Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I am grateful for a new chance and because I have been not judged and condemned


So happy for you Karen.


Long time no see sober family! Sorry I’ve been so busy lately, but lots to be grateful for today:

I completed my masters degree program with a 4.0 GPA Sunday, I took a pretty fun vacation with my family to visit my hometown in Maryland, and July 4th will be extra special for me this year as it will mark 6 months sober from alcohol for me :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve missed everyone but wanted you all to know I’m doing well and staying strong in my sober journey. A friend asked me today when I get stressed am I ever tempted to drink? I said “when I first started out months ago I would say yes, but now I immediately remember that it never solved anything and it just made me feel worse in the end.” So thankful for this community and to be on this journey!


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes.

I’m so very grateful to still be a part of this homethread. As my recovery has continued and grown there have been times I wanted to step away. It can become time consuming on here. At times it felt self serving or at least some threads did. I have a pretty good, full, fairly healthy life now.
I’m grateful I have learned a whole lot from so many on here. I’m grateful that I have given my fair share back too, or I belive I have. I’m grateful that the real, raw, supportive sharing, teaching and caring we do here I also do out there in the rooms. That is another reason why my time is precious because people in the rooms are drwan to us gratidudes and it can also be time consuming. Throw in family, work, sleep, downtime and no wonder I’m tired some days. I’m grateful to be working on boundaries and balance. I’m grateful I have the courage to do all this in large part to gratitude, gratidudes and this community that I stumbled onto because of a sober timer, God’s plan is weird sometimes Lmao

I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella and send all the support, strength, light, positive vibes to you and your recovery community for your losses that you are handling with what sounds like a very healthy dignity, respect, grace, grief and support. I’m grateful that I pray and belive in the NA literature that states that no addict seeking recovery need ever die. If only it were attainable. I’m grateful @erntedank enjoyed the concert and sending hugs for your loss and other struggles. I’m grateful you are sharing canddily, a problem shared is a problem halfed.

I’m grateful that @M-be-free49 got some property, to visit her mom and that her best friend and dog girl is hopefully snoring comfortably keeping her smiling.

I’m grateful for Eric and Kelly, as well as your pets, kids and grandkids. I’m grateful that one day at a time has added up to alot for you @Dazercat :muscle:

I’m grateful for @Bootz , it’s been a while

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You get out of this life what you put in. Dig deep. Ya you!!


Way to go Jake.
I’m grateful you checked in.
Big sober 4th coming up for you.
Congratulations on the 4.0 !!


Love you Man.

Ya You :heart:


@Jwfletcher4792 congrats on completing your masters program and with a 4.0 to boot!! :clap:
Excited for your 6 month sobriety celebration with family. Keep doing what you are doing - its working for you :muscle:
@I.cant.We.can grateful that you are a part of this thread this community. I can understand trying to find balance and not let yourself get sucked in to any one thing (be it this site or whatever else that can take up a chunk of your time). You do keep a very active healthy well rounded lifestyle. Totally get that at times it can get exhausting. Hope you find the fine balance you seek.

Its hump day!!! Happy Wednesday my sober friends
Im so grateful for another glorious day to be alive. Grateful to be taking in these deep long breathes.
I am so grateful that i am able to get back in bed and stretch when it gets too hard and painful to stand. This too shall pass
I am so grateful that ill be able to have coffee soon
I am so Grateful for heathy delicious food options. :yum:
I am so grateful for my parents and my siblings :family_man_woman_girl_girl:
I am so grateful that i was able to turn down a custom cake order i received last night from my brothers friend. Needed it for Saturday- so glad i dont deal with bs anymore. Wanted a super mario cake for 45 people.
I am so grateful i was able to repot a few plants yesterday (give them larger homes). Hopefully they will be able to grow freely now.
I am so grateful that i am actively working on increasing my meditation/prayer practices. I am doing my best to accept what is and continue on knowing nothing lasts for ever.
I am so grateful for TS abd all of you beautiful souls!
I am so incredibly grateful that i look for gratitudes even when situations and emotions are shit.
We are stronger together…Sending you much love :heart:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful for coffee and time in the morning before I have to function. Sleep has been bad lately and I woke up with everything hurting.
I’m grateful I have physical therapy this morning. That should help. I need to ask about exercises for my knee. It sucks getting older. But grateful for getting older because that’s better than the alternative!
I’m grateful I have hope for the future. There was a time in my life when I was suicidal and felt like all hope was lost. All I saw was pain and darkness. I’m grateful I survived and proud of what I’ve done with my life since then. It’s been a challenge and the depression lingers but I’m grateful to be alive and hopeful and grateful.
I wish I could go back and give myself a big hug.
I’m grateful for the sunshine and big living room windows. It’s going to just get hotter out there so I’m enjoying the sun from inside. I know a lot of you are dealing with worse heat. Stay cool!
I’m grateful for all of you!
We are all enough just as we are.


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 423 days free
Hubby kisses
Boscoe kisses
Rain to water my lawn
Free apps for everything
Healthy food
Self improvement
This community

Love and peace to you all


Wow, 6 months and a 4.0 GPA in a masters program?? Absolutely killing it! Congrats!


Grateful for a quiet bus ride to work. Grateful I double-checked the aqi before I hopped on the bicycle this morning. Grateful to have plans withy family up north this weekend for the fourth of July, although I am a bit anxious. Not about drinking or spending time with my family, I’m so grateful to have a wonderful kind family, but because I worry the dogs won’t behave or…I don’t know whatever it’s just worry for worry’s sake. I’ve got a lot going on this month but I’m grateful I’ve relaxed a bit of my expectations and am focused on just enjoying the events I’ve got planned instead of fixating on how I think things should be if that makes sense. Oh! I’m grateful I have a midyear check in with my boss and I think things are going well. I’m grateful that I have a job and coworkers I like, and on a tired morning like this one it is something I can still (sort of) look forward to.


Grateful to have a lovely apartment and a flexible job, which means i can have some down time when i need it


Grateful I’m so fucking grateful all the fucking time. I’m grateful for my gratitude work. I’m grateful I’ve had a list of things to put on here and I’m having trouble remembering them all. Lucky for y’all. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m grateful Minnie had an almost decent :poop: yesterday. I’m grateful my wife sent me a :poop: pic of it while I was at my meeting yesterday.

I’m grateful for the sober deck time I had with Minnie last night. I’m grateful we listened to my new wind chimes. Even though she is deaf. I’m grateful maybe she heard them. I don’t know. I’m grateful for the gentle breeze that made them sound so peaceful. I’m grateful for all the old pics I dug up of Minnie on my iPad for an good friend last night. I’m grateful I’ve saved them to be easily found. I’m grateful she is down there getting her bloodwork done today and this time I know I’ll be bringing her home. I’m grateful I didn’t sign the form that said they might have to keep her over night. I’m grateful I told them calmly and assertively NO. She’s spending her nights at home. I’m grateful the nurse said that part of the form would not pertain to us today and that she would be going home. I’m grateful for my recoveries or I would never be so calm and assertive.
I’m grateful for my serenity.

I’m grateful when I spilled almost all my coffee beans all over the floor this morning I was so calm about it. I thought :thinking: at least I’m not a Smurf with a blue tub :blue_heart: @Runningfree :rofl: I wish dogs would clean up coffee beans like food scraps. I’ll be finding beans for weeks. :grimacing:I’m grateful I still have some beans and can get more.

Grateful for so much more during these trying times. But especially grateful for serenity.
I cannot believe I just said that. I’m grateful I don’t miss that uptight Boston Yank anymore. Maybe just a bit. He was kind of a Masshole.


I’m grateful I’ve had at least 6 of these. :point_down:
There will always be that dog that no dog can replace. The dog that will make you cry even when it’s been gone more years than it could ever have lived………
Meghan Daum


The tub is soaking at the moment but after the first go with the magic eraser it looks a lot better. More like a small blue hue to the white now :joy::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


I have to do a second gratitude check in.
I am grateful I can sweat.
I am grateful I have water to replace this.
I am grateful my backpack fits into hand luggage sizes as far as I could estimate this.
I am grateful my colleague borrowed me a suitcase (in pink so I cannot miss it :grimacing:).
I am grateful I don’t have to rush on Friday.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Too much to catch up.
TW death, TMI, open coffin

Today I’m grateful for love and compassion, for mutual mourning and strong bonds.
The mourning service was open coffin, which is very rare here. It was a blessing to see my dead friend, the scars, the broken neck. There is a beauty and peace showing your last respects and love to the dead body. It was heartbreaking. So many people. So little of them I knew. He meant so much to so many people.
I’m grateful I could be there for his wife. I was astonished that she was so deeply emotional for me attending. Maybe I was a better friend to them than I thought. Maybe this is a strong woman thing in a very male dominated setting. I’m grateful she knows that I’m there whenever whatever she needs. I’m grateful I met their daughter. Over all the 1 1/2 decades I know her by talking but never met her. I’m grateful we bonded. A beautiful soul.
I’m grateful there was no get together afterwards. I drove home, ate and took a nap. I’m grateful for friends I could talk about it in the evening. I feel at peace in grieving.
I’m grateful I saw my ex on his E-bike approaching the location. I don’t know if he came over to condolence and show his friend of 30 years his respect. I didn’t pay attention as I was engaged in a frireds group talking. I’m grateful I include him in my prayers for all people left behind mourning. This accident shows how short life can be. Always tell your loved ones and friends that you love them. It can be over in a second.

I’m grateful for living life at life terms. For my increasing, growing toolbox to help me. For shaking off everything that doesn’t serve me anymore. For vulnerability and showing it. For being present. For being me. Because of all this I can be there for others. We are not alone. We are managing life together. Life sometimes is hard. But as long as people are caring, it is mutual burden. And burden gets easier every time you share and are heard. I deeply believe from personal experience that sharing takes away 1/3 of whatever to the universe.

I’m grateful for daily living to keep me grounded. I had a lot of fun with the cats in the morning (see cat thread). I did office work. I did chores.

I’m grateful for all my blessings and I’m grateful to be me. Today I was appreciated in terms I would never have thought of. I’m grateful that besides all of my flaws and all derailment I’ve always been me as I am from the bottom of my heart. And this is a person who is cherished, valuable, appreciated and caring. I like her. I like who I am. And I’m proud nothing ever could take my core values and my living at them away :pray:
I’m grateful this never was an option. I payed high prices for it. I’m grateful I live nowadays with strong boundaries and that I give a shit about outdated survival habits and modes. I’m too old for this shit and I’m happy to be a woman of a certain age. I can say fuck to outdated patterns and send them to my personal retirement home. I live a good life with luxury struggles and emotional burdens. As millions of people. I’m grateful for all of it :pray:


I’m grateful we just found out Minnie has pancreatitis. :cry:. I’m grateful she will be staying at the hospital tonight.

Apparently I don’t get to have control over anything :grimacing:. But I’m grateful it doesn’t seem like a death sentence. I’m grateful they have already started IV fluids and meds on her and we can visit her tomorrow with some fresh cooked chicken and rice. I’m grateful the IV fluids might get her back to feeling better and I’ll take it ODAAT. I’m grateful she gets to stay in the hospital where nurses can properly care for her and there’s a good chance she could get better.


Oh Eric - i’m sorry Minnie has been in such pain. At least they were able to figure out what was going on with her and are able to fix her.

I do hope that they are able to get her feeling right very soon. Grateful for a great vet hospital that you have. Wishing she gets the absolute best care tonight!


Oh poor Minnie! She’s in good hands, Eric. Hopefully, the IV fluids will help her feel better. Praying for her (and you). :pray::heart: