Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning my sober peeps,

I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
1.72 years no booze or weed
173 days no vaping
Hubbys abstinence
Date night tonight
Got a good workout in
Folks love watching Boscoe
A hell of a time laughing and reminiscing with family last night
Recently discovered podcasts lol always late to the game
Protein powder
Countdown to coasta rica
The ability to travel
My curiousity
Getting thru tough convos with the hubby
Soon we will be on a beach
Our safety
Trying to count the many blessings
This fantastic community and whoever suggested the Recovery Elevator podcast


I’m grateful 4 years and about ten days ago I wrote in here after 2 weeks sober that I was planning on drinking for my birthday. I know some of you long timers remember this. I’m grateful I caught my relapse a week before it happened and it wasn’t too late. I’m grateful I learned without knowing it that relapse starts waaay before the first drink! I’m grateful when that thought entered my mind I got it out here!! I’m grateful I think that was my turning point in my sobriety. No looking back. I’m so grateful I had sparkling water that night at the fancy restaurant. I’m grateful I no longer look at restaurant menus on line and go right for the wine and cocktails menu. I’m grateful I now get to pick restaurants by what I want to eat instead of their drink lists. I’m grateful I don’t plan my day, morning, lunch, dinner, evening around a drink. I’m grateful I get to plan my day around life and the wonderful things in it. I’m grateful I didn’t drink that birthday and I’m probably not drinking this birthday :kissing_heart: I’m grateful drinking isn’t even an option anymore. I’m grateful I’m not triggered by other people’s drinking. I’m grateful I look at it as a reminder I don’t want to do that anymore. I’m grateful grateful grateful I get to never have a fucking skull crushing pounding hangover ever again. I’m grateful I got to walk my dogs with joy instead of sick regret in the mornings now. I’m grateful I get to walk Benson hangover free now. I’m grateful I get to appreciate the love of my 4 cats now more that ever. I’m grateful they appreciate me more now to.

And I’m grateful for all you guys and your gratitude on this very special thread. I’m grateful I know I couldn’t do it without you all and all the gratitude expressed here.

“Gratitude gives us eyes to see God, Earth, beauty, love, joy, and abundance. Everything we never knew was already right there in front of us, waiting. We just needed gratitude to open our eyes.”
From The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles


Grateful that I can run increasingly longer periods now and am start to feel really good and strong doing it.
Grateful to get in the gym today
Grateful for the open love from my other half, it is always kind and flows freely
Grateful for women’s football :soccer::soccer::soccer: Chelsea :blue_heart:
Grateful for seasons, even storm Isha
Grateful for my little squirrel cats, they are the most awesome thing we decided to do.
Grateful for the good friends I have in my life
Grateful for science
Grateful for you lot.


What a wonderful day today. I woke up and knew I’d be able to move again in a way that always makes me feel whole. I am so grateful for that. Movement ist my way of worship and prayer. Movement and meditation.

I am grateful for morning movement practice, for vispassan meditation practice, for breathing practice.

I am grateful for coffee in the morning, for puttering around.

I am grateful for going over the last week and seeing all those beautiful things that had the opportunitiy to bloom.

I am grateful for a long walk with my partner, for my city, for the wonderful talk we had, for our marriage.

I am grateful for my yoga practice, for strong movements, for focus and breath.

I am grateful for 60 days of sobriety. This day would have not been possible without sobriety, without this place here, without help. :pray:


I’m grateful for another day sober. Even though I’m full of fear and doubts… I’m trusting in the process. I trust my higher power Mother Nature has my back and always has…
I’m grateful for a warm house and to not be on the streets. I’m so glad I won’t forget those long and lonely nights out there sleeping with one eye open. Controlled by the drugs and alcohol. I’m so grateful I don’t have to live like that.
I’m grateful for family and friends for there love and support.
I’m grateful for this community and reading around… it is really helping me today. To stay positive and to stay in today as much as I can.
I’m grateful we are having gumbo for dinner tonight at the sober living… I think that’s what it’s called…
I’m grateful we have a speaker coming tonight for the in house AA meeting. I’m looking forward to some more hope.
I’m grateful for music. Music of all kinds. Rap, rock, country… as long as it has something to say.
I’m grateful to be in this moment…this point in my life where I feel desperation… where I feel sobriety is the only way to my dreams of a good life.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I am way behind in reading and blame not getting an hour lunch break anymore. I’m grateful my work schedule is now Monday to Friday day shift but only half hour lunch. I miss that part of my routine where I spent ten minutes a day reading your gratitude and sometimes found time to post. I also would do some daily readings and meditate. It has affected my serenity. I’m grateful that I spoke at an NA celebration this past week. I’m grateful I got over how bad it made me feel to bring up old trauma and it proceeded to cause me to lose focus. I’m grateful I haven’t got too bent out of shape from a recent rejection from the fairer sex, my speaker meeting bomb , upcoming milestone malady and grief surrounding my dad’s upcoming death anniversary, a tenant passing away the same day I spoke, and to top it off the pity party on the gratitude thread, I could’ve been celebrating four years a couple weeks ago instead of 11 months. I’m grateful that all this is in the past and that the program works. I’m grateful I was able to pray about it all, talk with my sponsor, friends, grief counselor and family. I’m grateful I can tell you all about it now as I have been wanting to for weeks but stay very busy and need sleep. I’m grateful I fell asleep a few times over the last couple weeks while attempting to read and post here and shut off my phone in favor of sleep. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful that Church service was awesome today. I’m grateful I went to two meeting as well and they were really good. I’m grateful I went ice skating last evening and for sports. I’m grateful some of my long term professional teams I follow are doing well, go Edmonton Oilers and Buffalo Bills. I’m grateful my sponsee’s have been showing up at lots of meetings lately including the step group I chair Sunday afternoons. I’m grateful I show up for myself and others as best I can on good and bad day’s or weeks. I’m grateful I know I will catch up on here as I have before O.D.A.A.T.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!

Edit to add. I’m grateful that Peace has been climbing under the covers with me lately to sleep, like now. Good night friends


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful to read @I.cant.We.can gratitude, and that it motivated me to post my own- it’s been a while. I’m grateful for my mom and my sister to talk to when things get hard. I’m grateful I know drinking won’t make anything easier, only worse. I’m grateful for hope and forgiveness. I’m grateful for a safe home. I’m grateful we have everything we need. I’m grateful for the gratitude thread to read every day. See y’all tomorrow :heart:


Omg…I absolutely love this quote Eric. Needed to read this a few times to fully sink in. So grateful that you pointed out how a relapse doesn’t happen in the spur of the moment but is many moments added up over time… grateful that you were able to catch it and stop it and that moment became your turning point.:pray:t4::people_hugging:

So grateful that you have such support and tools my friend. Grateful that you did finally get the time and energy to share with us. Sending you love and hugs as you are a rockstar and doing amazingly well in all aspects of your recovery. I do hope you are able to find some time for your serenity :pray:t4:. Here for you Brian. Shine on!

Sunday night gratefulness
I am grateful that I woke up in time to head over to my parents and get some quality time with my sister. Grateful that she brought all her stuff so that she could make me a pour over coffee. Grateful that it tasted good but not my go to. Too much work and effort for one cup that isn’t so hot…also- no way an I doing all that prep and measuring when I first wake up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am so grateful that I was able to come home and relax before heading back to my parents to meet with their guests. Grateful that it did not wear me out too badly. Grateful I got to spend some time with my mom afterwards.
I am so grateful that I managed to keep myself entertained without internet this afternoon/ evening. Grateful that my phone still has wifi and I can at least still get my TS.
I am so grateful that I got to chat with my childhood friend this evening. She was supposed to come see me last week and with all that’s been going on I totally forgot. Turns out she’s been having issues with her youngest son’s health so she had her hands full too. I am grateful that even if we can physically be there for each other that we can totally be there in spirit :people_hugging:
I am so grateful that I have decided to end my gluten free diet …In November I found that I don’t have celiac but was told that gluten would still affect the severe inflammation…well…10 months of a strict gf diet and no change in inflammation so fuck it I say. I did enjoy my sourdough bread sandwich today :drooling_face:
I am so grateful that for a warmer week ahead
I am so grateful that I will be able to go to my parents to work if I can’t get Internet by the morning
I am so grateful for my family, for my HP, for my friends.
I am so grateful for laughter and comedy, for music and art, for nature
I am so grateful for smells, tastes, feels …love all my senses.
I am so grateful for this community and all you beautiful souls.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Oh @JazzyS I can see you smile and see you enjoying your sourdough bread :hugs::pray::orange_heart: To be honest I laughed louder than I should, I can feel your “fuck it” :grin::+1:Maybe it’s “fuck it” january?
@Dazercat @Chiron I still grin about m.o.i.s.t. jannuary. and @Jasty2 The Stupid Polls thread (Part 2) - #389 by Jasty2

I’m grateful to read so much gratitude here (still catching up) and for smiles and laughter. Nothing better on monday morning!

I’m grateful I can take my time in the morning when I need it. Have to go doing bloodwork and I had a terrible nightmare again before waking up. Instead of rushing into shower and driving to the laboratory to be there early I decided to breath, pamper me with a long, hot shower and extra lotion, pray, read and love my sleeping cats on me allthough they get heavy. It’s ok when I’m there at 9, nobody cares whether they take blood at 7 or 9.

I’m grateful that I give audiobooks a try. So far I’m not very keen on it but I’ll try several books during the free test period.

I’m grateful my brain produces ideas again. Yesterday it came up with the thought that I can use old jewelery nobody will ever wear again (no money to make by selling) to pimp the new grey scarf I’m knitting. One of the stone neclaces has the perfect colour and little stones. I love it when such ideas pop up :pray: I’m grateful I take it as another sign that something in me is changeing.

I’m grateful I know all the thinking around the future and the ex will pass soon. It was heavily triggered and impacted on friday. I know when I focus on myself, breath, meditate, concentrate on daily life and actively work on letting go it will pass soon. I’m grateful I feel ok, even good. I’m grateful I had a weekend only for me, resting, reading, enjoying myself as good as I could. I needed it. I’m grateful I turn off the phone when I need quiet time. I’m grateful my friends don’t mind when I call back the next day or text them that I don’t feel like chatting on the phone at the moment. Wonderful souls :pray: I’m grateful I take as much time for myself as I need. For as long as I need it. I’ve never done this to such an extent. I hope I don’t get lost :pray: ODAAT


I am grateful for this hangover free, stormy Monday. I find storms exiting (as long as I don’t have to drive).
I am so grateful for my current state of mind. No depression or anxiety, I feel really positive. Life is good, even with this gray weather.

I am grateful for finally having the peace of mind to read The Power of Now. Can’t recall how many times I tried before but didn’t have the right mindset.
I am grateful I feel so relaxed these days. I don’t see alot of people (no bars/drinking), but I’m totally fine with that. I can focus on myself now. I feel so much more balanced.

I am grateful for taking my rest and sleeping alot and therefore not getting sick for now. I know for sure that if I’d still drink my sniffing would end up in the flu/cold (whatever is roaming around atm). I am grateful I have the opportunity to get rest as I don’t have young kids, a busy life or a demanding job.

I am grateful for all the online information on alcohol and sobriety.
Yesterday I saw this on Instagram, it is one of the things that keeps me sober:

I am grateful I know I can’t have two glasses and that’s fine. I don’t have to think about moderation anymore and that is a relief.

I am grateful as always for my loving son. Yesterday while he was working I cleaned his room, changed his sheets and did his laundry. I like doing things for him. He studies fulltime and works the weekends, so I am grateful I can support him in this way. This morning I saw he cleaned the kitchen last night after he got home from work. It might sound silly but that warms my heart.
I am also grateful for my dog. Grateful for looking online at the right time and grateful he found his forever home with us.

EDIT: I always thought I was an insomniac. I couldn’t sleep, used to wake up every couple of hours and feel like shit, unrested. But nowadays I sleep 8 in a row. I don’t hear my son come home at night and I even sleep through a storm. I am so grateful for good night’s sleep, woop woop!


Love the quote


Beautifully said.

Grateful for a good book that I don’t want to put down.
Grateful for birds, birding and birders, got to see some really cool ones this weekend thanks to the lovely weather.
Grateful for :sunny: any time in winter, it’s so gloomy here.


@erntedank thanks love…did thoroughly enjoy that sandwich :drooling_face:. Totally in the “fuck it” mode. This is the year we stand up for ourselves :wink: glad to see your creative side shining bright. :people_hugging:

Monday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful that I did get some sleep last night. Grateful that I am not too groggy this morning.
I am so grateful that I realized in time that the recycling and trash was not put out this morning and was able to get it out in time for pickup.
I am so grateful that I spent a few hours soaking and massaging my hands and feet yesterday and gave myself a lovely manicure/ pedicure
I am so grateful that I will be dying my hair today.
I need to get the positivity flowing again and self care and image will help get the mojo working
I am so grateful that I have the energy and time to deal with this Internet issue today. Hopefully it will not take long.
I am so grateful that my coffee is brewing and I can smell the heavenly scent.
I am so grateful that I have a lot of work to get done this week and I am going to take it one thing at a time …first things first (thanks Eric).
I am so grateful for my family. Love them to bits :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am so grateful that I can move and still take care of myself. I am grateful for the appetite for healthy foods.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices. Grateful that I can do this anytime of day and anywhere. It brings me calmness and peace and helps me stay focused/ connected.
I am so grateful for you all …such amazing friends I have found on the Internet. Grateful for your love and support.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day :people_hugging:
Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


I’m grateful today for…
All you amazing people here on TS. You lift my spirits, you inspire me to keep going. I love you all.
Sourdough bread (@JazzyS , thinking of you!) my starter is almost strong enough to bake another loaf.
Einkorn flour and Spelt flour. Both whole wheat, ancient grains that I have been working with more.
The amazing people who are bringing ancient grains back.
The warmer weather which means one more snow shoe outing is in my forecast.
The great feeling I get when I get good exercise, even when I have trouble at times getting motivated, I know if I push myself it always feels great once I’m in the groove.
Wheat germ cookies I baked yesterday. Full of goodness and fiber and yes! Dark chocolate!!


Ooh I do need to get start a starter and start baking bread again.
Wheat germ cookies made with dark chocolate…I’m on my way :drooling_face::wink:


I’m grateful I have the ability and means to let miss kitty leave this world at home where she is comfortable rather than saying goodbye at a vet office. I am going to call today to make an appointment this week because it is time.


Oh love I’m so sorry and sending you big hugs.:people_hugging:
Here for you…it’s going to be a rough week - I am grateful that you’ll be able to say goodbye at home in familiar surroundings for your kitty :heart:


Oh no :disappointed_relieved:
I’m so sorry my friend. Oh gosh I am just so sorry. Shit. You know where to find me if you need or want to. Please keep us posted if you’re up to it. And give her a pet from me and my wife. We are both very saddened by this news :disappointed_relieved: I know you are doing the right thing and you are one of the greatest cat moms ever.


Oh my … I am so sorry. Thank you for giving us her friends and admirers a warning. Pet your girl and tell her she is loved. I’m so sorry Chiron. Sooo hard. Thoughts my friend.


I’m so sorry Chiron. Goodbye and godspeed sweet lady. Thanks for letting us know and it’s an honour and pleasure we got to know her so well. :heart: :people_hugging: :heart: