Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I do hope that it was just a bit of being worn out from over training that can be fixed with some rest. Fingers crossed its not covid.

The run and watching the Perseid meteor shower sounds awesome! The cold water bathtub with the salts and oils is a perfect way to spend the day - love it!


I’m grateful to call it a day soon. Not a bad day, just a long one! …on not enough sleep (and a tad too much coffee :face_with_hand_over_mouth:).

I’m grateful today was just more solid proof that the best antidote to fuckery is equanimity. Gimme an E! Gimme a Q! Gimme a U! … okay, too many letters. But still. It (equanimity) works if/when I stay present and lean on it. Yep, the serenity prayer too. Grateful for them.

I’m grateful for my wee garden. It didn’t do well this year. Too hot early on. Too much unseasonal rain later. But the act of planting, tending, gardening - these I still love. I guess I can take something from that, too, and show up to other things in my life the same way, when I know I have little to no control over the outcomes, hey?

I always plant some mini sunflowers. I can’t water them, hell - I can’t look at them, without thinking of our @Sunflower1 and hoping she’s having a good day. :sunflower:

Which of course reminds me of the rest of you G-dudes! I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Grateful for milestones shared! 2 weeks no vape @Cjp! 3 sober weekends @Sasxoxo! 30 days of OFDAAT @KarenKW! and 29 days @tailee17! Onward, friends. :wink:


Nooo, you have to come visit!

There’s running trails here! And frogs and toads. And Red Green. (Well, not here, but here.) And vegan fare!
And my pal with the cabin? near my land? She’s the one who I’m helping try to manually get rid of the invasive plants on her land before turning it over to a conservancy, oh and she rides horses, and sometimes I think you’re related. :laughing:

Where I live is still forested, the boreal forest - not tundra yet. Trees and birds galore. Sandy soils for the Jack Pine. Tamarack trees that drop their needles. Wetlands and fens (and mosquitoes), and wild orchids!

Truly, hosting any G-dudes would be an honor. Alas, the only accommodations I can offer at present are toadstools of various sizes. LOL.

This is headed for derailment! I’m grateful for this thread, for all the gratidudes. Glad you had a spontaneous soul-filling sojourn to Alaska, dear Bootz, and hope you feel better soon. :orange_heart:


What a beautiful post to wake up to @M-be-free49 i hope you have a good day too!


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
472 days free from the grasp of weed and alcohol
0.50 months no vaping
The 12 step promises of aa
Accepting a promotion with a nice pay bump today
Changing perspective
More adaptive to change
My moral compass
Living my values and not having to fight that cognitive dissonance
Woke up and worked out
Hubbys awake!
Hubby did the growing pile of dishes
Boscoes companionship
My folks and our relationship

I wish you peace in a sea of turbulence


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
Grateful for my cats.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for slightly cooler weather this morning.

That may be all I’ve got this morning. Not feeling well. But will just take things OFDAAT.


Today I am grateful that even though I woke up thinking about a bunch of negative stuff I was able to snap myself out of it and do my journal entry for the day as well as come on here and post something to be grateful about.


I love when we have these revelations – great job on starting to feel normal in sobriety. Keep up the amazing work. Sorry you woke up with negative thinking but grateful that you used your tools to get you past it. Journaling and this community are awesome tools! :wink:
@frazzetta grateful that you didn’t have to take antihistamines but it is weird that you had that happen – I do hope it does not re-appear (whatever it was) :crossed_fingers:

Wednesday morning gratitude’s - love sharing this ritual with my sober companions!
I am so Grateful for waking up to a beautiful sunny day. It will be a hot day again for me so I’m grateful for the lovely air conditioned home. Grateful that so many are experiencing the Fall weather and i know it won’t be long now.
I am so grateful that my appointment regarding my cyst went well - will do a x-ray in 8 weeks and hopefully will see shrinkage by then. Grateful that it’s not super painful and waiting it out is better than the surgery
I am so grateful lovely friends that genuinely care about you.
I am so grateful for my family. I am so thrilled that i had the chance to connect with so many extended family members this summer. I am just as thrilled that it is almost over and i get to relax and work on me. Grateful that my immediate family is so close in every sense of the word. Grateful that i finally broke down and bought my bil and sis a bday gift - we were meant to go disc golfing and dinner for their bday’s but i have not had enough energy for such an outing - summer is almost over. They should be getting the package tomorrow.
I am so grateful that i am going to buy some gluten free bread that everyone is raving about - Simple Kneads brand is apparently free of all sorts of starches and allergens and actually tastes like bread - i’m looking forward to trying it as my rice cakes are getting old.
I am so grateful for my HP - thank you for gently showing me the error of my past lifestyle and helping me heal now. I am looking forward to being the new healthy sober me!
I am so grateful that my coffee is soothing me but also nudging me to get back into bed. I am grateful that i will try to hold off for a few hours and do just that. Grateful that my swelling is starting to go down - can see the shape of my ankles and my rings can move in place.
I am so grateful for meditation and prayer - grateful that i know i need to practice these to help me get through the day positively and i do know that sometimes i just don’t have the energy. Grateful that i can silently practice and build up my energy.
I am so grateful for my sober companions. Grateful for the chance to get to know you all a little more each day. Grateful for your journeys - your stories help me find connection and support. I know we can and will keep fighting for a better healthier life! Yeah to us!
Hoping everyone has a wonderful positively charged Wednesday - sending much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful I’m sober and not hungover.
I’m grateful for coffee and memes to start my TS morning.
I’m grateful for my meeting last night.
I’m so grateful someone showed up with 5 minutes left just to see me. How fucking sweet was that?
I’m grateful for all the shares last night.
I’m grateful I’m good this morning.
I’m grateful plumber is coming this afternoon.
I’m grateful I got a good plumber. And we communicate by text.
I’m grateful for the morning drizzle that is ending and the sun coming out and I’ll get the Ol Burner out in a bit.
I’m grateful my sister has been texting me.
I’m grateful we’re going to chat at 8 while I walk Benson.
I’m grateful together we got a good last bit of the junk stuff sorted and either tossed out or carted to Goodwill.
Grateful most of my grunt work is done.
Grateful I can work on the sellers disclosure :grimacing: Not so much. But it’s not grunt work.
Grateful I found 2 easy British recipes on line. Cottage Pie and a Roaster.
I’m grateful I now know the difference between cottage pie and shepherds pie @Twizzlers cottage pie is beef. Is that right?
Grateful I still think of Twizz when I see my coleus out front. I best get in a pic before I move to show you how much they grown. Not too big. But they have grown. I’m grateful when I live in Cali I can have coleus maybe year round. I’ll give it a try and take you and my sisters memory with me.
I’m grateful it’s all getting closer.
I’m grateful I got just enough scoops of dry dog food for The Burner to last until the 24th. Ya damn right I counted them out :laughing:
Grateful for y’all.


Good morning good buddies! I’m grateful that I’ve been sticking with my little mindfulness sessions through my Healthy Minds app each morning. I think I’m getting better at recognizing unhelpful and intrusive negative thoughts and redirecting by doing a quick mindfulness exercise. Hooray! I’m grateful to look forward to our upcoming road trip with excitement and what I think is a normal amount of pretrip anxiety. I’m grateful things have slowed down a bit at work, and I’m happy that some of our summer interns might choose us as their forever work family after they graduate law school. I’m grateful to have spent my ride to work this beautiful morning thinking about the things to share that I’m grateful for instead of weird negative thoughts spiral, which for some reason happens a lot when I’m biking. Because my body is busy and my mind is running around without supervision? That’s when I’ve noticed that I’m interrupting those thoughts with my mindfulness tools the most. I forgot most of the things I was thinking about in my bike ride except this one: I’m grateful for the people in this space, and to see everyone here working hard to be the best people they can be, to be kind and to support each other, to navigate life and it’s difficulties and the particular difficulties that come with addiction that we all experience, the self-reflection and commitment to change for the better. All of this is hard work, it can be discouraging at times and wonderful and inspiring at times, and everyone manages it the best they can. The grace, kindness and accountability shown here fills my heart.


Right on with this!
love that your daughter is using your Barbie avatar for your phone image :wink:

Hoping everything works out for your daughter and grand babies - hopefully sil will get the help he needs. :pray:


Ah - that is hard when you know the person is not ready - can’t do anything about it unfortunately. I know i was in such heavy denial for so very long.

Grateful that she does have you for support and Al-anon.
You are right - maybe some day :pray:


An anomaly - yeah that is super impressive!

Grateful that you are here with us and that you are GOOD!

Thanks for that ps - grateful to be around you all and consider each of you like family! Grateful that we can help support each other through the sobriety journey :people_hugging:


I’m grateful that a lack of reliable Internet where I am has kept me firmly in ths present and loving every minute, even if it has meant I’ve only been able to check in here briefly and not write.
I’m grateful for sunshine.
I’m grateful for the 15 minute thunder and lightning storm last night which lit up the whole sky and was beautiful to watch.
I’m grateful for being able to swim in the sea.
I’m grateful for all my senses.
I’m grateful for fresh, local fruits and vegetables including some of the best greengages I have ever eaten.
I’m grateful I have been sleeping well.
I’m grateful for my wonderful family.
I’m grateful I have been keeping up with gratitudes and meditation offline and that I wouldn’t have been doung that if this amazing community hadn’t got me into it.
I’m grateful to all of you sober compadres.


Keep up the amazing work you deserve it :purple_heart:


Thank you so much. I agree with trying to be present in the moment. I have a tendency to disassociate when things get overwhelming part of my sobriety journey is definitely learning to just accept whatever thoughts or feelings come up and dealing with them and not trying to just suppress everything. I appreciate your insight. PS the glasses are a filter lol I wish I could find some glasses like that :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m grateful for my recovery, for where I am/we are today.

I’m grateful for this community and its role in my recovery.

I’m grateful I get to work on a whole bunch o’ other stuff about M I didn’t know was there. Like a surprise gift! Or a sewer backup. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
No matter, won’t do any good to avoid it. I’ll welcome it all, (just like Rumi and his Guest house.) Finally, living life as a labour of love for myself.

I’m grateful for my work. For colleagues turned pals.
I’m grateful for taking time to cook and eat yummy healthy meals this week.
I’m grateful that afternoon coffee and nighttime screen time don’t seem to have an effect on my sleep! I enjoy them both. I’m grateful I know though that I gotta get more sleep. G’night G-dudes. :sleeping:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Congrats on the promotion @Cjp! And celebrating sober-style!
Beautiful post @Frazzetta :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful for 18days of sobriety.
Also for being an inspiration for my big brother as he stopped drinking as well. Now there is two of us in the family choosing a better life and supporting each other😇
I’m grateful for spending my 35th birthday sober with my family today🎂


Mid morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I was too tired to read and post yesterday evening after group therapy. I’m grateful for group therapy. For the shares, for the discussions, for the ability to learn to sit patiently and listen when it’s not a topic I engage or a person who talks stuff that is way out of the therapy focus. I think @Dazercat mentioned once a person with a repetitive sharing style, he once learned that this is the way this person finds help in AA and the episode reminded him to respect and take what is useful and leave the rest. Hope I remember correctly Eric? Yesterday I trained this ability and at the feedback round I found honest, positive words to reflect on the whole session and to express that I did not engage as much as usual on the topics without justifying myself. I’m very grateful for it. Another step to become a better version of myself.

I’m grateful for my lovely cats. I groomed them yesterday and they are super fluffy. I have to deep clean the living room :grimacing: Cathair everywhere, they shed. Autumn is around the corner according to cats.

I’m grateful I enjoy the last two weeks of August in the calmness and lazyness I’ve been practicing in my childhood and youth, at the lake with my parents, just sleeping, eating, reading, watching a bit TV (only 2 channels then), having good times with friends and lazying around. I’m grateful for the wonderful memories engraved in my brain and soul of sailing in the lazy august heat, swimming, reading the same 30 comics for 25 years every summer, falling asleep in the summer breeze to the soft stomping of the boat. I’m grateful for the gift of deeply relaxing memories :pray:

I’m grateful these days I feel more and more grounded and light. I’m grateful that I will nap a bit now. Cat chores are done, outside it’s hot, the rain yesterday evening watered the garden and I allow myself to enjoy this time of the year to the fullest. And by enjoy I mean sleep, read, eat, cuddle cats, see friends and forget about all the sorrows and issues in my life. They pause now. I think people call such time vaccation. Except I’m home :blush: I’m deeply grateful I feel ok again. ODAAT :pray:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful for Beans curled up next to me while I drink my coffee. :black_cat:
I’m grateful the Advil is kicking in and my headache is easing up.
I’m grateful nightmares aren’t real and will eventually fade from my mind.
I’m grateful I have therapy today.
I’m grateful I have vacation in 2 weeks. I’m visiting my mom (who conveniently lives near the beach)
I’m grateful I scheduled a massage for this weekend.
I’m grateful for all of you!

Progress not perfection.
We are all just trying the best we can.