Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful I said my gratitude out loud in the car this morning. It really helped to change my mindset for the day ahead, I was feeling a bit… I don’t know, just not right. Anyway, it helped.
I’m grateful for personal challenges, I need to have something to work towards. Glad to have 2 maybe 3 things that I’m going to achieve (hopefully).
Grateful for the knock on effect of being sober. I’m looking after my skin, my teeth. I’m exercising and sleeping better.
What’s not to love about being sober? :sparkling_heart:


Had a shitty day, been really irritable and emotions and irrational thinking all over the place, I’ve calmed down and I’m really grateful I haven’t drank in 2024, I have alot more to be grateful for but right now I’m grateful for it


I am grateful for another good night’s sleep and waking up refreshed at 7. Grateful for speaking more to my family these days. Giving extra and undivided attention to my sick mom feels good.
Grateful to see friends during walks instead of at the bar. Grateful my friend is doing well in his dry January streak, maybe he will get terminally infected with sobriety (at least that’s how I started this journey and how I ended up here ;)).
Grateful for my friend who will bring cheese fondue for diner. I LOVE cheese! It’s also good to see her :smirk:

I am grateful for my job. Can’t imagine how I would have managed today’s presentation with a hangover. Normally I would drink the day before because I always get nervous speaking to a group (hello imposter syndrome), but being sober I’m better in what I do plus I have less anxiety.
I am grateful every aspect of my life is so much better without the poison.

Grateful for my dog who’s making me laugh everyday.
@Chiron thinking of you! Losing a furry friend is devastating :crying_cat_face: Sending you a big hug.
It’s another reminder to cherish every moment we have with them :black_heart:


I’m so sorry @Chiron I’m here for you as I’m sure others are too.

Pets are family, and grief is hard. Glad to see you looking at the positives where you can find them.


Today I experienced tiredness, boredom, and other uncomfortable feelings. Through this journey of recovery I learned a new way of dealing with them without grasping for an addictive behaviour or substance. I am grateful for this new knowledge, these new skills. I am grateful for breathing with emotions, breathing into them, feeling my emotions, accepting without shutting down.

I am grateful for my work, systematically working on a project, learning, developing skills, overcoming obstacles, solving problems, finishing. It has been a long time learning for me to be able to keep at something with so much resolve. I am grateful for this new skill.

I am grateful for movement, for experiencing my body through walking, carrying, strength, yoga. I am grateful I can rest in my body like that again.

I am grateful for sobriety and for all the good people walking this path together.


I’m grateful to be sober today.
I’m grateful I have a house to provide shelter from this storm.
I’m grateful my dog is the best snuggle buddy.


@Dazercat , did I miss your birthday yesterday?



I LOVE this Gratitude gives us eyes to see God, Earth, beauty, love, joy, and abundance. Everything we never knew was already right there in front of us, waiting. We just needed gratitude to open our eyes.”
From The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles

Thank you for sharing it! :heart:


I’m Grateful for my sobriety. Glad I talked to some
People at the sober living I’m at about my anxieties and struggles the last few days. I know things will get better and I know drinking or doing drugs is not a solution to my problems anymore.
I’m Grateful for spending a lot of time reading around on here today. You all help me so much and keep me focused and help me try to stay in today.
I’m Grateful for a nice house to live in and get my life together.
I’m Grateful for food and water.
I’m Grateful for my mom and dad. I told them I’m worried about my life but strangely in a good way. They understand and give me hope.
I’m grateful for my higher power. I been praying down by the water a lot recently. It helps…
I’m grateful I’ve been able to cut back on the coffee and sugary drinks and drink more water. I never realized how much I really like water. I think I spent to many years dehydrated or something.
I’m grateful the day is coming to a end and I’ve done the best I can do for my recovery.
I’m grateful for so many things I can feel it in my heart….


how beautiful! this is beautiful and i can totally see how helpful that would be. :pray: :hugs:


It definitely is beautiful that’s a good way of putting it… thank you!! Just going to keep doing what works.


2 days ago :joy::joy::joy: but who’s counting.
Thank you for a delightful gif.


Mid afternoon gratitude.
The icy conditions had a hangover this morning. I’m grateful it was manageable with caution.
I’m grateful today I was on time for my psychiatrist appointment. Still grateful I stay at my townhouse.
I’m grateful my bloodwork is ok.
I’m grateful my councellor and my psychiatrist see me on the right path heading in the right direction. Progress, babysteps. I’m grateful the past lies behind me. I’m grateful I work on the future, steadily. I’m grateful the present is a soup-full tummy and a sleeping cat beside me. I’m grateful for sunshine and that I can watch the clouds in the sky from the couch. I’m grateful a light, bright feeling follows the fuck it of the last days.
I’m grateful for modern amenities, for feeling safe at my house, for food, for comfort, for smiles and good vibes. Just for today, I’m serene and content :pray: ODAAT


I’m grateful that one of my coping mechanisms is to deeply analyze the whys of the situation in detail. Having a fascination with the human psyche and with constant forward movement helps ne from getting too overwhelmed by the intensity of my emotions.

Also thank you for your kind words, @Cjp , @Naomi , and @anon68572606. Im grateful for all the kind messages I have received in the lasr couple days.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

No sugar spicy beef jerky
My sobriety
Won my healthywager bet to lose 50lbs in one year…the money is transferring to the bank!
I weighed in this am and im maintaining, i wont fixate on losing the next 10lbs until i get back from coasta rica
Coasta rica coundown day 7
Good day at work yesterday
Folks watching Boscoe gives us time to chat when i pick him up
When time slows enough and im in, really in, the present
Hubbys cuddles
Boscoe, my shadow
Moments of serenity
Progress rather than perfection

Peace my lovlies


Grateful for bereavement leave at work to go home and say goodbye to my grandpa who passed away yesterday. He had been sick for some time so I am glad he’s no longer in pain, and I am grateful he lived to see me become a man and accomplish the things I have in my life.

Grateful for a sober mind because the thoughts of grief and drinking tried to rear their head and at 385 days today I am able to look those thoughts in the eye and say “I don’t need you to say goodbye to someone I love.” Grateful for the sober family and all the love and support here everyday!


So sorry for your loss! Sending hugs :people_hugging:
Congrats on your 385 days, you got this! :ok_hand::v:


I’m so sorry for your loss Jake. I’m glad you get to go home to say your goodbyes.

This is beautiful Jake :point_down: :heart: Keep remembering this during your travels. We got your back my friend :pray:t2::heart:


Thanks Eric! I think this is the first funeral since before I started drinking in my late teens early twenties that I wasn’t drinking during travel etc. I feel very clear minded and just happy to be going home to see family :heart:


Happy Belated @Dazercat !!! :partying_face:

I am grateful that the app I open first in the morning now is this one, journaling here and reading everyone’s gratitudes does so much more for my sobriety than seeing my partying friends and family pics on the other sites and the fomo that left me with. ODAAT my friends :purple_heart: