Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Grateful for these things today…

-my monthly calendar organizer full of upcoming creative projects, performances, and quality time with friends.
-car insurance- thank god i don’t have to pay 4k for the repairs needed from a hit & run!
-my apartment & landlord who hasn’t raised the rent in 2 years
-calming my nervous system
-the patience and slowness that comes naturally with winter


I’m grateful I got to wake up too early on my own so I got to walk the Ol Burner, so I could get to meet my sponsor for coffee and 9.
I’m grateful I get to know the sun still isn’t up at 7. I’m grateful I could wait until day break to walk.

I’m grateful I got to go to my meeting last night. I’m grateful the topic was self care and I’m grateful I’ve been doing pretty good at that to start the year off.

I’m grateful I didn’t pick up the dangling rope this morning.

I’m grateful I get to volunteer for my first service position for the Sunday night Al-Anon meeting. I’m grateful I stubbornly get to do this even though I could be moving soon. But just for today, I can get to find out how to get more pamphlets for us to read during the meetings. I’m grateful I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m grateful I get to figure it out.

I’m grateful I got to go!
I’m grateful I got to get my gratitude in this morning.
I’m grateful to share my experience strength and hope and gratitude here with y’all.

Think about someone you appreciate and thank them mentally for what they’ve done.
From that web site I posted yesterday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m grateful I don’t need to go anywhere today because we got a ton of snow last night and I’m just gonna nope right out of leaving my humble abode.

@Pinkeuphoria , @JazzyS , @Pandita The little origami stars are adorable and it was very thoughtful of him. @erntedank There are definitely loving and caring men, showing that in their own ways. Growing up, most of the men in my life were abusive and not good people, so I thought I’d never get married. I definitely don’t take his presence for granted.


I’m very tired and almost in bed but I want to share my gratitude.

I’m grateful for the nice birthday party and the good food I was able to enjoy without cravings, bingeing, overeating or obsessing about food. I don’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed around food.

I’m grateful for sleep, rest, and recovery.


“the air glitters like gold” loved that imagery :heart:. Will view these cold months differently…thank you. Glad you were able to be there for your mom. Hope she heals quickly. Amen to extra strong coffee :pray::pray:


Today I’m grateful for free meditations. I’ve listened to a couple of gratitude meditations, they really do help in changing my outlook on things.
I’m grateful I’m feeling better than yesterday, my stomach was churning and my mind was whirling yesterday, I managed to have a little chat with my partner and even though this couldn’t actually solve anything I felt so much better for talking.
I’m grateful I got out with the dog this afternoon, just our usual walk but it’s quiet and it’s time to myself.
I’m grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Hump day gratefulness!
I am so grateful for good sleep. I was able to fall asleep around midnight (earliest in a long time) and when i woke up not so fresh i was able to sleep some more.
I am so grateful that i put my phone on Do Not Disturb to be able to sleep without interruptions.
I am so grateful that i happened to be up to get the call for my follow-up tests required and was able to get to the womans center in time (had 1 hour to get ready and there).
I am so grateful that they were quick with all the testing - had three different imaging required and looks like just dealing with complicated cysts and a floating lymph node. Nothing to be worried about and will do a follow-up in 6 months.
I am so grateful that my sister’s boss was so understanding and let her leave early so that she could get to Ann Arbor in time to take my mom to her appointment.
I am so grateful that i found someone who will shovel for me at the house at a very reasonable rate. A reliable person who helped me this fall with landscaping clean up.
I am so grateful for my practice of meditation and prayer. Grateful that it helps keep my positivity. Grateful for my faith in knowing i will get through this health patch. Grateful that i know it could be a lot worse.
I am so grateful for my amazing family. Grateful that my sister is so beautiful, is willing to part with her cats (they are her babies) so that i will move in with her. She thinks she needs to take care of me. So crazy - hell no am i letting her part with her babies. Wants to give back for when i had her live with me to help her out. No way am i moving in with her 1.5 away from my mom but was hard to say no to her. Very thoughtful and sincere - a beautiful gesture which i graciously declined.
I am so grateful for coffee - grateful i was able to take my strong cup of warm hugs in a mug with me to my appointment this morning.
I am so grateful for red light therapy. Grateful that it helps with the pain.
I am so grateful for warm compresses. Grateful for slow healing.
I am so grateful for access to healthy food stores. Grateful for an abundance of delicious produce.
I am so grateful for my sober peeps here - grateful for our amazing community and i love seeing so much support! Grateful to be reading everyone’s posts. Grateful to see how gratitude can help us get out of our funk and see the silver lining in our daily lives.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


So thankful for another day sober. Each day keep getting much easier. Hope everyone has a blessed day :heart::hugs:


I’m grateful for cuddles from my daughter.
I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful for my bed and fresh sheets.


It took until Jan. 09 for some tests. I had set these lovely 2024 intentions - screen time limits, word game limits, intermittent fasting, observance of bedtime hours, etc. And then yesterday happened, and though I wasn’t the source of the fuckery, there was some work fuckery. The intentions went “poof”! But just for a bit…

I’m grateful I didn’t warm up the car and drive to the liquor store. Grateful I didn’t come home and gun down a bottle of wine. Grateful I didn’t drunkenly ruminate and plot revenge. Grateful I caught myself acting out of alignment with my intentions, dusted off the gf cracker crumbs, switched off the iPad scrabble, and tucked myself in. I’m grateful today was much better. Like @PinkyP said - the whole thing would’ve been so much worse if I was still drinking.

I’m grateful I get to work from home during this cold spell. It’s gonna be about -35 to -40C tonight (-31F and colder). That’s too damned cold. I take it back, @Chiron :joy:

I’m grateful for this thread. To melt at origami hearts. To chortle - I might be out of fucks too! To read so much that resonates. Yer all the best.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful that my brain is working a little bit in an organization I am President to and have been absence from for three months. They are happy to have me and I am happy to have them.

I am grateful for “my people” on this site. I am grateful (hopefully) that I will get some sleep. I wake up at 1am, regardless since my accident, with teeny bits
of sleep after. I am grateful that staying away from alcohol will help today, or soon.

I am grateful for a special pic of “my salad” on a different thread. Food will be mine again, hopefully soon.

Much love!


I’m grateful I didn’t wake up drenched in sweat, geez night sweats suck, I also grateful my kids are here driving me mad and I’m not hung over


Good evening. :crescent_moon:

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to go to a sound bath tonight. I am grateful that today I had space im my schedule for two activities that support my spiritual journey. I am grayeful for pranayama.

I am grateful to have been a witness to the myriad of thoughts pummeling my noggin this evening. I enjoyed watching them, sneak in and quickly sneak out again once they knew I was on to them. I am grateful for the analogy my breathwork coach gave me of watching a play in a massive theater. You just watch the thoughts without judgement or attachment.

I am grateful that I am off the wicked merry go round of active addiction a d I am grateful for all of the reminders I get in my life. I am grateful for Narcotics Anonymous and the incredible way that it works. Addicts helping addicts stay clean. The sick helping the healthy, and the other way around. I am grateful I am a healthy addict today.

I am grateful that tomorrow night I get to give G his 10 year medallion. 10 years… its a big deal. I think it will be a wonderful celebration of a super program and an incredible recovery story.

Looking forward to bed tonight, grateful I am hitting my pillow clean.



Grateful for the afternoon nap yesterday and that even though I couldn’t sleep last night, I don’t feel too shabby today.

I am grateful work is getting better. My new colleague starts next week, so less work stress.
In work I notice I’m sharper, I work faster and my concentration has improved quite a bit. I think I gained 10 IQ points :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I am grateful for good food. Love my fried rice.
I am grateful for the sunrise I witnessed in my rear view mirror this morning. I saw that big red ball growing by the second, beautiful!
I am grateful for another day on this planet :earth_africa:

Being busy these days so I haven’t got the time to read alot here, but I hope you all are doing amazing! Have a lovely sober day :v:


I’m grateful for sunrises and the still of the early morning. I am grateful that boredom doesn’t scare as much as it did a couple weeks ago. I’m grateful for my family, they have given me so much grace without even knowing it, that’s unconditional love IMO. I’m grateful for this community and the ability to relate with people and support each other. I’m grateful I gave myself the opportunity to be sober even when I believed there was no hope.


I’m grateful I got to listen to a new sleep meditation that said I’d wake up happy. I’m grateful it worked. I’m grateful I can see now it’s ok that I couldn’t shake the funk bad day poor me again yesterday. I’m grateful that even yesterday I knew today would be a better day. Well. Currently it is anyway. I’m grateful I get to have this lovely time alone in the morning just for me. I’m grateful I get to wake up with my Daisy cat purring on me. I’m grateful I got to see her this morning slowly sneaking up on me in bed at 5.

I’m grateful I got to have coffee with my sponsor yesterday. I’m grateful I got a meeting today. I’m grateful I called the Al-Anon home office in my district to find out what I got to do to get reading material for our meeting. I’m grateful I got plenty of time to learn as I go. I’m grateful I learned they are closed Tuesday and Thursday as I just wanted to drive down there today and check out the office.

I’m grateful Alice is going to town on me on my blanket making biscuits. She looks so peaceful.

I’m grateful I don’t think it’s as cold this morning and I don’t have to rush out the door for a Burner walk.

I’m grateful I got just the right amount of espresso beans mixed into my Guatemalan roast to make a perfect :coffee:

I’m grateful I get to go to a meeting today. Did I already write that :thinking: who cares! It’s my gratitude list I can write it twice.

I’m grateful I got in a short reformer workout yesterday. I’m grateful it’s better than nothing.

I’m grateful for everyone sharing their gratitude on here, it’s a beautiful thing :heart:


“Love yourself a little extra right now. You’re evolving, learning, healing, growing, and discovering yourself all at once. It’s about to get magical for you.”
Idil Ahmed*


I am grateful for another day clean after all the mess I did. I am still having will and I thank God for that. I give thanks for each one of the members of this app. They are such an example for me


I am grateful for the sweet smell of my new great niece’s baby head, and her little cuddles. They gave me the shot of hope I needed to help get through this week.


Mid afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful I was able to shake off the nightmare I had this morning when I fell asleep again. I’m grateful I woke up earlier than the last weeks.
I’m gratefulI did officework and it’s getting better allthough my concentration is still rather poor.
I’m grateful I proceed with doing chores to prepare leaving to the farm.
I’m grateful I put down the christmas tree. Awww to the cats who love to have the shelf back and take a sunbath. I’m grateful I cleaned two of the southside windows.

I’m grateful I made healthy lunch and rest now. So happy with the weather.
I’m grateful I don’t have to stress me.
I’m happy that I sowed the first seeds yesterday. I feel my energy coming back a little bit more every day :yellow_heart::pray:
I’m grateful I can do whatever I want and today I feel good about it, not lost. I’m grateful allthough I really feel the need to drive over to the farm and check if heating the house is necessary, I think deeper and tell myself: yes, you can check it, it won’t be below zero and you will struggle if to heat the furnace or spare the wood as it is not necessary. So why not fucking ignore the overly concerned hamsterwheel pattern, have faith and learn to let go of this urge to control and monitor. To be honest this is a really big issue for me as taking care of everything is engraved in my brain from youth on.
Feeling very tired after writing all this. Will take a nap now. ODAAT and high five on letting go insecurities :pray::four_leaf_clover:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Health journey progress…lost 4lbs of fat this past month
Only 1.7lbs to go to meet my goal…a year in the making
20 days to lose that 1.7lbs
Clean water
Heated seats
Sober sisters
Our sober communities