Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I’m grateful for doing nothing but breathing. It’s too hot for everything and the house doesn’t really cool down at night anymore due to high night temperatures. I’m grateful I close and shut down the house in the morning and the aircondition still keeps the living room at liveable temperatures. 2 days to go. I’m grateful everything passes.

I’m grateful I pulled myself back from overthinking and high emotions several times today. Had a bad night and the heat triggers my anxiety. I’m grateful I texted with friends, it gave me safety to not suffer alone. I still not fully accomodated to living alone again. And I’m nervous about driving 2 1/2 hours tomorrow in the heat for a overnight visit to my chosen family. I’m grateful my brain knows that there’s nothing to worry about and it calms my mind and emotions. The chores are done, the cats are fine with an overnight stay, the car has aircondition, I’m already heading to bed early so I’ll be well rested tomorrow, the alarm clock is set, the bags for veggi shopping at the farmer’s market tomorrow morning are packed. Me and my travel nervousness. As soon as I’m on the road everything is fine.
I’m grateful I can share about it here, I feel less alone. Thank you all :people_hugging:


Checking in, holding up alright


I am grateful for @JazzyS once again, after difficult days, reading all her messages and love made my heart melt. Thank you Lord for Jasmine and her great work with all of us here!!!


Thank you Thomas!! :pray: you are too sweet. Im just grateful that you are back here with us. Together we can conquer our addictions :people_hugging:


I’m grateful I, we all, made it to Scottsdale safe and mostly sound. I’m sober. So that’s a plus. Now for a dinner out for my reward. I’m grateful I don’t get hammered any more after such big days.

Thank you all for your continued loving support.
I’m grateful I’m good.


Yay eat well @Dazercat


Very relieved to hear you all made it safely. I was thinking about you guys today and praying it went as well as it could. Enjoy that dinner reward, you deserve it! :yum:


YEAH! so grateful for a safe journey – enjoy your well deserved meal :yum:


The rain was merciful today, compared to the forecasted shitstorm.

Nobody found my new hiding spot for my blankets.

Got my blood draw over with at the doctor.

I didn’t suffer alcohol withdrawal. No headache yet.

Coming back out of my shell as far as self expression. I’m hatching


Im grateful to miss this thread, the best home thread ever. Im grateful to have gotten busy with a home full of darling daughters and even a new cat.
Im grateful for lunches packed for me from the leftovers from the epic dinners my oldest darling daughter makes for me and most grateful for the heart bursting notes inside.

Grateful for the 10 hour shifts of overtime were getting at work and very grateful i made it through the layoffs that took 40% of the payroll. Im having a grand moment in the sun and im grateful to relish in it.
Grateful today marks one month in our new home. Grateful TO BE OFF SUBOXONE and can now start working the steps with my sponsor.
Im grateful i have so very much to be grateful for right now.
Grateful for plum village meditations. Check them out, its a free app made as a gift to the world by a …monkdom (what are they called??) in France. Grateful to have learned about and finally got the courage to try cold showers. Its shown to raise your baseline dopamine level and theyre working wonders for me.
Grateful. Just so grateful for my recovery and such a special place to share it. Ill do better checking in abd being a part of. Miss yall.


@Dakotahjae claps for all the good news

Much loving kindness to you, your daughters, and the cat.


I am grateful for this too. I do hope that you get a good nights rest and have a fabulous rod trip tomorrow. :hugs: Looking forward to hearing about your adventure.


Congrats on your 16 months Billy!


Great to hear from you Darcy! I can’t believe it’s been 1 month - that is so amazing. Absolutely beautiful note (made lunch that much more special) :heart: How lovely that you and your girls are settling in.

I am so with you on the cold showers - so many amazing benefits and just makes you feel alive.


Morning gratitude!
Thanks @JazzyS the night was ok and I’m glad I set an alarm.
I’m grateful for my house, for having a reliable roof over my head when a crazy thunderstorm strikes. Fuck was it loud, I was asleep and startled when thunderbold set in. My poor cats were frightened, too loud for them.
I’m grateful I fell asleep again after I closed the windows. I’m grateful I went to the bathroom at 4 and opened all windows to let the cool air in. Fell asleep again like a rock in the breeze. Would like to sleep on :blush: but have to pack.

I’m grateful the sun is shining and for the next 2 hours it will not get too hot :pray: Then I’m on the highway and don’t care.

I’m grateful for a cold shower, so vivifying. I’m grateful I feel rested and fine. I even found my (!) meditation stone Missi hid/lost half a year ago when she was permanently playing with it! A good omen :blush:

Have a good and sober day dear fellow gratitudes :pray:


I’m grateful @Dazercat has made the move safely with his family (furry family included!).
I’m grateful @erntedank is off on a road trip-enjoy!
I’m grateful for the daily reminders on this site why I’m working on my sobriety everyday and why I can’t ever become complacent. There is so much joy and living to gain amd so much to lose in the other direction.
I’m grateful to be home.
I’m grateful to our friend who has looked after our cat and all my many indoor and outdoor plants.
I’m grateful my dog has been my shadow since I got back and is giving so many cuddles.
I’m grateful I think of all the other pet owners here when I’m cuddling my furbies and it brings me joy knowing the happiness you all find in your pets too.
I’m grateful although I didn’t get the job I interviewed for yesterday I got great feedback and was advised of another similar position being advertised soon.
I’m grateful they strongly recommended I apply.
I’m grateful although I was disheartened initially, I took a moment, recognised I had done my best and that I was no worse off than before the interview.
I’m grateful turning to alcohol was only a passing thought which I replaced with a plan for a pamper night.
I’m grateful for waking up sober today with cool painted nails.
I’m grateful for all of you awesome soberistas.


Oh @Dazercat this does break my heart because I’ve been there. I had to hear the words out of my son’s mouth (when he was 5) “mom, why are your hands shaking so much?” He was scared! I was - I hate to admit - more embarrassed than worried at the time. My worry was to get something to control the shaking (aka a drink). It was a while until I realized I HAD to stop. I have to say that one thing I’m always grateful for is my steady hands and neat handwriting, because it was not always like this for many, many years.

I’m hoping and praying that this realization comes to your wife soon, the need to stop, the willingless and resolve to change. The certainty that alcohol does not bring ANYTHING good. At all. With such an amazingly supportive husband, I know she will have the tools to make your lives so much better :heart: Sending love, prayers and hugs your way. For your sobriety, for your wife’s journey and for your move :heart:


Good morning all! It’s Saturday morning and I am here to share my gratitude with this amazing community.

Today I have 666 days free from the devil that is alcohol. Wooooot! I am grateful to be free.

I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my various families in the past few weeks. I had precious one on one time with my brother who had hit 90 days clean!

I had precious time with my younger son. We played together at the beach. Yup, my 31 year old son and I went floating around and played on those foam floaties they call noodles. Cuz mama was so pleased to have him home. He’s doing great and thinking about how to move closer to home from California. We committed to figuring out better visit routines. I’m so proud of him.

I am grateful to have found my life’s work in schools 37 years ago. Despite my various lifelong challenges, including alcohol addiction, I know I have a purpose and reason to be alive and to be working. This week saw the return to work, meeting with teachers, preparing our classrooms, planning the start of year 37. I get to mentor some brand new teachers this year, what an honor.

I am grateful for the solitude I got to enjoy in my little school on Friday afternoon. Everyone had left for the weekend and I had a few hours of organizing and planning and visualizing what is coming up for that space. At one point I sat at my desk and had a wave of emotion… pride, joy, gratitude that I am in this place now in my life. Anxiety and rage are disappearing and an aura of peace is settling on my shoulders. I have made great progress in this journey and my attention to myself is allowing me to get to this place to serve others in peace and love. I cannot put into words what this means to me.

I wish you all a day of peace and grace for yourself.


I am grateful I slept well tonight. Until 6 am. A record.
I am grateful for having sparkling water again.
I am glad I was in from grocery shopping before it began to rain. Pouring rain and thunder. I like this when I am inside.
I am grateful I called a friend and we spoke for some minutes.
I am grateful I can name my feelings a bit better now. How I feel. Starting again - sigh. That’s the feeling.
I am grateful that even though it’s humid and relatively warm still it’s completely different to the air at the Côte d’Azur. I can breathe here.
I am grateful that I attended a morning yoga session.


YES! Positive omens to start off the road trip. Hope everything went smoothly.
@dilettante way to keep positive about the job front – the right fit will come along. Sounds promising for the next open position. Love the change in plan – pamper night sounds delightful!

Good morning you beautiful sober souls - Happy Saturday to you all!
I am so grateful that my throat is already feeling better
I am so grateful that i did start the day with red light therapy to give my lower back some relief.
I am so grateful that i am not taking things personally with my brothers shitty attitude and behavior.
I am so grateful that i did get through all the spring cleaning yesterday. Will feel so good to finally take the piles to donation or craft stores and put items on sale for bakery equipment. My sister is coming over this weekend (grateful for this too) and she will look through to see if she needs / wants anything.
I am so grateful that i have brought over my comforter and sheets – finally will feel a little more like my bed
I am so grateful that my parents have a large sized washing machine / dryer so i can wash my comforter at home and not have to go to a laundromat
I am so grateful for enjoying a lovely cup of coffee that has now gone cold so i will go heat up another cup :cup: Need the warmth!
I am so grateful that i am not fatigued today and will make the most of the day.
I am so grateful that it looks like a overcast mid 70’s kind of day - may go for a nice walk and enjoy the fresh air
I am so grateful for all my support with family, friends and from this community! I really don’t think i would have made it this far without all of the love and non judgmental companionship!
I am so grateful for light exercises, seated yoga, mindful body scans (its crazy how much i need to work on - i realize this when i stop and focus on each and every part of me), deep breathing, meditation and prayer, ALL the Connections (mentally, spiritually and emotionally) with my HP and my surroundings.
I am so grateful for Living for having this opportunity to heal and do things better. Grateful for gratitude practice which has changed my ways of thinking.
I am so grateful for another addiction free day for all of us - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: