart:

I know that pain all to well. We are here for you buddy


Thinking about you @Dazercat :people_hugging::heart:


I am grateful for all the difficulties and the people I find in the way


@dazercat sending you comfort my friend :people_hugging:
@erntedank WOW girl you did a lot of work at your mum’s place – I’m surprised that they left all the mulching (that in itself is a lot of clean up). Grateful that you got it cleaned up and it’s looking amazing. Hope you are able to rest for the remainder of the weekend. Grateful that you were able to figure out what was causing the heavy weight and will be able to work through it.
@lab congrats to your brother on his 30 days! HAPPY 16th wedding anniversary – glad you were able to enjoy with such a fantastic day.
@clarity Congrats on your 4 year TS anniversary and almost 3 years of AF!
@HOSS Congrats on completing your 1st week!
@Bomdhil well done on day 3 Thomas.

Happy Saturday my sober friends!
I am so grateful that the friendships we have made here are in a way more meaningful and true than what most of us have in real life. (i know this is true for me). I am so grateful for being able to wear my heart on my sleeve here and not have it trampled on but instead cared for.
I am so grateful for my beautiful mother and all that she does to take care of me. We just got a letter yesterday that her latest mammogram tests came back inconclusive and needs to go back. She is waiting to get the next round of tests done (she doesn’t want to expose herself to radiation so close together) - i am hoping and praying that everything is ok.
I am so grateful for finding out that Metallica is doing a tour this year and will be in my area in November. I so want to see them and am hoping to get tix (no one i know is really into them so they will go just for me and they arent sure i’ll be well enough to go) – UGH! I think we will get tix tomorrow and i know we will be able to sell if need be … November is so far away.
I am so grateful that I was able to veg out and watch movies today as the juice cleanse and ayurvedic powders really did a number on my energy. I am grateful that I don’t shame myself for doing nothing (i am allowing my body to heal and that is something).
I am so grateful that even though i did not sleep yesterday and rested all day today I am super tired now and will be able to fall asleep easily tonight
I am so grateful that I do love the taste of water - clean fresh glass of water is the best refreshment in the world.
I am so grateful for my family. My sister was here visiting with her SIL and niece and nephew and totally was cool with me not wanting them to come around - I just was not up to seeing anyone.
I am so grateful for my meditation / prayer habits in keeping me grounded with a positive attitude and connecting me to my higher power.
I am so grateful for our lovely caring community here at TS - you are an awesome group of people! Love you all so very much.
Sending much love :heart: :heart:


I cannot believe it’s the same day.
Well, after waiting all morning and spending 3 plus hours at the urgent care at our vets Minnie is back home resting. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I’m grateful after countless blood work and tests and X-rays……it’s too much for me to get into but she’s home resting. I’m grateful they found out she ate a rock :scream: from the X-ray. I’m grateful right before we left she did a big puke :face_vomiting: I’m grateful the tech I grab in the hallway that cleaned it said,
“oh there’s a rock in here.” She had no idea why we were celebrating. There’s other old dog girl liver and kidney issues and she’s taking something for the diarrhea and colitis. And we go back Tuesday for our scheduled appointment. She/we are all resting and quite tired.

@JazzyS @BirdyP @Nordique @erntedank
@Alisa @Hoss @Cjp

I’m grateful my wife and I make a great team. I’m grateful to wait and see what my future brings. I’m grateful as long as Minnie and Alice are alive my main priority today is to make sure they are ok along with the other 4 furr balls.

I’m grateful you all are here for me.


Oh wow! @ Minnie thank you for throwing up the rock! Get well soon sweet girl! :heart::heart::heart:
Once upon a time I made a turkey dinner. I had all this grease to get rid of and I didn’t want the dogs to eat it if I poured it in the ‘woods’ so I poured it on my rock caliche road.
Well just in time for pumpkin pie they came into the house both throwing up a bunch of rocks :roll_eyes:. I never did that again.


You don’t know how relieved I am to read this update. I read you first post earlier while I was at work and I’ve been thinking/worrying about Minnie all day. I know how much you love and adore her and it was breaking my heart thinking this could all end badly. Thankfully that is not the case but I’m still keeping you all in my prayers while she gets the care she needs for the other issues. You’re the best pet caregiver I’ve ever known. Sending you love, hugs and strength to navigate these pet and relationship challenges. :heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while following his will and abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for prayer and mediatation. I’m grateful for the free round of golf I played after work. I broke another club, mid swing. Got stung by a bee and scored horribly. I did hit the ball well and had a blast with good company, my buddy and his wife, who I hadn’t really met. I’m grateful work was busy and flew by. I’m grateful for a warm showerr, a cozy apartment and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I’m grateful the twelve steps and the principles they instill. I’m grateful for reading all my recovery dailies today. I’m grateful I have been on this journey with Eric @Dazercat for a long time now. Love you man.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to be kind, emotional and how to find balance.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


I’m grateful Minnie is resting and doing better. I’m sorry for the struggle with your wife. I’m grateful you can unload your worries here with us, and know we love you.


Big hugs Eric, you made my eyes water with ur post!
I know you have the right attitude and know you are powerful and never will be abandoned. I am sorry you are facing these stresses, we take our turns each of us :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::heart::heart::heart::pray::pray::pray: