Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I am grateful for routine and I am grateful for recognizing the difference in my attitude and stress levels when I let myself stray from my new routine. I will be getting back to my routine after work today for sure.


its crazy how a small deviation from our daily positivity routine can cause such havoc. grateful that you noticed what was missing and will get back into your meditation. :heart:


Today I’m grateful for me, and that I can make people smile and brighten their day and that I’m the kind of person that wants to. I send out the birthday emails at work and I always include a pun or some kind of creative funny wordplay, and it feels good to know it makes people smile. Yesterday I did one with Mork from Ork (it made sense I swear), and Robin Williams looked so much like my dad that looking at images of him is sort of like bumping an old deep bruise. They both were funny and kind and troubled and sad, but I am grateful to be reminded of both of them. I’m grateful to remember the efforts they made to shine through their struggles even if (at least in my dad’s case) it was mostly a losing battle. Addiction and mental illness are awful beasts, and I’m grateful that being on the sober side of things makes me better able to appreciate dad’s struggles and find compassion.
I’m grateful that I can recognize my anxiety at work when something comes up and I think Oh No I can’t do that right now! But then I remember I actually can I’m just all wound up about something else.
I’m grateful I have an appointment to donate blood again this afternoon, fingers crossed it goes well and I can help someone!


All right! G-Dudes!
Let’s be grateful!

Coffee and memes, great way to start my day.
Shitty night sleep. I get plenty of good ones and the coffee is doing it’s magic. And I can take a nap or meditate whenever I feel I need to rest.

Good dinner out last night. Well for me anyway. I enjoyed my meal.
Easily adjusting to change of plans today. I use to hate changes of plans.

Wifey is sick as shit. We both noticed, and were appalled at, her uncontrollably shaking trying to drink her first glass of wine of the day at the restaurant in the evening. She had to get up and leave and couldn’t eat. Hopeful, grateful maybe rock bottom is in sight. Grateful she told me about her panic attack at the hairdressers. She couldn’t write the check. All this shit happening while she was sober and being scared. Grateful for my compassion and understanding of this disease and just being able to love her. It’s fucking hard as hell! But grateful for Al-Anon and if it takes 4-5 meetings a week then I’m grateful I got the sense to get my ass in a seat. I’m grateful this all will pass one way or another.

Meanwhile,……I’m grateful I can offer her comfort today and not one bit of criticism. And still get the few things done I need to get done. I’m grateful she has the sense not to drive down to Scottsdale today with the pets. The movers don’t come till tomorrow afternoon she can get the pets and herself out of here before they get here. I’m grateful I never have to worry about her sneaking the booze on me. Grateful it’s always in my face. I’m grateful to know what I’m dealing with.
I’m grateful she’s never abusive to me.
I’m grateful she’s not a narcissist or gaslights me.
I’m grateful she’s scared shitless. Truthfully so am I.

I’m grateful I’m actually ok today though. Currently.
I’m grateful I can share this with you all.
I’m grateful I’m sober.

I’m grateful, you dear gratitude friends, on here are sober and are not going through what my wife is going through. I’m grateful and hopeful you all have the strength to continue on your sober journey and not do this to your loved ones. Or most importantly to yourself. So if any of you are thinking of picking up again. Read this gratitude post and think about how the disease of alcoholism effects the whole family. It’s not just about you.

I feel like I should say I’m sorry. For posting like this. But it helps me so much to leave it here with you guys, my friends, who can understand. And who I love. Let’s go get another OFDAAT so we don’t ruin our lives or the lives of our loved ones.


I’m grateful for 45 days :sparkles::heartpulse:
I’m grateful I’m able to take my daughter to her first concert tonight and I’ll be able to remember it and drive us home safely after 🩶
I’m grateful for any sleep even this broken up crap lol
I’m grateful my job has given me the task of learning something new and difficult. I am overwhelmed but, knowing they believe in me helps. I’m just afraid I don’t retain knowledge like I used to and have been trying to Google reversing wet brain :woozy_face::sleepy:
I’m grateful for this app. I haven’t been sharing much lately but I’ve been reading a lot of threads when I’m anxious or uncomfortable.
I’m grateful I’m not drinking today and plan to not drink tomorrow too.


You have nothing to apologize for!
I’m grateful you were honest in your post. I’m grateful for the reminder of where drinking leads me (us). I’m grateful you guys have another day before the movers show up.
Sending love, prayers and huge hugs!
:people_hugging: :pray: :heart:


Big hugs, love and thoughts that she’s better tomorrow. I’m glad that it’s something y’all can talk about and something that’s very much out there in the open that is a problem. Pets for all the pets.


I’m grateful for another day of sobriety, good health and lots of love.

But today I am grateful for my Al anon group meeting. I heard the rights words and phrases from shares that I can apply to myself as I set on my journey to recovery.


Im grateful that i just read your post, im almost moved to tears with your honesty and utter compassion. Thank you Eric… sending love :heart:


Im grateful for you and Kelly. You’re both in my prayers


Never apologize Eric!! This is exactly what the forum is for.
Im grateful that you were able to release this here with us. Hope it lightened your load.

Addiction is a evil mistress and i do hope that your wife can get out from its claws. Hoping that nothing more serious is going on and maybe this will help help her give sobriety a chance.

Im grateful we are sober too and can handle what life throws our way with clear and level heads.


@Dazercat Dear friend, I’m glad you share and come here to find compassion, understanding and strength. What you describe is definitely a very good reason to refrain from picking up again. And a shoutout that massive life changes are handled better sober!
You are all in my prayers :pray:

Today I’m very grateful for the new dentist. My tooth has its final crown. They don’t mind when I’m crying because I’m nervous and overwhelmed. That’s absolutely ok. What a relief. I was brave and scheduled a bleaching in 2 weeks. Then the overhaul of my teeth is completed. I’m happy and grateful, this was a big milestone on my “I’m 50 and it’s time to …” list :blush:

I’m grateful I spent the rest of the day reading, napping, cuddling cats, watching TV and relaxing. I’m grateful for air condition, the heat was already brutal when I came home mid morning. I’m grateful for HALT, yummi leftovers in the fridge and chocolate milk. I drink so much atm, I’m really craving other tastes than water and tea. Today it was chocolate milk and what can I say: Some things never change. I’ve been loving cold chocolate milk since I was a little child :blush:

I’ll be watching some stupid film, it’s still too hot to open the windows on thefirst floor and air the bedroom. I’m grateful I can take it easy and I take it easy :pray: ODAAT


Grateful that you do- we are learning so much and you reinforce your beliefs as you recite :pray::heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the reminder from google photos of working at the jet ski rental last year and of the visit from Kelley two years ago today. I’m grateful that my new job in the warehouse at Canadian Tire is going well and I’ve been adjusting to the early mornings. I’m grateful that I have been playing lots of binaral beats at home lately and sleep meditations. I’m grateful my parents want to go for early dinner on Sunday since they will be in town. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful that a bill collector called, I answered and made arrangements I plan to keep. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for treatment centers. I’m grateful for a full fridge and a comfy bed.

May our higher powers give us strength.

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!

p.p.s. Something just made me think of @Nowenbrace and am sending you positive vibes


Good morning my greatful sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
Waking before my alarm
Fellowship within the rooms of aa and this forum
Boscoe cuddles
Quiet time before my day gets started
Friday and payday!
My lil penpal
Air conditioning…i was worried yesterdays heat broke it but its working so far today
Heatwave ending
Looking forward to the weekend
A break from workouts today
The newcomers who remind us of why we do this one day at a time
Meme warriors
Fresh clean water
Feeling supported
All of you!

Peace love and gratitude


Everyday I speak my gratitude to the universe. Even using I kept the glimmer of light alive I would find the way to be better. I’m damn glad to be alive and clear with myself. I’m glad I got so tired of boozing it made me angry. I felt myself physically fading little by little and I finally chose to feel good again physically and mentally. It’s been an epiphany.


Today I am grateful for new tires and to have my car back. Yay


Don’t be sorry. Your capacity for gratitude and compassion are inspiring, and I’m grateful to see them because they remind me each day that the work is hard but worth it. Also, this place is the exactly right place to share these things, who else has a better understanding of the disease and all the ways it can affect one’s life? My heart aches for your wife, I’ve been where she is and felt that awful panic and I’m sending her my best most soberish juju.


Today is the day we’re hitting the road on our week+ long road trip! I’m excited and grateful to get away and to do this thing I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. I’ve got my things packed up and they’re going to pick me up after work to start the first leg of the journey, and I have some apprehension but all week I’ve been talking to the BF and it’s dumb for me to feel this way after nearly twelve years together but I’m like “oh wow, he’s really excited to do this, and to spend time with me, and he loves me!” :open_mouth: I probably should get therapy or something. Anyway I’m grateful for my family, my work and that I have PTO, and my sobriety so that I can look forward to this trip without the alcohol anxiety and worries about drunk what-ifs: what if I’m too hungover to enjoy myself, what if I get drunk and act stupid, what if I blah blah blah. I’m grateful to just have regular anxiety, and the knowledge that I feel good and will feel good in body and mind, and that because I’m sober I’ll be able to deal with any bumps along the road. I’m grateful that so much of my time is no longer wasted feeling like I swam in toxic waste.


@dazercat wishing you luck with your moved today – I do hope Kelly is feeling better today and is able to make the drive.
@riprock66 welcome to the Gratitude thread – so lovely that you have already found the healing powers of practicing gratitude and are now sharing them with us. Grateful that you are choosing to feel good again. :pray:

What a beautiful Friday my beautiful sober friends - hoping everyone is enjoying this wonderful day
I am so grateful for sleeping in a bit this morning - i really needed it. I did have to rush to keep my 9 am breakfast schedule - it all worked out. I am trying to stick to a routine for eating and today is day 2 so really did not want to screw it up already.
I am so grateful that my allergy attacks from yesterday have gone away - i do hope that things go more smoothly today :crossed_fingers: I can’t take any antihistamines at the moment so just kinda work through them
I am so grateful that my back pain from this morning is starting to mellow out -hope this lasts once i get moving. Also very grateful that i am awake and alert - no fatigue today.
I am so grateful that i am breathing easy and not getting worked up over having my brothers gf here. I still don’t want to interact with her or engage in any way but i am not getting my panties in a bunch of sharing the same air space.
I am so grateful that i am doing this deep spring cleaning. Its very nostalgic. Kind of funny cause i will got through something and say yeah i need to keep this for whatever reason and then as i’m working on something else i go back to that one thing and chuck it. no need to keep letters and bday cards - yes memories but really when do i look through them and they are taking up clean air space. I’m also clearing out a lot of inventory for the bakery and trying to sort out for donation or sell piles. By the end of this i think my main issues will be with all the books and knitting stuff i have :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am so grateful for my mother who calls just to make me laugh. Grateful that she is my best friend. I am so grateful to learn that my sister is coming by this weekend. Super excited.
I am so grateful that we still have power - so many lost it during last nights crazy storm.
I am so grateful that the morning is starting off nice and cool again - it will get super hot and muggy shortly but its a great way to start off the day.
I am so grateful to be free of all addictions and dealing with all of life’s shit head on with a clear mind.
I am grateful for my HP guiding me and helping me throughout this journey - never giving up on me and allowing me to connect with “Him” through my mediation and prayer practices.
I am so grateful for this group and all of your support!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you much love :heart: :heart: