Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful my migraine finally eased up. I need to remember to be more careful in the heat. Sleep was rough last night.

I’m grateful for coffee and the crossword puzzle to start the day. Mondays are the easiest puzzles so I can actually finish without needing hints.

I’m grateful for central air conditioning.

I’m grateful I bought healthy food this weekend. Lots of fruits and vegetables. I need to work on eating better. Baby steps.

I’m grateful for this community and seeing your smiling faces in the selfie thread. :grin:

Progress not perfection.
I am enough.


Grateful to wake up and see @Its_me_Stella gratitude, what a great perspective on life and death and my condolences for your losses. My condolences to @erntedank, I’m so sorry :frowning:

Grateful for a new day
Grateful I have stuck to my diet for 3 days, gosh feels like 3 years.
Grateful that although I rolled my eyes when my partner bought a PlayStation, it brought us all together yesterday… my adopted sister and brother came over and we played with my daughter and fiance. I guess it’s not so bad.
Grateful I was able to cut my brothers hair since he got a new job. I’m grateful it sounds like the perfect job for him and pays great benefits and my mom no longer has to cover his insurance she’s been struggling with…
Grateful for my adopted sisters laugh, it is contagious.
Grateful I was able to purge some old clothes that no longer suite me.
Grateful to be figuring out my new style. How to dress as a mom in her mid 30s?
Grateful for Pinterest
Grateful @Dazercat ’s sweet Minnie is doing better, gah I know how much she means to you!
Grateful for everyone here and your gratitudes. :heart::heart::heart:


Good morning gratitude crew,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 1y 1m 25d
Quality time with the hubby
Date night even when it didnt go as planned
Boscoe the sweet, intelligent bastard
Im rested from the weekend
Got alot of exercise yesterday
Went to yoga its good for my soul
Groceries in the fridge
Hubbys cooking dinner
My mobility
My senses
Beautiful colors
Growing older with my love
A new week full of possibilities

Peace and love along your journies, friends


I’m grateful that a had a fun vacation with my man at Wisconsin dells, and that it wasn’t ruined by drink! I’m grateful that my junk food hangover isn’t made worse by an alcohol hangover. Grateful to be home with my dogs and in my space and settling back into my routine. I’m grateful I got to spend time with friends yesterday playing DND, and I’m grateful I remembered to take my medicine even though it was late. I’m grateful for the rain, I’m grateful for my family and friends, and I’m grateful to work at a place where people are happy to see me and I feel like I contribute positively to people’s day.


@erntedank So sorry for the loss of your friend! Sending you comfort in dealing with this.
@lala222 so good to see you back on the gratitude thread – happy 30 days of sobriety and happy 46th birthday! Lots to celebrate –keep it up.
@clarity yeah to figuring out your new style—I loved the re-inventing myself phase…think I may still be in it (lol)… go with whatever makes YOU feel comfortable and alive.

Happy MONDAY my sober friends…
I am so grateful for electricity. Seems we are dealing with more power outages around town after last nights storms.
I am so grateful that my brothers gf is possibly coming over and i’m not bothered – i’m going to wrap up here and leave so i don’t have to see her (i am just a bit irritated by the “possible” – can’t she fucking commit to anything even the fact that she needs to come here. why does everything have to be so up in the air (honestly it made planning for anything so difficult because we never knew if she was going to join till the day of – don’t have to worry about that anymore as ive made it clear that she is not welcome to anything i plan).
I am so grateful that i was able to get my hair dyed this morning and got my nails cut back without any oops moves and cutting into skin
I am so grateful that the weather is cool and nice so i got my sweats on and am feeling comforatable.
I am so grateful for having lovely comedy to watch until 2 am last night as i could not fall asleep then i proceeded with meditation and was out like a light.
I am so grateful for my loving family, my knowledge and practice to live a healthy life, my meditation / prayer rituals and my connection to my higher power.
I am so grateful for the healing properties of music - the right tune can totally turn your day around for the better (and vice versa so listen carefully).
I am so careful for this community, my new friendships, my healthy obsession with the TS site and all of YOU - love to all and wishing you the best Monday possible
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Morning Jazzy.
I’m grateful you got the Gratitude thread right at the top for me this morning and I didn’t have to scroll down to look for it.

I’m grateful through all my turmoil the past couple of days I’m feeling pretty pretty pretty pretty good this morning. :blush: I’m grateful I know I would not feel like this if I wasn’t sober.

I’m grateful for the 3rd G in the 5 G’s and the challenge of “Getting On With My Life.” I’m grateful how uncomfortable that feels. I’m grateful sometimes it doesn’t feel uncomfortable and I might get use to that G.

I’m grateful for my 6th G. Gratitude :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I shared, by text, my reading from ODAAT In Al-Anon to my wife. I’m grateful to try and give her some knowledge of what I’m learning in Al-Anon and it’s not about her. I’m grateful it’s about me.

I’m grateful to be at a point where I’m trying to help my wife without any expectations or trying to control, because I feel so empty and hopeless but in a positive way. It’s hard to explain. Maybe it’s total surrender. Again. I’m grateful I want to share my knowledge of what I’m learning with her. And as long as I use THINK and honestly feel I’m not trying to control or have expectations then I can do that.

I’m grateful I group texted my children, just the 3 of us. It’s usually the 4 of us (Never done that) and told them this morning how much I love them and I’m proud of them and they are wonderful parents.

I’m grateful I got angry the other morning and let it go. I don’t do anger. I never knew how to do anger. I did it. I’m grateful wifey told me how uncomfortable it made her feel because she didn’t trust that I had let it go and she kept waiting for me to put on my martyr hat and continue to hold on to it. I’m grateful I told her at least twice how much of a great compliment that was for me. I don’t always like it but I’m grateful she’s a master at getting angry and letting it go.

I’m grateful I was able to hand feed Minnie again this morning. I’m grateful her constant diarrhea has seemed to stop. I’m grateful the last few times she went out for a whizzy she didn’t pace the yard squatting for 10 minutes or so. I’m grateful she just whizzed and came back to the house. I’m grateful I haven’t seen her snack on rocks again. I’m grateful she gets watched like a hawk. I’m grateful she won’t be eating rocks on my watch. No Sir-eee :blush:
I’m grateful I got a meeting tonight.
I’m grateful for my Thursday nooner and to practice that 3rd G on Thursday afternoons.

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful for all your caring love and support given here.

I’m grateful:
I made a decision to put myself first, and I realize I may be being selfish.
And I’m okay with that.
Al-Anon .org


I’m so grateful for these people on TS. I’m grateful to never have given up getting sober. I’m grateful for my family and kids and husband. I’m grateful that I’m physically healthy. I’m grateful to not have alcohol in the house. I’m grateful for my meeting today and for these wonderful sober ladies on there. I’m grateful that everyone around me is so kind. I’m grateful to finally letting alcohol go. I’m so grateful to be able to go to bed sober. I’m grateful to be alive


Congratulations on your 30 days sober Laura.


I love you.


Hi friends,
I’m grateful for a good weekend, a BBQ at my parents house with my aunts and uncles. Only 2 cousins, which was wonderful ( the others can be loud, opinionated, and obnoxious), and lots of good food and talk. I’m grateful for the funds to get new haircuts for my daughter and myself. I’m grateful the AC was fixed last week, and is working wonderfully now against the extreme heat warning we have. I’m grateful for my kids, and that I am present to see them turning into cool young adults. I’m grateful life doesn’t seem as hard and overwhelming as it used to. Sometimes it is, but now I know I can work through it. I’m grateful for you guys and my home thread :heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Yikes, too long! I got home yesterday only to turn around today for an out-of-town work meeting this week. Hit quite the severe thunderstorm situation on the highway. Pulled over 3 times - twice for hail. I’m grateful I did not make it to my location but safe and sound in a hotel room about halfway. It’s not exactly a destination hotel, lol. But clean and comfy thus far. I’ll take it.

I’m soooo grateful the dog girl is still with us. I took her to her vet, miles from home last week. Vet didn’t think it looked too good. Sent me away while they did blood work and xrays, and when I said we also have to do her vaccinations, she kindly said “yes, but only if it’s necessary.” I needed that spelled out for me. :cry: It was a long 1.5hrs, but her bloodwork came back clean and the xrays clear! Lipomas. And some nasty giardia. Again, I’ll take it. I’m grateful this was a wake up call, though, for her dad and I. One day the news will be different. Grateful for the reminder that every day is a gift.

I’m grateful I got to see my sweet Mama last week. Grateful she is still with us too. I’ll be sad when she’s not, but will be grateful that this time can end for her. It can’t be easy, losing your words. I’m grateful for the time we spent outside. That she loved the cupcakes I brought. That I heard her genuine laugh, at something goofy I said. Yep, I’ll take it.

It’s sometimes hard to go to my hometown, where she lives, as there isn’t much there that’s home anymore. Nothing, really, except her. It’s hard to go and hard to leave. I want to cling to what was, somehow, to see if I can bring it back. Grateful I can learn to let go. Grateful when I do, it makes space instead for gratitude for all that was - and still is in my mind, my memories, my love for it all.

I’m also grateful the life carries on, as it should. That I have a wee home I love. And oh! Exciting news! It took a few more weeks for the lawyers to do all the paperwork-y things, but I found out last week… I also have a patch of forest I call home!
It’s delightful. I’m grateful I detoured on my way home yesterday. Walked it’s trail - fresh deer tracks in the mud. Hugged a tree or two. Found a strawberry! Said hi to the birds. Butterflies too. Back on the highway, couldn’t stop smiling, thinking of my plans for a wee cabin, where I can safely become a forest-dwelling old woman, writing poems for the critters around me.

I’m grateful for my work. My piggy bank’s a little lean. :joy:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for our common care for each other. I’m so sorry for your losses, @Its_me_Stella and @erntedank. I read that Grief is Love with No Place to Go. Seems fitting here. I’m sorry too for your heartache, @Dazercat, Wifey and Minnie, quite separately. In each case though, none of it is because they don’t love you, but you already know that. It’s addiction. And the life span of our pet pals. And so we take one day at a time. :face_holding_back_tears: :relieved:

I’m grateful for our celebrations here too. Happy 46 years, @LALA222! And 30 days!
And @Bootz 1000 and change! And I think there were others. Every day is worth celebrating, hey friends? :orange_heart:


That’s really cool
My pup and i are bonded.
He sleeps when i sleep
wake when i wake
Eats when i eat
He’s 6yo and he’s lived a hard life.
We are best friends


Today I’m grateful for taking it easy. I’m still in a fog of shock. The mourning service for my dead friend is tomorrow. I will pay my last respects to him. He was such a warmhearted and caring person.

I’m grateful for therapy today. It helped me sort my emotions. It helped me see that I’m moving forward. It helped me find stable ground under my feet.

I’m grateful my lawyer set a deadline for my ex to remove his remaining things off my house. Afterwards I can throw it away if he doesn’t collect it. I’ve been asking him several times in the last 9 months to do so. Never got a reaction. So it be. I’m grateful my lawyer went to court for clearing the finances. I’ve been waiting for half a year on a mutual solution now, it’s enough. I’m grateful the farm and the new house are properly insurenced now. The new insurance agent brought the policy today together with two others. Another step forward.

I’m grateful I have a ticket for a concert in the evening. Good music is a welcomed distraction.

I’m grateful I can rest, take a nap and don’t feel ashamed or useless for being exhausted. I’m grateful this voice of my ex in my head is silent. Hopefully for good.

I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life :pray:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 422.27 days free
Boscoe cuddles
Increasing and flexing my patience bubble
Hubby love
Nightmares arent real
Working from home today
Hot coffee
Tv noise
Payday this week
Pillows, lots of em
Crockpot meals
Modern conveniences
My parents
Vacations to look forward to
Mental healthcare
All of you!


I’m grateful I have 2 cats purring in stereo.
I’m grateful I got just enough sleep last night to get up early with Minnie.
Grateful I didn’t have to clean :poop:
Grateful my coffee taste wonderful. Just the right amount of ground beans and water.
I’m grateful for the sun shining on the back of my head.
Grateful I managed a Pilates reformer workout yesterday.
I’m grateful for Minnie time.
Grateful for the warmth Daisy is creating on my right thigh.
Grateful for my calmness this morning and it’s very calm outside.
I’m grateful for my new wind chimes.
I’m grateful for the minor work I do in the garden. I’m grateful I don’t over do it so my back doesn’t hurt.
I’m grateful the whole garden as small as it is doesn’t look like much. But the little part I did and do looks nice. I guess kind of like life. The big picture can be very frightening sometimes. But the little bit I do for myself looks pretty good.
I’m grateful for my meeting last night. Even though I didn’t really like it and it felt uncomfortable there’s just a feeling of serenity being in the rooms that make it worth the drive.
I’m grateful for my recoveries and grateful for yours.
I’m grateful @J_Lo_Ste quoted my quote or whatever, from yesterday and I got to read it again with new eyes this morning and it’s a pretty cool quote. Thanks :pray:t2:

Your dog will never wake up one day and decide he doesn’t love you anymore.


I’m grateful to officially be 10 years cancer free!

More later…. Back to work.


@dazercat senidn good vibes that all goes well with Minnie’s appointment today
@bootz it is so good to see you back on the thread(s) – I have to agree with Billy – I am grateful for you humor and all around demeanor. OMG – that Crazy Eddie video was awesome (not sure how I’ve never seen those but glad I did see them today)
@m-be-free49 grateful that your dog girl is doing well for now and you are finding time to enjoy with her and with your Mom. So precious how fragile life can be! You are doing an amazing job navigating through it. CONGRATS on getting your patch of forest – I know you’ve been excited about this for some time. So excited for you and looking forward to reading your poems :wink
@erntedank so grateful that your lawyer finally gave an end date to your ex. Soon you will be abel to put this mess behind you. :crossed_fingers:Yeah to getting the places insured. Have a wonderful day and hope you do enjoy your nap!
@karenkw CONGRATS on 10 years of cancer free — how dare it try to touch your boob! Glad you showed it whats up.

Happy Tuesday my lovely sober friends
Today I am so grateful for being alive - feeling bubbly inside and doing my deep breathing exercises to expel the negativity
I am so grateful for my delicious coffee that is my go to comfort (my friend that has never let me down)
I am so grateful that i have started drinking green tea for my health and actually don’t totally dislike it.
I am so grateful that i woke up in meditation / prayer mode and then got to continue this with my parents and brother.
I am so grateful that I was able to make a savory pancake with gram flour and used my fresh basil leaves for extra flavor.
I am so grateful that when asked about my day today i replied - i may do some work and my brother hugged me - for so long i’ve built my life around work and the need to always be doing something or else feeling guilty that i’m not doing enough. These past few months i am sorta out of sorts and with not being able to do all that and lately have started accepting that life is more than work but today i just feel like i have enough and not sure what i’m chasing — I am determined to get myself better and start travelling like I used to (so much to explore and do and so little time).
I am so grateful for my love of all music (well everything except gospel and the sad type of country – just haven’t found love for those tunes yet) – I love that my ipod goes from musicals, reggae, rap, hiphop, r&b, death metal, rock n roll, new age country, soul, jazz, blues … its just a mash up of whatever i like. Such healing power in the notes, the voices and the words
I am so grateful that it is an overcast day and i am watching a few of the trees happily dancing
I am so grateful for my loving family. I can’t get enough of my immediate family - they really have been such gems and shown such patience with me.
I am so grateful for living this clean addiction free life and showing them and more importantly showing myself that this is possible - learning how beautiful life can be when we don’t gloss over it wtih booze /drugs and the like.
I am so grateful for our community and sense of belonging that we all provide. How open and raw we all are and how comfortable that all feels. I don’t remember ever being this exposed in my life - i feel free and liberated. Much love to all of you for creating such a loving / caring and supportive environment and such a safe space.
I am so grateful for my higher power without whose guidance i couldn’t be here today. Grateful that i am given the knowledge and ability to keep meditating / praying and living a kick ass life so that i can better connect with “Him”
Happy sober Tuesday everyone - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Adding more gratitude. The piano concert was wonderful. How is it that what you need to hear and experience comes to you when you deeply need it? This evening will echo in me for a long time, my soul is swinging to sounds of Hallelujah and Let it be, vibing with resilience and strength. I’m grateful that I don’t mind doing things alone. Like going to a concert :orange_heart: