Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

It gives me a sense of determination. Even if it’s hard and things aren’t going my way, fuck that I’m still sober. :grin:


I’m grateful for sincerity of many people in here.

Especially the day 1 people

We share a common opponent, addiction

We can defeat this


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober and without cravings.

I’m grateful I finally fell asleep last night. I had bad anxiety after I went to bed and it took some time to relax enough to sleep.

I’m grateful to be meeting a friend for a walk later this morning.

I’m grateful for coffee and my cats.

I’m grateful the headache I woke up with is starting to get better.

Progress not perfection
I am worthy


Thanks Bill! The beach looks lovely - enjoy! (And nice hat) :smile:


Good morning sober tribe!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 13.80 months
Waking early, rested, and without a hangover
Yoga and a long walk today
Kitchen is somewhat clean
Weightloss progress
Lost 5inches off chest, waist, hips each in 5 months!
Hubby and my love
Boscoe and his cuddles
The cbd dog chew helped Boscoes anxiety about the fireworks
My mom and dad are alive and funny as ever
Our home aka oasis
Coffee and sunshine
A day of relaxation ahead


Good morning @Soberbilly i have been slacking on my recovery dharma meetings but still hitting 2 in person aa meetings a week


@dazercat so grateful that Minnie did her big puke and got that rock out of her system. Hope all goes well with your Tuesday appointment. Be well my friend! I hope you get to lay bac and unwind today
@soberbilly man that beach looks inviting – I do hope enjoying chilling out today. PS – nice hat
A glorious Sunday – hope all is well with my sober friends
I am so grateful for waking up in a fog (i felt young and healthy — hmm? maybe a taste of what’s coming and not what once was) I am grateful that i was able to get me a hot cup of coffee and start off with my gratitude thread
I am so grateful that my coffee tastes amazing and is hitting the right spot
I am so grateful that my mom called me this morning to check in on me and then told me to be extra quiet today as my brother has told everyone he wants to sleep in today.
I am so grateful that i don’t have much planned and saying that these days is so weird but welcoming (i have had soooo much planned for soooo long for every day that i am finding this very refreshing.
I am so grateful that i’m going to sit and meditate after my check in and take in what this beautiful day has to offer.
I am so grateful that my meditation / prayer and my connection to the higher power are with me every second - almost like my every breath
I am so grateful that my immediate family (except for sis) live so close and that we get along like we do. Grateful for this amazing bond!
I am so grateful for coconut oil - i love the taste but all the other benefits it has are absolutely amazing. it’s so soothing and healing on my skin (just have to remember to wear something crappy as it is oil and will leave its mark)
I am so grateful for watching a heartfelt movie yesterday (the feel good feeling from the movie is still with me) – A dog’s way home on Hulu
I am so grateful for lovely tv shows and movies to let us escape reality when we need to (just finished Ted Lasso - it was bittersweet @karenkw) – it’s hard for me to BELIEVE that this show is over.
I am so grateful for my lovely group of friends that I enjoy “seeing” everyday… I absolutely love the TS community and site - hope you all have a fantastic Sunday - i know i plan on it…
Sending much love :heart: :heart:


All right. I’m grateful I been screwing around on TS for awhile before doing my gratitude.

I’m grateful for everyone on here and all your love and support.

I’m grateful Minnie ate this morning but only out of my hand :cry: But she ate well. I’m grateful we are having the hard conversations. I’m grateful yesterday is over.

I’m grateful I’m fighting to save my marriage. I’m grateful it might not all be the Al-Anon way. I’m grateful I’m doing my best.
I’m grateful when I make suggestions it’s not SHOULD and I believe deep in my heat I’m not trying to control or change her. I’m grateful I can admit, YES I WANT TO, and I know that I can’t at the same time.

I’m grateful I know the devil of alcohol has control of her and is making her feel like the Bad one, worthless, ugly, old, and shameful and many times that blame is passed on to me. But only after she’s been drinking. I’m grateful I know that’s the addict talking or raging at me and I can sit and take it and accept the fact she feels I said some mean things yesterday. I’m grateful after feeling sad that I hurt my wife I realize it was the active addict talking talking to me. I’m grateful I can still listen and not rage back.

I’m grateful this morning was all about Minnie. She slept in until I woke her at 7. Everyone else wanted to eat at 5:30. :scream_cat: I’m grateful I got to enjoy my coffee first for a change doing my readings and working on my recoveries. I’m grateful I got to enjoy my hot tea outside watching Minnie and making sure she doesn’t eat another rock :scream:. I’m not so grateful my whole little back yard area is landscaped with little rocks :grimacing: and mulch chunks. I’m grateful we are not allowed to have grass.

I’m grateful Minnie is resting again.
I’m grateful I hear a disturbance in the force. My lovely wife is getting up :upside_down_face:
I’m grateful for humor.
I’m grateful for my mantras
I’m grateful I’ve already had 3 wonderful hours on my own doing my morning thing with the pets and you and my recovery :mending_heart:

I’m grateful for old dogs.
“Old dogs can be a regal sight. Their exuberance settles over the years into a seasoned nobility, their routines become as locked into yours as the quietest and kindest of marriages.”
Gail Caldwell


A perfect day at the Botanical Gardens with family.
A perfect night’s sleep last night.
Actually feeling good, mentally and physically.
A job interview that went smoothly last week.
A clean bill of health from my annual checkup.


Today I’m grateful for an easy sunday. Slept in a bit, enjoyed the morning with breakfast and service on TV, made a big steak with veggies for lunch, had a relaxing afternoon reading and watching funny stuff and cabarett on TV.

I’m grateful I was able to shoo intrusive thoughts about my ex, the situation, frustration, helplessness and dispair. I’m so tired and fed up. Either love me or leave me but don’t block my moving forward by your doing nothing. Sounds like this mindset needs work. I’m tired of working. That’s too much negativity in my life. I feel overwhelmed when I think of everything waiting to be done. How can I focus on myself with all this TO DO around me and why the fuck is there this insecurity and anxiety again? Hey, I already was stable and confident. These ups and downs are exhausting and ennervating.

I’m grateful for my cats. they are lovely, funny and my sunshine. I was ok and now after typing out gratitude and whining around I’m grumpy. I think I’m tired and go to bed allthough it’s very early.


It’s been a while :wave: Hi.

I am grateful for watermelon :watermelon: the pets really love it in this heat.
I’m grateful for the tree being chopped down in my garden.
I’m grateful there really is so much light and more sun :sun_with_face:
I’m grateful I felt tested and challenged the last few days out of the blue and I got through it.
I’m grateful I know there is more to come and to enjoy the moment as everything is temporary.
I’m so grateful I don’t feel all anxious and I am out in the garden with the pets … actually living.
Grateful to know I need to learn to switch off and it’s okay to not push my self past my limit, I’m grateful to know my limit to handle pressure has increased and I can manage.
I’m grateful Rita has a new house for the Garden coming.

I’m grateful I can see now. Looking back. That these past few days have actually been really good and really positive changes.



Good morning. :sparkles:

I want to start this gratitude/check in with saying that I am grateful that I am still clean. These last few weeks life has really been rolling up and I am grateful for the solid foundation I built for myself in early, early recovery.

I have lost two friends in the last three weeks to sudden deaths. I am grateful they both earned their infinity medallions. I am grateful for divine timing, and for my deep faith in that. I am grateful that God called me to be by my friends side to help her partner crossed over last tuesday. The more I experience birth, life and death the more beauty I see. I am grateful for the energy that filled that room, it was love, there was no fear. When I sit in silence I can call back that feeling, what a beautiful gift, I am so grateful.
I am grateful that my girlfriend also felt all the love in the room which brought her peace.

One of the souls who left their body was G’s sponsor. I am grateful for the support that members give each other in NA. “What we cant do alone, we can do together.” I am so grateful nobody is trying to get through these deaths alone, we are grieving as one. A bunch of lights bound by love… I am grateful for that image and how bright we can shine when we stick together.

We had a local fire that shut down one of the highways on our Island. This unfortunately made a camping trip that 125 tickets were sold to get cancelled. I am grateful that the universe had my back and for the flow of good and bad if you stay grateful. I was led to open the local campgrounds last week and there was one little green tent (available site) too book for this weekend, I booked it. Following my heart I asked two of my sponsees to join me, two that have been sort of struggling lately. We had the best time, it was exactly what we all needed. I am so grateful for Gods will, thank you.

:pray: :sparkles::white_heart:


I am grateful for being able to go tothe Church , go to a ameeting, watch a movie, passed a good time. 4 days clean


Well , grumpy me is grateful I didn’t drink this evening, instead I took my doggos for a walk on the state forest road & to my delight, found blooming cacti & prickly pear! I didn’t know they bloom in the afternoon, yellows & magenta, really beautiful.

I’m grateful I recognized I was considering drinking because I really didn’t know what else to do to alleviate the stress I feel at trying to work out living in New Mexico, I feel my wife is fucking it all up (not fair I know, but them’s the feels). It wasn’t really a craving, just a knee jerk reaction to feeling very frustrated.

I’m grateful to be alive, my dogs are well, and it’s cooling off a bit now.

I’m grateful I saw my horse today, big sweet boy.


@dazercat I’m sorry that one of your fur babies is going through so much - I do hope for the best for Minnie. Grateful for you working through your struggles in your own way and that you know that you are doing your best. Grateful for the open communication you do keep with your wife.
@williambloke beautiful pic! Love going to botanical gardens. Grateful for your clean bill of health and fingers crossed regarding your interview.

I hear you on the exhausting part. I’m not sure why we keep going through the cycles – when we come to terms with our issues and feel like we’ve accepted them and are ready to move on then why do we get days of starting on day 0 with our emotional shit. I’m sorry love – I do hope that you were able to shoo those away and enjoy your remaining Sunday

So happy about this. Thank goodness that you are already able to enjoy your space without anxiety
@its_me_stella I am so sorry for your recent losses. Grateful that you were able to navigate the experiences through sobriety and find peach and beauty in the crossover. Glad that you were able to enjoy your camping trip with your sponsees – how lovely!

Checking in again on Sunday evening – today has been a bit weird. I am grateful for being free of my addictions. I did have a few moments today where my mind blanked and I somehow forgot that I am clean – I mindlessly reached for beer and cigarettes. For no damn reason whatsoever – I really do not want that life. I am so grateful to know that I am in a stronger place mentally now and know I want to continue celebrating milestones.
I am so grateful for popped lily seeds – my mom roasted some for me and ground them out to make a porridge – tasted awful (adding raisins helped) but supposed to help with inflammation weight gain and also provide a good night of sleep— here’s hoping
I am so grateful for watching a Melissa McCarthy movie SPY today – It was a fun watch (can’t believe I hadn’t seen it yet)
I am so grateful for mindful body scans. At least I am able to do light stretches! I came to a realization that we have this one body (it’s not a huge space in which we expect all to work in perfect order with all the crap we throw at it – be it internally and externally) – I am learning that this one body even though it seems like a tiny organism has many hidden pockets inside where we store so much pain / memories and bacteria / possible makings of diseases etc – in order to heal fully and properly, we open up all of these and work them one by one. (not sure if my ramble made sense but it did in my head) I am starting to accept that my healing will take a minute and I do need multiple reminders of this but for today I am one step closer to my old self.
I am so grateful that I spoke with my brother in law this morning at 9am and he was already drunk. I am grateful that it did not bother me and I realized he was getting ready for a binge day for his Sunday. I am grateful that I had asked him to go to the Metallica concert with me and will not get an answer from him until tomorrow when he sobers up.
I am so grateful that I mentioned the concert to my mother this morning and told her that I was worried about getting tickets because I may not be well enough to go. She not only said buy tickets ASAP she then said you WILL be well by then (its in November) – so more hope for today. Goodness I do love this woman so very much!
Sending you all much love - :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while following his will and abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for all of my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the breathe in my lungs. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill.

May our higher powers remove our defects.

p.s. You are awesome. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella share even though she’s lost two ( or more) friends in a few weeks. Beautiful descriptions you have of the dying and the living and the all together of it all. Grateful that you have the solid foundation that you do have. Also that now that you’re sober you’re able to experience all of this, the good and the not as good, and deal with it, finding joy where you can, peace where you can and grieve when you need to. You’re involved in so much and have awesome support around you, getting it and giving it. Hugs.


Grateful for Day 133 AF
Grateful to think of divine union today
To be careful and caring
For the courage to face fears and grow past them
For all your bonding shares here dear Sangha
For my parents safe neighborhood and sobriety.
For this song tiday

Have a great week sober family :person_in_lotus_position::+1::heart::pray:


Morning gratitude.
My condolences to your losses @Its_me_Stella Loosing friends is hard.

I’m grateful for sleep medication. It gave me 9 hours of solid sleep to process yesterday’s evening. A friend died in a bike accident. He and his love of 30+ years just married a few months ago. I am devasted. I cannot bear another loss, that’s too much. My mum, our marriage and 4 friends in 1,5 years.

Grief is the price we pay for love. To be honest I’m done with grieving, with love, with my fucking useless ex and the world. He wasn’t at my mum’s funeral. Let’s see if he attends the funeral of our friend. It all is so sad.

I go and do my book-keeping and office work. I’m grateful for routines giving days structure and me something meaningful to do.


I am grateful for 30 days sober
I am grateful for celebrating my birthday sober 46 years old yesterday
I am grateful for my cousin who shares the same birthday came to visit
I am grateful for this community :blush:
I am grateful for my house :house:
I am grateful for my best friend who is my man and all of his love :heart:
I am grateful for my job and my co-workers :upside_down_face:
I am grateful for my mom and her understanding :heartbeat:
I am grateful for my willingness and strong work staying sober💪
I am grateful for being ALIVE :grin: