Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

This forum and community. Its wonderful to share and be supported here daily. I just love this place.
My sobriety, close to 1.75 years free
Up early, but passed on workout, trying to be ok with it. I mean me time this morning is healthy too
Sober buddies
Coasta rica countdown
My family
Curiosity and the opportunity for adventure
Being a growing professional, taking the agency budget to the board of directors today, fingers crossed i come off knowledgable and dont get tongue tied
Modern conveniences
Trash service weekly…snow storm prevented last weeks pick up and boy do you realize the privledge and convenience we have
Clean water
Fresh food
Hot coffee
Its almost friday payday
Progress rather than perfection


Today I am grateful for Bravo TV. It has kept my itchy addict brain so entertained this past sober month. ODAAT


@bluekoolaid OOH I love weekly visits with the folks! So lovely to read :heart:
@erntedank sorry for your friends loss. Grateful that you were able to be open about attending the funeral. I do think sometimes too many people can be overwhelming at a time of grief. Sending love to you and your friend :heart: :hugs:
@noshame Thanks for sharing today Matt – grateful to have you here with us on the Gratitude thread. This place really does get me in a happy positive mood (even on days when I think its impossible). Want to give you a big virtual hug for how far you’ve come and the determination you have to keep pushing forward. Your baby boy is going to be so lucky to have a father who loves him enough to be making life long changes for the better :hugs: Easy does is perfectly put – ODAAT :pray:
@naomi I hope you did find some energy to get you motivated for today . Hoping today goes smoothly for you :pray: Looking forward to your finished paint by numbers work.

Thursday morning gratefulness :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Good morning to all you lovely sober souls. Grateful to be awake and alert this morning.
I am so grateful that i was able to get up in time and do a very quick visit with my mom this morning. Grateful that she called on the way to work to chat some more. Grateful that i was able to drop off stuff to her before she left for the day.
I am so grateful for a lovely greyish foggy day in the 40’s – wow - it feels like spring! I am grateful that i will try to go for a walk today if everything works out.
I am so grateful that i have my last treatment appointment tonight and then on Monday i will meet with the doctor and see if anything has changed. I do know that my inflammation has not decreased and i had a backslide moment last week.
I am so grateful that for great friends. Grateful that we can be there for each other remotely and simple morning messages make all the difference :hugs:
I am so grateful for laughter. Grateful that it is the foundation for positivity in my soul. Grateful that with positivity i can tackle and manage anything i am going through.
I am so grateful for starting each day with a to do list - giving me something to get accomplished for the day. Trying to get routine back into my life.
I am so grateful for positive affirmations. Grateful for how amazing the mind can be. Grateful that we are in control of our emotions. Grateful that sometimes we lose that control and that is ok. Just have to remember that This Too Shall Pass.
I am so grateful for family and friends. Grateful that my family has been my main in real life social network and i am so grateful that we get along.
I am so grateful for having enough. Really have been missing @anon74766472 posts - hope you are well.
I am so grateful for morning coffee (yeah it really is hitting all the right places this morning) - for the morning memes with my buddy. Grateful for the laughter!!! yeah - so many ways to tickle that funny bone :laughing:
I am so grateful for TS community and all the amazing posts that have helped me out through the rough moments.

Wishing you all so much peace and happiness - may your souls be filled with laughter today!
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you for reminding me to come here @JazzyS

I am grateful to wake up sober each morning now. I cannot imagine how I did it in the past. I have no f*** idea.
I am grateful I have people around me how have the ability to calm my thoughts and take away some panic.
I am grateful the days are getting longer.
I am grateful I have enough food in my fridge and was reminded to think about so many food choices I made in the past years. I am grateful it’s not some new years resolution.
I am grateful I went to my crawling course so far and that my colleagues are so patient to endure my complaints each Monday before I have to go. To find myself enjoying it each time. :grimacing:
I am grateful it’s the weekend soon.
I am grateful I don’t have to go anywhere using the trains in the near future.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m so grateful I saw your avatar and that you posted Franzi. Aww…… I’ve missed you :kissing_heart:
I don’t have time to post my gratitude now but I’m full of gratitude and smiles now :pray:t2::blush::hugs:
Thank you :heart:


I am very grateful I did not get sucked into a dark place by my thoughts after waking up, but instead read and posted on TS. This place is such a safe heaven.
I got up and did movement practice and meditation. I am grateful for this structure in my life.
I am grateful my work is mentally taxing and intrusive thoughts don‘t get a say when I‘m coding or solving a problem.
As I felt so overwhelmend in my body and with my emotions I tried to flee into my work. This never turns out well, but gives the false hope of escape. In the past I would have tried anything and everything under the moon to not experience these emotions. With recovery I learned a different way. I turned to breathing, meditation, staying in the moment. I am very grateful for this new skill.
I am grateful for feeling better now, for a good walk, for the beauty of nature. I am grateful for yoga, my family.
I am grateful I got through this day with compassion towards myself.


So grateful to see you!


I’m grateful for my children, our home and Rocky! I’m grateful our cat suki is still with us though she’s getting old, bless her! I’m grateful for having patience with my ex husband and not losing my shit with him when he still tries to manipulate me! I’m grateful his narcisism doesn’t affect me and I just let things go! So grateful for not being the shell he turned me into. I’m grateful for mediating and being in the present. I’m forever grateful for another sober day and all you beautiful people! ODAAT :v:


I’m grateful I’m feeling ok, a lot better than the last couple of days.
I’m grateful my partner had a good chat with his daughter, small steps.
I’m grateful my son’s job turned out OK today, I’m happy he’s happier now.
I’m grateful to cook for everyone tonight, it’s a busy house, people are in and out all day.
I’m grateful for a lovely sleep last night, hoping for another one tonight.
Night night :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful for this thread. I want to be better about coming on here to post daily.
I am grateful for my home, despite my current rent problem.
I am grateful for the forest that is visible out my windows.
I am grateful that a job is waiting, though it hasn’t yet appeared.
I am grateful for my kiddos and tend to concentrate on them coming thru their adult circumstances.
I am grateful for this 27th day. I am grateful to hold myself against dismissing my earlier tidbits.
I am grateful for you.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the ability to let go. I always want to catch up on this lovely home thread before I post but it’s already been four days since I posted my own gratitude and I need to remind myself how important the process is of posting my own. I’m grateful I can go back and read a little at a time and do my best to catch up. I’m grateful to attend 12 step meetings pretty much everyday as well as attending Church and read daily recovery literature and devotionals. I’m grateful for the phone call I had tonight with my friend for the first time in a couple months, we send texts a few times a week. I’m grateful to hear she is coming up on a month clean and that despite our broken marriage engagement 20+ years ago she has become a wonderful long distant support over the last 4 years and that she values my support as well. I’m grateful I can admit it is hard to know how to support some of her struggles with her teenage children because I am not a parent and theres a bit of guilt, shame and a shading of jealousy and regret that they aren’t mine and her kids because we talked about having a family one day all those years ago. I’m grateful that I can and do accept that was not my higher powers chosen path for me however it still doesn’t necessarily make it easy. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for my job and that I have been working hard and have been attempting to challenge myself to keep learning more. I’m grateful for sports to play and enjoy watching even when my teams lose. I’m grateful that my body allows me to still do some of these things when I keep track of all the self care type of stuff. I’m grateful my Sister let me know our parents made it safely from Ontario to Florida for their annual holiday. I’m grateful the cat is calming down a little bit as he seemed cranky yet hyper the last couple days. I’m grateful today was payday and tomorrow is Friday so the work week is almost done. I’m grateful for the fresh pillow case I can grab since this ones covered in fur. I’m grateful for the sunshine today since its been a bit cold and dreary. I’m grateful for lots of food in the fridge and cupboards. I’m grateful for my ever growing music playlists. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful I reached out to my sponsor and to have gently reminded my sponsees that I am still here to help if they want it.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to have fun.

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


So glad to read this again from you :innocent:


Oh man, intrustive thoughts are awful. They just fester and nag at you! I am glad to hear you are doing better now :people_hugging: ps love this “I am grateful I got through this day with compassion towards myself” :black_heart:


“I am grateful I have enough” love this :black_heart: and yes! Who isnt ready for the weekend, hope you enjoy your weekend!


I am grateful I woke up today. I am grateful, that I wrote a poem last night. I am grateful I got to sleep in an extra hour. I am grateful for my health and body for fighting off this cold. I am grateful that my little ones are finally on the mend and are getting better! I am grateful for the calm, smooth sailing, easy work day. I am grateful for my therapy session even thou it didnt go as expected. I am grateful for being able to afford to eat out tonight and I am grateful for my niece who spent the night tonight. It is always good to see her. I am grateful for my doting and loving husband. I am grateful for my 5 cats and 2 dogs. I am grateful for my sobriety!
I am blessed, thank you God! :pray:


I am grateful I got to post here daily since mid December. I’m grateful to get to know you guys better and it’s great to read everybody’s reasons for gratitude.
I have been on TS on and off the last couple of years, but daily interaction and connection with you guys makes such a big difference. I don’t feel alone in sobriety, thank you :heart:

I am grateful for a good AF day/evening with work yesterday. I was tired but stayed pretty late with a few collegues.
Grateful to have a new young collegue in our team (around the same age as my son). I love talking to young people. I love to hear how they see life, where they are and what their life plans are. What music they like, how they are with friends etc etc. The conversations are different in comparison to those I have with peers. I feel such a warmth in my heart when I see young people doing well!

I am grateful I got some good sleep. I am looking forward to see my family today. I am grateful to be so positive (even during hard or sad times) and I am so grateful for this tread, it reminds me every morning how beautiful life is. It is truly life changing :pray:


Grateful for coffee :coffee: after a shocking sleep!! But it’s fine, will get an early one tonight. Grateful for another day sober, for being here and continuing to learn from others. Grateful for serenity and the path my life is heading in. Grateful for prayers and meditation and super grateful for all of you :100::v:


I’m grateful for good friends.

Upon news of Miss Kitty’s departure, one of my three best friends (who lives across the country now) Door Dashed something to me. I decided to not check on what it was and let myself be surprised, though I assumed it was going to be a treat of some sort, and I thought it was a sweet gesture. When it arrived, I opened the door to flowers, a balloon, chocolates, and a steak/shrimp dinner from a local Japanese restaurant. Girl waht?? :exploding_head:

Another of the three has called, and also come by to spend time with me despite her schedule being quite full right now. She has also offered to take some cat items to the shelter for me so that I don’t have to do it myself if it would be easier for me. The other friend (who now lives a few states over) has been in constant contact with little texts and words of encouragement despite the fact that she is personally on the fast track toward the beyond.

I feel very grateful that I have these three wonderful friends who have collectively showered me with the five “love languages” of “time, words of affection, acts of service, touch (hugs), and gifts” during this difficult time. I have never in my life received the amount of love and support as I have over the last few days–from people I know offline and the people I know online–and I am touched and grateful to a depth that I can’t properly express


so grateful for great friends… warms my heart to know you are surrounded in real life with such beautiful friends.

you deserve all the love and attention my friend. Grateful that you are receiving it in every area of your life

a big hug family style hug your way :people_hugging:

giphy (1)


@Chiron that was so lovely to read! I’m grateful that you got all of that support!

I am grateful for a late Christmas present that came from my Aunt and Uncle last night…the very softest and warmest of blankets. I cocooned in it last night and am finding it hard to extract myself from it this morning! I am grateful that I went to a large gathering of friends for a birthday party last night and drank water, and no one batted an eye. I was able to overcome my social anxiety enough to truly enjoy myself without the crutch of alcohol. To truly enjoy my friends with a clear head, for that I am grateful indeed. ODAAT :purple_heart: