Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful that the smell of fall is in the air.
I’m immensely grateful for this forum and all the wisdom and support I receive here. @JazzyS , @dazercat, @Mno , @SassyRocks to name a few…
I’m grateful for the Meme Wars thread where I can escape for a while when the going gets tough.


I am grateful this morning to be back on here.
I am grateful that I stopped in to read Eric’s post last night and that it stopped me in my tracks, thinking that can’t be me and it’s going to be me - but I’d be alone.
I am grateful that I can still make better choices, right choices and do the next right thing.
I am grateful to have some hope and a tad wee bit of peace, in what is the hardest point in my life that I have ever faced - knowing that doing it sober is the next right thing.


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
25 days free from all harmful addictions
I dont have to feel shame of switching gas stations i go to grab my daily drinks
Im productive
Woke up and worked out
Time with hubby
The heat wave has broken and its comfortable out
Time to get chores done
Looking forward to get my nails done…makes me feel pretty
Took a pic yesterday and i dont have a double chin!
@Dazercat and wife are safe after the move
@Soberbilly has 16 months!
@Dakotahjae checking in to the home thread
All of you! This place is very special!

Rock and roll and repeat to the sound of the beat


I’m grateful I don’t drink and I’m not hungover so I could get up at 4:45 am after a moving day.
I’m grateful to have already coffied up and got Benson out for a walk just before six.
I’m grateful I get a bunch of quiet time after.
I’m grateful the movers will be here at nine to move more of our shit in. Mostly to store it here in our handy spare room that we haven’t figured out to do with it yet. Grateful it has a barn door. We could close it off and not look at it. Except of course there’s a litter box in there :grimacing:

I’m grateful for the selfie I took yesterday driving away with the house in the rear view mirror. Haven’t posted it yet. Maybe I will. I’m grateful when I got around to looking at it I was actually smiling. I’m grateful those last 3 weeks are finally over. :white_check_mark:
I’m grateful someone is looking at the house this morning before it hits the market.:crossed_fingers: :pray:t2:

I’m grateful the Ol Burner and Daisy cat greeted me at the door when I got in yesterday.
I’m grateful Mavy is ok. He hates to travel. He puked up and shit himself. :crying_cat_face: I’m grateful he was in a carrier. I’m grateful I wasn’t driving that car :joy:
I’m grateful by the time I got here Mavy was in his first old kitty condo, looking out the window and his tail was gliding up and down when he saw me.

I’m grateful wifey made it in safe with my babies.
I’m grateful I didn’t react when she ordered wine with dinner. Seriously :flushed: “What the fuck did you expect Charlie Brown?” Grateful I can admit I was disappointed :cry: I’m grateful I know addiction has a huge grip on her and I just cannot pry her loose. I’m grateful I can take care of myself. I’m grateful there’s tons of recovery down here.

I’m grateful Alice got on my chest in bed last night and stayed forever. I’m grateful when she finally left because I was so hot.

Grateful to see my Gamble Quail drinking at my swimming pool. Momma and her grown up babies. M :thinking: you might just have to be Mamma Gamble Quail. @M-be-free49 No Loons in the desert. Whelp, I’m grateful you’re the first person I thought of. Too late now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whelp, grateful to get this wrapped up. Grateful I got a lot of work to do. Grateful it’s not stressful now. Grateful they’ll get here when they get here. Grateful if they loose a few boxes.

Grateful for you all. And everyone who reached out.

Grateful I just saw Jené write in and and it appears my shit storm about my wife might go to something good. Love you pal @EarnIt :pray:t2:

I’m grateful our stories help. You never know how. But just keep telling them.



Today I am grateful for the inspiration to deep clean and reorganize my house. I am also planning on reorganizing and redecorating this will take at least two weekends to complete but I am inspired and ready to start.


Grateful for you my friend - always love your Gratitude’s

missing your ending quote today :heart:


Here ya go :rofl:

“I don’t even have a ‘pla’.”
Phoebe Buffay


Funny just how much it’s all perspective.


Shhh and what a quote! Thank you :blush:

Hope you are having a great unplanned Saturday :heart:


Need a second set of gratitudes today.
Grateful I am still sober.
Grateful I had the biggest urge to buy and drink alcohol this afternoon.
Grateful I came to in the shop (I really was almost in a trance) and ran back to the car.
Grateful I checked in and read on TS, especially @Dazercat 's post from a few days ago when he shared his experience of the night his wife was cooking drunk. I could vicerally feel myself doing this tonight, as I no doubt have many nights before and I just sobbed in the car.
I’m grateful I drove home, picked up the dog and went for a field walk.
I’m grateful for the smell of cut grass.
I’m grateful for the golden late afternoon light.
I’m grateful for bird song.
I’m grateful the sky faries gifted me a rainbow to look at on my walk, I needed it.
I’m grateful I’ve cooked a delicious meal (sober).
I’m grateful my daughter picked up on my subdued mood and made me a strawberry and banana fruit salad with ice cream.
I’m grateful I attended two online meetings today.
I’m so so grateful I found this community. You all help me immeasurably.


I’m feeling grateful for:

  1. 5 days sober now;
  2. Attending 3 TLC meetings today and sharing in them all;
  3. Gave my number out in the chat and have had text conversations with 4 people, woot!
  4. A nice, early run with my doggos before it got too hot, and then a nice walk with them later.
  5. Books! I’m rediscovering my love for reading and have 3 going at the moment. I’ve never read multiple books at a time before but they’re all so different it’s proving easy to do.
  6. This community.
  7. My fab real estate agent in New Mexico who called this morning to say she’s going to see if we can move in prior to closing, which is tentatively set for September 28. Apparently the builder suggested it once he gets the certificate of occupancy. That would be amazing :star_struck:

Hope you are all well :heart:


Too tired to catch up!

Today I’m grateful for chosen family. What a blessing :pray:
I’m grateful I brought a wig barbie style. It was cheap and I had so much fun with myself. I’m grateful parts of my family had fun with with putting it on their heads and having fun with the pictures!!! It was georgeous and lots of laughter.

I’m grateful I know boundaries. I accept them, I’m grateful I see, hear and feel them.

I’m grateful for cuddling my widowed “sister”, she needed it.

I’m grateful for meeting a friend of the family, we had so much fun. I forgot how much good talks can be. In the last years nothing of this quality happenend. I’m grateful I can enjoy such a gift!

I’m grateful I have time for me. I’m grateful all are asleep, there is wind and I did a meditation in the garden that rooted me back where I’m me. This are the episodes that bring back me. Too difficult to explain, being me in the wind here is what I always was, never forgot and deliberately take the chance (having this wind is fate) to be what I always was as a child.
When you feel home and yourself … and see yourself because you feel yourself … after decades … then you know your fucking work & therapy did a good job :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::orange_heart::pray::four_leaf_clover:

I’ve been decades ago exactly here, emotions, locations, settings, family.

I’m grateful ME is still here, literally. And I declutter all that made life & me so complicated.

I’m deeply grateful for people and places so deeply engraved in my life, still there, with unconditional love and honesty, whatever I rant about: it is valid, we share good and bad times, we are always there for each other and this life goes on. And sometimes it sucks like hell. It is a blessing to take part relieving the suckerie. Just a talk. I’m grateful to be loved and to be able to help :pray:

Be and be yourself. You never know what you just being yourself makes a difference in other people. A simple smile and a funny idea can make people enjoy themselfs and feel seen & heard. This little ‘no intention’ episodes can turn your life around.

I’m grateful I’m home again and home is just me, I’m so grateful I let go, came back, and now it’s just me. It took me 13 years to settle, and I had to let go of everything in this settng. I knew the day would come. Here I am regaining what always was mine and being grateful that I always knew it’s waiting for me.
I think this is called a turnpoint.
I’ve been searching it for so long. And it hit me like it was just there waiting for me. I found myself again.
Maybe I should be grateful for adding babysteps. I’ve a long way in the last 18 months, especially in the last year.
Today I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. And I’m good and content.
Might be off for some me-time, will take a bit to digest today which includes me focussing on me and ignoring my phone due to focus reasons :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am vegan! I agree it is delicious :yum:
I’m grateful for vegan yummies!

It is my nickname family and close friends call me, a good fit for here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Dilettante Kiki Dee - thanks for considering us to be in the family and close friends category :people_hugging:
Grateful that posts were able to stay with you and help you today. Grateful that you did not give into the urge and are celebrating another day sober! I agree that vegan treats are so so yummy! – just found limited edition of Pumpkin Spice Oreos - damn i really dont go for any of the the other flavors but this one is really good :yum:

This is a beautiful bracelet Billy. Grateful that you were able to make that connection with your new neighbor.

So much love to you my friend! Grateful that your road trip went smoothly and you were able to connect with family. Grateful for all your growth and accomplishments :heart:


Grateful for my first attempt at this thread in a while. Grateful for pedis with my mom today and seeing my dad after. Grateful for my kitten Cori lying on my lap right now. Grateful I can be patient with her while she learns to poop in the box and not on the floor. Grateful I’m not drinking and going ballistic over it. That sure wouldn’t help an animal have confidence and learn! Grateful to have a safe and clean house. The housekeeper came yesterday. Grateful I made a lot of effort putting things away before she came. Grateful I listened to the meditation on the serenity prayer this evening that @Dazercat recommended and got a fresh perspective on it. Especially since I missed the meeting I had planned to go to this morning. Grateful for all the ways to stay sober today rather than when Bill and Bob started out – they had no internet, sobriety forums or podcasts. Grateful for you all here!


Oh I’m wayyyyy beyond behind on here! I’m grateful there’s so much gratitude.

This week went un-according to most plans I made. That should be predictable by now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m grateful I rolled with it and had a same day return flight for a meeting in the city. Not a huge fan of those long days. And then a day at home before a long drive to another city for another mtg. I must have walked/driven/cabbed past about 30? wine stores, craft breweries, airport lounges, etc I’ve stopped at in the past. Grateful I sailed on past 'em.

Grateful on one of these trips I collected the good dog girl. Oh, it’s grand to see her! (I’m grateful to be co-parenting her, for sure, and grateful for my ex, but this last exchange had me some fresh gratitude for the divorce :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:)

Grateful the dog girl and I had a side trip overnight, on the way home. Went and hung out near the lake, slowed myself down, and then we walked M’s land. Fills my soul!

I’m grateful to be home safe. Unpacked. Bathed. Her good-dog-ness snores at my feet.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I would be so grateful! Ah, Gamble Quail M. It’s got a nice ring to it!

I read up here and there on this thread this week.

I’m very grateful you post as openly and honestly as you do. For so many reasons.
I’m grateful I know I am a drink away from drinking like wifey does.
My heart goes out to you.
My heart goes out to her.
I’m grateful I know pretty much all I can do is hold you both - together and separately - in my heart and mind, and send you love and light as I often do when I’m doing the dharma guided meditations.
(The co-dependent magic fucking wand doesn’t work, turns out, or I’d have fixed everything for everyone by now! :joy:)

Tell ya what… I dunno if Gamble Quails meditate or pray or the like, but when you see that Gamble Quail M, know that she does.
The dog girl and I are sending you both big love. :orange_heart:


I’m so grateful for you. That I know you. That you’re here. That you’re you.

Beautiful post. :orange_heart:


Checking in grateful for so many things - this place, you guys, stories shared, friends and nature being the top five.
My vacation week turned out to be significantly less relaxing than I had hoped for. A two line text from the ex about moving on in life unboxed a whole lot of heartache, sadness and abandonment anxiety. I didn’t realize it was still all there, stowed away somewhere deep. I certainly wasn’t prepared for it to come out all at once. I couldn’t stop crying for days. I am grateful I never thought about numbing the pain, even when I wasn’t sure all the sobbing and feeling of hopelessness would get less at some point. It does. I am grateful it does. Maybe a few more rounds before I can start accepting the change. I am grateful I had friends there who helped me through some of it. I am grateful I could open this app every few hours and check if y’all were still here (you were indeed - very calming). I am grateful I could leave some of it with the lake, the trees and the birds. I am grateful all emotions are temporary and I get to learn from what they are pointing me to. There are so many different ways to love - I don’t have to rip it out of my heart or numb it, as I would have done a few years back. I can just wait, until it transforms to a different kind of love. I know it will. :orange_heart:


Early mornin to my sober peeps,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
483 free from weed and alcohol
26 days free from all unhealthy addictions
Its early as fuck but im not going back to bed
I can take a nap if necessary
Time with my madre yesterday
My husband who got me discount flowers for my promotion … i was going to buy them earlier :slight_smile:
When hubby and i are on the same wavelength
Boscoe cuddles
Went for a walk as a family
Cooler weather
Text buddies
Disposable income to treat myself
Less anxiety
Calmer mind
This wonderful sober refuge
All of you!

Peace and love on your journies