Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Evening gratitude.
@Frazzetta This is absolutely amazing :star_struck: I hope you win the contest :+1:

I’ll pick up Eric’s reminder to be grateful for the bad as it shines light on the good. Today I’m grateful it rained cats and dogs. I’m gratwful for the new coat I bought, it protected me and kept me warm and dry. I’m grateful for my reliable car and that I am safely home again, there were several accidents I passed by during the day. I’m grateful I didn’t know what to talk about in therapy today. That’s new and interesting. I’m grateful I liked the wind blowing the leafs from the trees and watched it when raining stopped for an hour.

I’m grateful I forgot a lot on my errand run. Obviously the rain made me wanna go home. I’m grateful I realized a lot more things are missing than I thought. I’m grateful I messaged the ex and claimed an appointment to go through the stuff he packed. For the 3rd time. I was firm in asking him if it needs a lawyer’s note for him to understand that I’m serious about the issue. Which makes me grateful that I stick to my boundaries. No codependent behaviour.
I’m grateful I lit a lot of candle arrangements for All Saints’ Day tomorrow. I’ll be up early and I will love the shimmering candles in rememberance of all the loved ones I lost. I’m grateful I include our marriage and my ex in the mourning. It helps to let go and detach with love.
I’m grateful for everything I accomplished today. It was a lot allthough I feel like I did quite nothing. Checking HALT tells me I’m hungry, lonely and tired. So I’ll feed the cats and me, afterwards to bed with a nice book. I’m grateful we don’t do Halloween here so I won’t be disturbed. I’m grateful I have enough in abundance :pray:


I am grateful to have heard from all of my sponsees today, some of them more than once.I am grateful when people come back to Narcotics Anonymous after relapsing with 30 years cleantime. I am grateful that said member took his 30 day fob. I am grateful that at last nights meeting there were 4 people coming back.I am grateful for common sense and sixth sense. I am grateful that I can hear them both clearly. I am grateful for the theraputic value of one addict helping another. I am grateful that nobody knows the inside of an addicts head like another addict. I am grateful we can forsee each others triggers. I am grateful we can have clear sight for each other when one is sick. I am grateful we can love each other until we love ourselves. I am grateful that we can help each other up if we fall down. I am grateful for holding hands, and not letting go no matter what. I am grateful that we recover together, not alone.
I am grateful for oneness.


I’m grateful for halloween fun and a scary movie.
I’m grateful my daughter went out trick or treating with friends and I got to enjoy her smile and talk on the drive home.
I’m grateful the vet is going to support us with a payment plan so we can get our cat the treatment he needs. He has broken his front paw :disappointed_relieved: and it needs to be set and pinned.
I’m so so grateful he found his way back home even though he could barely walk.
I’m grateful I am putting a calm, happy, sober head on my pillow tonight.


I am grateful for nourishing winter soups and ginger snaps. Grateful for some time with my mom. She was over for dinner, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. I hope she can let go of some of her bitterness. I am grateful I see some silver ligning. I am grateful for new wool socks I got gifted. The colour is outrageous, but they were clearly made with love. I am grateful my home is warm and cozy, the fridge is filled and the people I love are well and healthy. I am grateful for a new day :orange_heart:.


Happy day sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

1.5 years free from weed and alcohol
Taking pto today
My herbs are growing slowly
Boscoe cuddles
Hubby knows how to cheer me up
One day at a time


I’m feeling a bit lost right now so I come here for some gratitude. I’m grateful the cats let me fall asleep again in the morning for a bit, it would have been way too early.

I’m grateful I enjoyed the candles shimmering in the dark and a beautiful dawn. Doing so gives me peace.
I’m grateful for yummi breakfast, for service online and for further decorating the house.
I’m grateful for cat snuggles in abundance.
I’m grateful I did kitchen, laundry, vacuumed and the 2nd attempt to put up two small courtains was successful :pray: I don’t know where this feeling of not doing anything comes these days, it’s stressing me and it’s false. I’m grateful I stick to my plans mostly and I’m happy to work through all the little things one by one. I’m grateful I do not feel overwhelmed :pray::pray::pray:
I’m grateful I stumbled over something I share on the loved ones thread. I’m grateful for your wise words @Soberbilly : I might think it’s bad but in fact it is necessary. Love your quote of today!
Coming here for gratitude was the right decision. I feel a lot better and more stable :pray: Little steps add up a long way.


I’m grateful :innocent:
Even though I have a slight headache :face_with_head_bandage:
I’m grateful it’s from too much hard sleep and not from getting liquored up last night. Ya poor me :pensive: too much sleep :sleeping: I’m grateful I can figure it out. I’m grateful I plan my sleeps around the dog and Minnie use to be up late and now Benson is ready for bed at 8:30 :disappointed: I’m grateful if this is one of my problems to figure out, then I’m golden in the problem department. I’m grateful I don’t even know why I’m writing this shit. I’m grateful I reckon I’m just getting the gratitude muscles warmed up.

I’m grateful for morning time with Mav Just me and him. Coffee getting cold, not reading devotionals or recovery stuff just sitting her with my little hp for awhile as long as he takes.

I’m grateful I feel like I been doing nothing. Lazy bum and don’t feel like doing what I ( I’ll step in my own should :poop: here,) “should” be doing. But I’m convincing myself that’s ok.
@erntedank I’ve been through some trauma and huge life changes since the week before Minnie died, end of June, and it’s just gonna have to be ok if I wasted my day watching football or even wasted the weekend watching football. Or not getting in my exercise. Eating out to much. I’m grateful this working on ourselves business is exhausting.

I’m grateful I had my therapy yesterday.
I’m grateful I had my sponsor meeting yesterday.
I’m grateful I even went to a meeting yesterday.

I’m grateful my car is in the shop and it’s gonna cost a shit load for the checkup. 4 new tires etc……etc……etc….It’s 21 years old and has never let me down. She’s worth it. I’m grateful wifey’s car needs to get to the shop too :grimacing: and I’ll get it there when I get it there. I’m grateful we got a lot of errands to do today and the only place I need to be is at my chiropractor at 4. I’m grateful we can use our third car SUV to get stuff done.

I’m grateful for Tylenol, hopefully it helps.
Grateful wifey offered me a cappuccino yesterday from her Breville but I had to decline because I had just had a grandé at the Starbucks with my sponson. I’m grateful I got to experience her satisfaction and accomplishment it doing it all herself except when she asked me to help her get it out of the big box. And a couple of other little helps only when she asked.

I’m grateful for this therapeutic practice of letting things out here with you all in a grateful attitude.
I’m grateful I can now “Get The Show On The Road!”
C’Mon Burner!
:pray:t2: :innocent: :face_with_head_bandage: :heart:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie


Hello TS Peeps :wave: I’m getting back in track with with my check in’s

  1. I am Grateful for my safe drive to Saskatoon and my friend opening up her home to me.
  2. I am Grateful for being included in the passing out of candy last night ( over 60 kids!) We never get kids at my house. I had a BLAST!!!
  3. I am Grateful for my husband taking time off to deal with the siding reno’s and the painting inside. He rocks!
  4. I am Grateful that the weather is being co-operative.
    I am SO Grateful for this next sober month! Let’s do this!!
  5. I am also Grateful to experience these rambunctious day care kids at my girlfriend’s house. I don’t have kids or have been around many … so far I’m having fun. Not sure how 4 days of them will go tho … they are noisy and for some weird reason sticky, why the hell are they sticky???

Hello and good day good buddies! I’m grateful I got up and made myself take the dogs in a walk even though it’s cold and I wanted to sleep. I still want to sleep. I’m so sleepy my eyes feel spicy. I’m grateful I won scariest pumpkin in the contest! I’m grateful for all your encouragement. :slight_smile: I’m grateful I ran into a friend at my bus stop this morning and we got to catch up on the ride into downtown. I’m grateful for what I hope will be a quiet night and early bedtime!


I’m grateful to live 500 miles away from my family. I am also grateful that I have no problem getting off the phone when I feel worn too thin.


Oh I’m soooo grateful :innocent:
Got it :heart:

And I’m grateful I barely lifted a finger except when asked.
And I’m grateful I told her we need cups and I let her pick them.


Finally! :laughing: Proud of you for showing amazing restraint.
It looks delicious and lovely. I’m feeling a lil jelly over here. :yum:


Today I am grateful for my health. 64 years old, I have some aches and pains but I am able to move. I am able to ride my bike, walk my dogs and do all the things I need to do. I had I high blood pressure but since I quit drinking it seems to have gone back to normal. I am going to check with my doc about going off the BP meds. To see what happens.


I’m grateful for a cold but beautiful, cloud free, starry sky dog walk this evening.
I’m grateful i had the chance to change my job in September. I’ve not been feeling too good today, but the work from home tutoring means i could still turn up for my students (in pj bottoms) and help them out.
I’m grateful for a delicious veggie curry this evening.
I’m grateful I can sleep now. Grateful I managed to squeeze a gratitude in before bed.
Grateful for you supreme soberistas.


@dilettante Grateful that you are getting your cat some treatment for his paw. I am sorry the little guy is hurting. Hope it is a quick healing process. :pray: Sorry you are not feeling. Grateful that you have a job that allows you to be comfortable while helping the students :heart:
@erntedank How are you doing now? I am grateful that you were able to come here and practice gratitude and a vent post when you felt lost and overwhelmed with emotions – I do hope it helped. Grateful that you can see how much progress you have made – how far you have come :hugs: You are a strong independent woman and doing a hell of job in recovery. Much love your way my friend.
@chuckie22 so good to see you checking in – glad you are having a great time with your friend. Brace yourself – 4 young kids do take a lot of energy out of you. I don’t have any myself but have a friend with 4 and it was always a fun but super exhausting visit. Why so sticky – honestly – I don’t think they even know :laughing:
@frazzetta YEAH!!! So glad you won – I would have been shocked if you didn’t cause your pumpkin was :fire: “eyes feel spicy” do love your way with words and I totally feel this today – hope you do get a good night’s rest tonight.
@dazercat – OMG that looks amazing – how was it? Way to go Kelly :clap: I do love the mug cup and saucer :heart:


I couldn’t decide to check in, or do the gratefulls. I chose here. I’m seeing my depression again. I was brought up to bury everything, and that’s what I do. I put on a smile, joke, I’m nice to most. Then I wonder why no one notices I’m struggling. I like to be alone, but sometimes I’m lonely.

That said, I’m grateful to be alive. I’m grateful for what I have, I don’t miss what I don’t. I’m grateful I don’t feel sorry for myself. I’m grateful for my job that I like, let’s me work from home and pays my bills. I’m grateful for Buddy :dog: and Riley :smiley_cat: I would be lost without them. I’m grateful my life’s not over. :innocent:


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, one day at a time
Hubbys sobriety
Got up and worked out
A safe, functioning car
Shelter from the weather and harm
My mom


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for healthy, mostly happy kids. I’m grateful for my husband. I’m grateful for our home, a place we have made safe and full of love. I’m grateful for the holiday season, I love this time of year. I’m grateful for books and podcasts. I’m grateful I may try crocheting again. I’m grateful for TS and my homethread❤️


I’m grateful I’m still here. All 1400 days of continuous sobriety and not a hangover in sight. But who’s counting? This fucking guy right here :hugs:

I’m grateful for the Alice time his morning :kissing_cat:
I’m grateful it’s Mavy time now. Need to trim those nails. Grateful I can trim those nails anytime. BECAUSE I DON’T DRINK :non-potable_water: I’m grateful I just noticed an I don’t drink :non-potable_water: emoji huh :thinking:

I’m grateful wifey told the kids she was going to the AA Speaker meeting with me. Sounds like a date. I can still show my girl a good time hey :laughing:

I’m grateful we found a good new taco joint in Old Scottsdale. Diego Pops. Fun to say!!

I’m grateful I can’t remember wifey’s sober date. I’m grateful I didn’t ask her more than once this week if she was coming to the AA speaker meeting Friday night.
I’m grateful it’s her recovery.
I’m grateful she’s really into the science of how much of this poison is acceptable to put in our bodies. NEWSFLASH!! NONE!!

I’m grateful for cool desert mornings and evenings. I’m grateful for the gas fireplace we can use.

I’m grateful for the perfect amount of sleep last night.

I’m grateful my wife is honing her cappuccino and latte skills on HER new machine.

I’m grateful she wants to go visit Gus again already. I’m grateful I’m exhausted and I just don’t want to plan and go. I’m grateful I told her if she plans and sets it all up of course I want to go. I’m grateful I usually double as our travel agent and get it all done. I’m grateful I feel if I do it for this trip, (plan :100: of it as I usually do,) I’ll be causing my own resentment. I’m grateful to go along for the ride for a change.

I’m grateful I’m still being kinda lazy.
I’m grateful I’m still working my recoveries.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my cooking skills.
I’m grateful for my morning routine.
I’m grateful to be here.
I’m grateful for y’all.


Thursday morning gratitude’s

I am so grateful for cozy bed to rest in even when i can’t sleep
I am so grateful for my hot strong coffee to welcome into a new day :coffee:
I am so grateful that i will get to see my insurance approved doctor and get my head scans approved. Hopefully a better plan for my spine and possibly figure out this lump i have. Thought it was a bite but after a few months and it seems to be growing. It is on the back of my neck and in hair line so hard to see but i can fee it :thinking:
I am so grateful to have the house to myself this weekend. My brother took an impromptu trip and will be gone till Sunday (wouldn’t tell me where he’s going - everything is such a secret with him :laughing: ). My sis and BIL will be coming over tonight as its easier for them to get to airport in the early morning - they are heading out on vacation too. SO excited for them all - they need to all unwind and have fun.
I am so grateful that i was able to come home and take a 3 hour nap yesterday after the hospital shift.
I am so grateful that my brother will help me with Thanksgiving prep. We have our friends over for the day and i usually get the spread ready but this year it will be a joint effort. Grateful that our friends are vegan as well so we don’t have to make any changes to the menu. My parents don’t like to come and hang out so I always take them over food and they are already super excited that its “that” time of year.
I am so grateful that i can practice gratitude and this practice alone lifts my spirits when i am feeling low.
I am so grateful for good friends to talk to when things become a bit too overwhelming. Grateful that they understand the challenges and can also offer a different perspective.
I am so grateful that i can understand that not everyone is on the same path on this journey and be given the compassion to see their struggles
I am so grateful that I am among fellow addicts here and we are all battling addictions / life and health issues.
I am so grateful that i have a supportive family that makes me feel loved. Grateful that i am sill here and have positivity to keep moving forward.
I am so grateful that i have my HP and my practices to help me connect to Him so that i don’t feel alone in this vast universe
I am so grateful for a space where i can connect with my new friends and get / give support. Thank you @Robin :pray:
I am so grateful that i am reminded that this site is world wide and not everyone is everyone’s cup of tea yet we are here for a common goal of sobriety and with love / support and compassion we can achieve this together. Much appreciation to our moderators for all the hard work they do in making it work :pray:
I am so grateful for living an addiction free life (i don’t consider my coffee an addiction :wink: ) Grateful that i am 10 months without any medications and do take my Aleve or Midol very sparingly. Grateful that i am starting to respect my body and allowing it to heal with foods / herbs.
I am grateful to be alive and breathing clean air.
I am so grateful that i don’t feel like stopping this list but need to get on with my day - Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: