Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

@soberbilly your mom is so precious. My goodness she looks amazing for 93! Always warms my heart just reading about you spending time with her. :heart:

Lovely to hear from you – especially on the Gratitude thread :people_hugging:

Yes my friend – so grateful to read this and so happy to know you will be taking care of your needs as you have for all those in your life. :people_hugging:
@cjp so happy for all the positive changes in your life. Yeah to trying out new recipes :yum:

Happy Saturday my bad ass sober companions
I am so grateful for sleep! Yesterday i was not fighting fatigue but i was sleepy if that makes sense and i did a lot of sleeping. I feel awake today and yup the coffee is helping :wink:
I am so grateful that i am able to move around today with little effort. A good sign is when i can climb the stairs without rest and without holding the railing :muscle:
I am so grateful for my balance ball - i can’t seem to sit anywhere without discomfort and this is actually ok - ill take it. Added bonus - i keep my posture upright and work on my core
I am so grateful that i woke up to a beautiful day - sun is shining and it’s not super hot yet.
I am so grateful for having a loving supportive family. Grateful that i got to talk with my mum this morning. Grateful that i will be spending the day with my brother (when he decides to get out of bed) - he is also super worn out with all the family socializing this summer. We will just chill together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am so grateful for fresh fruit and veggies. We have an abundance of healthy food at our fingertips.
I am so grateful for deep breathing (my lungs are not aching first thing in the morning).
I am so grateful that i can be ready to have someone over in a moments notice - no need to rush around to hide my bottles and ash trays. No need to spray scents and take breath mints. besides having bed head i’m good to go. Grateful that i’m comfortable just being me - i don’t need to apply makeup and have my hair / nails done to feel good.
I am so grateful that i am able to stretch today and the numbing sensations are gone.
I am so grateful for my meditative and prayer practices - i am grateful that i will be able to do these with my brother today (always nice to have someone else around to heighten the energy field). Grateful for feeling light and airy inside
I am so grateful for our TS family - we really do bring it with the gratitude’s – thank you for this lovely practice! What an extraordinary way to start and end the day! Really so much to be grateful for - thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for sharing all your stories and showing so much compassion, love and support! Just thank you for being YOU.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful positively charged addiction free Saturday! Sending you all much love :heart:


My gratidudes! I am grateful for these old bones and for being able to complete the 5 mile charity run I signed up for at a respectable (for me) pace, even though I haven’t been practicing much and it’s quite warm here this morning. Heat advisories all over the place and it’s a road race so the pavement makes it a bit worse. I mean it’s not like I’m in Arizona or anything and there’s a nice breeze off the river, but still. I was a little worried I hurt my shoulder a little when I fell on my motorcycle the other day, and I suppose I might have a little bit I also remembered that when I was playing tug of war with Buster the other day I turned it into a set of overheat tricep extensions using the dog for resistance and I suppose I could be sore from that weird idea. It’s probably both but I’m grateful to feel a little less worried about it. I’m grateful for free bananas. I’m grateful a lot of people showed up to this race to help raise money for Ronald McDonald House. Crowds make me so crabby, which I guess I should remind myself it’s probably an anxiety thing, but also it’s nice to see people together and moving and smiling even if they’re annoying and don’t watch where they’re going. So much to be grateful for and there is still so much day ahead of me! Will I take a nap? Will I clean the house (booooo)? Will I play Zelda all day or make a butt load of spring rolls? Who knows! I’m excited to find out!


Grateful for another day alcohol-free.

Grateful I woke up and made a new baking experiment: strawberry shortcake! Turned out really good :yum:

Grateful for my morning coffee.

Grateful I have a clear mind to sign bank papers for a loan.

Grateful I’m getting ready for the kids’ school to start.

Grateful I’m getting back into training, after a heel injury for the past 6 months. Slowly but surely.

Grateful even that when I got stressed out with my hubby I was able to hold back and step away. We’re both dealing with a lot of change and this ultimately affects our dynamic.

Grateful for a nice Saturday with a house that is much less cluttered than it was a week ago :heart:

Have a great day, everyone!


I’m grateful Anna is right at the top so it’s easy for me to find the gratitude thread this morning.
Nice to see you :hugs:

I’m grateful for chirpy purry cat noises as they await me to feed them first thing in the morning.

I’m grateful my coffee was delicious.
I’m grateful for my hot turmeric ginger green tea now.
I’m grateful I slept in a bit.
I’m grateful for this very quiet morning.
I’m grateful my back is pretty good.
I’m grateful I haven’t had a major flare up in the back pain department during all this move work. I’m grateful I felt something back there the other day and grateful I went right to ice and Advil and rest.

I’m grateful I’m ahead of the game. The moving game. Grateful it’s been like living in a disaster area around here, but I’m most grateful I can accept the mess and live in it for the weekend and just kinda take it easy today and tomorrow.

I’m grateful I had a gorgeous, wet, after morning rain, walk with Benson yesterday. Grateful it was hoodie and yellow beanie weather to boot. And grateful for the beautiful quiet loneliness of my trail up here in the pines. I’m grateful I really savored it. Those serene dog walking moments is what I will miss the most about Flagstaff. Truthfully it’s about the only thing I’m going to miss around here. Except, I am truly grateful and blessed for the Al-Anoners I have met at my meetings up here.

I’m grateful for my last, Friday night meeting. I wish I had found that one sooner. I’m grateful the leader ask for a reading. Hell ya I volunteered!! and I got to read a passage from Hope For Today about……. You guessed it. The Serenity Prayer. I’m grateful I basically spent yesterday submerged in the serenity prayer. Or obsessed about it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful if I got to be, or let myself be, obsessed with something, I’m grateful that “something” was the serenity prayer.

I’m grateful for Zillow and being able to check out houses in the Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village area. I’m grateful I see some really goods one that might work for us and I can just let them go because it’s too early for that now. I’m grateful it’s fun to look and I can learn about neighborhoods and prices per square foot for homes.

I’m grateful for the Daddy Daughter lunch out pics I got from my son yesterday. I’m grateful I still enjoy the shock of HE’S ALL ALONE WITH A 13 MONTH OLD. :scream::scream::scream: IN A RESTAURANT. WHO IS SUPERVISING HIM?
That’s ma boy!!! :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear: I’m so fucking proud of him :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m grateful both my grown up children are, or at least seem to be, enjoying parenthood, and ARE wonderful at it. I’m grateful I can see the love :heart: And it’s a beautiful thing.

I’m grateful for my emotions.
I’m grateful I get to feel them.
I’m grateful I’m learning how to feel again. And more importantly, figure out what those feelings are, and accept them and move on. Bet there’s another one coming soon.

Grateful for y’all.

“Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful it was a tad cooler this morning.
I’m grateful I went for a walk along the river and took photos. I found a heron sculpture I’d never noticed before. (Pic in nature thread)
I’m grateful mornings are way easier on me than evenings. At least I have a little time of feeling halfway okay.
I’m grateful for Sox sitting in my lap and purring.
I’m grateful I already got my groceries for the week and now don’t really have to do anything else “adult” today.
I’m grateful it’s only 9 days until vacation.



I am grateful for many things today, starting off with the fact one ofy friends remembered I like the Bobby Lees and sent me a link to a cool video of them live this morning. I am grateful to that I am going to an art expo today and grateful I will get to spend time with my friends. Being sober is starting to feel really good and I am proud of myself and thankful for this community.


I am grateful for 40 days :two_hearts:
I’m grateful I’ve been keeping busy.
I’m grateful school started for my daughter because routine is much needed for me.
I’m grateful no urges at all recently, just a couple fleeting thoughts.
I’m grateful for work. My job has been generous lately and that’s making all these new transitions sooo smooth.
I’m grateful I’ve been getting better sleep sober, finally. It was really hard before.


Whoop whoop Roxanne!!! 40 days!! Sooooo proud of you :clap: xx


Thank youuuu :two_hearts::two_hearts: life’s been very uneventful and monotonous but I’m staying SOBER!! :face_holding_back_tears::heartpulse:


Same here sometimes but sure beats chaos!! :heartbeat:


Top of the morning ya’ll

I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety!!!
Watched the Stutz documentary and realized im working on my life force
Sundays arent just a day of hangovers and takeout anymore
Im a planner
Good therapy session
The funds to buy more workout clothes
Clean water
Air conditioning
My mobility
Low anxiety
Thriving not just surviving
Of course hubby and boscoe but i was trying to list new things :slight_smile:

Much love and positive juju to my peeps


@frazzetta congrats on doing your 5 mile race – especially with the heat advisory and all the soreness. Hope you were able to stay cool and relaxed for the rest of the day / weekend.
@sasxoxo Hope you enjoyed that art expo and a day with friends. I miss random art showings/ pop ups (feel like we haven’t had that return since covid here) – Seeing your post – I will now check my local areas for art shows
@rainy7 Congrats on your 40 days Roxanne! That is huge and I’m grateful that you are starting to see the benefits of sober life – better sleep was such a blessing!

Happy Sunday my sober companions
I am grateful for another beautiful sunny day to be alive! Grateful to have woken up feeling good mentally. I am blessed to be here in the present moment. Blessed to have the ability to make the changes needed for a better life and Blessed to have amazing support all around me.
I am so grateful for my piping hot cup of coffee. I almost thought i would take this on the go and try to walk with it to the store and decided that it’s Sunday and will sit and enjoy it properly which doing my gratitude’s - then the store :slight_smile:
I am so grateful for living so close to Meijer -10 min walk and grocery shopping is so convenient with my new shopping cart. I am reducing the use of my car and getting a nice walk - win win! Luckily it is still cool right now so this walk is manageable.
I am so grateful for being so wide awake last night that i did manage to get a lot of my accounting work done (i did fall a bit behind again with all the recent company and then recovering from all the recent company). This roller coaster is getting a bit old and needs proper maintenance - i do hope that i can keep up with my symptoms and slowly but surely keep healing without any more back sliding.
I am so grateful that i’m ok with my own company. I do keep myself amused and entertained.
I am so grateful for my family and friends, grateful for my almost daily practices of prayer and meditation. Grateful for my HP for not giving up on me and not letting me give up on me.
I am so Grateful for being able to feel a virtual hug!
I am so grateful for music, comedy and laughter. Grateful for streaming services with great watching options (something for everyone).
I am so grateful for being able to feel everything and knowing that these symptoms will not last.
I am so for this site and all of you. Grateful for the many many threads here - still after all this time on here, i’m learing how to navigate the site. Grateful for all of coming together from all walks of life from all over the world to help each other out and in turn helping ourselves. Love you guys!
I am so grateful for a lovely day to chill - no plans - just going with the flow.
Have a wonderful addiction free day my sober warriors - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful I got out for a walk again. Can’t wait for cooler fall weather!
I’m grateful I have a massage scheduled in a few hours.
I’m grateful I only have 6 more days of work before vacation.
I’m grateful for supportive friends.
I’m grateful for all of you!

Progress not perfection.


Sunday is here! Wedding day is today!!

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy for this wonderful event.

I’m grateful that the family pre-party went so well.

I’m grateful that my other son arrived safely from California.

I’m grateful that the food and beverages were so well-received.

I’m grateful I did not have any feeling of missing out on alcohol and feel confident in my sobriety.

I’m grateful that my anxiety was relieved with other strategies.

I’m grateful that no one lost control of themselves Re alcohol at the pre party. (Could it be because I was not drinking there? Hmmmmm)

I’m grateful that today is a beautiful summer day, and while it will be hot by wedding time, there will be air conditioning in the venue.

I’m grateful that the bride and groom are happy and healthy and ready to do this!

I’m grateful my husband and ex husband have no problem hanging out. Manners are such a helpful set of tools!

I’m grateful for this community and knowing that you are cheering us on. Hubby and I are doing this event in sobriety. Woooot!!

Have a beautiful Sunday!
Peace and love.


This is beautiful @JazzyS

It’s late afternoon here and time for gratitude :pray:
I’m grateful for aircondition and being inside when it’s hot outside. I’m grateful for my purring cats and their love. I’m grateful for a funny chitchat with a friend. I’m grateful I allow myself to be comfy and chill, hanging around reading, watching a dog show, enjoying a relaxed sunday. I’m grateful for food delivery. I’m grateful I ignore chores today. I’m grateful we have enough water. I’m grateful I alone am responsible how my day is going. I smile, I am grateful, I am kind to myself. A calm, nice sunday :pray: Have a peaceful time fellow gratidudes.


I’m grateful I noticed I had 1325 days yesterday. I’m grateful that’s a lot.
I’m grateful my little morning headache is not from drinking yesterday.
I’m grateful to try and get some gratitude out here anyway. Grateful it takes work with a headache. I’m grateful the Tylonol will kick in soon and the pain isn’t too too bad. I’m grateful I don’t get massive soul crushing headaches.

I’m grateful it was an easy day yesterday.
Grateful I got my 3 1/2 mile trail walk in after walking the Burner. Probably my last one around here. I’m grateful I spent time picking up outdoor stuff and garage odds and ends and utility room stuff to be moved or tossed or used.

I’m grateful we had a nice dinner out. She drank too much and I came home and started watching Loudermilk again. I’m grateful we get to do it all again today. I’m grateful when people love a show I recommend and binge watch it at blazing speed :wink:

I’m grateful I get more alone quiet time with myself in the morning when I’m the only sober one in the house. I’m grateful I have hope for me. I’m grateful for Al-Anon. I couldn’t do this without you.

I’m grateful for my cats and dog.
I’m grateful I enjoyed a little bit of a breakdown yesterday on Minnie’s trail. I’m grateful those tears cleansed my soul. I can feel the loss, the sadness, the joy she gave me for almost 16 years and let the feelings come and go. I’m grateful I actually enjoy it. :face_holding_back_tears: I really do. I’m grateful because of her leaving me I am starting a great new adventure grandpa chapter in my life. She is missed and will always be remembered. Tears, joy and laughter. She earned it. I deserve it. It’s worth it.

Grateful it’s time to walk the Ol Burner.
I’m grateful he’s the new Ol Dog Boy. I’m grateful I remembered he’s probably about ten. I always think of him as a young pup. But he’s an old fuck too.

All Right Guys :hugs:
Let’s get another sober day under our belt!!
We can do it! Together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

“When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere.”
Emmanuel Dagher


@JazzyS You should look for local art shows and pop ups. This year a lot of things started coming back. The art show turned out to just be a bust lol. It was just a giant room full of tables lined with prints for sale. The entire place was prints from only two different artists and they were over priced. After we left from there we went out to eat and stuff and it was still a good day.


Today I am grateful I had a good time yesterday even though the art show was a bust. We still went out to eat and went searching for Halloween decor in our local Marshalls. I am grateful for the super comfortable walking shoes I found while I was there too.


Grateful to God for this time of pilgrimage in contact with nature and Beauty


Wow, I have so much to be grateful for today.
I got home earlier from a weekend away with G. We rented this adorable little cabin on the ocean for two nights, it was the perfect weekend get away. I am grateful for how that man looks at me. If i were to try to put words to it I would say he looks at me as if he cherishes me. I am grateful for his big brown eyes.

When we got home today there was a slew of family here. I have Swiss family here for the month of Aug, then two other uncles and o e of my aunts were also here. I am grateful I have so much family and that we get together pretty often for games and visits. I am grateful that G speaks French so that my Swiss uncle who speaks no english had someone to chat with.

For the first time ever in her 17 yrs my child wandered from the nest. I am grateful that I was able to treat her to an overnight visit with my best friend on the mainland. She loves her uncle Drew. I am grateful that the new passenger only ferry that I had booked was running and I am hopeful that her return trip will run too. They have been cancelling them constantly because they are pontoons and cant sail in high winds… good luck running in the winter here. Hahahahah

I am grateful for direction, guidance and clarity. I pray for those often…

I put my jewelry forward to be a part of this museum show/artisan thingy and I was accepted. I am grateful that my mindset has change from “you cant do that” or " you’re not that good" to “why not me too?”
I am grateful for the willingness to try.
I am grateful for the willingness to fail.
I am grateful for the willingness to succeed.

I am grayeful for the courage to close the doors on old ‘stuff’ so there is plenty of room for new.
