Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I am grateful for lazy Sundays and 3 day weekends. I am grateful for dry shampoo on cold cold days. I am grateful that my husband is doing the grocery shopping this morning.


Gooood morning Yaā€™ll ā€¦
Hope everyone in the winter freezing wonderland is staying safe and cozyā€¦itā€™s crazy cold! Brrrr :cold_face:

I am SO Grateful for my warm house with all itā€™s amenities! We have not experienced a power outage as of yet :crossed_fingers:
I am very Grateful for my 3 warm cat bodies that snuggle and keep me warm at night :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:
I am Gratefulu husband brings home the bacon to keep the furnace running and keep our fridge stocked :innocent:
I am Grateful for long distance phone calls with friends to catch up, to giggle and to plan future visits :smiling_face:
I am Grateful for the tea and cheese (?) husband just brought to me in bed while I do my Gratitudeā€™s. First time Iā€™ve ever been served in bed. Heā€™s either plotting something or maybe has had a stroke, will check later ā€¦ Iā€™m enjoying this too much :joy:
I am Grateful for all every single one of you out there sending Birthday wishes positive vibes, positive advice and just in general caring about me and my sobriety. Unbelievable how good I feel with yaā€™ll in my corner :purple_heart:
I am Grateful for my sobriety and the weight it has taken off my shoulders, the shame is softening and the light is coming back. Yes it is a journey ā€¦ you are there with me every step of the way :pray:
Stay sober my friends ā€¦ and warm :grin:


Iā€™m grateful for all Ericā€™s pet stories. I really enjoy them. Iā€™m grateful Alice let you know loud and clear she was stuck. Iā€™m grateful our pets donā€™t hold grudges (for too long). I once locked our dog in the basement by accident, heard him howling and crying but couldnā€™t find him for about a half hour. Then it dawned on me that he probably followed me down to get laundry but was too slow following me back up. Oops! :grimacing:

Iā€™m grateful you are feeling a lil better. Iā€™m grateful youā€™ll listen to your body if it needs rest and no longer power through.

Iā€™m grateful you have a few houses to view when you visit Gus. Maybe one of them will be the ā€œright oneā€ and this will be your last move. #fuckmoving


Good morning gratidudes.

Im so very greatful this thread is on fire with gratitude. Gratitude brings such an awesome perspective.

Im so very greatfulā€¦

I met my healthy wage weightloss goal of 50lbs in a year. Im greatful im not going to stuff my face to celebrate
Im greatful i can do my final weighin as early as friday
My sobriety
Boscoeā€™s companionship
My health and mobility
Winter hat and gloves
I was finally able to find chicken breast and thighs after going to 3 grocery stores
Usually stores are fully stocked and ppl dont panic
Countdown to Coasta Rica
I wont have to wear a coat for 12 days
Adventure awaits
My curiosity
My spiritual journey class was cancelled and i can just chill at home
Central heating
Ability to pay my bills
Enough food in the fridge
Tomorrow off work
Good music
4 wheel drive


Iā€™m grateful for a lovely warm home
Iā€™m grateful for food and conveniences
Iā€™m grateful that we are safe, for now.
Iā€™m grateful for my new Kindle crime series, Iā€™m enjoying it
Iā€™m grateful for hot tea, couldnā€™t live without it
Grateful to have the knowledge that I need and can do better for myself
Grateful Iā€™m over half way through my 5K training
Grateful for a Chelsea win today despite terrible performance
Grateful for my hot water bottlesā€¦:blue_heart::blue_heart:


Evening gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful I left the house only for 2 trips to the trash cans. Iā€™m grateful me & cats enjoyed the cold air coming into the house.
Iā€™m again happy with my cooking. Leftovers at least for tomorrow and 1 portion to freeze.

Iā€™m grateful I read so much around here on TS today that Iā€™m out of hearts.
Iā€™m grateful for a decent nap and for interesting documentaries.
Iā€™m gratefulI I finished knitting my oversized winter shawl today. Impatiently waiting for new wool to arrive for a big summer shawl I ordered 10 days ago. Iā€™m grateful I rediscovered knitting, so calming and meditative.

Iā€™m grateful I have no appointments tomorrow. I always try to keep the mondays off. It helps me to start the week without stress and focus on the important tasks.
Iā€™m grateful the cold weather will stay for this week.
Iā€™m grateful for cats sleeping on me. It makes me sad that I feel lonely, abandoned and long for love. I have to let go of the good memories too when I want peace in my heart. And peace from my codependency. I sound like a broken record.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be in bed soon and the sleeping meds will hopefully provide a restful sleep. ODAAT


Iā€˜m grateful for a lazy morning, for light snow, for cuddling in bed, for a restful sleep.

Iā€˜m grateful for cooking with my child, for all the time in the world to look back on the old week and forward towards the new one.

Iā€˜m grateful for being OK today with food.

Iā€˜m grateful for friends, for rides through the city, for a nice home, and a relaxing meditation.


Iā€™m grateful I went for a 6.5 mile walk with my daughter this morning. It was really nice and I like that she has quite a fast walking pace, I could definitely feel my legs by the end.
Iā€™m grateful for a pretty relaxed afternoon, I made a beef casserole and didnā€™t do much else.
Grateful too that my weight is heading in the right direction, now that Iā€™ve kicked myself up the backside.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


@m-be-free49 Hoping you are able to stay warm and safe. Balmy at -37C ā€“ yikes! I do hope you get some warmer weather heading your way.

@dazercat so grateful you found Alice (sorry you both had to go through the frantic scare for over an hour). I do hope that you start to feel better soon and all is ok with Benson.

@Chuckie22 Grateful Charlie is getting served in bed ā€“ you deserve it girl ā€“ go with the flow :hugs:

@CJP You are badass CJ ā€“ 50 lbs in less than a year ā€“ so many amazing life changing routines and practices adopted. Excited for your journey!

@erntedank ooh ā€“ congrats on completing your winter shawl ā€“ please share here or on the knitting thread. Hoping your wool arrives quickly so you can get back into the momentum.


Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for reading how it works from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous at our meeting tonightā€¦ I was very nervous and shaking and stumbling over my words but made it through.
Grateful public speaking will get easier with time.
Grateful for the people I have started to make connections with at the sober living Iā€™m at.
Grateful for a good well balanced dinner tonight.
Grateful for my higher power and giving me hope.
Grateful this community is 24/7.
Grateful my over all mood is decent and I feel positive about the future.
Grateful to be alive!
Grateful for the simple things but equally the complicated.
Grateful even though today was ok Iā€™m glad itā€™s over and I can soon get some rest.
Grateful tomorrow will be a new day!


Thinking of you. :slightly_smiling_face:
Do we need to send a search and rescue out there?


Iā€™m grateful for all the warm well-wishes!

Snow Angel Gif - IceGif

Iā€™m not quite making snow angels, but Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m warm inside. (Itā€™s now -38C/-36F, with windchill they say -47C/-53F, but you know what? below about -30C itā€™s all just cold :rofl:)

I forgot I offered you a spot to park your RV when things south oā€™ Canada were, er, going south! Iā€™m grateful for your offer of the casita. In a perfect world, the dog girl and I would be there in a flash. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ahhhh, Iā€™m grateful for pals near and far. For the internet and technology. That the power didnā€™t go out and the grid seems to be recovering so we can go back to the automated age. Iā€™m grateful for wee glimpses of how much I take for granted!

Itā€™s gonna warm up later this week to normal winter. Iā€™m gonna tuck in, toasty, content, sober, and knowing I got next to nuthinā€™ to complain about.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Iā€™m grateful my electricity is on. Iā€™ve had high anxiety for a week because of yet again very cold weather coming which is here and still to get colder for two days.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve been sleeping on the floor for two months with my sweet kitty who hurt herself in November.
Iā€™m grateful sheā€™s getting better but sadly will never be ā€œmainstreamā€ normal again. If she jumps and hurts another leg it will probably be time to put her to sleep.

Iā€™m grateful weā€™ve been doing fine doing what we are doing in the one room where thereā€™s nothing she can jump on.

Iā€™m grateful for this precious time with her.

( She walks like if we were on one knee and three legs straight. Sheā€™s doing fine and acts like herself and is content.)

Iā€™m grateful so far the electricity is still on even though in times past it has gone off because there isnā€™t enough.

Theyā€™ve called for conservation for four hours in the morning because of high demand, and not enough wind to generate more electricity. .

Iā€™m grateful that in times past Iā€™ve had back up heat sources like fireplaces. I donā€™t now. Itā€™s not in my future. I want my 107F days.

Iā€™m grateful yā€™all will think good thoughts for us taking some of the anxiety away.

Iā€™m grateful that if the electricity goes off I believe we will be okay and survive.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m fit and able and able to physically handle this stuff.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you.

Take care everyone.


I am grateful for waking up to a blue sky this morning. Grateful that the days are slowly getting longer, looking forward to spring! :blossom:

I am grateful for a good nightā€™s rest and waking up refreshed, it is such a big difference compared to the years of insufficient sleep and waking up with hanxiety almost daily.

I am grateful for my plans today. Looking forward to do some work and household chores, because I know how good it feel afterwards.

I am grateful for this thread. Iā€™m not always in a good mood, but when I open the app and read the posts here and write my own daily gratitude I always start smiling. It keeps my spirit up! Thanks guys :two_hearts:


Early morning gratitude.

Im so very greatful forā€¦

A monday off of work
Blankets and sweatpants
Boscoe loves his sweatersā€¦i swear he gets excited to put em on lol
Going to work out 2x today
Going to see the folks
Hot coffee
Comfy shoes
A reliable car
Time to chill yesterday
This amazing community.

Peace and love


I am grateful my husband is back and that he had a safe trip. Iā€™m also grateful I can return to my regularly scheduled sleep block now that I once again have help with Miss Kitty.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s been a little over a month since Iā€™ve had caffeine. I was sorely tempted this last week, but I suffered through it and held strong. In this time I have completely weened myself off the OTC sleep aid I have been using for the last ~15 years (sans one small break a couple years ago when I was able to get off caffeine for a few months) and the medication that was prescribed to me to take at night for night time anxiety issues.

Iā€™m also grateful in the last two months I have been able to reduce the other anxiety medication I take by 4, meaning I was taking 4x/day and no take 1x/day. Quitting caffeine is an imperative part of this plan. I donā€™t have a lot of choices when it comes to medication for anxiety and PTSDā€“either the medication doesnā€™t work as it should, the side effects are too egregious, or I wonā€™t take it because of my past substance issues. What Iā€™ve been taking has been helpful, but I am always on a quest to eradicate all medications from my life. I may find that I do still need them after being off for a while, which is fine, but maybe I donā€™t need them and would never know if I donā€™t try.

@Lisa07 Holy shit! A tree! Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay!!
@erntedank Good luck with the trial appointment. :crossed_fingers:

:scream: I would cry. :laughing: My husband was just up in Alaska where he took some lovely snowy landscape pictures, but I can see in his selfies that he was hella cold. Iā€™m barely making it where I am where the lows are in the 20sF / just under 0C. :rofl:

@Dazercat Aww Alice! Iā€™m glad you found her! That must have given you a real scare! Iā€™m glad youā€™re starting to feel better.
@Alisa Iā€™m glad your kitty is doing better. Itā€™s such a hard thing when they hurt themselves to that extent. I hope that she never hurts her other leg. I just want to reach through the internet and pet your sweet baby kitten.


I am grateful that as I left the gym and looked at the liquor store right next door the word that popped in my head was ā€œpoisonā€. I smiled to myself and got in the car.


Iā€™m grateful for snow videos in Dallas with my granddaughter. Iā€™m grateful my DIL is feeling better. Iā€™m grateful my son is such a great dad and is taking care of his girls.

Iā€™m grateful Alice is snuggled in my lap on my blanket purring away. Iā€™m grateful my new Uggs slippers fit. Iā€™m grateful I got a new pair of kicks too. Iā€™m grateful for Happy Feet.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s forty and sunny early.
Iā€™m grateful for football and meetings and I can prioritize my meetings. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m feeling much better. Almost there. Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t be sick and worried when I fly out Thursday to see Gus and fam.

Iā€™m grateful to take things one day and even one moment at a time. Iā€™m grateful to let go of things that arenā€™t really important in the scheme of things. Iā€™m grateful for letting go of being right. Especially when I am.

Iā€™m grateful the meeting topic was about expectations last night. Iā€™m grateful I feel so confused about some people in my life I donā€™t know what to expect. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m taking that as a good positive thing. Iā€™m grateful I know expectations lead to resentments. Iā€™m grateful last night I learn about future expectations for myself. Like sometimes I think Iā€™ve been working so hard ā€œI should,ā€ :grimacing: (you know I hate that word.) I should be better than I am! Why? I went years and years of drinking and codependency with one supporting the other. Iā€™m grateful recovery takes time. Iā€™m grateful I do notice progress, and that perfection is overrated. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to be perfect anymore and neither does anyone else.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m done with my gratitude list and Alice is still purring away on my lap. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m stuck. Iā€™m grateful for the abundance of gratitude on this thread and to be able to read and share here with you all.

Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it.
Bonnie D Parkin


Iā€™m grateful I got all my travel plans in order (flights, hotels, airport parking, car rental, pet sitter). Flying into one city on Wed, staying in another 1.5 hrs away for 2 nights, then driving 2.5 hrs to another and staying for 2 nights, then back to original city 1.5 hrs away to fly home early Sun morning.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be spending some time with my sisters celebrating my nieceā€™s life (passed away a month ago). Iā€™m grateful other family members will be there too that I donā€™t get to see often.

Iā€™m grateful I was chosen to work on a project at the corporate office the first couple days of our trip even though Iā€™m feeling imposter syndrome. I have to keep telling myself they wouldnā€™t have chosen me if I didnā€™t have the capabilities. Iā€™m grateful for hubbyā€™s support and believing in me when I donā€™t believe in myself.

Iā€™m grateful for our dog sitter while weā€™re away. Iā€™m grateful doggo will be staying in the comfort of our own home and be walked a few times a day.

Iā€™m grateful for heat during these extremely cold days. Grateful the snow will come overnight tonight and not impact our trip.

Iā€™m grateful for each of you helping to keep me sober today.


I am grateful for my dog Russellā€™s unflagging love. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful that even though it seems so cold to me here, after reading everyone elseā€™s posts I know itā€™s very mild!