Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful it’s Friday.
I’m grateful I only have 7 more work days before vacation.
I’m grateful for my cats even when they wake me up extra early.
I’m grateful the headache I woke up with is mostly better.
I’m grateful to be learning more about ADHD and how a lot of what I thought were character flaws are just my brain being wired differently. It’s weird having what goes on in my head explained so clearly by others. I’m not bad or broken, just different. And the world is not very accommodating so things that other people find easy will be much harder for me.

Progress not perfection.
I am enough.


Good morning sober fam,

Im behind on this thread so i’ll go back and catchup after i share my gratitude. I love how active everyones gratitude practice is. Its a beautiful thing.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 17 days free from all *harmful addictions…what can i say i have an addictive personality and picked up a sparkling water habit BUT its not harmful sooo…17 days yay
Woke up and worked out
Get to work from home today
A beautiful sunrise…my pic doesnt do it justice
Its friday!
Im joyful
Time to do chores
I get to go supermarket sweeping
Healthy eating
Hubby love
Boscoe love
AA ladies
This amazing community and all the gratidudes

What a day to have a beautiful day!


Congrats on voicing your concern with your mom and getting a positive result!! @LAB great work!


I’m grateful to have a purring warm Alice on my lap.
Grateful I went to bed too early and got up too early.
Grateful for the rain.

I’m grateful I’m handy enough, barley, to touch up picture holes in the wall and I do say it came out quite well. Eventually.
I’m grateful I basically have the sellers disclosure :grimacing: done :blush:
I’m grateful yesterday was an easy day.

I’m grateful my black bean crunch wraps for dinner came out decently.

I’m grateful for the serenity prayer and the courage to change. Change my way and ways of thinking. And no one else’s.

I’m grateful for the Friday night meeting. I’m new to it. I like it. I’m grateful it’s kind of just an open unstructured meeting with familiar people from all the other meetings during the week.

I’m grateful I am trying really hard to empathize and find compassion for my wife as she is having such anxiety, stress and sadness from the past 6 weeks and just isn’t able to function. I’m grateful for my, live in, reminder of why I don’t drink all day and night anymore. And I’m grateful I know to keep my mouth shut about it. And Serenity Now :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for all the moving, cleaning out energy I do have. I’m grateful I take time to myself and rest and or meditate most afternoons. I’m grateful I’m not doing as much as I normally would have done. I’m grateful to save some shit for the movers.

I’m grateful for “my git’er done,” skills. Sometimes it bites me in the ass. I need a fucking battery and I have no idea where I packed them already :grimacing: but I’m grateful the store has some and it’s no big deal if I buy 2.

I’m grateful I’m not in charge of dinner tonight. I’m grateful I booked our last nice Saturday dinner out for tomorrow.

I’m grateful for gratitude and gratidudes.

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.”
Grenville Kleiser
So……laugh it up fuckers :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I am grateful its my Friday and I am grateful that I have stopped focusing so hard on the number of days I have been sober… It’s starting to feel more natural now I do know I am getting close to 30 days I think I’m on like day 26 right now :slightly_smiling_face:


This morning I am grateful for:

  • inspiration (I got some ideas yesterday that can help me with a challenge I’m facing now)
  • my recovery contacts, here on Talking Sober and in my recovery group in my city (I am grateful to be able to connect, to not be alone, to have and to give support)
  • my wife, who shared her insight and support with me, and who walks with me on our life path (not an easy walk and it takes lots of empathy)

Thanks friends; take care today.


Hello friends! There is a lot to be grateful, this day and every day, but this day I’m feeling extra grateful I guess! I’m grateful to have had a nice date night last night, even though I slipped on a patch of sand turning a corner on my motorcycle and wiped out. I’m grateful nothing got hurt but my ego. I’m grateful for a beautiful morning, I’m grateful for my sweet man. I’m grateful to look forward to a weekend at home, plans with friends, and only one more week of work until our road trip. I’m grateful that the BF takes such good care of me, the dogs and our home, and (this week specifically, because we had a crazy hailstorm) I’m glad that he handles things like insurance claims and home repairs and all that–im grateful that we are a good team, and that we each have our strengths and appreciate each other’s contributions. I’m grateful for today’s reflection in my Healthy Minds app, which was a meditation on the internal and external conditions that all have to converge for me to be just where I am now. It’s a good reminder to be grateful that even though the road has been rough, I should still be grateful for it because it brought me here. It’s nice to be reminded that I can have that perspective rather than just looking back at choices I’ve made with only shame and regret and using them as an opportunity to put myself down. Last but not least I am so grateful it’s Friday, y’all! Let’s get this workday done!


Happy Friday my beautiful sober companions

I am so grateful for reading Eric’s quote today – Thank you for reminder to laugh it up! Will do
I am so grateful for almond yogurt (tastes heavenly). Yogurt was the one thing i missed when becoming vegan and the soy or coconut ones just did not taste right to me. Not sure if it is as good as real yogurt but after 3.5 years it tastes perfect to me. Can’t believe i just discovered it a few months ago.
I am so grateful for being able to get up in time for deliveries this morning. My brother had to take my cousin’s to Windsor to catch a train to Toronto. Grateful that the trip went smoothly and it was a lot of fun visiting with everyone.
I am so grateful that i don’t really have much on schedule for today. I am exhausted and body is screaming so i plan to find the perfect spot where the sun is shining through and get a peaceful nap
I am grateful that we do get some great sunshine in the living room - grateful for the high ceilings and tall windows.
I am so grateful for being indoors with AC - it’s only 70 degrees but the sun is feeling super hot today.
I am so grateful that i was able to do a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood this morning.
I am so grateful for family, community, unconditional love, support from my Higher Power, meditation and prayer practices, mindful body scans, deep breathing, living life at a decent pace (learning to not always be on the go), mother nature
I am so grateful for delicious healthy foods, Ayurvedic practices, yoga (light body stretches)
I am so grateful for a cozy bed and comfy cloths
I am so grateful for this community and all of YOU!
Wishing everyone a addiction free day - sending much love


Wow, your mom looks absolutely fantastic!! I share the sentiment. I am always really grateful my granny is still around. She’s the same age as your mom and quite the impressive lady as well.


Today I’m grateful for another good day of staycation.
I’m grateful I did some chores, cooked, read, cuddled cats and relaxed. I’m grateful I texted and called with friends. I’m grateful for this peaceful day. I’m grateful for all my blessings. I’m grateful I’m good at ignoring my mess and relax. I’m grateful my mess is moderate. I’m grateful I missed my ex only a little bit today whilst cooking. I’m grateful I’m able to shoo such feelings in a kind way most times. ODAAT.


I’m grateful for another sober day.
I’m grateful for rest and relaxation.
I’m grateful for new experiences.
I’m grateful for the smell of jasmine flowers.
I’m grateful for this life.
I’m grateful for all of you, for your stories, strength and sobriety.


What am I grateful for right now?

The knowledge that I can improve my life, and have the will to do so! That I’ve come as far as I have… :seedling:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that no one showed up for my NA homegroup except for three bikers from Toronto. I’m grateful for the free concert featuring local talent that I stopped to watch on the way to and from the meeting. I’m grateful for bbq’d sausages courtesy of a local church at dinnertime. I’m grateful it was a productive day at work. I’m grateful to have Netflix again and to be enjoying catching up on the DC series Flash. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation.

May our higher powers teach us how to forgive.

p.s. Don’t ever forget you’re incredible. Ya you!!


Wrapping up this day with gratitude.

I woke up early, not far from my open window, as usual. Smoke so thick. There’s fires to the north - and further, west and south - of me. But this smoke is from the Yellowknife and Fort Smith fires. Both places I’ve been to, lots. Was unsettled all morning, unfocused though I have much to focus on. Realized that if this was still the before times, I’d have likely justified knocking off at noon to get an early start - without any real conscious thought.

Sat with myself instead. Just sat. Tears. But of course, I mean, trees are some of my best friends.

And all of those people displaced. I checked with evacuated pals, they’re okay.

Grateful it’s not the before times. Grateful I can sit with myself and discomfort, and then let myself feel it all. Grateful for coffee and a walk through my forested trail to set the day right again.

I’m grateful I listened to good music tonight and cooked up the tired things into yummy veggie chili. I’m grateful I’ll get some good sleep tonight. There might even be a sleep in. :wink: I’m grateful I will wake up tomorrow without a hangover or shame. Able to putter and get my weekend things done and still tend to my feelings.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Proud o’ you, @LAB! And sending my huge congrats on this event, and your ability to treasure the moments of it. Grateful for our sobrieties!


Checking in grateful for my evening. I am overflowing with happiness at the life I am allowing to unfold. I am so very grateful I decided to try sobriety 548 days ago.

If you are in the beginning and finding it tough, like I did, keep at it. Life is better sober and you deserve that better life. Love to all ya’ll. 🫶🏼


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful I enjoy the lazy heat of late August. It’s calming and idle, I flow in a state of half opened eyes ready for a nap all day. I’m grateful I slept well and dreamed of dogs. Must be an echo of the lovely documentary about dogs I watched yesterday evening. I’m grateful for documentaries.

I’m grateful I lie in bed (still) and watch my thoughts coming and going. The birds are chirping, the breeze airing the house gets warmer, soon I’ll close the windows. I’m grateful I heard my neighbour’s guests sing him happy birthday an hour ago. He turns 80, I like him, he and his wife are kind and nice people.

I’m grateful that I ask myself why I worry. I worry that I have to get back to working as usual soon. I need to question this attitude. I’m free. There is no need for this pattern anymore. I can stay in this flow of deep relaxation. I’m able to keep up with everything without stressing myself. I literally see that it works every day. Sad as it is sometimes, I want to be grateful for the easing that comes with living alone and only caring for myself. I think I feel the burden of caring for my late mum and struggling with my ex lifting after a year of mourning. I’m grateful I slowly realize it’s necessary to care for myself as I cared for them.
I’m grateful I need to get up now. A friend is coming over for brunch in an hour :blush:


Thank you.

Yes grateful for our sobriety.

You and your friends are on my mind as you all deal with the fires. I think of all the life and lives being impacted. Be safe.


Thank you!


And here we are at Saturday, so grateful to be sober and healthy this morning.

I’m grateful for all of you and the support you have shared with me as I go through the days to celebrate my son and his bride. Today is the family pre party, we are hosting it at my mother’s house this evening.

She has been kind to let us use her large house and large lawn. I’m grateful for that, especially as the kids asked for it to be there.

I’m grateful that my brother and his daughter arrived safely and I got to spend some time with them.

I’m grateful my aunt is with us and is such a loving and amazing woman. She exudes joy and care.

I’m grateful my ex husband and my “current” husband are kind to each other.

I’m grateful to be in a some control of my emotions and anxiety. Dang, feeling the feels is crazy!

I’m grateful that I will get to see my younger son today as well. I have not seen him in person in almost 2 years. Yikes! I have intentions of changing that too.

I’m grateful to live in a safe and cozy and calm home with a sober husband and my pets.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for strategies to help me stay calm.

I wish you all a safe and decent Saturday!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
475 days free from weed and alcohol
18 days free from vaping
Woke up refreshed
Have my meals and nutrition planned
Doing a 90min workout then therapy
Excited for therapy to tell her i actually quit vaping!
Lots of positive changes in my life
I adapt better to change acknowledging alot is out of my immediate control…thanks aa
Its Saturday
Plan to keep busy so my idle hands dont miss a vape
May try some new recipes this weekend
So full of gratitude it brings tears to my eyes

Much love to you all