Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I love this.

and this too… :face_holding_back_tears:
But I have a lot of questions about this move! :smile: For another time.

I’m grateful I did fuck all today - not because I was hungover - but because i had my second shingles vaccine yesterday. I thought it’d be better than the first one, and I’m not usually so wimpy, but yikes. Everything hurts today. You know those 3 point turns you make in your car? Rolling over in bed was like an 18 point turn (interspersed with mofos).

To think I used to do this kinda thing to myself by drinking the night before. Crazy. Grateful those days are done.

To put it all in perspective? I’m supposed to travel this week for work. Made a hotel reservation halfway so I could get my car serviced. Hotel called and asked if I needed my room or if it could go to wildfire evacuees. :pensive: Well that’s a no brainer, hey?

I’m grateful for my health, my home, a call with a pal today, laughing at how pathetic I am post-vaccine, for my job, my bed where I’ve been most of the day and am not far from now.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Sunday night back home again from the wedding!

I’m so grateful to be sober. It was such an amazing and beautiful day.

I’m grateful to have been able to be so present, clear of mind, real joy in my heart. Pride in my family and in myself.

I’m grateful to have enjoyed the food and many many glasses of ice water and quite a few glasses of tonic and lime. I could smell every single alcoholic drink, I am grateful that I never once had a craving or a feeling of missing out. I’m grateful to be this sober!

I’m grateful that I could dance with the families and really enjoy the music.

I’m grateful I did not feel overwhelmed with emotions as I often did in these situations when I was drinking.

I’m grateful that my husband was with me and also great in his sobriety.

I’m grateful that my brother was with me and managed his first clean and sober social event in 35 years.

I’m grateful to have welcomed a beautiful and amazing daughter in law to my life.

I appreciate all of you and the support you have shared. Today I am 660 days sober. With time and practice and work, we can celebrate and be free!

I wish you all peace.


Grateful you always keep the lights on here and the coffee pot warm, Eric. feels like home when some of us go away for a bit and come back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: So excited to hear about your move…as a desert dweller myself, I cannot wait for one day move back closer to the ocean! Enjoy this time!

Grateful today I go to the kids’ orientation at school. Clear eyes, clear mind, hopeful heart.

Grateful for my work, and to have a way to help support my family.

Grateful for my family’s health.

Grateful for the simple things.

Much love to you all - have a great week! :heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me abstain from my addictions while following your will just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I woke up on time and have arrived at work for 5:30, who am I. In the before times I was just going to bed, if I even slept. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for music, creativity, humor and laughter.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Good morning to you friends! I’m grateful for a wonderful weekend, with snugglenaps, movie date, cheeseburgers, DND with friends, and a little bit of Zelda sneaked in. I’m grateful I brought a bunch of healthy snacks to DND and everyone loved them, and hopefully I can edge us away from pizza and donuts every time lol. Don’t get me wrong I love pizza and donuts but there’s a world of flavor out there. I’m grateful we’re leaving for our road trip on Friday, and we’re both looking forward to it, and we can bring the dogs. I’m grateful for a quiet bus ride to work, and hopefully a quiet day today so I can figure out what preparations I need to make for our trip. This quiet grey morning suits me just right for today.


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
477 days no weed or alcohol
20 days no vaping
Hubbys sobriety
Good communication
I feel healthier
I feel more comfortable in my body
Therapy epiphanies
Going to bed at 8pm and feeling well rested at 430am lol
Boscoe cuddles even if he stinks
Catching up with my mom
A good weighin sunday
Not having to cook last night
Hubbys prepping the crockpot meal today
Morning workouts
Inner peace ive gained by going thru the 12 steps of AA

Much love to you all. May you have peace and feel loved.


@sasxoxo ah man it sucks that it was a last minute type pop up thing – hopefully more proper art expo’s will be available for our viewing pleasures. Yeah to searching for Halloween décor- love it! Hope you got some cool stuff

Aaah Stella – you are so beautiful my friend. So happy that this man can see all your amazingness and make you feel cherished.
@lab Great job on your 660 days of sobriety! Lovely that you had such a beautiful day with family and celebrating your son’s wedding.

Monday morning gratitude’s – sipping hot coffee in bed with my TS friends! can it get any better than this?
I am so grateful to wake up to 8 months of not touching alcohol or weed - it was a close call yesterday but you know better sense and will power won. Grateful to keep tacking on the days. Grateful that i do have bad days but i know they won’t last and i also know how to navigate them without numbing myself.
I am so grateful for great tv shows to binge watch (the ½ hour shows are so much easier to blaze through :wink:)
I am so grateful for all of you here - so grateful to be on this journey with your struggles and triumphs. Grateful to not be alone and more grateful to be surrounded by people that understand and genuinely sympathize.
I am so grateful for my beautiful mother – sending over a delicious dinner for me cause I just did not have the strength. Grateful for gentle symptoms showing me which foods i’m still not able to digest yet. Grateful for the abundance of food options available. Even with a limited diet - i do not feel bored
I am so grateful that my brother fixed the dishwasher yesterday. Its funny that i haven’t used a dishwasher in over 20 years until i moved in here and now i actually missed it.
I am so grateful that my meme buddy is up and at it – let the fun times begin :wink: OH i see it’s gonna be that kind of Monday :rofl:
I am so grateful for crying and laughing - for feeling all the emotions and as CJ says its ok to not be ok. I am grateful for constantly reminding myself that i have been through worse and this is just a stepping stone to being even better.
I am so grateful for music and dance (even if it is seated) - grateful for the way my soul feels alive when the right beat hits.
I am so grateful for feeling at peace and oh so light when i practice my meditation / prayer rituals. Grateful that sometimes i do scream out during my prayers and release my frustrations and anger. Grateful that my HP understands that i am releasing and not blaming.
I am so grateful a day full of possibilities. Grateful for 2nd chances. Grateful for harnessing positivity to allow for healing. Grateful that i was able to sense the signs of going in a negative spiral and stopped that train from taking off. Grateful for more coffee - the smell is so heavenly entoxicating.
I am so grateful for TS! I have found my home and grateful for all the great friendships / company
Have a wonderfully positively charged day all you beautiful souls! Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for making it through another weekend sober. I am grateful tomorrow will be 30 days. I am grateful for all of the rain we got this weekend.


I’m grateful for another day. God yesterday blew chunks :face_vomiting:

I’m grateful for my Al-Anon slip or relapsed yesterday and also realize I had a headache most of the day and I’m able to cut myself some slack. Guess what? I wasn’t perfect!!
I’m grateful I woke up at 5:30 no headache with cats and dog and my pixie shot and coffee.

Grateful I sat with my coffee and just did some deep breathing :pray:t2: thanks @Soberbilly not a meditation but a minute or 2 of just deep breathing.

I’m grateful I did the serenity prayer and continue to do so.

I’m grateful maybe I found some compassion this morning and asked the wife if she wanted to get up at 6:30 :scream: for a cool mountain wet after rain walk. I’m grateful I know she would LOVE :heart: this and wants to do this but her addict is keeping her in bed these days and I know in my heart she’s missing out and the real person in there would love to walk in the cool, after rain, wet mountain trail and air.
I’m grateful if she said no it’s ok.
I’m grateful she is up and trying.

I’m grateful the junk hauler is coming today to haul off some old ripped to shreds cat condos and Minnie’s red bench :face_holding_back_tears: and a few other things. The red bench has seen some better days and it’s time to let it go. But she loved that red bench.

I’m grateful my lousy headache was on a Sunday and it’s going to be a much better day today even if it is a Monday.

I’m grateful for Mr. Clean’s Magic Erase. It cleaned all the dog food can scratches, or marks, off the pantry shelves and stains from the bottom of my frying pans in the cabinet drawers. I am very big on first impressions and now if you open my pantry door you’ll see nice clean shelves and I don’t have to paint them. I’m so grateful I don’t have to pain those shelves. Trust me. I don’t want me painting.

I’m grateful I got a meeting tonight and wifey is cooking dinner or we can eat the extra dinner I made last night to use up the food around here.

I’m grateful this moving hell is getting closer.
I’m grateful I got 5 more days and I’m way ahead of the game.
I’m grateful for y’all. You guys. You’z :crazy_face:

“Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.”

  • Richelle E. Goodrich

I’m grateful for this statement as I have been feeling overwhelmed at times lately, comparatively speaking I would get even more overwhelmed before(somehow)

Congrats on the successful navigation of all the joys of a wedding in recovery


I’m so grateful I’ve come back after making the choice to drink, short-lived thankfully. It’s not even the amount I drank, which wasn’t overboard, but that I haven’t stayed accountable to myself that is the worst. I threw away anything in the house that could be tempting, have gone to 2 online meetings already today, and am fully back.

I’m grateful I found The Luckiest Club as Tempest is merging with another sobriety support platform which I don’t love (yet). But I do love TLC.

I’m grateful I have some excellent books, like Push Off from Here & Quit Like a Woman.

I’m always grateful for my animals, they keep me grounded and moving forward.

I’m very grateful for this community; what a nice surprise to hop back in and see a message from @JazzyS checking on me and others :heart:


Lovely to have you back with us on the Gratitude thread – you were missed.

this is awesome - so grateful that you are jumping in with both feet and giving it your all. We really are stronger together.

love the Quit Lit - enjoy!


This Naked Mind, We are the Luckiest and Push Off from Here are my favorites so far…so many quotes and thoughts I carry with me. In fact there was a part of the last that I actually cried to - what a strange thing it is to have someone write in a book something that makes you feel seen, understood. Cried and cried while I listened to the audiobook in my work commute.

Grateful to have found these gems that helped me and others so much :heart: Welcome back!


Welcome back @Hoss :sunflower:

Today I’m grateful I can sit out this heatwave in my cozy house and do a real staycation. Basic chores of course but nothing more. Just me relaxing, chilling, napping, cuddling cats, watching TV or reading, watering the sad relics of plants in my garden. Oh my gosh it IS relaxing to do NOTHING and just BE at home. I have to be careful, I think I could adopt this lifestyle for everyday! Dreaming about a fairy granting me wishes is allowed as are daydreams (all always leading to a nap :blush:). I’m grateful my brain and mind went to vaccation mode allthough I’m surrounded by my everyday life. I’m grateful this can be a result from working on me, working on letting go - also old patterns, and staying kindly in the present.
I’m grateful for aircondition and laughter. I’m grateful my cats want to share my breakfast ham. I’m grateful I can stay inside and don’t leave the house. I’m grateful for all my blessings and my mental health being a lot better thanks to the changed meds :pray:


Adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you, I’m very happy to be back :heartpulse: I agree, push off from here is a great book. I’m reading it through once and then I’ll go back and do the exercises :+1:


Thank you for welcoming me back :tada: Stay cool!


I’m grateful I had so many gratitudes to catch up on today.
I’m grateful to read about the happy news people have to share, about special events and achievements and just being, and finding contentment in that being :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for swimming. I think I have found an excercise I can continue at home after having to give up anything but gentle walking. This will help my mental health immensely and get those good ol’ happy chems firing up in my brain again.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful my dad has come through his first hip replacement op. ok.
I’m grateful this means he can’t drink for a while and can’t get out to buy drink.
I’m grateful for delicious nutritious food.
I’m grateful I found a traditional Croatian cookbook today and look forward to trying some new recipes when I’m home.
I’m grateful for the beautiful sunrises and sunsets over mountains and the sea I’ve been lucky to see, I’d never have caught the sunrise if I was still drinking.
I’m grateful I’ve been missing my cat and dog a lot today…only a few days until I get to see them again.
I’m grateful to think about the welcome I will get from them.
I’m grateful to all of you wonderful sober guys and gals. Keep being awesome.


Oh Billy I love the pics of your grandbabies! holding onto that pancake-- made me laugh
such beautiful smiles - thanks for sharing your gratitude :heart:


Thank you! Grateful for this too.
BTW - that looks so delicious - hope you enjoyed every bite :yum: