Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
My mom
A warm home
Comfy pillows
Realizing where all my addiction savings has gone…3 vacations and a dream vacation in 3 months plus a lovely king size bed
Being able to let go even if temporarily
A daily reprieve
Time with hubby this weekend
Free time today :slight_smile:
Time to catch up on all the TS action
My mole wasnt cancerous
Good meds
Finding patience and peace within myself
This amazing community and all the support and love in these threads. I feel so close with you all and im invested in your stories

Peace kindness and patience


Good morning friends,

Struggling to find gratitude lately.
But this I’m grateful for:


Grateful for safety

So very grateful for that, that it is the only thing I will think on today.


I’m grateful I get to sit out on my deck with the Ol Burner waiting on the sunrise over the desert :desert: mountains drinking my, Indonesian roast, coffee all bundled up in my LaFuma.

I’m grateful I finally had my follow up appointment with my neurologist after all the tests that started out last May. There weren’t that many but it took awhile to get them all booked. I’m grateful for my mild neuropathology in my toes and fingers and it’s possible I got the damage from all the drinking I did for 40 years. I’m grateful it’s not going to get better but it’s not going to get worse if this is the case. I’m grateful it won’t get any worse as long as I don’t put that fucking poison in my body.

I’m grateful Norma got her passport and it’s the fucking cutest passport in the world and I’d bet the farm on it :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful for my lovely wife. I’m grateful I get to hate her addict if I want to and I know the difference, although I’m still fucking learning about this cunning baffling fucking genius disease. I’m grateful I thought I knew it all :rofl::rofl::rofl::scream: I’m grateful some days I feel like I don’t know shit. And that’s ok.

I’m grateful she didn’t make the meeting last night because she was physically ill from the last 48-60 hours of hell. And I’m especially grateful I am :100: ok with that because I got a fucking sponsor now. I reached out to 3 no 4 people and asked them if I could call them. I’m going to Friday night AA speaker meetings. And most importantly it’s her recovery not mine. I’m grateful she did attend a meeting from her bed on line from her app. Not an AA meeting. But a meeting all the same.

I’m grateful I got a therapist too. I’m grateful the first session was kind of an introduction and at the very end she asked me what I was grateful for.
She doesn’t know who she’s dealing with :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ya I went in with my grateful guns a blazing :boom: :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful :innocent:

I think I’ll end with another little story.
You all know I been whining about my lack of Hope forever. Except for Hell On Planet Earth.
Then I finally heard a good one at a meeting. HOPE is in these rooms. And I liked that. Then when all hell was breaking out I heard on a meditation, HOPE is having faith that everything is happening for a reason. I loved that. I can do that. Through my week from hell going to a meeting every day, which means going to meetings I never been to. I purchased the Forum Magazine, ya know because I need more recovery :mending_heart:. I stuck that magazine in my bag and I never looked at it. I pulled it out yesterday and looked at it for the first time.

2 Bucks :scream:
I bought HOPE for 2 Bucks and I didn’t even know it. And you bet your ass I’m going to read it. Slowly. One little story at a time. I’m going to savor it. I just fucking love my recovery. :heart:


@pinkyp Grateful for boundaries and that you are able to put yourself first. I myself am distancing myself from a high school friend for the same reason and it is not always easy. Friendships should be a two way street and we deserve to receive all that we put in to a relationship. Wishing you well with sticking to your guns.
@cjp So grateful that the mole was not cancerous. Sorry you were dealing with the thought that it might have been.
@karenkw sorry today’s a struggle Karen. Looking nice and cozy this morning – I do hope you enjoy some “ME” time and of course that coffee :wink:

:heart: love this – wowzers my friend. So much hope around you – just need to tap into it. I am grateful for your upbeat spirits today. Grateful that you are leaning on support and reaching out for more :pray: This addiction is truly a baffling disease and it does hit each of us differently so we are always learning about its devious ways. I am grateful that your wife did attend some type of meeting (it took me many small steps to finally commit). NORMA got her passport – so excited for this – I’m certain it’s the cutest picture ever


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I slept in a little today. I’m grateful that the weather is cooling down some, and I don’t have to race to get my walk/jog done before the heat. I’m grateful that I may not jog at all today, I’m tired and I don’t have to push myself. I’m grateful that I can see progress in how I am processing hard things in my life. I’m grateful that I learn so much here that helps me make that progress. I’m grateful that I read here every day, and all of the shares touch me- I try to make a mental note to remember to comment on certain shares, knowing I’ll never be able to remember lol. I’m grateful I don’t feel stressed that I won’t remember! I’m grateful for hope, and love, and forgiveness.:heart:


I am grateful its Saturday. I am grateful I am going to Renaissance festival. I am grateful for my headphones. Hope everyone has a great weekend


Today was full. I’m grateful for a day full of work, teamwork, friendship, sadness and joy :pray:

I’m grateful I’m home again, safe and tired. I’m grateful I stuck to my need to drive home in daylight from a friend’s birthday party. I’m grateful it was a lovely get together at a lovely location about 1 hour drive away from me. I’m grateful I enjoyed it allthough I didn’t talk a lot, I was already tired and prefered to listen. Or enjoyed the sight on the lake.

I’m grateful I lit candles and prayed, it’s a year that my mum passed. I’m grateful my ex said he feels sorry for me, it’s hard, that was kind and unexpected. I’m grateful I received messages from friends thinking of me. I’m glad I’m not mourning alone.

I’m grateful the firewood is stored :pray: That was great teamwork and I’m grateful my ex and his friend put it in the furnace room. I’m grateful I made a nice bunch of kindling, 5 full boxes shall do it until christmas. I’m grateful my ex showed me a really good technique to split. I’m even more grateful he split perfect flat, thin pieces out of the logs last year, they are super easy to split into kindling. Yes, we were a good team. Apparently we still are. When he is nice and friendly. I’m grateful for this experience. And I’m grateful I have a sunday for myself tomorrow. It was an intense week. I need rest.

I’m grateful for letting go, for focussing on myself, for being kind to myself and the people around me. I’m grateful I do not expect anything, at least for today. I’m grateful I leave hope to others, that’s not a concept I’m fine with. I’m grateful there’s a lot of hope here on TS, I can go along with it and have faith that hope helps a lot of people.

I’m grateful the nice man I met in summer still texts, I really like our daily chitchat.

I’m grateful for my lovely cats, they make me smile and I love them over the moon.
I’m grateful I’m at home, it’s neat and cozy, I feel save and content.
What a week. ODAAT :pray:

I’m grateful


Aah, thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it feels good to be back, i was checking in on the site each day but felt too overwhelming to post, as silly as that might sound. And yes, it has been a horrible situation dealing with my daughter’s old school, fingers crossed a fresh start will help her gain confidence and happiness again.
I’m grateful for a fun sober Saturday. We are away staying at the seaside. The weather has been crisp and sunny, we’ve had ice cream and walked for miles with beautiful views.
I’m grateful I was hangover free, so up early to enjoy the day.
I’m grateful for all the compliments my handsome doy boy got. A group of tourists over from Japan even asked to have their picture taken with him after he had given them all kisses!
I’m grateful to realise just how much negativity I was bringing to our family when I was drinking and how much happier we all are now. I’m also grateful that they realise my depression is a different entity and are kind to me and understanding on my bad days.
I’m grateful for tired sober legs that need to go to bed soon.
I’m grateful to all you soberistas who are on this journey with me.


Thank-you. I don’t really talk about it a lot because… I don’t know. I guess I only bring it up if it’s relevant. I’m the worst at personal sharing. :laughing: But I am grateful for all the difficult things I have endured in my life, from the abuse and neglect of my childhood, to my addictions, my health issues, and all other things. Obviously, I’d like them to have not happened, but they did.

And these things make me who I am today. I can look back and see the challenges I’ve faced, and that I’ve always faced things head on when I realized there was a problem. So I can turn around and look at all the mountains and feel satisfied that I climbed to the top of them. All of those individual mountains taught me something I needed to tackle the next.

So… that means I’m a mountain climber. I think. :wink:

slightly off topic hair topic lol

Hair cutting is an art like any other! Takes so much practice. That’s nice you could get your hair cut by a friend!

Usually I leave lots of time between things in case something goes wrong, but an extra hour where something was supposed to take 5 minutes is a little savage :laughing:


totally understandable Kiki - Grateful that sometimes just reading here is all that one needs when they are unable to write. I do hope that the overwhelming feelings have gone to rest and you are able to breathe and enjoy yourself.

LOVE that your handsome dog boy got a selfie with tourists and so many compliments :heart:


Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Reading and consuming is more important but it’s always nice to get those thoughts out when you need to.


You are remarkable and a tower of strength. I too wish that those things did not happen - so grateful that you have been able to put a positive spin on your life’s experiences and climbed over all the hurdles to come out shining on top. I too try to find the positive spin on any situation and make the best out of it - hope to learn something from everything so to speak.

I can understand this and do get it. Just know that if you ever do need to talk it out or just get if off your chest – i am here to listen.

off topic hair talk

yeah - that does seem a bit extreme. how’s the cut starting to feel now? getting used to it? Are you able to do fun stuff with it to keep your look interesting? I haven’t played around with my hair in some time but would always love messing with it - either color / clips/ braids…etc.


I’m grateful that I do not live in Israel ore Palastina
I’m grateful my country is not in war
I’m grateful I do not live in fear.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions one day at a time. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful my Sister is coming to pick me up soon to attend Church together for the first time in decades. I’m grateful for my kitten Peace, he’s so cute, and for Peace in general. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation and the strength and calmness in provides. I’m grateful for all the twelve steps meetimgs I attend. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful I am going to attempt going back to work tomorrow. I’m grateful for the sunshine warming my place and patio. I’m gratefulI read each of thetwelve step prayers this morning. I’m grateful I raised over five hundred dollars for one the treatment centers I attended in conjunction with their annual walk fundraiser and it took place yesterday and I didn’t attend. I’m grateful it makes me sad I couldn’t attend but I dont hide or numb from thise kinds of feelings anymore. I’m grateful my fundraising page is active until the end of the year so I can hopefully reach my goal of raising a thousand bucks. I’m grateful its time for food and a shower after devorimg my readings, delicious morning coffee, kitten cuddles and medication.

May our higher powers shower us with love.

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Late afternoon Gratitude

Grateful I DID go for my morning hour+ walk.
Grateful for all the love from my pets :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Grateful Its an easy dinner tonight.
Grateful I have soup in the slow cooker, healthy meals for the next few days.
Grateful I still have another evening walk with Polly my dog.
Grateful for hot water and clean water.
Grateful for food and a home.
Grateful for my sister :people_hugging:



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety.
My willingness to try new things to solve old problems
Time with the family today
Boscoe my lil man
Meal planning app
Sunshine…when its grey and cloudy i really miss it
Technology advancements
Good leaders
My determination
Prescription glasses


Grateful to be home from my walk and feeling tired. Grateful for a lovely day meeting new people on a group walk. Grateful not to be wishing it was over so I could go home and drink. I’m grateful to live in such a beautiful area.


Grateful to be off on a Sunday and to celebrate 430 days AF at home!
Happy Sunday to all!


I’m grateful for comedy. We went to see Rich Hall do stand up and he made me laugh a lot.
I’m grateful for a lunch with my parents.
I’m grateful for a sunny walk.
I’m grateful for meditation and breathing practice.
I’m grateful for all of you.