Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

OH This is amazing Stella – Congrats t G. What an incredible accomplishment. A sound bath sounds heavenly – hope you enjoyed it!
@iamthechange Grateful that you are receiving support and unconditional love! So thankful that you did not give into the “no hope” feeling and are kicking ass in your sober journey!
@dazercat Grateful that today is a better day for you friend. Grateful for being able to check hours of operation so you didn’t have to waste time today. Hell yeah – it’s your list – you can do whatever you please! No such thang as too much gratitude :wink:
@bomdhil Grateful to see you here with us Thomas – love your determination and will. Keep fighting for yourself.
@davina_davis OMG – why do babies heads smell so heavenly. Totally the best! :heart:

YES – a huge high five for that! Hope you enjoyed a lovely nap :hugs:
@cjp girl you are killing this health journey - so happy for all your progress!

HAPPY THURSDAY you beautiful beings :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am so very grateful that i stayed calm and collected this morning. Woke up to some crazy stuff with work and although i could hardly open my eyes - i got everything sorted out. Took a few hours but now i am resting easy that i did not blow a anxiety gasket and cause myself crazy heart palpitations. Super proud of myself for this.
I am so grateful that i took time to do my morning cleanse before i ran out to fix the issues. In the past i would have skipped my needs altogether.
I am so grateful that i drove slow and with care as we got 2 or so inches of snow and people have lost their damn minds.
I am so grateful that i am at my kitchen table enjoying the beauty of the untouched snow with a piping hot cup of coffee. OH YEAH - i am so damn grateful for my cup of Coffee!
I am so grateful that I did get to spend some time with my mom this morning. We missed our morning time yesterday and we were both in need of today’s time :heart:
I am so grateful that my family has told me that i am glowing (even my brother mentioned it last night). I don’t see it or feel it but grateful they can see some progress. I am very confident that this is the year i will fully heal and get my life back. Grateful that i have had the time and space to recover. Grateful that i have my treatment tonight. Grateful that i feel like this is what has really helped along with my intense diet plan (impressed that i have cut out so much and am sticking to it). Grateful in knowing this diet plan is not forever LOL.
I am so grateful that today everything is manageable. :pray:
I am so grateful for a safe warm home. Grateful for clean water.
I am so grateful for my HP and my daily practices.
I am so grateful that i am able to add some movement into my days without too much effort.
I am so grateful that I have this lovely space to come to for my support fix. Love you guys and am excited for another day with you all!
Wishing you all a addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for the hot bath I’m about to take. I’ve felt cold all day and I’m ready for some heat.

I started a new project and I’m grateful to be at the beginning of something new with all the excitement of it.

I’m grateful I had a new idea for a game pop in my head inspired by the way nature changes with the cold. I love my muses :heart:

I’m grateful my headache is subsiding.

I’m grateful for my family. For good food. For friends.

I’m grateful how recovery gives me a hand in keeping an even keel on a somewhat stressful day.

I’m grateful for this place and y’all.


Evening gratitude, I want to express more gratitude today :yellow_heart:

@JazzyS Dear friend, your words so often hit the point and are pure gold to me :hugs:
I tried to nap but my guts didn’t stop mumbling that they want to drive to the farm. Reading your post :point_down::point_down::point_down: it clicked what was bothering me, now that I’m comfy on the couch - at the farm.

I’m grateful when my gut feeling is nagging I listen. I’m grateful I realized that it was not only checking on the house that urged the idea of driving over. Trying to nap I realized I missed the place. So I fed the cats for an overnight stay and drove to the farm.
I’m grateful I did it. No problem with too cold, 8 degrees celsius is ok. I’m grateful I now know I can leave the house unattended in winter, at least for 1+ month.
I’m grateful I fired the furnace, the central heating does it’s job but I have to check on the floor heating. Tomorrow. I’m grateful for the wood fired stove in the living room, within 3 hours it’s 16 degrees and I can comfortably sleep on the couch, wrapped up in my oversized hoodie, 2 blankets and a heating cushion. I will not catch a cold tonight. The master bedroom is still about 10 degrees, that’s too cold to sleep.

I’m grateful for the quiet here. The noise of the city was obviously too much for me and I didn’t notice it.
I’m grateful for delicious tea. I have it everywhere, never too much tea.
I’m grateful past me left the house tidy & neat. Present me appreciated it :pray:
I’m grateful just for today I have the feeling that I’m mastering life well.
I’m grateful I had the energy to do all I did today.
I’m grateful this would not have happened if I drank yesterday or were depressed. Or if I was still in a relationship with the ex. I’m grateful I cared good for me today, identified a longing and DID something I now feel good about.
For me, today’s experience was helpful to understand myself better and to better distinguish between old patterns and honest needs. Sometimes they are both fine.
Good night and good sleep fellow gratidudes :people_hugging: ODAAT


I am grateful feeling healthier even when sleep doesn’t come.
I am grateful this place forum is still here to visit and spend some time absorbing.
I am grateful my brain was strong enough to carefully fix my laptop and also grateful I know how to keep it moving.

I am grateful to be alive and grateful to miss people and driving.

I am grateful that smell and taste will come back and that I have enough work available to make that happen.

I am grateful for a unique house and grateful for acreage and wild animals.

And grateful for you.


Grateful to be alive.
Grateful for the sober living I moved into.
Grateful to have a little over a month this time.
Grateful for the people on here who give it to me real and hold me accountable.
Grateful for my skateboard.
Grateful for AA meetings.
Grateful for hope.
Grateful for feeling uncomfortable because it will make me stronger.
Grateful for candy.
Grateful for Publix grocery store.
Grateful for my family and the support.


I’m grateful to see clearly today.
I’m grateful I some how have gotten over myself and I ask for help when I need it.
I’m grateful I feel happy and healthy today.
I’m grateful for meditation, workbooks, workouts and anything I do to take care of Caroline.
I’m grateful I have so much love to give me.
I’m grateful to not feel fearful or sad today only love and acceptance for how things are.
I’m grateful that when I wanted a glass of wine I poured myself a diet ginger ale :heart:
I’m grateful for cozy socks, yummy dinners and a hopeful heart


Yaaaaa @Bluekoolaid back in the saddle!! Welcome back friend and congrats on a little over a month!!


Thanks so much! Glad to be back. Love this community and the support. One day at a time :sunglasses:


Im grateful for baked potatoes.
I’m grateful for tea.
I’m grateful I am sober and present.
I’m grateful to be trapped under a cat.
I’m grateful for kind people in this community.
I’m grateful to have been invited to a virtual meeting on Saturday.


Grateful for my kids.
Grateful for my sister.
Grateful for new things & taking chances.
So grateful for our home.
Grateful for my hubby. Xo.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I baked tonight, I usually only cook. I’m trying to be grateful for my patience being tested because who knew it takes hours for brownies to cool and set, guess I won’t be eating any tonight and staying up to late from the sugar rush. I’m grateful my great grandspsonsor agreed to present me my medallion since my sponsor will still be in Florida when the time comes. I’m tearfully greatful to admit it feels right since he is the one who I called when I was in pshycosis a year ago to come help me not end up in even more trouble as the cops were here, ambulance, other active addicts, I was scared I was going to die, he truly helped save me that Sunday afternoon. He is still one of the first people I call when things are bad or good. I’m grateful somehow he now calls me to help with other suffering addicts, to facitiate step groups, cook for the mens breakfasts, asks me if I think new perspective tenants would be a good fit, its pretty cool. I’m grateful I met him back in 2007 when he was working at the local treatment center as an addiction counselor, but wasn’t mine Lol. I’m grateful for a good talk with my latest sponsee tonight who is struggling with anger. I’m grateful how it works and reminds me how much my anger has improved but requires these reminders to be mindful of it. I’m grateful my Aunt, Sister and I are going out for dinner tomorrow night before my Aunt moves numerous provinces away to Newfoundland at the end of the month. I’m grateful for music and its ability to change my mood. I’m grateful for prayer, meditation and the steps.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are AWESOME. Ya you!!


Awe I am sorry you weren’t able to take that nap but grateful you found comfort at the farm :hugs: So important that we are now learning to listen to our bodies and put ourselves first.


Oh man do you have patience – i usually dig right in and have a mushy warm piece and then have a proper one the next day once it’s set and cooled :laughing: I do hope you enjoy the brownie when you finally get to taste it.

So grateful that you will be presented with your medallion by your great sponsor - how amazing is that! Great to see how far you have come in this year Brian - should be super proud. Really looking forward to celebrating your big day with you :hugs:


Great to see you Trevor. And you little dog too :hugs::pray:t2::heart:


I am happy to see you back @Bluekoolaid.
I am grateful for a great opportunity at work yesterday.
I am grateful for my therapy and the laughs we share amidst the serious talks.
I am grateful for the annual plank challenge and I get to test my limits.
I am grateful every day sober is a day progress.


Good to see you @Bluekoolaid. I’m glad you’re back with us. :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Grateful to see you @Bluekoolaid , I often wonder how you are. Glad you’re here.
Grateful today for trying to let things go. I can’t control everything, nor do I want to. People will behave how they want to and sometimes I won’t agree with their behaviour.
Grateful to understand this.
I’m grateful for basic manners, they make life much more pleasant. There’s no reason not to use them and they make such a difference.
I’m grateful my parents taught me good manners and that I taught my kids too :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful that I am starting to appreciate my body and want to take care of it. I am grateful for family. I am grateful for morning snuggles from my beautiful dog. I am grateful for my move to FL, especially in January :grin: I am grateful for all of you! @Bluekoolaid, grateful you found your way back, it’s good to see you!


Today my son’s girlfriend is flying home after staying with us for three weeks. I am grateful for the time we spent together, she is a really lovely girl and we had alot of fun! I am grateful for their healthy relationship. But, I am also grateful for getting my house back and going back to the normal routine :wink:

I am grateful for being sober and not feeling the urge to drink. I was watching two movies yesterday and in both of them the protagonists were drinking to cope with their tough lives. I thought about The Queen’s Gambit, where the mother was drinking heavily. That serie was quite triggering when I watched it. Alcohol is so glorified and justified! The last couple of years I started to see drinking for what it really is and I am grateful that veil has been lifted. I am also grateful to be more aware of triggers, like drinking in movies.

I am grateful for being a more reliable colleague. Even when i had little sleep, nothing compares to having to work with a hangover!


I am grateful for embracing my elder mother. Thanks Lord for this opportunity