Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning.

This morning I am grateful I made it through the day sober and woke up clear headed this morning, with a kinda plan.

I am grateful to still have a roof over my head even if just for today.

I am grateful for my health and that of my kids, even though we are all facing mental health challenges, our physical bodies are doing pretty great.

I am grateful for meaningful and vulnerably told stories that help others see some light and hope.

I am grateful for my dogs. They treat me like a celebrity every morning when I come out of my room, so much excitement - every day. If we could see ourselves as they do, how glorious it would be.

I am grateful to be back, determined, hopeful.

Grateful for all of you.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful- beyond grateful- for my homethread and gratidudes and gratidudettes. I’m grateful that we care for and support each other through the ups and downs of life. I’m grateful we are respectful and caring to each other, so that we can all be safe sharing what we need to share here. Im grateful for the shout outs, the milestones and accomplishments, and the making it through hard days. I’m grateful I can gleam ideas from you guys for what I can do to make it through my own hard days, because there are always hard days in life. I’m grateful to see @EarnIt here and on the foodie thread. Missed ya! I’m grateful it’s time for me to wrap this up, and get out for a walk before it gets in the 100’s. Have a good day friends :heart:


Thank you @M-be-free49, and right back to you! Im grateful I found this thread and so many wonderful people to share my journey with❤️



Good morning sober friends,

Trying to get back in the habit of morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful I slept a bit better last night despite weird and intense dreams.
I’m grateful I leave for vacation Tuesday morning. I get to visit my mom, enjoy cooler temps, go to beach, eat lots of fresh seafood, catch up with old friends. For a whole week!
I’m grateful I’m celebrating my birthday Wednesday with my Mom. Sober.
I’m grateful my mom doesn’t drink either. (She never drank to excess but has some heart problems that would be made much worse with any amount of drinking.)
I’m grateful that I’m learning to set boundaries and that I’m not responsible for someone’s mood. I tend to people please and want to fix everything.
I’m grateful I deleted all the dating apps, not because I’m seeing someone, but because they are toxic and damaging my mental health. I am realizing that I need to stop chasing a relationship and instead focus on me and my health.

Progress not perfection.
I am enough.


I’m dedicated to reading this thread daily but rarely post. It’s time I change that and rather than use the journal part of the app, I’ll post here. I’ve felt my expression is not as eloquent as others and it’s time to let that shit go.

I’m grateful for waking up another day sober and hangover free.

I’m grateful for the nice evening out to dinner with my lady AA friends last night, after an awesome celebration meeting, while hubby enjoyed a dinner out with his guy AA friends at a different restaurant. I’m grateful he remembered to bring home dinner for our daughter because I forgot. Instead, I stopped to get her a video game she mentioned a few weeks back. I’m grateful for the surprised look and huge smile on her face.

I’m grateful hubby is recovering well from his last surgery (hernia repair) and the nasty bronchitis he got days later. I’m grateful for his amazing transformation in sobriety. I know him losing 200+ pounds and having 3 joint replacements in the past year was no easy feat. I’m grateful for his strength and determination.

I’m grateful for the day off from work to take my daughter to the pool. We’re not feeling good (probably getting sick from daddy) but trying to make the best of the last few days of summer. Grateful the sun is shining and it’s warm enough to swim.

Wishing all my fellow gratidudes and gratidudettes a great day/ night. :two_hearts:


Welcome @Lisa07 -

Yes, let it go, every share is important !:heart:


Today I’m grateful for coming home save. Traffic was heavy.

I’m grateful for being run over by a wagging dog in the morning :orange_heart: Wind, dogs, family, fun, the feeling of reaching a turning point - what a weekend to remember!
I’m grateful this is my first screen time today and will be my last.
I’m grateful the cats missed me. They miowed, snuggled and wanted pets :orange_heart:
I’m grateful in the middle of the drive home a cry hit me. I let the tears flow, it’s ok to feel sad. The two people who I would have exitedly told about the weekend are not there anymore. I have chosen friends and family. My direct family is gone. My mum would have been so happy to hear all the stories, our families have been knowning each other for 50 years. My ex would have been with me in earlier years enjoying the stay too.

I’m grateful I’m officially an adult now: I can use a hammock without falling out! Looking at the blue sky, feeling the wind on my skin, letting thoughts come and go until my head was completely empty was like a time travel to my childhood again, being just me, peaceful, free. :pray: ODAAT


@m-b-free49 Wow – that is a lot of travelling. Grateful you sailed on past the urges. Lovely side trip with the dog girl

Just want to give you a big Hug :people_hugging: I am so sorry that your ex texted at all let alone like that. Much love :heart:
@lisa07 so good to see you on the thread and sharing. Grateful for your hubby’s recovery and sobriety. Hope you had a relaxing day at the pool

So happy to see returns and new faces on the Gratitude thread! A wonderful Sunday everyone :sun_with_face:
I am so grateful for getting my bedding out of storage and cleaned up. Love my egyptian cotton sheets and thick suede duvet. i did not sleep well but the bed was nice and comfortable.
I am so grateful that my sister wanted and took a lot of the stuff i had set out for donations. Grateful that she has use for them and less stuff for me to lug around
I am so grateful that i got to have some quality time with sis today - went out for a coffee this morning which was super nice.
I am so grateful that my sis came this weekend. Grateful that she could talk with my brother and get an understanding of why he’s shut down. I just got a “i love you but i need time for me” text just now. He feels overwhelmed with all the work and getting the new spots renovations done and now working on permits. I am so grateful that he has taken on these tasks but also wish he wouldn’t do it all alone. I wish i was in better health shape to help him out. I am grateful that at least i can help with the house stuff
I am so grateful a laid back chill Sunday - amazing how tired I can be with so much coffee in me. Grateful for trying out a new spot today - tried a latte with almond milk which was decent for a drink but i wouldn’t consider it coffee - was super heavy.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that we are so close that even when we are in bad moods, we can still be there for each other. Grateful that my siblings are my best friends. Grateful that my mother is hilarious - her sarcasm has improved and is giving me a run for my money :rofl:
I am so grateful for being able to meditate and prayer practices even when i don’t feel well or don’t have the energy - doing so makes it all better and i do know this - just need to apply it daily.
I am so grateful for having wifi - grateful that it allows me to connect here on TS with all of you. Grateful that i am blessed to have you so close as @Pandita mentioned - it is super calming and comforting. Thank you so much for all your support and bravery to share so openly.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


I love this! I’m going to try to be more dog when I look at myself in the mirror each morning. It’s true that their enthusiasm is infectious :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::dog:

I’m grateful for waking up sober today.
I’m grateful that cravings were nowhere near as bad today.
I’m grateful a rainy day kept me mostly indoors where I have been productive and cleaned all the dog’s art work (mud splatters) off the walls.
I’m grateful for @JazzyS recommendation of comedy for my viewing pleasure. I’ve had a real chuckle this afternoon.
I’m grateful for blackberries I picked and made into a yummy crumble.
I’m grateful for blankets and a comfy sofa.
I’m grateful for all of you for being here and being so amazing each and every day.



I found a place up there that does gluten free fried clams! Before that, I’d been seriously missing them.


This is awesome. Havent even read more than a few words of your post and had to stop to type. So glad you’re joining us. I have noticed you are always reading this lovely homethread of ours. You are most welcomed. Love ya


Love that you had a laughable Sunday afternoon :laughing:

That blackberry crumble sounds delicious :yum:


I’ve not seen this flavour in the UK, i will keep an eye out for them :face_with_monocle: …grateful for the heads up


They came out with them last year here but i did not get a chance to try. usually do not like any of the flavored oreos but these are fire! sooo good the pumpkin spice filling actually tastes and has texture like pumpkin pie filling :yum:


:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: sounds delish!


Warning. think this may be a long one. It has been a few days since I posted. Also I have been holding back a little because it can get exhausting trying to keep up with my busy, fun, lonely, happy, sore, feeling the feels life and having codependency issues with keeping up with y’all on here as well as my family, friends, co-workers and congregation. Buckle up gratifriends :rofl:

I’m grateful to God for answering my prayers and lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for 201 days without drugs or alcohol. I’m grateful that I noticed I would have over 1300 days now if I hadn’t had my last relapse but then I wouldn’t be the same/new :thinking: me. I’m grateful that my friend celebrated a decade sober last night at AA and invited a wonderful speaker. I’m grateful I may get to treat him to a meal on his actual sober date tomorrow. I’m grateful he’s a man’s man, former biker and pulls no punches, loves himself, his family, AA and puts God center in his life today. I’m grateful when someone who met us both recently called me by his name instead of Brian, I wasn’t offended as I would have been in the past. If you’re going to get my name wrong, I am honored it would be with a man like that. I’m grateful that it only took 45 years for me to listen to someone and I finally applied for a management position at work. I have received offers or thought of doing so numerous times at different places over the years. I’m grateful that the courage from God, the sernity prayer, recovery, meetings, treatment centers, gratitude lists, posts, rants and checkins, counselling, mediation, H.A.L.T. threads, sponsors and sponsee’s, miles of walks and hours of music is worth it. I’m grateful that I truly don’t give a fuck about the outcome from applying its just nice to finally put myself out there and let my higher power and doing the right thing take it from here. I’m grateful that I was able to take my Sister out for breakfast this morning and we had a nice time. I’m grateful when I mentioned to her that I was thinking of listing our step sister as my beneficiary I didn’t let her response ruin to much of the moment or my day. I thought since she’s the mother to our neices it would be well received bur apparently the thought of money was all my sister could think of in that moment. I’m grateful I am not like that, money and material things are pretty low on my priority list, largely have been for the majority of my life. I’m grateful that my parents came for dinner and my sister joined us. I’m grateful Mom and I talked about all this and she is loving and understanding. I’m saddened that it bothered her but this too shall pass. I’m grateful I can stop to call her now and thank her for listening and come back to this. I’m grateful my Dad and answered and that Mom and he made it home safe. I’m grateful the first thing she mentioned before I could bring it up was to do what I think is right regarding as to who to name my beneficiary. I’m grateful I went to a different church alone this morning and didn’t walk out when the vibe felt wrong in the beginning, I was close. I’m grateful it ended up being a lovely service and the music was moving. I’m grateful for the reminder last night from the speaker to train my feet to get up and go even when my mind and heart don’t want to. I’m grateful the fear of embarrassment of walking out of church was to strong and I stayed. I’m grateful that I get to work Monday to Friday this week and will have a three day weekend. I’m grateful I walked a returning newcomer to a meeting this afternoon and could listen and share some experience, strength and wisdom. I’m grateful I went into the big book study and we read an discussed part of into action including the twelve promises. I’m grateful many of the promise have come true for me, repeatedly. I’m grateful my sponsor chaired the meeting last night and my addiction counselor and grand sponsor was my ride to and from so got to have a couple thirty minute chats with him on the ride there and back. I’m grateful the general manager at work had me training a cowrker the other day and that I didnt strangle this lazy entitked teenager that keep walking away to talk with his friends that “work” there and wander around. I’m grateful that I care enough to try a differnet approach and have the communication skills and patience to try again to help them another way and give my judgment and anger to God. I’m grateful for Eric naming a bird after Emm. I’m grateful that earn it is back and lisa is in the thread. Im grateful when I see sunflowrs I think of you. I’m grateful that my hippie friend billy is going to get his eyes checked and psots pictures of his tribe. I’m grateful that stella has helped me many times and wants nothing for it. I’m grateful I told my fellow keyholder at the meeting this afternoon I couldn’t continue that service position anymore and he gave me a big hug and thanks for communicating that and he knows it isn’t my only service commitment anyway. I’m grateful that I can admit I am really struggling with not asking anyone out on dates for the last few months, its really hard and lonely sometimes. I’m grateful that I can pray for the strength to wait for the right person to come along and not just ask someone because she is showing intreset in me or I find them attractive. I’m grateful for the nature photos and piano music that has been keeping me calm playing on the t.v. in the background. I am grateful there is still much more but its already taken over an hour to catch up and compose this. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions.

May our higher powers help us to give and find acceptance.

p.s. You are doing great, you rock. Ya you!!

P.p.s. Jazzy, ertnedank, cjp, diante and others I see you, respect you and thank you for your sharing and caring


You are rocking the sobriety days Brian. 201 or 1300 you are amazing and yeah the journey has made you the awesome human you are today.

Congrats on taking this step friend. Grateful for your attitude and hope everything works out for you.

always lovely to hear from you Brian!


I am grateful the sun was already rising when I woke up. Grateful for the smell of autumn and the French bread in my oven. It’s for a friend’s long table dinner this evening. Looking forward to community and laughter. Grateful for your kind heart @JazzyS. Grateful for a new day.


I’m grateful you know I can’t possibly like this post. So I’ll just scroll on by. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: