Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Today I am grateful I can take my time and take care of myself. I am grateful I am finally starting to grasp how self care might work for me. Starting to really comprehend that using is not an act of self care. It might be an attempt, but a misguided one.
Today I am grateful for not reaching for my DOC when everything in me screams to just do it and ease the pain. It won‘t. It‘s an empty promise.


I am grateful for my new co-worker.
I am grateful for a new work project.
I am grateful for my job, the flexibility and independency that comes with it.

I was not looking forward to today, but I am grateful that it all went well. The day was filled with meetings, a work lunch and reception. I was with colleagues from 9 till 6, not my hobby but I managed quite well. Now enjoying me-time on the couch with :dog:. Can’t imagine a better end to this long day of social interaction.

I am grateful for the two souls who are happy to see me when I get home. I love my son so much and my dog too!
I am grateful my son and I can say “I love you” to each other. I never had that kind of relationship with my parents.

I am grateful for being resilient and in such a good mood lately. I’ve been sober before, but this time something’s different. I seem to handle stressful situations better than before. I do have some worries, stress and challenges, but they never take the upper hand. Everyday I feel a sort of natural high, I feel contentment, gratefulness and happiness.


Have to catch up another day, too tired.
Today I’m grateful I took it easy, did the daily chores, ordered food delivery and spent most of the day knitting and listening to Codependent no more.
I’m grateful I congratulated the ex for his birthday in the morning via text and a friend called him. I’m grateful said friend gave me a summary and I’m worried because whenever the ex is in this good relaxed mood the is breeding some egoistic bullshit. As I can’t control it I let it go for now and say good night. Court on friday morning should be forbidden. ODAAT


I’m grateful for earning a bit of extra cash babysitting, wow wee I earned my money tonight!


Grateful for endless possibilities on my phone for distraction as I struggle to sleep in early recovery.
Grateful to know sleep will get better with time.
Grateful to know so many things will get better with time.
Grateful for the one day at a time method.
Grateful for shelter and food/ water and all the basics.
Grateful for my family and there love and support.
Grateful I can be honest with my family and not worry about judgment.
Grateful my dad understands addiction. He never went through this himself but seems to get it.
Grateful to have a few moments throughout the day where I feel hope and I hold onto these feelings.
Grateful this cold weather won’t last forever. Can’t wait for it to be summer and in the 90s. Even though I’m originally from Pennsylvania I been in Florida for 20 years now… I’m a Floridian now. Love this state.
Grateful for this talking sober community and all the love and support.
Grateful for caffeine of any kind… though I think I need to cut back on the energy drinks and stick to coffee or tea.
Grateful for so many things but today especially to be clean and sober.
Grateful to know that opiates and alcohol are only a temporary solution.
Grateful there is another way !!!


Grateful my cousin called when she needed help and I could be there for her and her daughter and comfort them. I am grateful my employer was flexible and understanding when I called and said I needed half a day off for family. It’s the second time this months… Not a great start health wise, it seems, but luckily never anything serious. I am grateful it’s a new day and I’ll be able to catch up on work. Grateful for for strong coffee. Grateful for sobriety.


I have to stop, look around, see how far I have come.
Look around and see and feel the gratitude for how well things have turned around.

I’m grateful I’m back home.
Grateful I am able to build furniture myself.
Grateful our home is now a positive place after the building works.
Grateful I know I can’t push myself too hard.
Grateful that I feel it’s okay if I only manage to get done, what I can manage that day. The rest will be okay to do tomorrow.
I’m so grateful to be home.
I’m grateful to have this opportunity that feels life changing, and I’m grateful I feel happy, like actually happy.



I am super grateful for my family and friends. They are amazingly supportive! As well as you guys on this forum. After this relapse over three months ago i was so angry and disappointed in myself but i am finding the peace that i need to move forward personally and professionally. I am just grateful to be alive and wake up with no secrets and/or fears.
Godspeed to you all. :100::heart:


Great to see you. So nice to hear you’re back home and everything is working out well for you. Love reading that you’re ‘actually happy’.
I’m happy for you :sparkling_heart:


Today I am grateful that it is Friday and I have the weekend off of work. I am grateful for chocolate and hot coffee on those days like today that I need a little extra self-hug.


I’m grateful we made it to Cali.
I’m grateful we got the pets dumped off very smoothly. Unlike the last time when we couldn’t find Mavy :smirk_cat:
I’m grateful my DIL doesn’t have meningitis :scream: she was taken to the hospital because of complications of strep throat. I’m grateful she’s home for the night. I’m grateful I got a son that was so good holding it all together I didn’t have to worry about how he’s going to do it. I’m grateful I didn’t freak out I waited until we got the facts. I’m grateful I didn’t run to the airport bar to drown my misery. And I’m most grateful I don’t make it all about me. “My misery.” WTF :flushed: it’s my daughter in laws misery and my sons and Normas. It never was my misery! I’m grateful I didn’t make it my misery by knocking back a few doubles. I’m grateful when I’m not drinking I can be present and not make it all about me and kill my feelings.

I’m grateful for my Stumptown coffee at the hotel and the croissant. I’m grateful the croissant makes me think of Norma. I’m grateful I was the first to feed her bits of a croissant :croissant:

I’m grateful we get to catch the Gus Bus at 11:30 this morning. I’m grateful that gives me plenty of time to catch up on here. Coffee. Walk, no Burner :cry: and even lunch.

I’m grateful I got a therapist. I’m grateful we hit some nerves the other day :sob: I’m grateful I can ask her why am I afraid of my daughter. I’ll be grateful if I can remember that in 2 weeks. I’m grateful I just thought I can text her. The therapist. Maybe because my little girl was/is a recovering anorexic heroin addict. That could fuck up a strong dad like me. I’m grateful I went to Al-anon back then. I’m grateful for Al-Anon now.

I’m grateful it’s fucking crazy where my gratitude lists lead me. I’m grateful for Gratitherapy. @M-be-free49 :wink:

I’m grateful for my ride up the PCH yesterday with the sun trying to set through the marine layer. I love a good marine layer on the coast.

I’m grateful I get to enjoy my traveling, sober now. What a waste before. I’m grateful I can’t do anything about the past but I get to enjoy and be grateful for my sober present. And I’ll probably be sober tomorrow too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“The struggle ends when gratitude begins.”
Neale Donald Walsch


I’m so happy to read you are back in your home. That’s got to be huge Twizz. I’m so grateful to read this today. Give them all pets from the Ol DC :heart_eyes_cat:


I woke up today with all kinds of pain and am very grateful for pain killers. I don‘t want to imagine what people had to suffer through before any of this medication was available.

I managed to do my morning movement practice, my meditation and my whole morning self care routine. I am very grateful I have this time every morning. I am grateful I have found this routine. I am grateful for all the wonderful people in the world, who provide all kinds of resources on how to do self care.

I had a good run with designing my current software, and I am grateful for the time I had and the energy and ability to concentrate, even on a difficult day like today.

I went grocery shopping today pushing our bike trailer through the snow. I am grateful I can do this. I am grateful for the body, the energy, the infrastructure, the resources.

Now I‘m looking forward to a relaxing evening with my husband.


Today I am grateful for my body ability to fight this cold and my health. I am grateful that I did not have to leave the house in this cold snowy weather. I am grateful I got paid today. I am grateful for the day off to let my body rest. I am grateful for my little ones and my husband who’s running errands on my behalf. I am grateful for my sobriety!

Thank you God :black_heart: I am blessed!


I’m grateful I had a restful night. I’m grateful a guided meditation helped me in the morning to shoo a nightmare :pray:
I’m grateful I was stoic as a rock in court. For details and headshaking laughs see the friday thread Friday Thread #3 - #1001 by erntedank

I’m grateful for friends, cats, central heating, my reliable car, all my houses, my grim & black sense of humor and my cosy bed. Amen and out for today :pray: ODAAT


Grateful for another day sober.
Grateful for the sober living I’m at and the people I have connected with.
Grateful to make it through wanting to use or drink
And knowing it helps to talk about it. Maybe there is always going to be a part of me that wants my old life style but I don’t have to use or drink.
Grateful I walked up to the water front tonight and did some praying and felt at peace looking at the city lights in the background.
Grateful I bought some grape soda earlier and the sugar helps the cravings. Though eventually I plan to cut back on the sugar.
Grateful I only had one cup of coffee today.
Grateful my mom is going to go running with me next week. She does all these 5k races and thinks starting to go running will help my recovery.
Grateful for my magnesium and melatonin to help me sleep tonight.
Grateful for this wonderful chance at recovery.
Grateful to know i don’t have to start over ever again.
Grateful for this community. I find so much hope and love on here it’s amazing.


@bluekoolaid so grateful that you are surrounded by understanding family support. Keep holding onto those feelings of hope my friend – so very important in our recovery! :pray: How cool that you and your mom will be running buddies – something exciting to look forward to.
@Twizzlers Grateful that you are seeing your progress my friend – you really have come so far and are still kicking ass each day. Building your own furniture? Whoa – this is so cool – hope you can share some of your pieces with us when you get a chance :heart:
@dazercat I am grateful that your DIL does not have meningitis – hope she recovers quickly from that nasty step throat. Grateful you are texting your therapist with your questions as they arise. Your baby girl is doing so well now my friend – grateful with the help of Al Anon that you are able to be there for her and for yourself :hugs:
@acromouse I am so very sorry for the awful way of how you woke up – waking up in pain is no fun at all. I am grateful that you were able to manage the pain with pain killers and get some self care and work done :hugs:
@erntedank OMG girl – that is so crazy – I am sorry that this is being dragged out even further. I am grateful that you were able to end the day on a high note.


Grateful for another babysitting job last night, thankfully they were a joy to spend the evening with.
Grateful for a lazy morning before I need to get up and get stuff done.
Grateful for talking to my family about the huge imbalance of jobs around the house, we’ll see what happens.


I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful I get to read all of your wonderful gratitudes.
I’m grateful for my house.
I’m grateful for having what we need at home.


I’m grateful today for five hours sleep
I’m grateful for two kittens that have literally the energy of pure life and joy in every toe bean and Whisker; they are so happy.
I’m grateful I’m going to the gym this morning for my run.
I’m grateful I’m going to walk there instead of driving
I’m grateful it’s not raining. Yet.
I’m so grateful it’s Saturday
I’m grateful that my partner is making a delicious kedgeree for later!
I’m so grateful for cosy and safe and loving Saturday with my little fam.
