Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

It looks just. like. you. now! You and your hair and your beard look great!
And you look a lot like your mom!


Adorable kiddos! :heart:

Grateful my kids were off to school yesterday. Grateful they are healthy, strong boys (one way taller than me now), to whom I hope to give an example of healthy living as much as I can. @Soberbilly imagine that they both say to me that I cry too much during movies :smile: growing up crying was not really ok, and now I’m sure I’m making up for it. Mostly at happy things, beautiful things. But working also on crying when I need to release frustration, anger, sadness. That is more difficult.

Grateful my hubby is visiting his mom for her birthday. Grateful I can hold the fort while he is away because I have a clear mind.

Grateful for my morning coffee.

Grateful I am taking steps to get rid of a bad habit.

Grateful I am on day 2 or morning meditations. Ugh, it doesn’t come easy to me to stop and breathe. Let go of thoughts. Control things. But I’ll try to be disciplined for a month and see where it takes me.

Grateful for you all. Have a great day, everyone! :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!! With that all things are possible
Saved $300 since i quit vaping 22 days ago. Thats crazy
Woke up and worked out
Seeing the sun rise
The little things
Work from home today
New work out outfits
Woke up before my alarm
My family
All of you!


I’m grateful for The Serenity Prayer Meditation I listened to twice on my walk yesterday.
I’m grateful how it breaks things down and explains it.
I’m grateful for Benson, my little Sancho.
I’m grateful for a warm Mav on my lap this morning.
I’m grateful I keep the nail clippers by my chair. He just got an unexpected pedi and as usual purred through the whole thing and is sitting her warming my lap.
I’m grateful for my coffee.
I’m grateful when it gets cold p, and I don’t have a cat on my lap, I can microwave it to warm it back up.
I’m grateful for microwaves.
I’m grateful I premade dinner for last night.
I’m grateful when no one had it ready for me all I had to do was cook the rice and microwave the chicken curry.

I’m grateful I’m terrified watching this disease progress and I’m helpless to do anything about it. I’m grateful this move out is almost done. So, I’m grateful I got to stick to First Things First and the Serenity Prayer. And this warm cat on my lap.
I’m hopeful grateful when we get out of here maybe things will be different. Maybe not. I’m grateful my boundaries will just have to get stronger. I’m grateful I’ll have to be even stronger. Seriously :neutral_face: if that’s even possible. And say NO. I’m grateful NO can be a full sentence. I’m grateful for my strength to get through this move and my supports here and at my meetings. I’m grateful there’s tons of recovery in Scottsdale and if 4 or 5 meetings a week isn’t enough I can go to more.

I’m grateful I recognize my stinking thinking of being terrified of my wife driving my/our 4 cats and dog 2 hours to the Scottsdale house on Thursday. I’m grateful fear is a lie. I know she’ll be sober in the morning and can make that drive. I’m grateful I just got to let go. I’m grateful I’ll know if she’s impaired and I can drive down and back if I must. But I know she can do it.
I’m grateful she’s getting her hair done this afternoon and then we’ll go out for our last dinner here.

I’m grateful for your support and thoughts and prayers and positive vibes if you got any for me. And I’m so fucking grateful I’m sober. I’m grateful 1 lousy stinking drink can ruin my life so I know it’s not an option. I’m grateful the serenity prayer is always an option. Along with all the slogans. And this fucking beautiful cat on my lap. I’m grateful he knows when I need him.

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”
Nicole Reed*


Today I am grateful for my family. They are always here when I need them and I am lucky to have them. Realizing I need to buy 4 new tires and that I shouldn’t be driving my car until I get them was very stressful but luckily I am able to borrow my dad’s truck to get back and forth to work until I can buy new tires.


@soberbilly Such an adorable picture Billy!

AMEN! I would be lost without my “practice”.

Beautiful Anna – I am grateful that you are feeling the feelings and releasing your frustrations. So much growth

Always my friend – so many positive and healing vibes being sent your way. Grateful that you do have your fur babies at your side and of course the serenity prayer, meetings and wifi so we can connect with each other. :people_hugging:

Happy hump day my lovely sober friends!
I am so grateful for hot strong coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Grateful for the warm cozy feeling.
I am so grateful for my lovely mother - she is so precious. Shes been calling me to check in today like every 1/2 hour and cracking jokes. I just asked her whats going on and instead of admitting she was checking in yet again she said she was bored and i was the only one she could think of who was not doing anything :rofl: Gotta love the honesty
I am so grateful that i have all the comforts for living a comfortable healthy life
I am so grateful for my family’s support, love and encouragement. I am grateful that they will not let me give up on me and that they have not given up either. Grateful that i am giving myself the time to heal.
I am so grateful for meditation, prayer, mindful body scans, yoga and body stretches, deep breathing, healthy foods
I am so grateful for music, laughter, comedy and healing
I am so grateful for living in the now - for feeling the feels and knowing that nothing lasts forever. we have to make the best of each and every moment we are given
I am so grateful for all the clichés that help us get through our daily struggles - they are a cliché for a reason - so true and impactful
I am so grateful for all of you and your support!
Hoping everyone has a lovely addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Today I’m again grateful for air condition. I’m grateful for a good talk with my counselor. We met in the morning and sat in the garden, it was not too hot yet. I’m grateful I’m on schedule with the garden work and can always invite guests over for a coffee.

I’m grateful I got a hairdresser appointment today. Now I look neat again, a cut was overdue.

I’m grateful for different juices at home, I wanted many different tastes beside tea today.

I’m grateful for snuggling cats on and beside me, these purring bunches of love. And fun! Autumn is around the corner, I can feel it. But first some headache from the heat :grimacing:

I’m early to bed today, tomorrow morning the dentist will finish my tooth. I’m nervous and exicted at the same time. And grateful I decided to do it. Brave lady I am.

@Dazercat Eric, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you good vibes and guarding angels for your move and drive. May serenity be with you :pray::people_hugging:


Today I’m grateful for:

An excellent online meeting;

Time to check in here before my hair appointment. I try to schedule them in the morning because the salon is next to a liquor store and a super market that sells booze, but they changed the time to early afternoon, definitely a trigger time for me to buy something “just in case I want it later” :roll_eyes: Choosing to check in instead :muscle:;

Friendly people, I had a good laugh with a stranger at the grocery store this morning (I also only food shop in the morning for the same reason as above);

My animal friends, I love them.

Connection with other sober people, I learned there are 3 nearby my new home in NM.


I hope your foot soak did the trick @JazzyS
I’m grateful @Soberbilly shared photos of his adorable grandchildren-and one of a super cute junior Billy with his mama.
I’m grateful @Dazercat is ready for his move and I’m sending positive thoughts that all goes smoothly.
I’m grateful @Bootz is enjoying nature’s bounty.
I’m grateful for a lovely last day away.
I’m so so grateful I have been sober and present for the whole trip.
I’m grateful I’m looking forward to returning home.
I’m grateful I got a job interview invite while away and have been able to study for the role in the evenings.
I’m grateful the interview date falls the day after we are back so I won’t miss it.
I’m grateful our host invited us for a delicious home cooked meal tonight and we chatted for hours.
I’m grateful I felt relaxed and not as socially awkward as I often do.
I’m grateful I let the tears flow last night, they needed to come out.
I’m grateful I will be back to meetings from Friday.
I’m grateful I have given myself this new opportunity for life…real LIFE I mean.
I’m grateful to all of you sober amigos.


I am so grateful for 38 days sober. Again I think only 38 and then I shout out hell yes I have made it 38 days. I got out of bed today knowing I was going to an AA meeting here in town. My outlook has really made a change. I am fully open to the higher power and working the steps along with learning so much here @talkingsober. I honestly feel kindness. That is what the world needs. I created bumper stickers that read (Kindness is free share it!) Thank you to all here!

  1. The chance to escape to a better place. A friend is driving all the way here to take me back to a city that feels more like home.

  2. People who have shown me kindness. All the lovely ladies especially.

  3. Humor. Laughter. I’m clinically depressed as hell, but I can laugh on occasion.

  4. The nearing of the end of summer, and the approach of autumn.

  5. Pay day soon.

I know it’s a very random list.


Welcome Vagabond.
I’m glad your here.


Glad to be here. <3


@bootz thank you – I will look into the Abs (plates) book for the ball (thanks for the tip)– I have been trying to find easy exercises on YouTube but none seem to be what I find helpful. That garlic looks delicious!
@dilettante it was soo soothing! My feet were very grateful with the soak. Wishing you luck with your interview. Grateful that you were able to relax and enjoy a social meal without the awkwardness.

I love how you were able to catch your negative thinking and turn it around. Yes – be proud of your 38 days! Grateful that the thought of going to a meeting is exciting enough to get you out of bed – that is so beautiful!
@vagabond welcome to the Gratitude thread – there is no right or wrong way or proper list for gratitude’s – just list whatever comes to mind. Loved your gratitude share :pray:

a 2nd gratitude for the day…
I am so grateful for my mother - we had a nice 1 hour conversation just shooting the breeze, coming up with a better plan for my health and just have fun making jokes
I am so grateful that i was all wound up with my brothers gf coming over that it made me super tense - grateful for CJ. Grateful for knowing i need to work on letting go and not giving anyone so much power over my emotions. Grateful that this will take time but i am making an honest effort starting now.
I am so grateful that we learned Red Light Therapy can be helpful for the severe back pain i’m experiencing. I am even more grateful that i actually have the Red Light Therapy belt (it helped get rid of my rash last year) - i was able to find it and will start using it tomorrow.
I am so grateful for pistachios - i love them and they can help me reach my calorie and protein goal for the day.
I am so grateful that even with a day of not being able to move much - i was able to make my meals, tidy up the house and get in 6k in steps.
I am so grateful for all of you here - just reading your posts and replies is so very supportive for me.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful addiction free evening / day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful that I feel pretty good even though I woke up super early thinking I heard one of the dogs whimpering. I’m grateful that I can feel the difference in myself, my thoughts and reactions, since I have been working much harder on my mental health. It’s good to have proof that it working. I’m grateful that my son was able to check himself out of school, drive to his braces appointment, and have the top braces put on all by himself. It may seem mundane, but for someone with Autism these are huge wins, and I’m proud of him. I’m grateful I got to sit on the porch swing with my daughter last night and watch the sunset. I’m grateful we talked about school and boys and friends. I’m grateful that I know I need to make these talks happen more often. I’m proud of her and the woman she is becoming. I’m grateful it’s almost the weekend, and we will find something fun to do. Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful to be here, grateful to TS, thankful to be working through all my struggles, thankful to have not given up the fight, battling my mind everyday.


Good morning :yellow_heart:
I’m grateful for the now
I’m grateful I get to exist in this beautiful world
I’m grateful for almost two years sober
I’m grateful for life and it’s mystery
I’m grateful for simplicity
I’m grateful I get to create my life not control it
I’m grateful for peace and contentment
I’m grateful for the ebbs and flows of my life
I’m grateful I’m learning to navigate the ebbs with surrender and love instead of holding on and control
I’m grateful that acceptance and detachment is love
I’m grateful I feel connected to my body again
I’m grateful that I am already whole



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
480days no weed or alcohol
23days free from all unhealthy addictions
Watching the sunrise with my chocolate shake
Good workout
Woke up before my alarm
Survived the dentist yesterday!
No pain in my mouth today
Sore wrist feeling better
Hubbys up to spend some time together before i go to work
Boscoes love, cuddles, and greetings
Hubby will do dishes
Ladies AA meeting tonight
Anxiety is high but manageable rn
Self awareness
Feeling better in my skin
Our home
This amazing community. You guys are the best!

Shine bright my peeps


Yeah I kind of let myself get into a funk about the tires n I haven’t done my meditation after work for two days. I can feel the difference too I’m gonna start back on my routine today after work.


a very happy Thursday morning to all my sober friends :sun_with_face:
I am so grateful for waking up with fresh air in my lungs and motivation to master this day ahead of me.
i am so grateful to be waking up to an empty house.
I am so grateful that my 20 min Red Light Therapy session worked miracles. I was able to climb the stairs (multiple times) without effort or support. Pain level for back went to a 3 – i’m flabbergasted! A bit miffed at myself for not trying this out sooner but know that knowledge and understanding come at their own time (i am just grateful that i had the oh yeah moment - lets research what else can be done and here we are). Grateful to know that the effects don’t last long but that’s ok - small strides to improvement and healing.
I am so grateful that i started logging my daily activities and food intake for each day as well as the weather for the day. Grateful that this may help me figure out where i may need more help and / or need to make changes.
I am so grateful for a my rice cake with peanut butter for breakfast. I was hoping to buy this GF bread that a customer was raving about but i can’t find the ingredient list anywhere and have tried to contact seller - so waiting. Hopefully i’ll be feeling well enough soon to start making my own. :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful for my mother. Wanting to take care of me and make sure i don’t miss any meals / vitamins. I am grateful that i was able to tell her that i appreciate the support but i need to do better myself and push through this crap. I need to find a way to make it work and i know if i really need the support then she (they) are right behind me. Grateful for such a loving family- truly am blessed.
I am so grateful for being able to walk - my feet do not hurt today. I am going to wash a my runners so that i can walk with them indoors (maybe its walking around bare foot all day that causes the severe pain :thinking: )
I am so grateful for mindful meditation and breathing techniques to help center me. Grateful for prayer which leads me to connections with my HP, myself and my surroundings.
I am so grateful for access to the internet where i can choose to use it for my benefit - connecting to this beautiful site and now learning to read / write Punjabi. I know bits and pieces but not good enough to sit and read a page without major difficulty. Tried to take a class here as an adult but they start in higher levels - none were available for beginners. I am also grateful that the library has lovely teaching guides available as well.
I am so grateful for light stretching and yoga to help strengthen me without causing more inflammation. Grateful that i am starting to see what doesn’t work immediately so i don’t waste too much time doing the wrong thing.
I am so grateful to learn that i wasn’t the only one who found 2 months of family visits to be exhausting. Everyone here did so as well. Grateful that we have some time to rejuvenate and get back to routines.
I am so grateful for YOU ALL - grateful to be able to come to you and share my day / feelings and feel heard. Grateful for our common goal and the support we provide to keep us moving in that direction. Grateful for such beautiful friends on such a rough journey - makes the journey so much easier to handle.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart: