Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Grateful for another sober day. I’m grateful my 13 year old son, who has Autism and CFS, didn’t have a meltdown when we did home schooling today! Super grateful my beast, Rocky, behaved on his walk today, he’s so stubborn but actually paid attention to me today!! Grateful to have this community, being able to reach out if I need to and grateful that I can be here for others too!! :v:


@Chiron How are you doing today? Sending you big comforting hugs and do know we are all here for you :hugs:
@cjp WAY TO GO CJ! Woot Woot - had no doubt – so very happy that you have met your goal (ahead of the deadline) and are maintaining it :muscle: Sober living really does look good on you!
@Jwfletcher4792 So sorry for your loss Jake. Grateful that you will be able to take time and go to the funeral. Here if you need us :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday morning gratefulness
I am so Grateful to be up and energized. Grateful for my hot cup of coffee and my coconut cookie. Grateful for the deep breathes i am able to take to welcome this new day.
I am so grateful for setting myself up in the kitchen to do my work today - grateful that i was able to take the steps 5 times in a row without much issues (did have to go slow as i can’t over exert myself just yet) - last two times i did need to catch my breath. Way better than me wheezing after the first attempt of climbing stairs.
I am so grateful that i am enjoying this gloomy overcast day - the grey skies and the snowy landscape really have a calming effect this morning.
I am so grateful for being able to maintain my positive attitude.
I am so grateful that i am doing what i can to bring my inflammation down. It is a bit discouraging when any activity causes my body to swell up. Grateful that i am doing my best to stay alert of this and not go backwards.
I am so grateful that for my family’s loving unconditional support. Grateful for my friends who understand the distance i’ve had to keep and are there for me in spirit. Grateful for my HP and my connections with Him and myself.
I am so grateful for my lovely plants. Seeing them thrive makes me happy - they are so beautiful and full of life.
I am so grateful for being able to set my own schedule but still working on a regular routine of sorts. Hoping to have more structure
I am so grateful for this community and my TS friends.
I am so grateful to be alive and healing!

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending much love to all of you wonderful souls :heart: :heart:


Today im greatful for my job

Without it it id be trying to get one wishing i had it. So when i get anxiety for being here, if it was the other way around id be wishing i was

Time for work
Take care


Good morning to all, glad to be here.
I’m grateful for TS and all you amazing people.
I’m grateful for another sober day,
I’m grateful for quality sleep.
I’m grateful I’ll be getting out of the house today for a dentist appointment followed by a trip to the local bookstore. I need to escape for a little while. Grateful I can do that.
I’m grateful I’m still learning how to be compassionate toward my husband and his troubles but stay detached enough to give us both space,
I’m grateful for friends.
I’m grateful for my kitties.
I’m grateful for the daily exercise I’ve been getting lately.


I’m grateful to see happy belated bday wishes :blush: @Davina_Davis @Kiki2

I’m grateful when I first flew sober the H in HALT came in very handy when I realized I hadn’t had breakfast and it was 1:30 pm in between connections and that’s why I was feeling anxious @Jwfletcher4792 so I grab the first sandwich I could find, because that’s what was really wrong with me. I know you can do this Jake but just remember we are in your pocket to fight this cunning baffling motherfucker of a disease :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I’m feeling better this morning mentally than I did last night after my meeting. I’m grateful not only can I not stop my wife from drinking, but I can’t cause her to drink. I’m grateful it works both ways. I’m grateful even though I knew this, it was great to hear a share about it.

I’m grateful for coffee meming fun in the morning. I’m grateful for my real coffee in the morning. I’m grateful for the full moon this morning through the clouds with Benson before 6 this morning. I’m grateful the rain has ceased but it’s cloudy. I’m grateful for my thick cashwear blankey. I’m grateful I’m warm by the fireplace. I’m grateful for Alice first thing in the morning in the toilet. All those memes are true :joy: I’m grateful for Mavy waiting til I get out, and greeting me at the bathroom sink as I was washing my face. Every morning. I’m grateful I haven’t tripped over Daisy, every morning in the kitchen. Yet :smirk_cat: I’m grateful me and The Burner are going to try and get out early this morning and walk our hour plus together.

I’m grateful for music, podcasts, guided meditations, and sometimes silence when I’m walking. I’m grateful I’m stuck here now with a purring Alice on my lap and the Benson walk will happen when it happens.

I’m grateful for my hot lemon turmeric ginger tea. I’m grateful for all of you here and to be able to read and share gratitude anytime we want to.
Grateful I’m free!

Where words fail, music speaks.


I am grateful a friend joined me on my early dog walk this morning, I was happy to see her.
I am grateful that another friend rescheduled our diner date for tonight. Tomorrow I have a 12 hour workday so it’s nice to be able go to bed early tonight.

I remember some weeks ago writing I felt lonely, but I notice I’m in a better place nowadays, reaching out more and seeing people every other day or so. I am grateful that sobriety has a positive influence on my relationship with friends and family. I think I’m more fun to be around and a better friend than I used to be.

I am grateful I talked to my mom today. Her dementia is progressing but I’m so grateful we can still talk and I can be there for her, listen to her. We always manage to end our conversations with a good laugh, I am so grateful to still be able to hear her laugh out loud.

I am grateful for being in a good mood and so at ease these days, I haven’t feel like this in ages.
Wish you all a beautiful day friends.


So happy to hear this Naomi…so much greatness in sober living :people_hugging::heart:


What a beautiful way to put it Jake. I’m sure your grandpa was proud of you. I am sorry for you loss, sending you strength :people_hugging::broken_heart:


Thank you Jasmine. It’s weird… I have been sober before but it feels so different this time, it really does. I think daily reflection and gratitude plus daily :dog: dopamine shots make a huge difference.


Totally know what you mean. I had not been able to string together more than a few days in the past. This time around with gratitude and this company i feel at ease with sobriety. Not to say days are easy but that i can handle the stresses and the urges better.

Grateful to be on this journey with you :pray:


Yes, definitely the community too. We still have off-moments, but it makes us more resilient. So happy to have you here! :kissing_closed_eyes::palm_up_hand::kiss:


@Jwfletcher4792 I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are able to find some comfort in this difficult time.

@JazzyS thank you for asking. I’m grateful that I have the ability to pull back from life to mourn.

@Naomi I’m glad to hear you had a good conversation with your mother. It must be difficult to see her slowly mentally slip away. You seem to have a good relationship with her, which I imagine makes this even more difficult.


I’m grateful I’ve finished my shit show of a tax return… It’s kind of like throw a match on it and run.
Grateful for freezer Jollof sauce
Grateful for my cuddly babies
Grateful to go to bed early tonight
I’m grateful my partner makes me three coffees every morning
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for feeling pain for it means I still care.
Grateful it’s a Champions League night, Chelsea at Real Madrid.
Grateful for water and quality of life.

Grateful for humour… I’ve been moaning and pondering the fact we have no biscuits in the house for half a day now, and my OH just offered me the cats kibble… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’m grateful for getting myself out of the tizz I’ve been in. I had a good talk with myself and realised that I was making a mountain out of a molehill and that I needed to let it go. Some things just aren’t that important and it was good to realise that. It felt good to let go of that balloon.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:



I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful for this site and especially the gratitude thread :blush:
Congratulations @Cjp on meeting your weight goal amd cashing in :money_mouth_face:


I’m grateful for this thread and the hope it gives me.
I’m grateful for another sober day and it was really nice out today. I walked about 10,000 steps. Exercise helps the anxious mind.
I’m grateful for tonight’s dinner at the sober living. I’m always grateful for food because I never ate when I was in my addiction.
I’m grateful that tomorrow my parents are coming to visit. They only live about a hour away and said they plan on seeing me once a week. Kind of like a accountability and being there for me thing…
I’m grateful for the AA meeting we had tonight. I try to look for the similarities not the differences. I always feel better after a meeting.
I’m grateful for music and YouTube… as long as i don’t over do it.
I’m grateful for my higher power.
I’m grateful for prayer and meditation.
I’m grateful for water.
I’m grateful to be alive.


Morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I got some hours of sleep allthough interrupted and filled with uneasy dreams. It’s full moon and last friday still casts its shadow.
I’m grateful I’m sober, I always remember vividly how exhausting the hangover after a boozed full moon night was. I’m exhausted too today and grateful for only mild headache from reading too much during the night when I couldn’t sleep. I’m grateful for purring Missi on me, the old boy already miowed me awake, got his pets and is off waiting for breakfast (I suppose). The big red furball rearranged something in the living room according to the noise :grin: I’m grateful for funny, loving cats.

I’m grateful I’m considerate. A dear pal lost his mum recently, the funeral is tomorrow. I asked whether he wants me to come or if there already is enough sympathy and people to deal with. I’m grateful I asked openly, I will light a candle at home and say a prayer :pray:

I’m grateful for texting with my weight-loss-friend in the morning today. Made me smile :pray: We have started a little challenge to loose 5 kg in 3 months.

I’m grateful for the automated reminders for trash pick up. Using it I can plan filling the bins on time, helps decluttering, especially at my late mum’s house.

I’m grateful for fresh bedding, so nice to cuddle up in it.

I’m grateful for tea, central heating, energy coming back in tiny portions daily, my mind clearing up a bit more every day (fuck covid), I pray for a good day. I’m grateful this post went in a completely different direction as I had in mind when I started writing.
I’m grateful I have so much in my life I’m grateful for. Today I want to be humble and refrain from complaining or feeling burdened. I will do what I can do, that’s enough. ODAAT :pray:


The fear of god

When i was age 13 to 25 i was out of control. I was desprate but didnt know it. Id walk for 3 hours, get high or drunk, then walk 3 miles back sun rain or snow. My obbsession with pot and alcohol was so unhealthy it was like a mental illness.

At age 26 i wigged on my dad over the phone (did it when i was young also in person which was terrible) because i wanted 200$ to spend on “house hold goods” but he only wanted to give me 80$ so i hung up the phone after completely wigging out. After i hung up something nailed me and i appologised and havnt had a argumeny over money sence for 7 years now.

I started aa at 19 years old. It saved my life sence then and i will never firget my home group. Ive went drunk and stinky. They never turned me away (But it isnt really appreciated). At age 19 my alcohol weed and drug abuse slowed down.
Then i found talking sober at age about 27 or 28. I went to meeting and ts. I talked to people here also drunk @englishd told me step 0 was to put the drink down in the year maybe 2019 a year right after pot became leagal in Massachusetts usa in the year 2018. Let me tell you legal weed is hard to pass on.

All those seeds added up. TS became a norm. I did take a break from aa but i just got back from a online meeting. Man that stuff is cool.

Now im 260 days no alcohol, 191 days no vapes or ciggs and 30.58 days no form of pot

My fear of god is loosing to addiction. Like what if ivwake up in the morning and my wife kicks ne out of the house. She would never but just as a example. What would i do. I cant go back to my old town. My dad doesnt nessasaraly need to take me back. What if i had nowhere and no1. Where would i be

I have a child due in febuary 12th. February is like 6 or 7 days away. Imagine if i got high or drunk and got the call yes comming. His name is archer by the way.
What if I smoked a bowl and the house cought on fire. Even if i set the fire alarm off that would be bad.

But no

I have the whole world infrunt of me
I better not fk it up

One day at a time
Easy does it


Oof, I think I went to bed too early, I couldn’t fall asleep and eventually only slept for 5 hrs. Feeling worse than yesterday, but still grateful that I did wake up ofcourse. Can’t wait for this day to be over, I’m sooo tired :expressionless:
It’s hard to think of gratitude as I’m feeling a bit shakey and anxious about having a long work day ahead, but here we go!
I am grateful for waking up without a hangover, it could’ve been so much worse if I’d still drink.
Grateful for having my son in my life, my favorite person in the universe.
Grateful I ordered a paint by numbers, which when finished I’ll frame and give to mom. I loved drawing and painting when I was younger, so hopefully this will get me back on track and off my phone in the evenings.
Grateful I ate leftovers yesterday instead of caving in on ordering pizza.
Grateful I’m sober, especially after seeing the Addiction documentary op HBO, what a hell addiction is…
I am grateful to be a part of this community :raised_hands:
I am grateful I can sleep in tomorrow!