Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

And grateful for this gift of heaven that is @JazzyS for all of us!!!


Good morning sobed fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Remote work option when we get soooo much snow
Warm blankets and Boscoe cuddles
At home gym when my gym classes are cancelled
When not feeling motivated i do the next right thing anyways (most of the time)
Im getting better from my latest sinus infection
Cough medicine
My mom, gotta love her
Hubbys love and cuddles
Friday payday
Lovely forecast to look forward to in coasta rica
First possible time i can do my final weighin is next friday…good as i have 1lb to go
We have groceries to tide us over until streets are cleared
4 wheel drive
Shelter and security
Modern amenities
My family that i didnt choose
My family that i chose

Peace and love soberonies


I am grateful for the love of my children, and the opportunity to build back their trust.


@pandita I too am grateful for the Plank challenge – shocking myself in what I have been able to do after so long.
@bomdhil Thank you so much Thomas – you are a dear! Grateful to see you on the threads and working towards your sobriety. Remember that we are all here for you cheering you on!
@naomi So grateful that we no longer have to push ourselves to work through hangovers. What an amazing feeling. Great work on your 40 days of sobriety! :tada: :clap:

Friday gratefulness with my sober badasses…
I am so grateful that i asked for the additional cupping on my legs during yesterday’s treatment. I knew how much this would hurt but am grateful in knowing how helpful it will be in the long run.
I am so grateful that it was not the reason that i stayed up most of the night. I am grateful that i was able to get up and function with little sleep and am now wide awake.
I am so grateful that i got to see my mom this morning. Grateful that i pushed to get her appointments squared away as the scheduler still hadn’t called. Grateful that after 3 different calls i was able to get her surgery scheduled and get proper details for her recovery. I am so grateful that i will be able to take care of her as she recovers.
I am so grateful for my family - so many lovely messages from my cousins abroad just checking in and making sure we are all ok.
I am so grateful that the hives on my face and forearms are subsiding. I am so grateful that i am able to push through the pain and do some slow walking around the house. Grateful that i got 10500 steps in yesterday. This year my goal was 7500 ea day and i have managed to do so with 2 days missed. I am so grateful that i know that i am healing and i want to be ready to be active again so damn badly. Remembering to take it slow will be key. I tend to jump in head first at the first sign of feeling good.
I am so grateful for my lovely hot cup of coffee!
I am so grateful that i was able to bind my fingertips so that i did not cause any harm from the excessive itching. I can control it during the day but not so much when i am sleeping LOL
I am so grateful that i had a discussion with the nutritionist yesterday. Was told on Monday that i was not supposed to be eating soy. This shocked as it was not listed as a no on any of the paperwork or diet plans provided. I am grateful that i was able to clear this up (as with my restrictions and what my body can digest i do need protein). and she was impressed with how careful i am of my food source. I guess they say no to it as not all tofu products are prepared properly. Very fortunate to know our local producer and get to see them making organic tofu in his shop literally 2 minutes from my house. Grateful that i was able to promote his business.
I am so grateful for my mindfulness and practicing to create positive calming energy around me. Really is taking an effort (as everything worth having in life does) - looking forward to when it becomes second nature.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer - grateful for my sense of being and grateful for a new day to continue my healing journey.
I am so grateful i have a few things needed to complete today and then it is all Jasmine time. :wink: I am actually kinda looking forward to the snow storm expected today. Hoping it comes after my parents and brother are home safely. Grateful they live in a community where they will shovel so we don’t have to. Grateful to have someone ready to shovel my home tomorrow for a very reasonable rate.
I am so grateful that i still have time to go and get some last minute groceries and do some banking.
I am so grateful it is Friday! Grateful that it is a peaceful day (really enjoying the quiet).
I am so grateful for the gratitude practice - grateful to see so much activity on our home thread. Grateful that i can call it “our” now. Grateful for all of you and our sober journeys.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


grateful for a snow day! reading and listening to records


I am grateful my husband seems to feel better after his upset stomach.

I am grateful for the time and ressources I had today to do my work and dive deeply into an interesting topic.

I am grateful it was not to slippery to ride my bike today, and that I could use it to do the groceries, and didn‘t have to drag all that stuff uphill on foot.

I am grateful my kid is off to grandma and we have an evening to ourselves.

I am grateful I found this wonderful place of recovery here.


Im grateful for my beautiful family.

I am grateful to have found my sobriety list from the first days of staying sober. It was in a box and its a list of all my reasons to be sober.

I am so grateful for those who stand by me. I am even grateful this experience in that I see who truly is there and can shed those who are not. I am grateful for clarity around those who deserve my love.

I am so grateful my hubby is such a conscientious partner and dad. We can sit and talk about our kids and he always has insights, ideas and thoughts about what we can do and try.

Im so grateful for the plan to go see my mom and nephew. My mom needs me now, and I want to be there. I cannot wait to see my nephew & squish his face. I cannot wait to take him skating for his first time, and to be able to go on my own so I can fully give help to my mom and give my nephew all the attention he needs.

Love you all xo.


I’m grateful it is the weekend.
I’m grateful I have no desire to drink on a Friday night and will wake up ready for tomorrow and whatever I choose to do.
I’m grateful for home comforts.


I am grateful to be reminded of the blessing my parents had of not knowing I was a drug abuser, let alone an addict. I am grateful I was able to stay away and then appear just enough to save them devastation during the worst years of my hard drug use. I am grateful they never got their hopes crushed as they watched me fail multiple attempts to stay clean. I am grateful they have never experienced the absolute powerlessness of addiction through me. I am grateful I could save them from that pain, not every pain, just that one.

I am grateful for the life experience my child has. I am grateful she is wise beyond her years. Her presence is so comforting, she has this special energy. I am grateful that her spirit is on fire and I hope that it always stays that way.

I am grateful for a warm, dry home where we are protected from the elements. I am grateful for a wood stove and lots of wood to keep us warm. Winter is finally coming and we are prepared. I am grateful for the beauty that I was witness to this morning. So much beauty, it takes my breath away, I find myself sighing a lot on days like this.

I am grateful that I am present in my body to see what I see, feel what I feel and know what I know.



Today I’m grateful for my home that I can find refuge in when sick, tired, etc… I’m grateful for my favorite pajama pants. I’m grateful for all my stinky lil pets. I’m grateful for the sun. I’m grateful for my spiritual journey. I’m grateful for my recovery.


I’m grateful I feel safe and healthy :heart:


Good morning from the snowy north. It is Saturday morning and I am so grateful to be with you and I’m grateful to be sober.

It was a hard week. My mother in law passed away this week after a brief battle with cancer. I’m grateful that we got to be with her this week and that she passed in a state of comfort and grace.

I’m grateful to have the resources to have helped with some aspects of that event in supporting my husband and the rest of the family.

I’m grateful we were able to be there.

I’m grateful we do not have to worry about our employment when this was going on and that we could get there and spend time.

I’m grateful to be sober and to be in good mental health so I could love and care for the family as this sad week happened.

I’m grateful I got to have almost 18 years with her in my life and that she had the courage and fortitude to raise my husband.

I’m grateful we were able to get home after she passed before the next big storm so we could have some peace and quiet in our own home after the hard days this week.

I’m grateful that even tho I thought of drinking, I did not act on it. My strategies to manage cravings are effective and I’m grateful for that.

I’m grateful my husband is maintaining his sobriety during this hard time.

Im grateful for a warm and safe home in this hard winter weather.

I’m grateful we had 2 snow days this week!

I’m grateful for the love and support of family.

While it was a hard week, it was also a gift to be fully present and focused on loving the family. I will always treasure this hard experience and the way sobriety allowed me to be my best for my husband.

I wish you all peace and safekeeping.


I’m grateful to wake up clear minded another day. I’m grateful when an old connection reached out to me yesterday that they were “good”, I deleted it and blocked them (I thought I already had them all covered, so it was a shock to see). I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful things can change if you make them. I’m grateful for this community. :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


I’m grateful I been sick again the last couple of days but it hasn’t been as bad as last time and hopefully I’ll be all over it before getting the Gus Bus for his 1 year chip.

I’m grateful for the intense speaker at the AA meeting last night and the last 2 shares were very moving. I’m grateful wifey came with me. Or she would have got dinner much later :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful she could have cooked dinner at home but choose to go to a meeting with me and then go out to dinner. I’m grateful that’s not controlling but I find it funny as hell.

I’m grateful it felt good finding the home office here for my Al-Anon meetings and restocking the literature for our Sunday night meeting. I’m grateful I have the time to do this. I’m grateful when I thought “I hope I’m doing it right,” I then thought basically no one is going to give a shit. I’m grateful I got enough Al-Anon experience to decide which pamphlets I want to have at the meeting. And I’m grateful I know to get the meat and potatoes ones that should definitely be there. I’m grateful it will probably just be appreciated that someone went and restocked the literature.

I’m grateful I slept like a rock last night and got up too early. I’m grateful I haven’t felt like posting my own gratitude since I been illin and I’m grateful I get to read everyone else’s gratitude and fill my gratitude tank. I’m grateful I get to read about favorite PJ’s and stinky pets that we love @Mauvaisminou :wink: and how I too have no desire to drink. And grateful maybe someday my grandchildren with be off to Pop Pops so I can give my children a break.
Walks with dogs and fried rice and how the cold IS bullshit now! I’m grateful I live in southern Arizona.

I’m grateful both my grown up children are not active addicts anymore and I don’t even recall that nightmare in their life.

I’m grateful the really good days with my wife are so worth the shit days that we have and I know the shit days will pass and then we will have a great day. And then guess what? Another shit day will gratefully come along and kick the shit out of me and I will learn from it. Again :roll_eyes: and grateful that will pass too. I’m grateful life is a rollercoaster whether I’m drinking or not or my loved one is drinking or not. I’m grateful I choose not to drink and I, and life, are so much worth it.

I’m so grateful I get to come here and fill my gratitude tank with you all.

I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friend.
John Green

Edit. Grateful for the new lemon ginger turmeric tea I bought :tea:


This is amazing, despite all the other illness stuff! Though I don’t taste now, these are my favorite TEA and DISH flavors! All together, all the time, sense of taste or not.

Have a healthier time, Pal.


I’m so sorry for you and your husband’s loss @LAB

I heard a very similar tragic story last night at a meeting.

This is such a huge gift to ourselves. We’ve come a long way.
Sending you peace and love.


I am grateful for rainy Saturday mornings that I wake up to without a hangover. I am grateful for the library app and all of the books waiting for me on my Kindle.


Top of the mornin to ya folks,

Im so very greatful that…

Boscoes cuddled up real close to my side, i love him so
My sobriety, getting thru fleating cravings
Warm shelter during this winter storm
3 snow days this week and the ability to work from home
Neighbor snowblowing our walk!
I can write a very appreciative thank you
The electric shovel i got works wonders
Clean water
Got my ass up and to the gym
My treadmill endurance is increasing!
1.3lbs to go…i have a little over 15 days to do it
I found gym classes that push me and i enjoy for the most part
Our city snowplows have done a decent job
Time with hubby last night, watching our favorite new series next to the fire
Our king size bed
I have plans to go on a guided spiritual journey tmrw…idk…$30 and the same facilitaor that led my 2024 vision quest. Im excited
Countdown to coasta rica is on
Balanced our agency budget! This was months in the making
Time today to chill


Gratitude today goes to,

My excellent partner, the champion of me, the protector.
My babies Blue and Bear. Everyday I love them more
Coffee in bed
A beautiful and safe home
Saturday chilling watching movies


Grateful that its Saturday and I can just stay down all day (sans forcing myself to shovel again because I have to). I’ve been really ill the last few days and sleep has been patchy with caring for miss kitty on my own.