Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Happy Saturday my beautiful sober friends

I am so grateful to be ALIVE! how lovely to live this life we have - to have the chance to actually life it right (without our DOC crutches). I feel like at 45 I am learning so much about myself and actually maybe for the first time learning how to deal with life on life’s terms. The good days, the bad days and the in between days - as long as i’m breathing i have a chance to make them even better!
I am so grateful that i really don’t think i would’ve done much differently as i feel like every action has brought me to this spot now. I am happy to be in this moment - grateful to be healing (although slowly in my terms - i need instant gratification :rofl:) - grateful to be learning patience and controlling my anger - grateful for doctors, science, knowledge, functional medicine, wholesome food with all its healthy properties. SO many ways to cure ourselves :pray: The power of the mind - it is absolutely incredible how healing the mind can be - feed it the right positive thoughts and energy and it can cure just about anything.
I am so grateful for my beautiful mother. She is unreal - i feel so blessed to have her support and guidance.
I am so grateful for my basil plant - it is so full and smells heavenly. Been picking at the leaves - basil and coffee :thinking: not bad actually LOL
I am so grateful that i feel mighty blah today and am having a hard time concentrating but i know that i will get past this – i really wish the feelings would make an appointment so that we would know to prepare for such days - i am about to put on a nice record and do a seated dance — hope that helps loosen up some of the meh.
I am so grateful for my 6 hours of sleep - i still feel like a zombie. baby steps.
I am so grateful for my lovely message from my cousin (the one that just visited from England last month)- she would like to do a health retreat with me in Turkey once i’ve healed. What a lovely message to wake up to! I am looking forward to this possibility.
I am so grateful that i will first do some meditation / prayer practices - i need to feel that connection to my HP and myself. I do not feel fully grounded today - at least i know the steps to take to get me there. :wink:
I am so grateful for all of you here - love you to bits - wishing you a wonderful positively charged addiction free day - sending everyone much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful I had a long nights sleep, only got up once, weird ish bad dreams, but more like WTF :flushed:

I’m grateful for my Al-Anon recovery as I watch this progressive disease continue it’s perfect work. The devil must be really proud of himself with this one. Motherfucker! I mean who else could come up with such a perfect disease than Satan himself. Just watching people helplessly destroy themselves from the inside.

I’m grateful I’ll get to Scottsdale today when I get to Scottsdale. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to the time alone for a couple of days.

Ya know, I think I was grateful yesterday that while I’m gone I know I don’t have to worry about the pets. But as this disease progresses I was thinking I’m not so sure. I’m grateful that’s just the devil fucking with me now. Stinking thinking. I’m grateful I’m not even going to be gone 48 hours. The pets will be fine. I’m grateful I’m not going down that road.

I’m grateful I can hit up my Sunday night meeting in Scottsdale while I’m there. That’s the first meeting I went to when my life became unmanageable more than a year ago and that meeting has a special place in my heart.

I’m grateful this morning I read about the person who goes to Al-Anon to distance themselves from the pain I choose to own.

I’m grateful for future tripping about Cali. There’s tons of recovery in Cali, all kinds, where I’m going to end up. I’m grateful maybe someday after I settle down I can finally give back to the Al-Anon community with a service position instead of just giving back with my awesome raw uninhibited shares :grinning:

I’m grateful I finally poured out all the whiskey in the house the other day. She’s holding on to that one bottle of gin. I’m grateful I forgot about the bar load of stuff I had in the wine room. I’m grateful there’s no point in me packing it up to move just in case someone comes by for a drink.

I’m grateful for my one glorious gorgeous fresh ground cup of coffee I have each morning, after my pixie shot. I hope you’ll still love me Jaz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart: :coffee:

I’m grateful to get my shit out here with you guys. Just like a meeting. I always feel better after. I’m grateful for you guys. So grateful each morning right here.

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton*


I’m grateful your cousin is safe.


