I’m happy to see Brian and Peace So lovely!
Awww Em, you make me smile. It’s good to know we are not alone unlearning really old patterns
Stay with us @Sasxoxo I like to read your sharings and your presence
Today I’m grateful I took time to share about yesterday on the loved ones thread. Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? - #1191 by erntedank Thanks @Pattycake for your lovely answer. I’m grateful for all the kindness I receive in my life, online and IRL. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself. It’s not always easy when the codependent monster strikes again. So far everything is fine, I’m just very very tired from dealing with this emotional turmoil. Thank God not mentally, only physically. I’m grateful I hear my bed calling me.
I’m grateful I tackled another big task successfully today. I coupled the dump body to the tractor. Alone. Jesus what a fumbling around I’m super proud of me and next time it will take half the time
I’m grateful I made yummi, healthy lunch and have leftovers for tomorrow. I’m grateful I stuck to my plans and boundaries today, it feels good. I feel like I do care for me in a healthy way allthough emotions are messed up a bit. I’m grateful I feel comfy and stable again now in the evening. I’m grateful for HALT. Dinner was a gamechanger for my mindset today, I obviously was really hungry without noticing it.
I’m grateful I woke up clearheaded and go to bed clearheaded. The feeling of needing a clear, calm head, heart and soul is intense these days. I’m grateful I get enough sleep and rest
I’m grateful for my lovely, purring, snuggling, playing, curious cats. They are the sunshine in my life.
I’m grateful the ex and I are civil and get along well. I’m grateful there is progress in sight on this fucking stone wall as he may use the vehicles again.
I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life. ODAAT