Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I’m full of gratitude. Let’s go backwards.
I’m grateful for

  • the noisy hedgehog behind me sniffing and munching through the high weeds in my garden :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • the wonderful evening I spent with my friedns chatting and enjoying each other
  • being able and on time to prepare food and clean up the garden mess
  • therapy. My therapist was excited when I mentioned a new era started with doing my teeth and digged deeper. There was so much more I didn’t recognize. Maybe a new era for me started silently until all the babysteps added up to be seen and recognized. I feel content, a bit overwhelmed and it makes sense :pray:
  • siesta with cats instead of buzzing around. Everything turned out fine in the evening and I had some rest instead of stress. I’m grateful I come to terms how to manage things and trust myself again :pray:
  • driving to the farm and do necessary work. Very emotional. Now that I checked on issues and set up things I feel a lot better. Happy. Relieved. It was ok, I was ok, no big deal :pray:
  • doing office work in the morning with a lot of cattitude :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Final check on my mum’s heritage is finished and submitted.

I love Ferragosto, it’s such a powerful time. I’m deeply grateful that I’m me again. At least on a good way to become me again. I’m grateful for freedom, the life I live and all my blessings. I’m grateful I’m a caring person and I learn to let go. I’m grateful my ex is my ex and the way I feel, care, think about him changes :pray: I’m grateful there is no more anger, just insight that he has been always like this. I was the one who masked it. It’s my turn to let go of expectations and I’m fine with that today. ODAAT


Thank you for saying my gratitudes have made your evening. You saying that now makes mine!! Haha. How amazing this is. Im humbled and proud that I can be a part of the journey with so many others. Thank you😇


I am thankful for a friend who I broke connection with during my early days of sobriety. 29 days now sober she texted me to reconnect. Grateful to be sober and live in the moment and focus on the moment.


@dazercat Grateful that you are home safely and hoping that Burner is doing well and eating now that you are home
@soberbilly Grateful for your gratitude’s – love the a-z :wink: you are such a sweet soul!
@erntedank Hell Yeah to all of it – what a fucking amazing gratitude girl! I was highlight my favorite portion but it’s all my favorite! Absolutely rocking this and grateful that you are finding your way back to being you again :people_hugging:
@mia2 absolutely love that we could each make each others day :wink: Have a wonderful evening dear friend
@tailee17 love love love seeing you back on the threads! So grateful to your 29 days and counting.

I am filled with love and gratitude today. I am grateful to have had the energy and push through today – I am not well now but I did manage a full 2 days with my cousin and her family. Her eldest daughter kept hugging me and said that she already misses me and wants to spend more time together – that was sweet to hear. I am grateful that I came home and ate something (we have been on the go all day and I can’t eat out due to my restrictive diet so its been a loooong day. I am now in bed and catching up here. Grateful that I am exhausted and will be sleeping at a decent hour tonight. Grateful for my doctors appointment being at 10 tomorrow so I will have some time to relax in the am. Sweet dreams my dear friends – I hope everyone had a wonderful addiction free day – sending much love


I’m on day 2 after a binge and blackout on Saturday. It’s scary. I keep thinking the cops will show up, I’ll get a nasty letter from my apartment, or something.

But I reminded myself I’ve been through worse. I’ve woken up in the hospital before. I’m alive. Whatever happens I’ll sort it out. My therapist said that I have a need to control my life, and the moments I lost are this ambiguous situation I can’t control. As is my relationship with booze.

I have a wonderful boyfriend and supporting family. I’ve been on this platform on and off for years. It makes me feel less ridiculous and embarrassed. I feel like I’m the only one sometimes. Thank you all.


This was beautiful. I’m glad to read all of it.


I’m grateful for a good Monday.

I’m grateful I had a big task at my desk - I started, I did it, I finished - and in between I giggled like a teenager at barbie selfies. I saw Billy’s (wtf? i look the same) just before my online Dharma meeting and I lost it. I couldn’t focus at first during meditation - kept giggling. But, as Anne Lamott has said, laughter is carbonated holiness. :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for my meeting tonight. Heartfelt shares. There is a lot of painful stuff going on in people’s lives. I’m grateful for my Sangha. I’m grateful for this home thread and forum. For all of us finding a new way to deal with the pain of life. For finding gratitude in the midst of it all.

I’m grateful for the basics. Food in my frig. Chores to do - it means I have a home. Work on my desk - it means I have a job. A dirty car from driving to my camping adventures the last few weeks. Friends I can call family. The dog girl and even her dad, that he is in my family of friends.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God for helping me abstain from my addictions while following his will, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I got notified today that I start in a new department, on a different shift this coming Monday. I’m grateful that I am going to remind the manager he said we’ll talk about a raise. I’m grateful when I got called to the office on Friday, I wasn’t in trouble, it was to tell me they see me working hard, being clean, not clean and sober, which I have admitted, Im grateful I recover out loud, but shaving, tucking in my shirt, smiling, being positive and wanted to give me a chance to learn another department and advance. I’m working on being grateful that means no more 8a.m. -5p.m. stocking shelves and dealing with customers, where I thrive, its 5:30a.m-2:30p.m. receiveing the transport truck deliveries and learning more about how the warehouse works. I’m grateful I spoke up at my home group tonight and said that I need to not just call the newcomers and my sponsor but to also call the longtimers regardless if I think they are doing well and not just because I need someting, all the connections can be worked and have value. I’m grateful for music, prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for starting to understand that the traditions are to the group what the steps are to the individual. I’m grateful for humor, laughter and sports.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Today I am grateful for…

@Soberbilly Billy–I’m grateful for you, too! :grin:

*Healthy food and time to cook quality meals.
*The money to keep my cupboards and fridge stocked with food. And to be able to buy little luxuries like non alcoholic drinks and treats for the dogs.
*Being able to witness my 80-year-old dad’s positive attitude toward life. He cleaned up a space in a cluttered room, set up a puzzle table, started a 1000 piece puzzle, and then McGyvered a lamp just for it! I admire him so much.
*The non alcoholic drinks my mom picked up for me at the store.
*My mom starting her new part-time job this Wednesday, so she’s (hopefully) not so anxious about money.
*My boyfriend’s pay raise at his new-ish job. He’s earned it for sure.
*My cold is not as bad as it could be. I credit that to healthier eating, exercise, and definitely being sober!
*Nice weather. Not too hot, not too cold.
*TS support and compassion. You’re all my sober cheerleaders :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


Good evening. :sparkles:

I am grateful for the days when I see 182 backed up gratitude posts. What a gift we have been given, a break from our old thinking patterns, a new way to live.

I am grateful to have sold my jewelry at my first artisan market, i made some money, got some great feedback and made some good connections. I am grateful that G came with me he is a much better peopler than I. He did all the mingling while I quietly knotted a mala and did sales, I am grateful we balance each other out. I think I am slowly finding my niche.

I am grateful for the constant reminders I am sent that I am on the right path.
I am so tired I can’t write anymore, and im so grateful that today thats ok. My best is enough.


Wow @Soberbilly this really hit home today. Thank you!

I’m grateful to be back on the gratitude thread.
I’m grateful for another day sober. I’ll be back to 30 days later today.
I’m grateful for coffee especially when I don’t sleep well. Even if it is only “half caf”
I’m grateful for vacation at the end of the month.
I’m grateful to be working on myself. I just have to remind myself that it’s a slow process and there is no quick fix. And I’m not broken in need of fixing. I’m human.
I’m grateful for a good laugh with all the Barbie (and Ken) pics.
I’m grateful for all of you.


@sasxoxo how are you feeling today? Hope the mental health day yesterday did all that it needed to do :people_hugging:

Great job with your 2 now 3 days of sobriety. Glad to have you back with us. Love that here you can be completely yourself and work through all that needs to working with no judgment. Are you doing anything in real life to help keep you on the sober track – changing up your routines? Or attending support groups or adding hobbies / activities to keep you distracted? Wishing you all the luck and happy to have you on the journey with us
@i.cant.we.can So grateful that you are doing so well and already after a few months advancing in your job! Way to go!!! I do like that you are working on broadening your connections and keeping them active. Ya You!
@KarenKW Congrats on your 30! that is awesome Karen - love that line “not broken in need of fixing. i’m human” — so right on!

It’s Tuesday - a very happy Tuesday morning to all you beautiful souls!
I am so grateful for being able to sleep - timer says 7 hours. It’s hard to believe as i am so exhausted but glad that it could be worse. Grateful for my 1st cup of coffee that i chugged like water - hopefully will be able to savor this next one :yum:
I am so grateful that i woke up today with a sense of being. I am not super great today but i know this wont last. Grateful for clean lungs and fresh air - taking in breathes of life.
I am so grateful that i have my doctor’s appointment this morning to discuss the ovarian cyst. Hoping that they can start me on Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). We shall see.
I am grateful that i am letting the tears flow and the allowing myself to feel the frustration of not being ok. I am constantly trying to remind myself of the hell i went through at the beginning of all of this and where i am now is so much better. I fucking got this! I will be fine - just need more “me” time to heal. I guess i can’t really mingle at the moment - grateful that we have no more family visiting after this so i will have all the “me” time with no obligations
I am so grateful that i sense a storm coming- i do love the smell in the air, the coolness all around and how the skies prepare for the thunder / lightening. I just want to curl up in bed and enjoy the sounds - hopefully it will hold out till after my appointment so that i can enjoy it properly (i do hate driving in it - lol)
I am so grateful for support - my immediate family is unreal but the support from my extended family is also amazing. I am grateful for connecting with my cousins kids (my 2nd cousins i guess) – we have vowed to stay in touch (love that this is possible with video chats and WhatsApp.
I am so grateful that I do not have anything major planned for today. I unfortunately was unable to find my US passport so will not be able to go to Cananda today to renew my Canadian passport (will sign over a proxy). Gives me more time to search for my US one - not like i’m going anywhere anytime soon.
I am so grateful that as i look at my stuff - i really don’t have all that much (i do try to live minimally and hopefully now will be able to shed even more unnecessary crap). I had 1 car load of my personal stuff then the rest was either bakery stuff or Halloween stuff (i had 3 car loads of Halloween stuff - yikes – now trying to give some away to those that can use it.
I am so grateful that my favorite season is coming up and i have to mentally prepare that i won’t be galivanting around haunted houses, orchards and the like. I can still enjoy my movies and the weather. Can still hand out candy for the kids (hopefully will be able to dress up :wink:)
I am so grateful that i was able to play on a playground when we took everyone to Frog Island Park - loved swinging (felt so free and childlike). Tried to climb jungle gym but i wore myself out with the swing. All good - at least i got to experience the fun.
I am so grateful for this life we have! Grateful for practices that help us make it better and easier to live. For me I lean towards my meditation and prayer. Grounding practices that allow me to connect to my HP and also remind me that i need to surrender and slow down. The slow down portion i’m still working on.
I am so grateful for all of you here - showing up daily for yourselves and others. Grateful for my friendships and support system. Grateful for all of us fighting another 24 hours!
Wishing everyone a wonderful positively charged addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
471 days free from weed and alcohol
2 weeks free from all my addictions
Woke up and got a decent workout in
Barbie and ken pics
Got thru monday
Trying not to stress over the hubbys chores piling up…erg
Good relationships at work
Healthy, yummy food
Sobriety and its blessings
All of you and this amazing community.

Peace and love


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I got to sleep in a bit this morning. I’m grateful I get to sit in my rocking chair, sip coffee, and do my gratitude before work. I’m grateful most of my seedlings are alive still. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Today I am feeling rested and I am realizing I actually made it through 3 weekends sober it feels almost normal to just stay home on the weekends now. Thank you for checking in @JazzyS


I’m grateful for a lovely morning, and a mostly quiet walk with the dogs, a nice bike ride to work. The sun was rising and the air was cool. Something made my skin start to itch all over and I thought I was getting hives but then it stopped before I took antihistamines so I’m grateful for that but I’d certainly also be grateful to know what the heck that was all about so I can avoid it in the future. I’m grateful to see what looks like maybe some little buds on my Habanada after nearly giving up hope that it would produce any peppers. Fingers crossed! I’m grateful for my home, job, family, and friends. I’m grateful to be sober and happy and loved.


I’m grateful I got the dog walked.
I’m grateful for coffee and memes.
I’m grateful for my music.
I’m grateful I made it home safe.
I’m grateful for the cool mountain weather up here.

I’m grateful for the serenity prayer and a post I saved from @rainn666 a long time ago that I came across yesterday.
That was you right? @Mephistopheles ?
I’m grateful I need to start praying the serenity prayer every morning. I did it for awhile. Acceptance is key you said. Why would I intentionally want to hurt myself expecting things to go my way. Which of course is a set up for resentment and anger.

I’m grateful I had such a wonderful time by myself in Scottsdale.
I’m grateful I caught myself in an Al-Anon slip last night and this morning. Unfortunately I couldn’t get out of it. But I caught myself. And I been praying the serenity prayer ever since.

I’m grateful I’m realizing I’m not just playing Charlie Brown, when Charlie Brown comes running down to kick that football Lucy is setting up for him. At this point I’m grateful I know I’m playing both Charlie Brown and Lucy. I set my self up for my own failure.
And I think it’s not my fault.

I’m grateful I’m good now. Currently.
I’m grateful for gratitude.
I’m grateful for this forum.
I’m grateful I can go to an in person meeting every day this week. Except Sunday.
I’m grateful I got my home group tonight.
Maybe if no one is leading tonight I can choose the serenity prayer for the topic.
I need more of that.
Thank you.
:pray:t2: :football: :heart:

I remember this from my sons rehab.

I walk down the street.…
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in.
I am lost … I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes me forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place
but, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in … it’s a habit.
my eyes are open
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street.


Today I’m grateful for household appliances helping me to get the kids ready for the first day back at school tomorrow. I’m grateful I was able to get most of their school supplies during an outing on foot as we live near the city centre. I was grateful I was able to order what I couldn’t find in the shops online and will probably receive in a day or two.
I’m grateful for the lovely dinner we had with great sausages I bought in town and kale that we’ve grown in a window box. I’m grateful I’ve just finished washing the dishes and the kitchen is clear for our breakfast tomorrow morning. I’m grateful that the kids are doing more for themselves nowadays and it’s not all down to me anymore. I’m grateful for my kids. They’re both growing into such lovely people.


Thank you for being here


Today I’m grateful my favourite season starts. Ferragosto is a holiday here. The nights become cooler, the days shorter, at noon it’s still hot. I’m grateful the second half of august is the transit from summer to autumn here. I’m grateful I celebrated today with sleep - eat - sleep - eat - lazying around. I’m grateful I cooked. I’m grateful the cats and I cuddled a lot. I’m grateful I feel relaxed. I’m grateful this is a short week and I hope I can do more relaxing and resting. The balance and equanimity I felt in the morning before I fell asleep again was lightening my heart. I’m grateful for a long shower, morning chores and then falling asleep again with purring cats on me.
I’m grateful I allow myself to enjoy a day off :pray: