Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

@lab I am so very sorry for your loss. Grateful that you were surrounded by family and love. :pray: My deepest sympathies.

@cjp an electric shovel – that’s awesome (never heard of such a thing). Grateful for good helping neighbors

@dazercat and @chiron sending you healing vibes – sorry you are ill. Hope you both recovery quickly :pray:


I’m grateful for my friend suggesting that we train together. I’m grateful she messaged me for a walk/run this afternoon. I’m grateful I made it and that it’s motivated me to do more. I have downloaded Couch to 5k app (again!) and now nothing is stopping me!!
I’m grateful for the whole load of free wood we’ve been given. We went this morning to chop some and bring it home, there is so much, probably a years worth of free wood. I am so happy.
I’m grateful for my lovely hot bubble bath and my clean pj’s, nothing better than clean pj’s after a bath.
Grateful to be going on a walk tomorrow morning with my daughter :sparkling_heart:


Today I’m grateful for a strong body and a warm home. I’m grateful for each day of the 696 that I have cut alcohol out of my life. I’m pretty sure I learned something new about myself each of those days and maybe two things on the really hard days.
I’m grateful for this place and the fantastic people who make it up.
I’m grateful for my tough old car who powers through snow when we need her to and who rests in the garage when we can just use our feet for travel.
I’m grateful for my husband. He is tough to live with some days as he moves through his own addictive behaviors but he encourages me to be fun and active and social. I am grateful we have days off together and I’m grateful we like each other enough to spend those days together.
I am grateful that I get to choose sobriety tomorrow too.
I am grateful for warm clothes. Stay fresh cheese bags. :cold_face:


I am very grateful that after my rather difficult night, the day got better and better. The head ache and the groggyness resolved after a shor movement practice and meditation.

I am grateful for mindfulness meditation and the lessons from buddhism I learned over the last decades. The more I actively practice, the easier this life journey gets.

I‘m grateful for friends, music and singing. I am gratful I was not even tempted when cake was offered.

I a grateful for this wonderful place and for one more day of sobriety.


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful to have so much gratitude to read through every day. I’m grateful for our safe spot to share life’s ups and downs. I’m grateful my life is easier, simpler, without the inner chaos drinking brought. I’m grateful my family is safe and healthy. I’m grateful we have what we need. I’m grateful for my life, especially when I remember to keep it simple.:heart:


I’m grateful to read everyone’s gratitude list and the joy it brings.
I’m grateful for this community.
I’m grateful to read people talking about snow
And the memories it brings from when I lived in Pennsylvania.
Though I’m grateful I live in Florida and can appreciate a mellow winter.
Im grateful for my sober network and my family helping me stay on track.
I’m grateful for food and shelter because I remember times when this was not the case.
I’m grateful for YouTube and the never ending amount of music and interesting videos.
I’m grateful for being alive and having another chance at a good life and a sober life.
So very grateful for so many things!!!


I’m grateful to be laying a sober head down on my pillow tonight.
I’m grateful for a good walk with the doggo today.
I’m grateful for good healthy food.
I’m grateful for this gratitude thread.


Grateful for electric.
Grateful for heat.
Grateful for hot water.
All of which I did not have today. One day without and I was ready to check into a hotel.

Grateful for my ladies AA meeting tonight. I have only been to 1 meeting in 3 weeks. That’s unheard of for me. I’m grateful I noticed I was getting complacent in my sobriety after being down with covid followed by being snowed in. Last night I had my coat on ready to go with hubby to a meeting and I decided I was too tired. Took my coat off and passed out on the couch.

Grateful I didn’t get crushed by a falling tree today. I was driving to work in the dark very early this morning and I see this humongous tree in the corner of my eye coming down in slow motion. I floored the gas pedal and it fell behind me closing the entire road. Phew!

Grateful to be going away this week to some warmer weather.

Grateful for each of you helping to keep me sober today


good lord girl-- grateful that you are ok. Grateful you have the necessities back (especially on these cold winter days).

Enjoy that warmer weather upcoming get away!


Oh I forgot one more precious gratitude.
I’m grateful it’s my doggo’s 13th birthday today.
Happy Birthday Bull (nickname)! :birthday:


Wow girl!! I am grateful you are okay!!

I hope your warm getaway is fabulous!!!


Happy 13th birthday Bull!! :birthday: :partying_face: :tada:

Saturday gratefulness with my sober peeps
I am so grateful for a productive morning.
I am so grateful that the guy who did my landscaping clean up shoveled my driveway at the house today.
I am so grateful that my brothers and parents community had the streets and drive’s cleared before 5 am today.
I am so grateful all the snow that fell today did not stick.
I am so grateful that i had leftovers from yesterday for lunch today. Really not having an appetite today so was lovely to have enough without having to cook today.
I am so grateful i am working through the symptoms today. Able to sleep and rest.
I am so grateful for my foam roller that i can use to lift my legs while in bed.
I am so grateful for tangerines - grateful they helped me curb my cravings tonight and were oh so refreshing.
I am so grateful for my amazing family, my HP, my mindfulness and for listening to my body when i need a break.
I am so grateful for you all! grateful for being here with my sober companions - love the advice and support i receive from you all every day! Grateful for all the gratitude’s! :pray:

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Much gratitude today
@PinkyP love your post and humbly agree :grin:
@Bluekoolaid Good to see you around Trevor :people_hugging:
@Bomdhil Grateful you embraced your mother. A gift for the living. Sharing time and love with elderys is precious :pray:
@LAB My condolences to your and your family :people_hugging:
@Lisa07 Fantastic reaction to escape the falling tree. I’m grateful you are save.

Sending healing vibes to all who are ill. I’m still tired and easily exhausted. A weekend of rest is much apprechiated.

I’m grateful I still can make steak to the point. I’m grateful for the nice dinner & evening with an old friend on friday. I’m grateful I naped before. I’m grateful the hairdresser introduced me to a product to ease my very dry skin of the head. I didn’t wash my hair yesterday as recommended and the skin feels better and less itchy. But I need to wash my hair urgently (feeling iiihhhh) and I’m happily looking forward to a hot early sunday morning shower.

I’m grateful heating the farmhouse went well. I’m grateful I went there and stopped the ex from taking and throwing away my stuff. Again. God I pray this circus is over soon. I can’t see this man anymore, he only causes trouble and upsets me. I pray the trial appointment next friday sets an end :pray:

I’m grateful for automatic central heating at my townhouse, how comfortable on these cold days. And every other day.

I’m grateful for cats on and around me, I’m embedded in a cloud of purring and warmth. I love them to pieces. They are the sunshine of my life.
I’m gratefully looking forward to a sunday without obligations. Doing some chores and cleaning, happy to have yummi groceries in the fridge. I’m grateful for modern amenities, washing machine, dishwasher, fridge, central heating, smartphone, internet, electricity, hot water, cat food for special diets, comfy houses, reliable cars, work from home and so much more.
I’m grateful I can go back to bed after feeding the cats. They purr downstairs :orange_heart:
I’m grateful for friends.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful today is a fresh, new day. I’m grateful every day is a fresh new day.
I’m grateful I have faith that the universe always delivers things at the right time, I have to be patient and do my share of work.
I’m grateful I’ve been writing this post over 3 days. I’m grateful it’s ok to fall asleep over gratitude :pray: ODAAT


It’s “breaking records” cold here the last few days, and will be into next week. With windchill, -42C to -53C overnight (I think that’s below -60F). But right now it’s about -37C (-35F). Practically balmy.

I’m grateful for my small, warm home. There could be some power outages tonight. I had a wee bit of anxiety, (which tended to be dealt with in the before times, oh, you-know-how…). I’m grateful I have everything I need. I thought to get a big load of groceries yesterday and stuff is cooked up already. I’m grateful I wasn’t freaking out about whether I have enough wine at home to last me through whatever comes next.

I’m grateful I care about others. The unhoused. The isolated.

I’m grateful for the day I had. Hunkered in at my desk on creative projects, mini walks with the dog girl, warm mug of coffee then tea.

I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful to meet @Bluekoolaid’s Mom! Methinks she’s pretty proud of her son. :wink:
The dog girl is pissed off at me too, @Curtis-81 - but I’m grateful they’ll get over it!
Hugs @Lisa07 ! I hope life gets more even-keeled for you, soon! Grateful you are safe.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Happy Birthday Bull! :birthday: :bone: :poultry_leg:

The dog girl (who’s coming up on 13 yrs this spring) asked me to send you good wishes, lots of pets, treats galore, doting humans, a lack of rules, and an abundance of walks full of interesting things to smell!

We’re grateful for all the grati-pets! :orange_heart:


I am grateful for the roof over my head and the warmth from the central heating. I am grateful I have light and running water, pretty things in my house that reflect who I am. I am grateful the fridge is filled and so are the cupboards in the kitchen. It makes me feel at home and so does the comfort of music from the radio. I am grateful there is lots of room for simple beauty these days.
I am grateful I get to think about what I want to do this month and the next and the month after. It is already so much more than trying to meet the very essentials.
I am grateful I am still finding helpful new thoughts and perspectives in the threads of this community. As long as that happens, I know I am not becoming complacent.
I am grateful it’s weekend and grateful you all find so much fun-to-read gratitude each day as well. :orange_heart:


My condolences. It sounds like you and your husband did beautifully in being there for your mother in law and being there for each other. I do tend to think that the most important thing in any situation of disstress is to not feel alone. Crazy, when you think about how drinking through sadness and grief has quite the opposite effect… I am glad you are going through this together. :people_hugging:


Grateful for the time I had yesterday with my parents.
Grateful to be able to just relax this Sunday.
Grateful to see people coming back after a relapse and the never ending support here.
Grateful for the loving looks of doggo.
Grateful for being sober. Not feeling too good today (yesterday was emotional), but I am grateful to go through it sober and not having the urge to drink. Grateful for my son’s support.


I’m so so grateful I found Alice. I’m so grateful I could hear her chirp once and awhile but she never came out for me. I’m grateful after I tore the house apart for an hour I remembered I went in the coat closet early this morning for my fingerless gloves. I’m grateful she let out an excited scream to see me. I’m grateful she’s forgiven me and is on my lap purring.

I’m grateful when I see cats in different unfamiliar spots. I’m grateful I saw Mavy sacked out in a heated bed in the guest room where I’ve never seen him. Oh he looked so good all stretched out.

I’m grateful Daisy is such a large floofy cat with lots to pet and hold and to love on to.

I’m grateful we can make vet appointments on line after hours. Benson :grimacing: B :grimacing:
I’m grateful Mavy loves his Amazon box with the paper packaging in it.

I’m grateful I’m starting to feel better. I’m grateful I don’t have strep or Covid. I’m grateful I’m enjoying the hell out of my lemon turmeric ginger hot tea.

I’m grateful I found my baby.

I’m grateful I found 3 houses to look at in Cali when we are there next week. Well 4, but one went under contract. I’m grateful we didn’t like that house anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful we are now considering 2 story houses, it opens up so many more possibilities. I’m grateful I get to move again this year. Fuck Me!!

I’m grateful if I’m not feeling well enough tonight I can drop the books and pamphlets off at the meeting and go home. I’m grateful I don’t have to “Power Through It.” I’m grateful I am learning I don’t have to power through anything anymore. I’m grateful I can Step 3 it instead.

I’m grateful for both my recoveries and all of yours and I get to share here with you all :kissing_cat:

I’m grateful for my ODAAT In Al-Anon reading today.
February 5
Let me learn to understand myself first; that will occupy me so fully that I will have no time nor thought to analyze and criticize the compulsive drinker.”

I’m grateful for “indexing.”

Side note. I always. Always. Read my daily readers ODAAT on the day it is. I’m grateful I can use the index and search a feeling, or in this case Step 4, and read what it’s got to say about that. I’m grateful there’s lots of step 4 readings in the index.


Good morning M you alive?
How bout a cuppa to thaw out.
I’m grateful when we first met you were so kind to offer me and my RV a spot on your property if we needed to leave our beautiful country :wink:
After further consideration I respectfully decline but thanks for your generous offer. However I am gratefully happy to offer you our little guest casita with its own private entrance for you and the dog girl if you need to defrost. I’m grateful if you get here by Thursday it will be in the 70’s.