Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Poor Minnie! She’s lucky to have someone like you to love and care for her. Grateful she can get the care she needs, and that there are others out there who love animals as much as you do.


I hope Minnie starts feeling better soon! It’s so hard to see our loved ones (pets obviously included) suffering.


Heal well Minnie!! Your family needs your love :heart::heart::heart::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me remain clean and sober. I’m grateful to be on day two without cigarettes. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for meditation. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful I got together with a friend after my homegroup AA meeting and played chess. I’m grateful it was a well attended meeting. I’m grateful I lost both games we played because it challenges me to try harder and they were close games. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.

May our higher powers fill us with light and love.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!

p.p.s. @Dazercat minnie is in my prayers


I’m very grateful for this thread. I’m grateful to read these words - I think it sums up this thread, this forum, quite well:

I’m grateful Minnie is getting good care. I think she and the dog girl would get along well, lots of stories to share about their humans, recovery, night time whizzy walks… you know. They would quite likely get along with all the Graticats on this thread too. :wink:

Most of you know I’m grateful for written words, poems and stories - true ones especially. One of my fave poets, Mary Oliver, wrote a whole book of poems about her dogs. (Don’t read most of it in public if you’re not into public crying.)

The Sweetness of Dogs

What do you say, Percy? I am thinking
of sitting out on the sand to watch
the moon rise. It’s full tonight.
So we go

and the moon rises, so beautiful it
makes me shudder, makes me think about
time and space, makes me take
measure of myself: one iota
pondering heaven. Thus we sit, myself

thinking how grateful I am for the moon’s
perfect beauty and also, oh! how rich
it is to love the world. Percy, meanwhile,
leans against me and gazes up into
my face. As though I were just as wonderful
as the perfect moon

I’m grateful for the love of dogs, of pets.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Aww. I’m not crying. Your crying :cry:
Everything always well put with you :people_hugging:
Grateful you’re here.

Thanks for all you’re love and continued support.
@Nowenbrace @KarenKW @Sunflower1 @Lisa07 @JazzyS



You have indeed. I’m grateful for you. :smiling_face:

I’m grateful I my meetings went well yesterday, that I found a late hotel room instead of driving after dark - too many deer and too tired. That I sucked it up and went to Costco while I was in the city. That I am stocked with organic GF crackers - processed but yum.

I’m grateful I’m easier on those around me - especially when the irky stuff is theirs and not mine - and on myself too. I can really only deal with my (irky, messy, you get it) stuff. And set healthy boundaries with others. Makes life a little easier. I’m grateful I can learn this. Never too late.

I’m grateful it’s a long weekend coming up and I have no desire or inclination to drink. I’m grateful to be excited for the time off, happy with my plans, and past the angst of sober long weekends.

I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

EDIT: @Dazercat? Yeah, I’m crying. They’re better people than most people, our Gratidogs! :wink: :paw_prints: :people_hugging:


I’m grateful that @erntedank was able to go to her friend’s service, paying her respects to her deceased friend and the family and seeing and sharing with all gathered.
I really like how you say when you share some thing about 1/3 of it just dissipates out into the universe.
And what you have written about yourself is so meaningful and moving.

@Dazercat I’m glad that they found out what was wrong with Minnie and they are treating her. I hope that she will quickly be well and back to her good old self. In my world it used to be that when you heard about a dog getting pancreatitis it was bad news. And nowadays when you hear about it it seems like they can quickly get better. I hope this will be the case with Minnie.


Thanks Bill! I’ve definitely benefited from getting older and wiser. I’m starting to care less about what other people think.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 424 days free from weed and alcohol
My healthier lifestyle, 5.97 months of improvement
I woke up and worked out
Hubby calls me when hes at work just to tell me he loves me
Talked to a financial planner
Boscoe cuddles
Getting together with family this weekend
Payday tomorrow
Accupuncture tomorrow
My favorite Ladies AA mtg tonight
A job that pays bills and allows me to save
Progress not perfection

@Dazercat sending hugs your way as minnie is recovering


Thanks CJ. :heart:
Minnie is in recovery. What a sweet way of putting it. Brought a big smile with a tear to my face this morning. She’s in recovery just like us. :blush:

I’m grateful I’ll do gratitude first this morning since I cannot get Minnie out of my head. I’m grateful for all the memories of all the great funny squirrelly things Minnie use to do and does. Especially squirrelly. I’m grateful that was our adjective for her. I’m grateful I can bring up these memories while she is in the hospital getting better. I’m grateful we can afford hospitalization and IV drips for a dog :grimacing:I’m grateful she’s more than a dog.

I’m grateful the light at the landing was on last night for some bizarre reason. Our stairs at the other end of the house have a landing half way up, where Minnie likes to sleep at night so I leave the light on for her. But she wasn’t there last night :thinking: But the light was on. :thinking: I’m grateful the first thing I thought in the middle of the night when I woke up was to not trip over “the dog.” :grimacing::cry:. Never know where Minnie will end up in the middle of the night and she’s almost killed me a couple of times.

I’m grateful my pet chores are so much easier this morning. She’s a lot of work :laughing: She’s got more meds than a Walgreen.

Thanks y’all for letting me get my Minnie stuff out here.

I’m grateful I unexpectedly chaired the meeting last night. I’m grateful I tried to railroad the meeting into a step 1 meeting last night because we had 2 new comers and one of the Old Bats shot me right down. I’m grateful I kinda knew she would. I’m grateful it was a tad uncomfortable but I was ok about it. I’m grateful after the meeting she apologized but we stick to the work book and format at this meeting. I’m grateful I told her I knew you were going to give me shit and we both had a good laugh. I still think she was wrong and that’s ok. When I see newcomers, coming in with tears in their eyes, if I’m chairing the meeting I will still try to make it about how fucking powerless we are over alcoholism. If I was a new comer I wouldn’t give a shit about step 6 on my first meeting.

I’m grateful I don’t know what it’s like to loose a son to addiction.

I’m grateful I gave my weedwhacker away to the guy who does yard work around here for me. I haven’t used it once since I moved here 3 or 4 years ago and I don’t intend to. I’m grateful he was so excited and texted me how he got it running and it’s a great model and it’s longer and it will help his back because his is shorter.

I’m grateful when wifey tried to pick a fight with me last night I didn’t play. I’m grateful I know there’s gonna be drinking around here, sick dog, dead dog, live dog, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is I’m not doing the drinking and I don’t want to. I never wanted to reach the dead dog milestone, but when it comes I’ll be ready for it and I know I’m gonna be good.

I’m grateful I dug up an old pic of Minnie on her favorite swivel cushiony chair. She would run up to it. Stick the landing. And the chair and dog would spin around in the living room. She’s a hoot.


“I’m grateful for…….
:paw_prints: :paw_prints: :paw_prints: on my floor.
Slobbery kisses on my face.
Nose prints on my windows.
Dog hair on my clothes.
No room in my bed.
For there will come a day when these things will be missed.”


Good morning.

I am struggling but I am so grateful that my struggles today look completely different to what they used to look like. Its hard to even recognize them actually. Instead of feeling pissed off, I will feel discontent, or instead of depressed I just feel a bit beaten down. I am grateful for that.

I am grateful that there are meetings all over the place and multiple times a day. I had therapy yesterday and decided to hit the womens nooner before going to the hospital. I am grateful that was the seat I took up for an hour instead of a barstool.

I can see myself falling into addictive behaviors, mostly just avoidance. But distraction is a skill I was taught in DBT. When does distraction become avoidance, and when does avoidance become isolation…
I am grateful that even if I am in avoidance I am still using healthy means like reading and being creative. I am grateful that spending hours infront of a tv has never appealed to me.

I am grateful for living in the present moment, even when that means my present moment is sitting in feelings from my past. Even when that means holding space for all of the parts of me that are terribly wounded and hurting. Even when being present means my heart is breaking for myself. I am grateful for my therapist and her gentle guidance. :two_hearts:

I am grateful to be in a place that I am willing to do this very hard work, although I wonder if its worth it. I am grateful that I dont have to know, I just have to live one day at a time.


I’m grateful for you my friend.
And your continued strength and resolve to help us all be better.


Today I’m grateful I’m in good shape. Good enough to fetch my mischief tiger from 3 roof decks afar. Cat shananigans.
I’m grateful I slept in and it was a solid, restful sleep. I’m grateful I rested and relaxed today, I needed it. As I have no appointments for the rest of the week I decided to take it easy and have some chill days. Do what I like. Take good care of me. Maybe a pedi and colouring my nails. For sure lots of cat cuddles.
Have a good day dear TS folks :four_leaf_clover:


@i.cant.we.can congrats on your 2 now 3 days hopefully of no cigs – this is great! Keep up the healthy lifestyle you are creating for yourself

I’ve never been to a meeting but would be grateful for this if it were me. Thank you for trying to begin this way when you chair a meeting with new comers. I do hope Minnie is doing better today (like the thought of her being in recovery with us).

@its_me_stella I’m so sorry my friend – sorry that you are struggling but grateful that you are finding a healthy way to work through the struggles. Sending you healing vibes for your wounds and hurt – loads of love and hugs

Happy Thursday my sober friends
I am so grateful that i was able to get in touch with my aunt’s guy and get the dead tree at my house removed
I am so grateful for finding that i was able to get some errands run this morning before the heat became unbearable
I am so grateful that i am now feeling like shit but in the comfort of my home where i can curl up and get some rest
I am so grateful for no longer being a smoker - can’t imagine being a slave to that habit in these nasty air quality days (crazy how the wild fires are affecting everything so far away from the source – i pray for those that are at the center of it and in the surrounding areas) – i find myself wheezing at times even after roughly 20 months.
I am so grateful for my gf, vegan and refined sugar free double dark chocolate cake slice waiting for me. I was meant to have it with my coffee this morning but will be better later on when my sweet tooth craving kicks in
I am so grateful that i was able to concentrate enough to write out some gratitude’s today
I am so grateful that no matter what - i am emotionally stable and safe from mental anguish - the physical will sort itself out
I am so grateful that i can silently and without effort meditate / pray and be guided by my HP.
I am so grateful that my family is amazing - forever finding ways to help me and heal me.
I am so grateful for all of you lovely souls - my new and old friends - for your love and support on the TS site…
Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Jealous! Did you make it? Would you be willing to share the recipe with a fellow gf, df, chocoholic?


I am grateful for music and because God is caring over my elderly parents


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today while helping me remain clean, sober and cigarette free. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful today was my second payday from my new job at Canadian Tire and that they pay every two weeks so that makes about a month there now. I’m grateful my Sister is off for the Summer as of today from her job as a teacher’s assistant and I could afford to treat her and myself to dinner at Boston Pizza. I’m grateful I made it to an AA meeting tonight. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful I meditated, prayed, read recovery literature and worked. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful my Mom sent a nice e-mail today. I’m trying to be grateful my ex girlfriend, that I have been accused of thirteenth stepping, spoke her mind to me after the meeting. Hard to believe with her being highly educated, older than myself, around the rooms longer than me would be that way but there it is, fresh guilt and shame, grateful this too shall pass. I’m grateful I can see this as my justification defect, admit my wrongs for my part and work on giving it to my higher power and let it go. I’m grateful to be home in my clean safe apartment, in bed and look at that it’s 11:11p.m. Angel signs. I’m grateful it’ is time for more prayer and a night time meditation.

May our higher powers grant us peace.

p.s. You are crushing it. Ya you!!


This week has been weird, time-wise. It felt like Monday today, or maybe Tuesday. I’m soooo grateful it’s not…

I’m grateful I enjoyed my work today. That it fascinates me. I’m grateful I’m doing a better job of focusing on one thing at a time, at keeping the overwhelm at bay - in work and in life. Grateful for strategies that help me with that. Grateful my counsellor and I have worked out how that all relates to my addiction and my recovery. No more numbing the overwhelm for this M. :wink:

I’m grateful for the kind email today from a friend I’ve become out of touch with, just due to life. It was lovely to receive and I’ll respond this weekend.

I’m grateful for the meeting tonight, and texts afterwards with a friend from my Sangha. I’m grateful for this home thread too, and to pop in on the forum here and there throughout my day.

I’m grateful the weekend is here soon. I am looking forward to staying home, spending time “working” in my little garden.

I’m grateful for sound sleeps and early mornings.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful for having a good job
Grateful for a beautiful home
Grateful for having a wonderful partner
Grateful for being able to pay my bills
Grateful for the NHS
And grateful for the care and advice from my parents.