Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Grateful too that you still have electricity. Sending you warm wishes and hoping that you do not lose the electricity during the cold spells. Much love to you and your kitty. :hugs:


I woke up this morning after a good night and was up early. I am very grateful for better sleep and more energy.
It had started to snow during the night and so I woke up to a nice snowy landscape outside. It kept snowing through the day and I really enjoyed it. Itā€˜s not really cold around here, so most of it becomes shlush quickly. But it was enough to make everything a bit prettier and the kids had lots of fun, throwing snow balls, making snow people and finally taking out there sledges. I am grateful for this little bit of snow without having to prepare for a ā€šrealā€˜ winter.
I had ample time to work on my project and though I still have not figured out how to calculate all vector points to draw an ellipses, I am grateful I could spend most of my morning with something I love.
The kids at school were fun, we made little rapping robots. I am grateful for this opportunity I get every week.
I am grateful for this place. I can share my thoughts and my fears, I get so much help and encouragement. I am very grateful I found TS. I am grateful when confronted with a recovery related issue I can ask, ruminate and share with people who understand what I am going through.
I am grateful for yoga. I always feel strong and spent after a session, grounded and centered.
I am grateful for the peace I found today, after yesterdayā€˜s worries. One day at a time is a slogan for the whole journey.


Iā€™m grateful I got up early for a walk before work.
Grateful to have a really good chat with my daughter, who is overseas, this afternoon. I think she was just in need of a chat with her mum.
Grateful my home is warm and cosy and my family has everything we need.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Today Iā€™m grateful I went back to bed after morning chores. I was tired again.
Iā€™m grateful for yummi leftovers and not sorry that I ate all. Nothing left for the freezer.
Iā€™m grateful I skipped office today, I was way too nervous to concentrate, no clue why. Instead I drove to the garden center for soil (how do you call the special substrate to seed?). Iā€™m grateful I found beautiful wool as my order is heavily delayed, the company was victim of a cyber attack. Yes, this special garden center chain cooperates with a wool cafe / distributor and offers knitting workshops weekly. A wonderful match.
Iā€™m grateful I finally met the center cat today. OMG Iā€™m in love Where my cat people? #3 - #1268 by erntedank
Iā€™m grateful I thought a lot about why I cry when Iā€™m happy that this shelter cat found a loving home and lives her best life now. The only answer that came up was that I want to be rescued too. That someone picks me up, loves me, pampers me and will be there all my life. Iā€™m grateful that I know I would get ants in my pants being restless and striving for inputs to my life as soon as my basic cup of needyness of being loved is sufficiently filled. Well, this is not only codependent bullshit, this needs maybe a real look into reparenting and inner child work. I feel rediculous, but the abandonment issues and axiety are real. Always were.
Iā€™m grateful I took the rest of the day easy with purring cats at home and starting my new shawl. @JazzyS I will put a picture on the knitting thread, have to take one :blush:
Iā€™m grateful for my life as it is. ODAAT :pray:


I am grateful my granny had a comeback from another round of covid. Sheā€™s such an iron lady, I adore her so. Grateful the first coffee of the day always tastes like happiness in a cup. Also trying to reduce the overall intake somewhat and replace it with more tea. Grateful I tried out something new on sunday and signed myself into a Taekwondo class. Feeling it everywhere today. Grateful to be reminded of all the unused muscles and sinews underneath my skin. Gonna tend to them a little more. I am grateful for the fresh snow - world out there is little less dark and grey today.


Grateful for waking up to a beautiful (thin) white blanket this morning, but grateful for central heating too :snowflake:

Grateful for a relaxed morning and having the time to catch up here on TS, before Iā€™m heading off to my colleague. Once a week we see each other at either her or my home. I prefer meeting at home over our uninspiring office.

I am grateful we finally get an extra collegue as per Thursday, something Iā€™ve asked for for over a year. Looking forward to form a steady team together, itā€™s also giving me the opportunity to do some extra curricular work.

Grateful for the nice evening with my son yesterday, playing a game and having a laugh.

Grateful for online clothing shopping, as I donā€™t like shopping in stores. Even better with sale :money_with_wings:

I am grateful for the relationship with my parents and sister. Although we are miles apart in the religion aspect, we agree to disagree and move on together. Grateful I am a better person sober, more compassionate and less argumentative.

@Chiron Wow, thatā€™s amazing that quiting caffeine has such an impact on your anxiety and that you can lower your med intake! Athough I understand itā€™s tempting to have a coffee now and then, I can imagine coffee isnā€™t worth anxiety.
Alcohol is a major trigger for my anxiety, since Iā€™m sober I feel so much better. But never thought about cafeĆÆne :thinking: I use nicotine lozenges and thatā€™s obviously also very stimulating, I feel I get tense if I take too much. Eventually I will quit taking them, but one thing at a time.
Congrats on the one month caffeine free life :muscle:


Iā€™m grateful to have options and choices in a world where freedom seems to be shrinking.

Iā€™m grateful I can watch a Netflix show instead of the news during lunch as I canā€™t watch anymore dick swinging.

Iā€™m grateful my kittens are growing into healthy young cat bodies: Blue, a lean graceful baby panther, athletic and accomplished. Bear is a shorter stockier sweetheart with no side to him, and lives for cuddles.

Iā€™m grateful that adversity hardened me into something decent and good.

Iā€™m grateful for this space to feel seen.

Iā€™ll leave you all a heart shaped huddle of kittensā€¦ :blue_heart::blue_heart:


Grateful I made it to my destination last night, didnā€™t know I was driving into a semi-blizzard.
Grateful my hotel is nicer than I thought it would be.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety!
625 free from weed and alcohol
5.5 months free from vaping
Progress not perfection
Slept in today, now to not beat myself up for taking a rest day
Time with hubby
Got our gym flooring down
My mom will pick Boscoe up today
A job i love


I am grateful that my daughter returned safely home from an out of town trip, and both of my kids are home safe in their beds. I am grateful that my car has a full tank of gas so I wonā€™t have to stop in the cold and refuel on my way to work this AM


Best looking gratitude ever :heart_eyes_cat:
Grateful I checked in.
Grateful youā€™re here TF :pray:t2::heart:


Iā€™m grateful for insight timer.
Iā€™m grateful I paid for plus so I can listen to my affirmations meditation on my walk.
Iā€™m grateful I can adjust my morning routine when I have a cat, Alice, on my lap.
Iā€™d be really grateful if she got up so I could P :crying_cat_face:
Iā€™m grateful for a good nights sleep.
Iā€™m grateful for no headache last couple of days.
Iā€™m grateful for a nice dinner out last night.

Iā€™m grateful my wife and my grown up children are alive and addiction didnā€™t/hasnā€™t killed them. Last couple of Al-Anon meetingsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ :cry: some people are waking up without their son or brother :cry: Fucking brutal man :cry: The horrible reality is addiction kills. Stay in the fight folks. Stay in the fight. Youā€™re worth it. And your family loves you, no matter how bad it is or you are or have been. They donā€™t want you dead.

Iā€™m grateful I get to have my therapy appointment today. Iā€™m grateful we get to take Benson to the vet today. Iā€™m grateful I get to cook a nice stew for dinner. Iā€™m grateful I get to go to my in person home group tonight. Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s no football today. Iā€™m grateful I get to walk Benson. Iā€™m grateful I get to finish this up. Iā€™m grateful I have great bladder control :grimacing: Iā€™m grateful I might have to give Alice the boot in a minute.
Iā€™m grateful to be in this fight for our lives and our freedom.

What consumes your mind controls your life. Practice gratitude.
Just some meme I saw :blush:


Yes ā€“ so grateful for this too. Love my chats with mum :heart:

AHHH love ā€“ big hugs to you my friend. Absolutely nothing to feel ridiculous about. You are shedding parts of your old life and finding the new you and I do hope that you find someone to compliment the new life that you are building for yourself. People_hugging:
@pandita Way to go granny! Iron lady for sure :muscle: Love that you are taking Taekwondoā€¦ I do hope to get back into martial arts one day! Alternating with ice and heat helped me with the sore muscles.
@tragicfarinelli SOOO damn adorable ā€“ loved this heart shaped pic of your kitties on our gratitude thread. :heart:
@passerina_cyanea Grateful you made your destination too. :pray: Winter driving gives me so much anxiety.


Tuesday morning gratitudeā€™s ā€¦

SO very grateful to be alive on this beautiful morning. Grateful for a decent nightā€™s sleep and waking up before my alarm.
I am so grateful that i shoved blankets and large pillows along the windows and doorway in the basement. It has been brutally cold in the basement and even the space heater couldnā€™t warm up the space. Thankfully i realized that we had a bit of a draft along the windows and door. So much nicer now.
I am so grateful that i was able to go and spend my morning time with mom and get my cleanse done.
I am so grateful that i was able to scream and cry and it helped get out some of my frustration. I am grateful that i will not let my excessive swelling (especially my hands and feet) and heightened symptoms get me down. It is a gorgeous sunny day and i am working on finding the positivity today.
I am grateful that for now my fatigue is low so i can be awake and alert to take on this magnificent day.
I am so grateful that i will take my mom to her treatment today. Grateful to see that we are exchanging positive energy when we are together and keep each other feeling light and airy. All will be well :pray:
I am so grateful that i took time to tidy up my closet - its not large enough to keep my winter and summer clothes so i was able make room and organize accordingly as my ocd was getting the best of me.
I am so grateful for comedy - watched a funny (crude but funny) comedian last night - had me in stiches. May re-watch some old stuff today to activate my funny bone.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that i can be myself 100% around them. Grateful for their love and support.
I am so grateful that i am able to return my massage gun - i havenā€™t had a chance to use it yet but read many bad reviews and am not taking the chance.
I am so grateful for the ā€œjust for funā€ threads. Love that i can come to TS for good advice, to share my journey, to vent or to just have fun and find great distractions.
I am so grateful that i have been medication free (except an occasional Aleve or Midol - which has been 2 months also) for over 1 year. Grateful to see @Chiron doing so well without caffeine and being able to eliminate her meds. The side effects are way worse my friend - so sorry that you are dealing with this too. Takes a while to get the meds lingering effects out of our bodies too. Sending you big hugs as i know it is not easy.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices. Grateful that i know i need to work on these more as i do find when i am not doing well physically i forget to call on my HP. I am so grateful that i know the connection with my HP will bring me peace and keep me grounded - just need to keep working on it.
I am so grateful for you all - starting my day with a smile!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - stay warm and safe my sober warriors.
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: My daily gratitude will be mixed in with my reply to you.

I used to have a daily caffeine intake of around 1600mgā€“which obviously I worked up to or I would have died :sweat_smile: Caffeine allowed me to abuse opioids and other sedative drugs, and directly led to a comparatively smaller period of time in which I abused Methamphetamine and Adderallā€“because at a certain point, you simply cannot consume more caffeine and get the desired results, no matter your tolerance. 2000mg was where I drew the line. :sweat_smile:

Itā€™s been a very long road of slowly phasing out my emotional attachment to the sources of caffeine I used, and I feel very grateful for all the changes Iā€™ve made over time to set myself up for long term success in this area. I do have an uptick in anxiety, panic attacks, and nightmares with the reduction of the two medications, but getting better sleep helps with the fortitude to deal with these life-long issues and theyā€™re offset by not having the negative side effects from caffeine. For me, in my life, it is a goal of great importance to be free of all medications, no matter how benign. Itā€™s definitely a personal goal and not one I impose on anyone else.

Definitely one thing at a time! There have been some studies that have shown that you can only really handle two life changes at one time, even if theyā€™re positive changes, before getting overwhelmed. You are doing great on your alcohol sobriety! In time youā€™ll be ready for the next challenge. Iā€™m grateful youā€™re part of this forum!

@Pandita Iā€™m happy to hear your gran is doing better!


I am grateful today for finally falling asleep last night after endlessly tossing and turning, and for enough sleep to start the day in an OK mood.
My child had a free day today and climbed into bed with me. We cuddled and watched the sun rise slowly behind the winter clouds. I am very happy to have experienced this morning.

I have managed to solve a mathematical/algorithmical problem I have bin tinkering around with, and am very proud of myself and very grateful for this chance to challenge myself and find a solution. Empowerment!

The streets today were too icy and slippery to take the bike for my grocery shopping and I went on foot. It was a good walk in wonderful sunny winter weather. I am grateful I could do this. For the body and health, for the infrastructure making this possible, for the time and energy I had.

In the afternoon I dove into the endless hole of internet research on game development for a game I have an idea for. That was some fun. I am grateful I can spend my time making up and creating stuff I love.

I did my yoga practice later. It was emotionally challenging. But I have learned on this journey of recovery and discovery to breathe through difficult emotions. I am grateful for this lesson and my new emotional stability that made this possible today.

My child came home and shared some sad news with me. I am sorry for her grief, but I am also very grateful I can be there for her, sane and not under the influence, grateful she trusts me and shares.


Today Iā€™m grateful for my job, itā€™s flexible and local. I moan about it but really Iā€™m fairly happy with it.
Iā€™m grateful to be back on track with my fitness & healthy eating. Itā€™s helped to have a goal, albeit a long term goal, to work towards. I feel so much better, physically and mentally, when Iā€™m looking after myself.
Iā€™m grateful to have just found 3 local pilates classes to choose from. Iā€™ve never done it before, I have this feeling Iā€™ll be so bad, Iā€™m not too stretchy atm. Iā€™ll hide at the back I think.
Grateful for log burners, double glazing and central heating :sparkling_heart:


Iā€™m grateful I took a tip from @Dazercat and called the hotel and requested all alcohol be removed from our room before we arrive tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful I had no shame in telling them weā€™re in recovery. Iā€™m grateful they happily obliged and even offered an early check in which I accepted. I did tell them to leave the sweet treats though. Lol! No alcohol in the room at the 2nd hotel, so no worries there.

Iā€™m grateful all the snow and ice is coming to an end. Iā€™m grateful I made it safely to work and back home. Hopefully, it wonā€™t cause any flight delays tomorrow.

Iā€™m grateful to be escaping these freezing temps for a few days. More snow expected while weā€™re away but it will warm up when we get back.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober today.


Damn, you came a long way, respect Chiron. I hope the anxiety, panick attacks and nightmares will decrease over time. Iā€™m impressed by your fighters mentality :muscle:
My anxiety was mostly due to drinking. But I still have a uneasy feeling not having oxazepam in my purse anymore, scared not to have a pill ready in case of a panick attick. We are in different situations, but I also want to be able to cope with it without meds.
Sobriety comes first, but yes, the nicotine will be next (I say while Iā€™m chewing on a nic gum) :wink:
Appreciate your posts always, grateful to have you here too! :two_hearts:


I am so grateful for my sobriety and recovery. I feel like my brain is mine again, without the constant addictive voice and thoughts that took up so much space. My brain and my thoughts and my coping strategies are not perfect, but there is progress.