Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Sending strength your way. Thank you for sharing her with us and I wish her safe passage on her journey. šŸ©·


Oh no! My heart goes out to you @Chiron!
You gave her the best life possible. Glad you have the option to do this in the comfort of your own home. Weā€™re all here for you. :disappointed_relieved::broken_heart:


I just wanted to express my gratitude for everyone in this community! Iā€™m really loving the positive energy and caring hearts!


Today I am grateful for delicious hot coffee and warm snow boots.
I am grateful for silliness and kind hearts and also grateful for hard hearts, those hearts mean something different when you get inside.
I am grateful for english muffins and hot showers.
Robot vacuums and the never-ending supply of kitty hair so my vacuum will never go hungry. I am grateful for friend visits so I am reminded to clean.
I am grateful that life is long and that someday it feels short but it is actually very long, if you are lucky.
I am grateful I will face today sober and tomorrow too.
I am grateful for all yā€™all and for all the hearts you spill open on this site. That is strength.


Thank you for these words.
@Chiron May the time you have left with your friend be in peace.
@Pattycake @JazzyS Do you have any suggestions how to start baking your own bread? I never tried before but was always interested.

While doing my weekly review and getting some inspiration on themes for the new week I had this very intense feeling of praying through my body, of turning my physical actions into worship. Praise and gratitude for and through this body, this reality, this world. For every encounter, every heartbeat, every breath.
Thatā€˜s what this discovery journey of recovery gives me. I am so grateful to be on this journey, to dance this dance with life, to be in this with all of you.

I had lots of fun with the kids at school today. In two weeks an new semester starts and a new group will come to my class. I am so grateful for this opportunity to teach and be taught.

I am grateful for fresh air, for the storm shaking everything up, the rain washing that needs to go away, for the sunrise to wake me up, for the earth to start awakening after winterā€˜s sleep.

I am grateful for a day well spent. I wish you all a good nightā€˜s sleep.


Thank you for your kind words, @JazzyS , @Dazercat , @Alisa , @Mno , @TrustyBird , @acromouse , and @Lisa07. Iā€™m grateful to know such generous and thoughtful individuals as yourselves. I am, again, very grateful I can arrange to have someone come here, and Iā€™m grateful I have a supportive spouse who doesnā€™t push back on the cost of this luxury.

Iā€™m also grateful for my close offline friends. I am not very skilled at handling sadness, but Iā€™m grateful that I will be able to go through this experience with a desire to learn how to better cope with these kinds of emotions in a healthy manner. I am not good at reaching out. Iā€™m not good at accepting help, even when I want it. So as painful as these kinds of experiences are, and you can be sure Iā€™m already something of a wreck, Iā€™m grateful that I can walk into it with eyes open and my attention focused on my internal world.

Iā€™m grateful for my little furry friend, and for the twenty years she has been in my life.


So sorry Chiron, Iā€™m so grateful for your impressive and humane selfless decision. Sending you strength. Ill be thinking of you :heart:


Maybe we need a bread baking thread! It can be as easy or as complicated as anything else. I have a couple of bibles I have used,
The Tassajara Bread Book is one and then a Sourdough Bred for Beginners is another. Two websites that I really like are Breadtopia, which is focused on sourdough baking, and King Arthur Flour has a great website . In used their flour almost exclusively, with the addition of some heritage grains I get here in Wisconsin.


Big virtual hugs to you and kitty!


@Chiron I will be thinking of you this week. Sending hugs to you :people_hugging: Iā€™m so grateful that you get to say goodbye at home where she will be happy and surrounded by love.


I have not successfully made the sourdough starter myself. Usually get from a friend. My go to sourdough recipe. It is a tedious process but so worth it.

Sourdough bread

I have used my bread maker for pizza dough, rye bread or banana bread (the machine came with recipe book).

Olive bread is my other go to bread made at homeā€¦
olive bread

Hope these help - enjoy :yum:


Iā€™m grateful for all the gratitude on this thread for our pet friends, those with us still and those who have passed. :cry:
I donā€™t want to open up any cans of theological worms, but I like to dream that Minnie (already up there) greets them with enthusiastic tail wagging and shows them all around the other side. I canā€™t help it.
Sending you a whole lot of love and comfort, @Chiron. Kitty too.

Iā€™m grateful for my recovery. I know we talk about tools for our recovery, but the last few weeks? Itā€™s like my recovery has been the tool Iā€™ve leaned on for living. If that makes any sense. But I also know Iā€™m still learning new ways of dealing with the life-y stuff. How could I not be?

Iā€™m grateful for this thread. Like a big comfy chair to fall back in for a few moments in the middle of the busy and life-y. Iā€™m also grateful for how real it is.

Iā€™m grateful for making more friends IRL where I live. I tend not to put myself out there, but Iā€™ve making more of an intention to. Movies, coffees, sushi lunch. Fun! And no booze. :wink:

Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t have to travel yesterday or today in the icky cold and snow. Grateful to tuck into my own bed in a few moments.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Morning gratitude. Iā€™m grateful I can stay in house :pray: it rained & freezed during the night, everything is glassy :scream: I just refrained from bringing trash out. Too dangerous.
Iā€™m grateful I texted my therapist to please have our appointment on the phone. Itā€™s in an hour and thereā€™s no way I will drive under this conditions. Safety first. Radio traffic service states crashes and congestion everywhere. I pray for all people affected :pray: Thatā€™s a rare weather condition where I live.
Again, Iā€™m grateful to be home safe :pray:
And double grateful Iā€™m in the city, not at the farm. That would be a dangerous major problem.
Iā€™m grateful my parents are safe, of course, they are dead. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to drive over & take care of their place. I miss them. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m honest and donā€™t miss the caring even when I did it with love.
Iā€™m grateful I include the ex in my prayers and hope he is safe.


Iā€™m grateful for the overflowing amount of caring responses Iā€™ve received here and elsewhere in my life concerning my elderly kitten. It was very unexpected and I feel very touched in a way that I donā€™t think English has the words to properly convey.

Thank you again to everyone I mentioned previously, and to @Tragicfarinelli , @Davina_Davis , @Dilettante , @M-be-free49. I am grateful for your kind words.


Good morning gratidudes. Holy gratitude batman im so behind on this thread but wanna share my gratitude before i head off to work

@Chiron my heart goes out to you as your precious cat crosses the rainbow bridge today. Proud of you for reaching out for support and putting a safety plan in place so you dont break your sobriety during this very tough time. Lean on those who have gone thru it sober. Lead for those others who have yet to earn that sad sad milestone. Much love :heart:

Im greatful forā€¦

My sobriety,
Text buddies
Hubby and Boscoe
Countdown to coasta ricaā€¦i never would have been able to afford this trip if we were still using
The AA promises coming true after working the steps and continuously working the steps
The AA community
The TS community
Clean water and healthy food
Our home
My family
Moments of serenity
The lessons on learning to pause before reacting
The good and the bad


Tuesday morning gratitudeā€¦
I am so grateful that each time i woke up last night i was able to fall back to sleep with ease. I am feeling awake enough to tackle this beautiful grey meh day.
I am so grateful that i was prepared for the morning icy messā€¦ yup a snowy glossy plane as @erntedank described. No way am i heading out this morning - my mom and i had a lovely conversation and will be enjoying our quiet time alone.
I am so grateful of how productive i was yesterday, I am hoping to stay in this routine. I am going to try my best to push through the symptoms (in a healthy manner) and start living - tired of spending days immobile.
I am so grateful that I made a new spiced cake for the restaurant yesterday and made sugar free coconut cookies for myself. Grateful that i only had to make 3 runs to gather everything i needed (been over a month since iā€™ve baked). Grateful that it did not wear me out.
I am so grateful that i had my Ted Lasso to keep me entertained. Grateful that i did have my mobile hot spot so that i did get some internet access on my phone. Grateful that my brother was able to get the internet working last night.
I am so grateful that my sister got her new car yesterday. She was told end of January so it was a nice surprise to get it a bit sooner. Her car has been having a lot of issues and 15 yrs old so iā€™m grateful to know that she will be doing all her driving safely. Grateful that both her and her hubby now have reliable safe cars.
I am so grateful for my morning gratitudeā€™s - i love practicing gratitude all day every day but getting it written down in the morning is a special feeling in itself.
I am so grateful that the swelling in my hands is going downā€¦ now the rest of me :laughing:
I am so grateful for my HP, for my family for my friends, for my meditation and prayer practices, for comedy and laughter, for TS and the wonderful community!
I am so grateful to be given this chance at living an addiction free lifestyle. For having the faith that i will fine (better than fine).
I am so grateful for LOVE. Grateful for all the beautiful souls in this world :hugs:
Wishing you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today I am grateful for my body. It ran for two miles in the gym, the start of my resurrection into running again. I donā€™t care how long it takes, Iā€™m not in competition with anyone, not even myself. Iā€™m just grateful I have the choice and ability and means to place a foot in front of the other.

Grateful for this time hop last night which was strange and right on time. I remembered completing a half marathon.

Itā€™s progress that makes every day special. Not getting it right. Maybe we should be grateful to make mistakes more. After all, who ever learned from getting everything perfect?


Today I am grateful for the little games I play on my phone. I love word puzzles and the like. I am grateful for supportive coworkers. I am grateful that my office moved downtown, and I have a plethora of restaurants and shops within walking distance now. As always, grateful for this thread and you all. :heart:


Love this :point_down:

Your eyes are smiling - love the photo :heart:


Iā€™m grateful to be home where my pets are.
Iā€™m grateful we made it home in time to pick up our gang despite weather delays.
Iā€™m grateful everyone seems so happy back in their spots around the house.
Iā€™m grateful all 4 cats took turns on me all through the night, Iā€™m sure I slept through most of it, even B.
Iā€™m grateful Alice is purring away on my lap for the 3rd time this morning.
Iā€™m grateful I slept in til 7
Iā€™m grateful for the drizzling weather outside and thereā€™s no rush to walk The Burner.
Iā€™m grateful I got to sleep in my own bed.
Iā€™m grateful I got some great quality pics of Gus.
Iā€™m grateful we had a really nice second birthday dinner out last night at home. Iā€™m grateful we planned it around the fact they had carrot cake. Iā€™m grateful I was very particular about breaking my no sugar streak and didnā€™t settle on something I didnā€™t really want to eat for a dessert. Iā€™m grateful I can start back up again on day 1 today. Iā€™m grateful I cut my huge delicious steak in half and didnā€™t eat it all. That was huge for me to do.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m finishing up my 28 days of my guided affirmations meditation. Grateful thereā€™s only a couple of days left. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve enjoyed it and I think itā€™s helped. Listening to It for 28 days in a row. Iā€™m grateful for Insight Timer and the abundance of guided meditations I get to choose from.
Grateful to be able to read and share my gratitude and your gratitude here on our home thread. Grateful I got a meeting tonight I get to go to.

ā€œWhatever life throws at me I take it and be grateful for It as well.ā€
Tom Felton