Good morning gratidudes! I’m grateful it’s a lovely day, I’m grateful my dog nephew is here to play for the weekend, even though these beasts woke me up at 6am with their shenanigans. They are so funny, Buster and Nico are the very best of friends and only about a month apart in age. I’m grateful today that even though there are plenty of things I SHOULD do, I’m not feeling too anxious or overwhelmed about it. It’s been busy and it’s nice to have a break and just be at home. I’m sure once the coffee caffeine hits my bloodstream I’ll get moving but I am grateful to feel content just hanging out, blabbing to you guys, with a whole day ahead that I can fill up as I please. I’m grateful for these silly dogs, my snoozy man, my wonderful family and friends, and for you guys and the kindness and support you show one another. I love opening up this thread and seeing all the care everyone here shows to one another. It’s wonderful to feel that connection, and to know that here I’m understood and accepted in ways some of my other people just can’t quite because they haven’t been down this road. Which is great for them, really but it’s nice to not feel lonely about it. :blush:



Mornings sober buddy…i effin love ya too!

So grateful that you are spending time with your friends…human connections are so darn important :people_hugging:

So bloody true! Ive found that i am able to be more positive for longer periods of time ever since i started my gratitude practice.



Ofcourse…you will forever be my coffee buddy
Coffee or no coffee…we are friends for life…will always love ya!


I’m grateful to share this if anyone is interested.
Gratitude and Anxiety: To Be Less Anxious, Be More Grateful | HealthyPlace.
Seems to be a common thread on the check in this morning.

I’m grateful for my 3 and a half years of solid gratitude work right here.


I have had an ECG, EKG and 24 hour heart monitor, plus an MRI. This was several months ago and I still have to wait until October and November to see a cardiologist and a neurologist. I’m taking comfort that if it was anything sinister they’d have hauled me back quicker.
I just know in the morning if it’ll be a bad day as I get out of bed like I’m walking on a rocky boat and just can’t come around. It’s only been since January, I caught tonsillitis after long covid last year and they think it’s POTS brought on by a viral load. Bit crappy, but it makes me appreciate the good days more.
I’m grateful for the good days.
I’m grateful to you @JazzyS for reaching out.
I’m sending you a big hug right back, am I right you suffer with POTS also?



Thank you for sharing this, I needed the reminder! :white_heart: I’m grateful for this forum and for being sober another day :white_heart::white_heart:


Today I’m grateful I fell asleep again with a purring cat on my chest - I’m with you @Dazercat I’m grateful it was a nice summer day, not too hot. I’m grateful I did some errands and grocery shopping. I’m also grateful I spoiled myself with yummi homecooked lunch I posted on the foodie thread. I’m grateful for cat snuggles, for the dishwasher, for my reliable car, for trash collection. I’m grateful I was feeling a bit more stable today, for me it was a good day. I’m grateful I enjoyed my cozy house today afternoon and I don’t feel bad about it. I’m grateful I can watch a film and stay up to watch the stars or go to bed. I’m grateful I always have a choice. I’m grateful not to decide is ok. I’m grateful I’m tired and sober. ODAAT.


Today I am so grateful that even though I had a terrible day yesterday I stayed sober and today I am on day 20! I slept in and then spent the rest of morning learning how to make and edit Instagram reels for my photography page. I am grateful for all of the happy memories I got to revisit while going through old pictures and videos.


I’m grateful for the super chill morning, taking coffee back to bed and starting a new book and playing wordle (and trying in vain to catch up on memes, lol). I’m grateful to take a morning like this and not feel lazy. Beats the hell outta a hangover. :wink:

Some fuckery got thrown my way this week, workwise. Grateful to practice equanimity. Grateful I felt my feelings, even though I tried at first to avoid them and then I wrote grandiose tales of victimhood in my mind. Grateful to have found the middle ground. Grateful my actions were not reactions. Grateful I know that little to none of that fuckery is actually about me.

I’m grateful for Fall being in the air. I just love it. It’s short here, though, so hopefully a slightly earlier fall means a longer one? No clinging, M! :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for deadlines. I started that side fun thing during covid of taking an online creative writing certificate (creative nonfiction). Am done all my courses, even an extra one, except for the FINAL PROJECT course. I gotta submit that beast at the end of Sept (and then it undergoes reviews by published Canadian authors. :grimacing:). This feels less fun and more scary.
It’s so much like recovery, though - a day at a time, a sentence or even a word at a time. Grateful to be sober. I hardly wrote a word during the 8 months I went back out. That says a lot, no?

Grateful for a home weekend. For fresh fruits and veggies to fill up on. Did I mention Fall?

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Thank you for my lovely hug - i truly appreciated it! I do hope you had a lovely flight and are enjoying day 1 of vacation!

WOW - lots of testing done - i’m sorry you are not seeing any answers. I do agree that they would be rushing to get more tests done if they had sensed something serious. I do hope that you get some answers soon and hopefully can start feeling like you again.

I have had POTS like symptoms but do not have POTS. Those symptoms come and go without warning (do not last long and don’t happen all that frequently). Not exactly sure what is going on with me- working on multiple issues but like you one of my ailments started suddenly and they still have not been able to figure it out. I am grateful that this has caused me to change my lifestyle -mainly I gave up my addictions.

I totally understand appreciating the good days even more. I do hope that you have a symptom free vacation. Much love my friend! :heart:


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful we were able to help out my brother in law get moved. I’m grateful when family can overcome tough, lifey obstacles. I’m grateful it was only 99 today while we were packing and moving stuff. I’m grateful I transplanted my little sprouts, some of them don’t look so hot after that, but maybe they will bounce back. I’m grateful there’s a breeze blowing while I sit on my porch and rock in my rocking chair and do my gratitude. I’m grateful for the sound of wind in the trees. I’m grateful I can see rain in the distance. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness❤️


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to be starting to not feel the need to constantly explain my actions, thoughts or words. I’m grateful the business meeting was well attended tonight and we got all the service positions filled. That the gentleman who has been holding all the positions alone for most of the last 7 years felt some serious relief and got to step down. I’m grateful that I didn’t have to take a service position especially considering I have some with other group. I just worked my connections and program and held people accountable as has been done to me by my supports. Its the only local meeting on a Saturday. That was so vital for me as a newcomer and I am sure I am not the only one who struggled through weekends in the beginning, sometimes still do when life gets hard. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for the indvidual and group time with my Sister, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, God and self today down at the cottage and at the beach. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful I was able to take my two full sets of dentures out the other day while not being able to stand straight because I was tired and sore from a long day and still look in the mirror and say I love you.

May our higher powers help us find forgiveness in all its forms.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!

Edit. Grateful for meditation here soon and the silent one I did by Lake Erie this afternoon


Today I am grateful for…

*Being back on this gratitude thread after a little hiatus :+1:t3:.
*Doing a journaling prompt today for the first time in a while.
*Messaging friends.
*My long walk in the Sunshine.
*The friendly dog that followed me for a bit on my walk (then she went back home safely).
*The cows I passed chilling in the field.
*Healthy meals.
*Being able to help my mom with her hair.
*Recovery and self-help books.
*My dogs for helping (translation: forcing) me to get my ass out of bed this morning.
*Coffee and tea.
*Clean clothes.
*Healthy routines.
*TS friends.
*Going to bed sober night 42.


I am grateful to be waking up sober after a night out with friends. Would be lying if I said, I feel fresh and energetic this morning :sweat_smile: though. I think I outdanced myself, haha :mirror_ball:. Have a splendid day everyone


Grateful for food and clean water.
Grateful for clean clothes and washing machines.
Grateful for systems and people that are set up in place to help (not their fault they over worked or the system is flawed). Grateful to be on a waiting list. Grateful there is a list and every person on it before and after me are getting some help. Grateful for the people there trying to help others.
Grateful for my health.
Grateful for the sun shine earlier.
Grateful for morning walk.
Grateful for shower.
Grateful that my struggles prove to me my strengths.
Grateful that I can see that.

Grateful it’s Sunday.
Grateful for nature and trees and plants.

Grateful to start feeling I am able to manage this life change that happening
Grateful that I understand it’s actually a good thing and my mind’s perspective is the block to see this.
Grateful for meditation.

Grateful for my children, grateful for my pets.
Grateful for me, grateful I can see how Iv grown.
Grateful for 682 days free from cigarette, cocaine and alcohol.



I’m grateful my body feels strong.
I’m grateful for my kids.
I’m grateful for a secure roof over our heads.
I’m grateful for this community, you’re all superstars!