Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Oh, I’m grateful to see so many more grati-cats! :heart_eyes_cat:

I’m grateful the temps have warmed up a bit. Got up to -20C! (-4F). Damn near spring. Opened my window for a bit. Had a longer walk with the dog girl. She was raring to go, like a young dog again. I’m grateful we are an adaptable bunch, hey Gratidudes?

I’m grateful I’m keeping my work/life balance stuff in check pretty well this year. Screen time, sleep schedule, stuff like that.

Grateful I don’t drink. Grateful for the chuckles to myself when one by one, on work calls, people confess their January has gone damp. Not laughing at them, but at my relief that I’ve stopped trying.

I’m grateful for the delish soup I made last night without going to the store. Grateful for leftovers today. Tomorrow I gotta get some food in the frig. Grateful my car will start. Grateful for money in the bank.

Grateful I am showing up to life, my life. Grateful I can face tougher emotions and take care of myself better through them. How did Joseph Campbell put it?
I will participate in the game. It is a wonderful, wonderful opera - except that it hurts.

I’m grateful for all of the stuff too that doesn’t hurt, naturally, 'cause there’s a lot of that too.

I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful for my current home. I am not sure what to do about missing rent but I will figure it out. Grateful that timing really twisted me around, helped by thoughts about sobriety and tendency.
Grateful my 20-year old played games with me last night. This has been so rare and felt like older days.
Grateful to take on self-employment over trying a new employer. My body is feeling some issues. Their idea to quit on me, for me to quit on them, really big and super tough. :frowning: Damn I have a lot of branded stuff. Pshsshshsh.
Grateful for most of you in this place.
This will get better. It will.


Feeling some gratitude today.
For TS and all you fine people.
For snow outside to play in, now if it would just get a little warmer…
For my two cats.
For hot showers.
For our wood stove.
For restful sleep.


Good morning good buddies! The past couple days I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am to be as lucky as I’ve been. Sort of a “there but for the grace of God” vibe. I’m grateful that even when things were pretty bad, somehow they didn’t get worse, and maybe not as worse as I deserved. I’m grateful each day when I wake up I don’t have to figure out what stupid terrible things I did the night before, and I’m grateful that I’m not going to do those things today either. I’m grateful for my dogs, even the one that snatched a little bag of sugar donuts from the Chinese restaurant off the kitchen counter and ate them all, including the wax paper bag (except one small clscrap that served as evidence of his misdeeds) and then ran around like a caffeinated toddler all night. I’m grateful for my life, literally and figuratively and I’m grateful it’s better than it was, better than it could have been and maybe even better than I deserve, and I’m grateful I work everyday to make sure I do deserve it.


I am grateful for this app today. I am grateful for 20 days AF. I am grateful for hot tea, and garlic stuffed olives


I’m grateful to be emotionally divorced from my family and their issues. I am willing to listen, give advice, and I will help if I can and if it is warranted, but I am very grateful that I was able to become emotionally strong and healthy enough to be able to distance myself from these people. I’m also grateful I live hundreds of miles away from them.

I’m also grateful I slept comparatively well last night and that it only took about an hour to fall asleep rather than four.

@naomi We each have our own paths, that’s for sure. I definitely understand the fear of letting go of a medication that I’ve had to rely on. Sometimes making incremental changes is the best and more long lasting way to go. As long as we are making steps forward, we will get where we want to go eventually.


I am greatful for my sobriety.
I am greatful i got on the treadmill for 50min today. I havent done that in years!
I am greatful for my body
I am greatful its above zero and sunny
I am greatful i can work from home
I am greatful i have 13 days if needed to lose more weight to meet my weightloss goal
I am greatful for hubby and boscoe
I am greatful for time with the folks


Hump day gratefulness with my sober companions
I am so grateful to be living a sober life. Grateful to be free of all my addictions and finding self control in other areas of my life.
I am so grateful that i did get a full night of sleep. Woke up not feeling great but at least i woke up.
I am so grateful that i have decided not to go to the house to shovel. We got about 2" yesterday and I was not able to get anyone to come over - we are expecting about 3 more tomorrow so i will just wait it out (hopefully the HOA isn’t going to zing me - supposed to have anything over an inch cleared within 24 hours). At this moment - i really don’t care - i’m instead enjoying my coffee at the kitchen table viewing the snowy covered back yard in peace. My head is pounding but i am not letting that stop me today.
I am so grateful for my coffee! Grateful that i haven’t had acid reflux in weeks. Grateful that i’ll take this as a sign of healing.
I am so grateful my family. Grateful that my sister is coming to hang with us this weekend. She really is making a point to spend as much time here as possible with my parents.
I am so grateful for the abundance of spices in the world. Can change up my nightly dinner by changing up the flavor profile :yum:
I am so grateful sunny days - they really do make such a difference on these cold winter days.
I am so grateful for my connection to my HP. Grateful to know that i still have faith that i will be healed and back to normal as long as i keep working on myself. Grateful that i am able to get back on track when i start to lose patience.
I am so grateful a warm home and ample supply of healthy foods.
I am so grateful for being connected to all of you here. Grateful for having found this community and all my beautiful friendships.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful I happened to stumble on this community some years ago. Grateful to have grown in knowledge about alcohol and sobriety over the years. Grateful I never gave up.

I am grateful for my well needed afternoon nap.
Grateful for my home which I share with my son. Grateful for our relationship. Although I did more than enough wrong, hearing I’m a good mom is the best compliment ever.

I am grateful for my night time ritual. Self care, putting on a scented candle and early to bed with a book. Nighty night beautiful people!


I am grateful for wakeing up in winter wonder land. I love the snow and we usually don‘t get much of it. Winter is mostly rain and fog and darkness. These days of snow, cold and sunshine are such a blessing.

I also am grateful I don‘t have to drive in these conditions. As much fun as snow can be, it also can be a real hassle or outright danger to others.

I am grateful I had so much time for my work today. I managed to take regular brakes which helped me to keep at peace. I tend to work myself into a frenzy and then have trouble to find emotional balance. Today worked well enough.

I am grateful for walking, hiking, running, moving. For a very relaxing Yin yoga practice. Now it‘s time to unwind.


Today I am grateful for waking up and being alive. I am grateful for my health, physical and mental well being. I am grateful for my car and that it can drive in the snow :sweat_smile: I am grateful for my house and that we have heat! :cold_face: I am grateful for my job, my understanding boss who let me leave to attend to my sick babies :sob: and
for my finances. That we are able to afford the cost of living. I am grateful for my babies health! And grateful that they arent too sick and managing their symptoms. I am grateful for these baby snuggles and a quiet afternoon. And lastly, I am grateful for my soberity!

Thank you God, for all that I have, I am very blessed. :pray:


Congratulations on your 20 days Davina.
I’m grateful you found us.
Keep up the great work.


Today I’m grateful that my slip over on the ice wasn’t worse than it was, my palm is bruised but nothing more.
I’m grateful it was a beautiful day today which helped me get out and do a walk/run/walk/run. Felt good afterwards.
Grateful to drop my daughter at the station early this morning without worrying if I’m over the limit, I love that feeling, got to be in my top 10.
Grateful to acknowledge that I’m still finding it hard at home.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


I needed to hear this today :pray: No wonder that I’m constantly overwhelmed.

I’m grateful for every day with my sweet old boy. Him purring away on my chest is the best reason to not move and read.
I’m grateful I got to brush all 3 yesterday. They need it.
I’m grateful for potatoes, beetroots, cauliflower and green salads. Two days with delish combinations of these, I enjoyed my meals so much.
I’m grateful I managed to write a reply to my lawyer yesterday on the latest bullshit from the ex & his pettifogger. I really pray this will find an end. Soon. I’m so done and exhausted and longing for peace and the final cut. Of course he wants more money and procrastinate the case, what else. God please help me to focus on myself and have faith that everything will find an end in peace. Never mind if it’s a rest in peace :wink:
I’m grateful for my friends lifting me up yesterday evening.
I’m grateful for therapy, it opens perspectives.
I’m grateful for appointments and people being on time.
I’m grateful I was able to throw away some stuff at my late mum’s house today. Babysteps.
I’m grateful I missed the monthly trash pick up at the farm today. My trashbin is still empty as I stayed in town. I’m grateful I don’t have the urge to fill it just because it’s pick-up date.
I’m grateful for Let go and let God. I can’t do much. But I can do mine. I’m grateful I can rethink rules like “Send congratulations on peoples birthdays”. I mostly do it, I like the gesture of thinking of people, it feels nice and kind. If I do it tomorrow, the ex turn 55, well, I don’t know. I’m grateful I don’t have to decide, I don’t have to do, I don’t … A lot of I don’t recently.
I’m grateful I’m looking forward to breakfast after hopefully a good night. I’m already hungry but I won’t take a midnight snack. I’m grateful I got sidetracked with some old series tonight and now it’s past my normal bedtime. I’m grateful it doesn’t matter and it does no harm. ODAAT


Grateful it’s almost baseball season, less than four weeks away until tryouts in Vegas! Grateful we had enough in the budget for new uniforms this year! Grateful we took second place in a tournament this past weekend against some good teams from Utah!

Grateful I’m down almost 8 pounds this year and my clothes are fitting much better! My diet is helping me feel great! I tried quitting tobacco last year but I think I’m getting to the point now where I’m really ready after a year of sobriety from alcohol.

Grateful for busy days and good nights of sleep :sleeping:

Grateful as always for the sober family on here :muscle:t2:


I’m grateful that I fell asleep last night within 30ish minutes of going to bed and that I got a very solid six hours of sleep before I woke up and wasn’t able to fall back to sleep.

Also grateful to have spent some time on the phone with a good friend. She has been dealing with severe health issues in the last few years, and just found out that she has a tumor in one of her lungs. I’m grateful that it seems they will be able to remove it and that taking it out will reduce her suffering.


Good morning gratidudes.

Today i am greatful for…

My sobriety
Time with hubby and Boscoe
Progress not perfection
Countdown to coasta rica
A job i love
Money to pay bills
Feeling safe
Hot showers on demand
All of you and this amazing community


Good morning to this wonderful thread. I am grateful for no hangover. I am grateful that I had the strength to say no to coworkers who invited me out for cocktails. I am grateful that I no longer live somewhere where I have to shovel snow. ODAAT my fellow grateful 🩵


Oh i’m sorry to hear about you friend. Grateful that they are able to remove the tumor and this will help reduce her suffering. Hoping she is able to recover fully from this :pray:


Thursday morning gratefulness :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am so grateful for my mom, my family in general but really love this woman. She really is incredible. I am grateful for her positive energy. Grateful that she is learning to put herself first and take care of her needs (this is not an easy transition for her but she is doing it).
I am so grateful that I had bought extra chicory root and dandelion coffee and that my mom enjoys it - she is in heaven as right now she can’t do coffee.
I am so grateful that i am up and about with very little sleep. Grateful that i had a slew of comedy to choose from last night to keep me from breaking down. Grateful to try and convince myself that this is only temporary and that this too shall pass.
I am so grateful that I can be stern with my doctor (a doctor that i am paying monthly on the side as she is not covered by my insurance) - all of a sudden she says not much else can be done but wait out my symptoms (hoping they pass on their own) and is refusing to do my 6 month blood work (i have been doing this every 6 months to make sure i am steady with my vitamins and such – a few times i wasn’t.). A little annoyed by her attitude and debating keeping her on. I am grateful that i find this absurd - especially when i can go into a clinic and request the blood work myself.
I am so grateful that i am alive with a Fuck It attitude today. Not going to let anyone’s negativity get to me (even my own).
I am so grateful that i have my treatment today. I am hoping to find out why my inflammation has worsened in the past few days and i feel like a inflated balloon. My stomach is still very bruised from last weeks treatment. Not sure if this is normal.
I am so grateful that i have decided that i am ok with the operation to remove my ovary (actually looking forward to it - may provide some relief). I will go to get my ultrasound tomorrow but know that most likely the cyst has not shrunk as i can very much feel it. I am grateful that i am mentally ok with this and had scheduled the surgery so everything is in place.
I am so grateful that i can watch the fluffy snow flakes fall and accumulate on the untouched snow - a beautiful sight. Grateful that i don’t have to shovel it and that the roads will be fine by the time i have to drive. Grateful that the community has already shoveled our drive and walkway. Grateful that my guy will be available tomorrow afternoon to take care of my house. He is a bit eccentric - just grateful that he is willing to do this for me as he doesn’t usually do snow removal.
I am so grateful breathing exercises to create a calmness and indoor walking to help me as i am fed up with not being able to exert myself and exercise.
I am grateful that even with the feeling in the dumps attitude i am grateful to find gratitude and i know i will get out of this mental funk and deal with the physical funk.
I am so grateful that i still am connected to my HP - need to work on my meditation and prayers a little more. My frustration keeps me from this but i know the connection needs to be strong for me to heal and feel grounded.
I am so grateful for this beautiful community of ours and how much support, love we have for each other. How much fun we have with each other.
Wishing you ALL a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: