Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning sober family,

@KarenKW i see you. Hope that headache improves

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 473 days free from weed and alcohol
16 days free from all my addictions!
Today i didnt wake up and crave nicotine. This is huge!
Slept well
Hubby got home in time to tuck me into bed
Boscoe cuddles
Productive work week
Nieces and nephews back to school photos and updates
Greatful tears
Full heart
Therapy saturday
All of you!

This community is a blessing


Today I am grateful that even though I have to wake up way earlier than normal to be to work early I still had the motivation to get up even earlier to give myself time to doy journal and gratefulness post for the day!


It’s a beautiful Thursday morning and I am here a few days earlier than usual.

I’m firing up my gratitude thread as I head into the weekend of my son’s wedding.

I’m grateful to be sober and I’m looking forward to being truly present for this happy event.

I’m grateful to be sober and have a variety of coping strategies for my anxiety and emotional excitement. Checking in here is a key strategy for me. I hope this kind community will help me stay grounded.

I’m grateful that my husband is sober as well and that my sober brother will be with me. This is a Wisconsin wedding, so there will be a lot of drinking. I’m glad to not be alone.

I’m grateful that my ex husband and I have maintained a positive relationship and we can bring all the branches of our son’s family together with love.

I’m grateful my mother is alive and able to be a part of this celebration.

I’m grateful to have my siblings and others to attend to my mother so she doesn’t make me too crazy.

I’m grateful to have such a wonderful bride joining our family. She has been a joy to embrace and love with my son.

I’m grateful you are here. Let’s do this!


HAPPY 35th Birthday.

Love your 18 days of sobriety and how you are being such an amazing positive influence for your brother. Much happiness and health for you both! Have a great day celebrating you!


Grateful that you are still able to connect with us but also enjoy your vacation. Swimming in the sea sounds lovely – hope you keep enjoying your time away!
@cjp WOW – it is huge to wake up feeling alive and with no cravings! So amazing – now that you are not constantly fighting those cravings - you will be able to start seeing all the benefits to an addiction free life. So frickin happy for you CJ!
@lab Have a wonderful weekend celebrating. We will be right here for you if you should need – have a wonderful time.

Thursday morning gratitude’s with my wonderful friends
I am so grateful to be up and out of bed. Enjoying my coffee at the kitchen table while catching up here.
I am so grateful that the sun is shining and weather says it should be 73 degrees for a high - i am hoping i can manage this. Everything looks so beautiful and green.
I am so grateful that my cousin misread the ticket and they will need to leave at 6 am instead of 11 so that means they have to stay with us since my brother is driving them in the morning - i do get to see them for a bit more time. Grateful that it will be very low key as i’m still recovering from my last attempt at being social.
I am so grateful that my brother called and told me i shouldn’t try and bake anything for their travels. I feel so relieved as i don’t have the strength but was going to push through. Today i am going to focus on me - push through for me.
I am so grateful for gluten free pancake mix - going to make some for breakfast with some espresso :thinking: :yum:
I am so grateful that i get excited for picking out my sobriety gifts. I have the perfect necklace picked out for my 9 month which is over a month away but i don’t want to jinx it by ordering too early but it is also coming from a different country so not sure how long shipping takes. Think i will practice patience and wait to make the purchase. It is just so exciting rewarding myself for living a healthier life (and not by doing something that would negate all my efforts)
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful for our closeness and our compassion for one another. Grateful that we are able to show support and love and no judgement.
I am so grateful that i am going to try and start up my routines again. I feel like i’ve been slacking for too many days. Grateful that i took the time to rest but i know i need to get out of this funk.
I am so grateful for all the conveniences - we live far enough from town but so close to grocery stores, gas stations and highways.
I am so grateful for the power of the mind - grateful that I know I have the ability to heal myself and my mind can provide all the positivity i require to keep momentum
I am so grateful for prayer / meditation / music / comedy - laughter/ connections to friends, to myself and to my Higher Power.
I am so grateful for the ability to cry and release. Grateful for “this too shall pass”.
I am so grateful for this community and my sober companions. Grateful to have found you and for all the love / support i’ve gained by being here. Grateful that in 6 months i’ve made life long friendships. Love this app and this community!
Wishing everyone a positively charged addiction free Thursday! Sending much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning! I am grateful for a lovely morning, an uneventful stroll with the dog, a nice bike ride although it’s super windy and also I think I have to check the air pressure in my tires. I’m grateful it’s date night, and I’m grateful it’s somehow Thursday? I’m grateful to have lunch plans with my bestie. I’m grateful for sweaters and hot tea and dandelion coffee. I’m grateful for this mornings reminder that enduring wellbeing depends on finding happiness and contentment in my own self instead of tying it to outside events. That’s a tough one for me, but I’m grateful to be working on it and I think, hopefully, making progress!


Never heard of this…going to google now. :thinking: love the great benefits of dandeloins and i am addicted to coffee :rofl:…thank you for introducing me to something new

Sounds like a lovely way to start the day. Think you are making great progress :clap:


I’m grateful I got to sleep in a bit. That’s 6:45 for this AFOG :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful I already had 2 Alice sessions this morning.
Grateful I woke up and Daisy was already on my chest.
Grateful for coffee and hot tea and I got everyone fed.

Grateful when God gives me exactly what I need.
I’m grateful I like to go back to basics.
Whether it’s step 1 or surrendering on the daily. But I’m grateful this weeks back to basics for me is the Serenity Prayer. And my first reading this morning :point_up::pray:t2:. I’m grateful I was saying the serenity prayer over and over and I even got it mixed up. I said to myself god,……grant me the Courage To Accept The Things I cannot Change. I’m grateful I thought. “That’s cool :sunglasses: “ I’m grateful IT IS taking me courage to accept the things I cannot change. I’m grateful I’m making progress.

I’m grateful I was thinking just like the reading says. I just been “saying” it so long over and over again by “rote.” I don’t even think about it :pensive: I’m grateful I got to learn a new word today. Rote.

I’m grateful I know what my topic is next time I find myself leading a meeting.

I’m grateful for the interrupted text messages with my daughter this morning and I put my morning stuff aside to play with her. The Bus schedule has been off a bit :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but it’s getting better. I’m grateful Gus gets his 7 month chip today. I’m grateful my daughter said it will be exciting to have me settle down and live by family in Cali.

I’m grateful for the conversation I had with my sister on my dog walk yesterday. I’m grateful she had fantastic summer travel adventures with her immediate family.

I’m grateful I got my own adventures coming up and they also include more traveling besides just moving.

I’m grateful for the gratitude practice and it works if I let it. :pray:t2:

And I’m most grateful to be able to share with my dearest sober fam right here. 🫶🏼
:pray:t2: :heart:

God grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot
the courage to change the
things I can and
the wisdom to know
it’s me


Ya they are @Sasxoxo :sunglasses:
Randy Rainbow cool :rainbow:


Purrfect :kissing_cat:
Well done.

Staycation :blush:


Awww, thank you Eric! Staycation is the word :blush: I’m grateful for staycation! I’m grateful I even fell asleep twice in the afternoon while reading. I’m grateful for a voucher I found by chance, it made food delivery cheaper than cooking by myself today.

I’m grateful Missi was on her Mami for hours today, never too much catlove :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful I did some office work today, stress free and one step after another. Payed bills, did some organizing stuff, petted the bigfoot and the old boy who occupied the desk.
I’m grateful I feel at peace and I’m in bed already. I’m grateful this day felt smooth and comfy from morning to evening. What a gift :pray:
I’m grateful I only texted today, I did not feel talkative, it would have disturbed the flow of relaxing, resting and being just me. ODAAT.


Thank you​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it’s been a really good day​:birthday:


Well friends, I took a good step this afternoon on a thing that has been upsetting me.

My family of origin has some pretty awful trauma in its history and has lots of reasons to try to be humble and kind. That, however, is not always the strong suit of my 77 year old mother.

As we approach the wedding of my oldest son, her arrogance and know it all attitude gains strength. I’m smart enough to know that is actually anxiety, but dang, it’s not been easy.

Today she got going again and I successfully addressed it! I did not just swallow my feelings, something I used to do with giant bottles of wine. I calmly expressed that this behavior is hurting my feelings and I need it to stop. We are both excited and anxious about this celebration and criticism is not helping.

She agreed and took responsibility and apologized. Oh my goodness, I did it! At age 58 I worked on a thing with my mom and did not need to be numbed to do it!

Onward! Tomorrow brings my newly recovering brother. Whew!

Thanks for being here and letting me vent and celebrate my little step.


This is a huge step and its anazing how well you handled it. So happy for you. It just makes this whole weekend even more special.


Thank you!


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that there is always more but just for tonight I am going to keep it simple.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to be courageous.

p.s. You are flawsome. Ya you!! :wink:


I am grateful it’s Friday and my last day of work. One week of vacation coming up :tada:
I am really excited to spent some time among trees, birds and mushrooms.
I am grateful summer is back for a visit.
I am grateful autumn is not far away.
I love the change of seasons.
I am grateful I learn to keep toxic people at arms length away, not cutting them off, but giving them time and space to find their way to a better, happier place. It’s their task, not mine.
Grateful for the meme Erik posted on the other threat about codependency.
Grateful for curiosity and endless options to learn every day. Grateful for music from my kitchen radio.

Love being happy and flawsome @I.cant.We.can


That’s really great! Setting boundaries and expressing one’s own needs and the way we want to be treated can be so scary when it all happens in our heads. Happy it turned out to be such a good experience for the two of you.


Thank you.


Happy Friday morning!

Today I am grateful to be sober and working on my recovery from not only my addiction to alcohol, but the traumas of my family of origin. Statistics would say that my siblings and I could likely have not made it alive to this amazing middle age. But we did and we are thriving.

I am grateful for this community and platform. I have learned so much here and I continue to be inspired by your experiences and your work to make a better life. If you can do it, I can do it too. When we know better, we do better.

I an grateful that I will get to see my brother in person today. Today is 85 days sober for him from a bad case of the opiate prescription pills. His journey has been very difficult and I have been blessed to have been the one he called when he figured out he had to make a change. Daily contact by phone has been our connection. Im looking forward to laying eyes and a hug on him today.

I am grateful that I got good sleep last night. My little dust up with my mother and our resolution to do better helped me calm the F down. Hopefully she will too.

I am grateful to be married to a man who has worked hard on his recovery and has some idea what I am feeling about all this.

I am grateful that the wedding couple is stable and loving and capable and are pulling all of this off without much need for anything but minor help. Grownup!

I am grateful that i will get to welcome my other son and his girl home from California tomorrow!!

I am grateful that all of this is happening close to my home so I can keep to my favorite routines. They calm me.

I’m grateful for a beautiful summer morning, my sobriety, my good health, my family.

Have a beautiful day everyone!