Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning my gratidudes!

Im behind on this thread but will catchup soon.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
478 days free from weed and alcohol
21 days vape free…3 fricken weeks!!
My fellow addicts doing service on the memes thread!
Having self awareness
Ladies aa meetings
Goosebumps and greatful tears that confirm to me im in the right place
Woke up and worked out!
Feeling healthier
Hubby and i are in love
Boscoes happy greetings…never gets old!
Friends who checkin
Not feeling alone
Feeling supported
Feeling loved
Realizing i need to get back to my yoga practice
Signs from the universe
Insight timer
All of you! I love everyone of you.

We can. Together.


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful for central AC as it climbs to 100° all week.
I’m grateful my insurance finally approved my new medication. Fingers crossed that it helps.
I’m grateful my doctor will monitor me closely as the medication can be habit forming. We talked through all the risks v benefits.
I’m grateful that this time next week I’ll be on a plane to Massachusetts and cooler weather.
I’m grateful I’m learning to give myself grace when I’m overwhelmed and frustrated with my brain.
Im grateful for memes and bad dad jokes.
Im grateful for all of you!

Progress not perfection.


Happy 30 days @Sasxoxo !!


I’m grateful to God and pray for help in abstaining from my addictions while following your will, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful it’s a day off and I have time to do some errands, attend meetings and relax. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful I reached out to wish a friend happy birthday. I’m grateful I will see my sponsor tonight and that reminds me to message my sponsee.
May our higher powers help us heal.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels great and looks good on you. Ya you!!


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a day off too @I.cant.We.can! I’m grateful for the gratitude journal I have been keeping, and various podcasts that have helped pull me out of the poor me, angry slump I was in. I’m grateful that I learned what I can/need to do when this feeling starts up. I’m grateful to read everyone’s milestones and achievements. I’m grateful to be part of day to day gratitude here. I’m grateful this morning feels cooler after the storms last night, and that I have two 5 gallon buckets of rain water for my houseplants. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Today I am so grateful I am officially at 30 days. I am also grateful that I discovered an actual tare in my tire tread last night when I got home and that nothing bad happened while I was driving. I just happened to look down as I was walking past my car and saw it. So grateful I didn’t wind up stranded somewhere on the side of the road.


Grateful for not binging and having enough strength to continue my daily life. Thank you Lord!


I’m grateful to be counting down to our big road trip vacation! Also, anxiety, but I’m grateful to remind myself that it’s just regular old pre-trip anxiety and it can be managed. I’m grateful even just to recognize it and be able to call it out, that alone helps so much. I’m grateful for my man, and for all the help and care and kindness. I’m so grateful for the life and little family we’ve built, and I’m grateful to be sober and better able to appreciate it and be the partner he deserves. I’m grateful I managed to finally get the barbacoa I’ve been craving in the crockpot for dinner tonight, and that having it all done pretty much will allow me to spend some time packing and preparing for our trip.


I’m grateful for another day to find serenity.
I’m grateful they asked me to lead my last Monday night meeting here.
Grateful I picked the serenity prayer again.
I’m grateful I found a serenity prayer meditation. I posted it over on the Meditation For Serenity thread. I’m grateful it was a good listen and I’ll be doing it again. :pray:t2: and again :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I had serenity last night when I came home. Wifey cooked. Made a casserole and lost a battle with the mashed potatoes. There were spots of mashed potatoes all over the place. Even on the fridge door. :scream: She said, “oh that’s been there all week.” I’m grateful I didn’t pick up the rope and debate that. I’m grateful I had serenity and remembered someone saying, “reasoning with an active alcoholic is like trying to blow out a light bulb.” She was a mess. I’m grateful I calmly started cleaning the kitchen up. Thanked her for cooking. And tried to enjoy my meal.
I’m grateful when she finally passed out I got to watch Loudermilk again and play with my meme buddy.

I’m grateful we had a nice walk yesterday with Benson. I’m grateful when she said she’s drinking wine for lunch. It hurt. Felt like a gut punch. I’m grateful I didn’t say anything. I’m grateful I went for another long walk with my serenity prayer in mind and my favorite podcast. The Recovery Show. It’s the 400th episode @Bootz its about milestones. Another great one :+1: I’m grateful I didn’t take it personally. QTIP I’m grateful we actually had a nice lunch out and afternoon. Well, until the mashed potatoes made an appearance. I’m grateful I seriously just had to laugh. I mean WTF maybe this serenity prayer shit is working.

I’m grateful the junk haul off guys came right on time yesterday. They were nice and helpful and hauled away some shit we don’t need. :white_check_mark:

I’m grateful today is another easy day. Fine tune the sellers disclosure. Have a nice walk or 2. Pack some suitcases with underwear and personal stuff I don’t want the pros to touch.

Grateful I got a meeting tonight. I already got dinner premade except the rice :scream: I hope she wins the battle with the rice tonight. Either way I’m grateful It’ll be easier cleanup and the guy I hired to deep clean the house will take care of what I can’t handle. I’m grateful he also works for my real estate agent doing full thorough clean out moves for people who are listing their house. I’m grateful I just have to trust the process.

Once again I’m grateful to share my shit here with y’all. Sometimes I think I should be posting it on the Are You Affected By A Loved One Who’s An Addict Thread.
But, I’d rather be grateful for my progress and success right here on our home thread. Don’t know what I’d do without you grateful dudes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m so grateful for you all.



Checking in, been super busy but still living one day at a time! Thankful for 228 days today! Also, one of my old friends I used to drink with decided to join the sober team. He’s at 19 days today and has been attending meetings. It’s neat to see sober living inspire others around me without me even forcing it on them. He mentioned his last time drinking was pretty out of hand and his family stepped in to get his attention and he responded positively to it. Hope everyone is doing well, missed you guys but still going strong! Just busy living life and thankful for it :heart:


Congratulations on your 30 days AF Sasxoxo
That’s BIG!!
I’m glad you didn’t get stranded too.
Glad you’re here.


@cjp 3 weeks is amazing – you are kicking some serious ass!
@karenkw Hell yeah girl – so grateful for that your insurance finally approved medication. Let the healing begin. Looking forward to seeing your riddle today :wink:
@sasxoxo Well done on your 30 days! That is amazing work. Am grateful that nothing bad happened and you were able to find and will be able to fix the issue.
@dazercat I am grateful that the serenity prayer and meditation are doing their jobs. Grateful that you are experiencing progress and grateful that you are sharing all your growth (ups / downs and in betweens) here with us on the “G” thread!

Yes – totally agree with this. Grateful that you could be an inspiration! Yeah to 228 days of sobriety

Happy Tuesday morning to all you beautiful souls!
I am so grateful that i was able to get up and get my ass to Fed Ex to get pics taken for Canadian passport renewal. I still haven’t found my US passport so will have to hope for the best as i’ve given my dad POA.
I am so grateful that i was able to get early morning grocery shopping done (usually good time for me as its fairly empty and i don’t run into anyone) – not today - i ran into a family friend who just wants to come and chill together - i honestly dont even have it in me to explain that i cant just chill (if you are at my house then i will be on hostess mode and i can’t turn that off).
I am so grateful for a very interesting broccoli, avocado, apple and berry smoothie i had for breakfast.
I am so grateful that i wake up looking for morning coffee memes and still have so many to choose from. Grateful to be sharing in the joy of meme hunting with my bud - Its so exciting when you find the “golden” meme – laughing so hard as you are posting it.
I am so grateful that i walked past the fall selection of drinks while grocery shopping and for a second felt FOMO when i saw my favorite beers - made it even worse when they added a few new exciting flavors. I immediately shrugged and reminded myself that i can still enjoy fall flavors in other ways. :wink: Life is not ending because we are sober - it is just now beginning - the possibilities are endless!
I am so grateful that is was a very cool start to the day. I did get to do a 15 minute walk - was hoping for more but i’ve developed new pain on the bottom of my feet and so shorter more frequent walks is more my speed.
I am so grateful that my prescription sunglasses are finally ready for pick up (apparently they cracked the frame fixing the prescription) - i get to pick them up this afternoon. SUPER EXCITED
I am so grateful that i am able to enjoy a epson salt lavender foot soak. It really helps relax me and soothes the pain.
I am so grateful for my lovely mother calling me at 7 to make sure i was up and moving around. She feels i need to start eating / drinking juices earlier so that i can get my 1200 calories in (haven’t been able to do this on a regular so now we are on a mission). Grateful for all the support that she and my family members provide. So much patience and empathy!
I am so grateful that i have decided not to do birth control pill for hormone therapy - my body does not do well with them and the few that were prescribed are really bad for migraine sufferers. Both my doctors have nixed any other HRT at the moment so i’ve decided to just rely on food and herbs. What will be - will be. I really don’t think the pills would have helped with the cyst anyways - it was more for pre menopausal care.
I am so grateful that I will make time for my meditation and prayer practices - grateful each day that these are what give me hope and positivity. grateful that i know i am better in every sense when i wholeheartedly practice daily. Grateful for the connections to me, mother earth and my HP.
I am so grateful for my beautiful TS friends whom i now consider my family. Grateful for all your love and support. Grateful to be a part of your journey. Thank you for being so open and honest and accepting!
Hoping everyone has a wonderful positively charged addiction free day - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Hey Thomas - were you able to reach out to anyone irl? We are right here friend if you need to reach out to us. I am so sorry that you are having a hard day today.
sending you much love and strength my friend :people_hugging:


Thanks for the reminder about the riddle! Just posted one. :grin:


I’m grateful for the courage to say I hardly ever engage in the meme thread anymore. I’m grateful I can admit it brings out my dark sarcastic side which can be really hurtful. I’m grateful there are good wholesome funny memes too but alot of them tend to make my negative thinking rear its ugly head. I’m grateful this is just one opiniated addicts thoughts and I can only share that my serenity is effected by some of them and my time is precious as it(meme threads) can consume alot of it. I’m grateful there is a meeting soon and I went to one already. I’m grateful I just enjoyed a delicious omlette that I made, I took all that time to learn to cook a little, yet, I am spending far too much money eating out more often then at home. I’m grateful my friends girlfriend, who is also becoming a friend will get her ten year medallion tonight. I’m grateful for acceptance as well as progress not perfection. I’m grateful that Eric is ahead of the game with his move, as well as, surrendering to his al-anon and AA program.


Don’t Stop Me Now!
Congratulations on the 3 fricken weeks vape free CJ.


I am grateful for this thread although I don’t post here often anymore. It’s too overwhelming.
But at the moment, one day to go working here, I get into reflecting mode. Thinking back 5 months ago.
I have so much to be grateful for. There is still so much where I don’t feel right. This is for another thread.
I am so very grateful for my colleagues here. I did today’s wall sit challenge with my colleague in my office. And without sounding arrogant I think he will miss me. I will miss them. And at the same time I know life will go on. Soon all will have moved in the memories. Also for another thread. I am grateful I feel some sort of sadness as I had the chance so see so many beautiful places here. I didn’t come far but this is how I am.
I am grateful I had my bike with me.
I am grateful there are wonderful people out there. Sometimes I think money really changes people and not for the better.
I am grateful I got some stupid walks in for my stupid mental health. I made some calculations and I had about 10 km per day during the last 5 months.
I am grateful I know that drinking or not eating or binging and purging won’t solve a single fucking thing. I am grateful people were willing to listen to me when I was speaking French. I am grateful I have some pieces of thought about what will be next. I am grateful that my colleagues back home are happy that I’ll be back in some days. I have mixed feelings about this. I am grateful I have enough. I am grateful that my friends were happy about the gift I made her newborn daughter, some square meters of forest. I’ll keep on doing this for those who already have more than enough money…I refuse buying more useless shit.
I am grateful I can add more here whenever I want.


Too much to catch up.
Fuck it’s hot, I’m melting.

Today I’m grateful I woke up before alarm and had an urge to do chores :scream: I went with deep cleaning the bathtub, vaccuming the whole (!) house, get the fucking kitchen chores done, petting and playing with the cats for an hour because they were excited :rofl: , mowed the lawn and made healthy breakfast (cats didn’t want a share).
I’m grateful for therapy, for proceeding on my way, for being content, for being proud of myself thst I take good care of myself and let go of old patterns that are outlived :pray:
I’m grateful for zoom and the connection I get from zoom meetings being far away. So much content and no travel needed :pray:

I’m grateful my friend is safely home from her vaccacion.
I’m grateful I will meet another friend next week to discuss personal issues which are necessary and which we have to settle legally. I’m grateful he is in good health again and understanding that I’m not capable to work through in this heat. God bless lifelong friends.

I’m grateful my staycation turns out to be a journey to myself. I’m deeply grateful for all the work I did. Seems that I start to put my work on the next level :pray:
Grateful for ODAAT, when necessary from breath to breath finding ground and center :pray:


I’m grateful that @Soberbilly is sober for his Mom and her library and hairdresser trips and for Madi and Blake.
Blake is just precious and 1000% a mini you, Billy!
He looks just like you and looks like he has your sweet disposition. What the world does need!
Security pancake and all, :purple_heart:


I vote @Soberbilly should try dreads this year