Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

A lovely Friday morning gratitude…

so much to be grateful for…

I am so grateful for a lovely Friday morning. Grateful for being awake - for breathing without trouble, for not waking up in craving mode or hangover mode. Grateful for waking up with a zest for life.
I am so grateful that i have decided to take a break from my Chinese treatment. I will have my final assessment on Monday and then will hit pause till after the surgery.
I am so grateful that my mom called radiology to and found out that the referrals were never sent. Come to find out that her surgery needs to be changed and they just never called to discuss or reset the date. I am trying not to get frustrated by these things. Grateful for taking a deep breath and making sure to follow up with all the appointments personally so nothing else slips through the cracks.
I am so grateful i received my allergy friendly additive free hair dye - i chose green — ooh, looking forward to trying it out. I am not sure if i want to do a streak or just the tips or … who knows LOL
I am so grateful that i was able to have energy to get the house cleaned yesterday.
I am so grateful that my mom had me stop by after my treatment yesterday - she made me a delicious dinner. She is so awesome!
I am so grateful that i am planning to have some quality mom time with me today.
I am so grateful for my family, friends, my HP, my meditation and prayer practices, my ability to get my daily steps in. Grateful that for now my inflammation has no decreased but so happy that it has not increased.
I am so grateful for my coffee :coffee: :yum:
I am so grateful for this beautiful community! Grateful for the support and love we provide for each other on this life long path of sobriety.

Wishing you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for daycare today for the littles. Hoping that respite works out for this weekend.


Grateful for being sober, day 12 and I’m starting to find my smile again :smiling_face:


I’m grateful I was able to have black coffee this morning before fasting blood work. I’m grateful for Om Mani Padme Hum mantra this morning. I’m grateful I listened to it and then listened to it on the way to the docs. I’m grateful when there was a long line I kept humming it to myself. Mostly. I think I let out some chants but not too loudly. I’m grateful it was busy and took much longer than I thought and I just sat there with a chant in my head, a smile on my face, and a possible meme or 2 and actually got caught up on here a bit.

I’m grateful she had no problem finding my vein :wink:

I’m grateful it takes forever to get caught up on the gratitude thread if you miss a day. I’m grateful I’m still working on it. I’m grateful we are such a grateful lot.

I’m grateful I’m home now and Mavy is bashing his will on me. I’m grateful Benson doesn’t mind waiting a bit. Besides it’s freezing. I’m grateful for the clear and cold early morning whizzy with Benson and the full moon I saw over Black Mountain at day break.

I’m grateful I was reminded why I never let Benson out alone when I saw 2 of the biggest healthiest beefiest coyotes I’ve ever seen :scream: down on the tee box headed next door.

I’m grateful Mavy is still on my lap all snuggled in. I didn’t want to walk right now anyway.

I’m grateful wifey said she didn’t want to go to the AA speaker meeting tonight, but she’d cook dinner if I went. I’m grateful I didn’t want to go either, but if it gets me a home cooked dinner :thinking:….…….it’ll be our gratitude secret :shushing_face: I’m grateful it doesn’t matter why you go to a meeting. AA or Al-Anon. As long as you go you will/might hear the message. If you don’t go :100: chance you won’t hear the message.

I’m grateful for fat cats and coffee.

I’m grateful it’s my favorite season. Award :1st_place_medal: Season. I’m grateful I previewed a bunch of movies I need to get watched before the Oscars. I’m grateful a lot of them don’t look that good to me so I should be able to knock them out by March.

I’m grateful Mavy, my serenity cat, seems more loving than ever lately. I’m grateful for the test of my will to hold my bladder and hope he gets up first :disappointed_relieved:

I’m grateful for y’all.

To compare is to dispair
Just heard it at a meeting Sunday night.


Far too much to catch up.
Today I’m grateful I ticked off some points off the to do list again. I’m grateful I threw away broken garden stuff to fill the trashbin. I’m grateful I was not completely lost in office work today, getting tired quickly.
I’m grateful I could stay at home all day. I’m grateful I shut down the phone to better concentrate, it helps.
I’m grateful I communicate my boundaries and contribute only as much as I can to a pop-up idea in my chosen family. First things first. At the moment my priorities are on the lawsuit with the ex and finances + organization in general, not on digging out old pictures. Sorry not sorry.
I’m grateful for my cats, I love them to pieces. I can see that the young ones would love to move back to the farm. So it will be, soon. Maybe one more week and I’m fit enough and done with everything I have to finish here in town. No hope, only let go and see what happens. I’m grateful for delicious leftovers I can pimp with fresh veggies & herbs. No big deal with a wow-effect. I’m grateful I feel inspired to seed more, awww, the mini-seedlings are growing bigger every day. I’m grateful for 2 good, serene days in a row.
I’m grateful I call it a day now, skip knitting and go to bed early. It would be wonderful if I make an early trip to the farmers market tomorrow. Waking up nearer my normal times got better this week. I’ll try. ODAAT


I had a good day today, I’m grateful I enjoyed it.
I worked with an old friend this morning which was nice.
Then I met another friend for a run, we’re doing C25k, was a good session.
Then home, did a few little jobs and relaxed in front of the tv for a bit then early to bed. Nothing exciting but that’s ok.
Grateful for routine today :sparkling_heart:


@Button83 I hope this brings you a reminder of how good being sober is during tonight’s struggle.

These are your very own words :wink:


I think my crazy day got away from me and i need to post some gratitudes with my gratidudes.

So fricken greatful for…

My second x1,2,3 chance at life
Cjp 4.0
A major accomplishment at work
Heading into the longest vacation of my life. I hope i dont get bored or kill my hubby lol jkjk
Boscoe and his needy, cute lil face
Friday payday
Improving communication with hubby
My beautiful,loving mother
My family
My coworkers
Fresh groceries
Warmer temperatures
Soon a beach, volcano, cloud forest in my future


I am working super hard to be grateful for what I have.
I am grateful to currently access this property. I hope to continue to do so. I am grateful that we never have the right or ability to bet on the future. I am grateful that many times there are things outside of our human control.
I am grateful that I am healthy-ish. I am grateful I can stand up to cook and that taste and smell may come back soon.
I am grateful to reinvest my eligibility prior to my birthday.
I am grateful to this point that my kids are OK-ish. I hope for what is best for them.

I appreciate you. I want to continue to do so and appreciate myself. Happy all around the world, peeps. Wherever you’re from, have a good day.


Grateful I woke up at 8. Although I’m not getting my 8 to 9 hours sleep (yet), I’m working on a regular sleeping pattern. 10pm-7am sleep is the goal, but I have to work on getting to bed earlier.
My moments on TS are in the morning and before bedtime. I’ll make the latter an after diner check-in so I can put my phone away after that. I mostly use my phone for TS and Youtube, so I think that will work. I already removed YT from my phone and going to use the iPad for that. I hate iOS, so I’m not tempted to use it for anything else than watching/listening to YT.
I am grateful being sober allows me to work on my health. Quality sleep wasn’t on my priority list during active drinking…

I am grateful for going through hard times with my family together and I’m grateful I am present and reliable. No sedation, just raw emotions, the bad but also the good ones! Grateful for dog cuddles, especially these days.

I am grateful for having no set plans this weekend. Painting, dog walks, cooking and maybe a movie.

Grateful for being able to vent here. I had a personal diary before, but reading your daily check-ins and knowing you guys reading mine is so valuable to me.

Grateful for these sunny days after storm, grayness and rain! :sunny:


HECK YES! This is the best part of sobriety! Getting our lives back!!


I’m grateful I didn’t drink last night.
Grateful to wake sober, even though five hours IS NOT ENOUGH FOR ME.
Grateful it’s Saturday.
Grateful to see my girls play later against Brighton. Chelsea :blue_heart:


Good morning to all of you from another dark and dreary morning in Wisconsin during January.

I’m so grateful to be sober.

I’m grateful my family is shifting to this way of life.
I’m grateful my husband is sober and is more and more present with me in our marriage.

I’m grateful to see him working thru his grief in a sober state and that he is learning that he can do this. He’s grateful to be sober too.

I’m grateful to be mostly healthy. Except for this dumb ear infection that has been quite uncomfortable this week. All that swimming caught up to me. Argh!!!

I’m grateful for work that I enjoy. Monday marks the start of semester 2 and I’m teaching two brand new classes designed to catch up kids who are very behind in reading. I get to teach them myself with a paraprofessional. I love lead teaching and I am very excited about all the learning I have done to get ready. I got to spend all day Friday setting up a new classroom. That is hard work that is part of building the dream of literacy for all kids. I’m so excited to start this adventure. As one of my friends said to me last night, Reading is Liberation!

I’m grateful that I learned some hard things this week about the process of settling the estate of my mother in law who recently passed away. The family will be facing some hard things. I’m grateful I was able to speak at length with an attorney and learn a lot to share with the family.

I’m grateful that arrangements have been made so that when I pass away, my family will know what to do and resources will be preserved.

I’m grateful that it is Saturday morning. I will be working on lesson preparation today and tomorrow. I’m grateful there is time and space for that.

I’m grateful to be in this community and get to share the journey of my family. Not only am I gaining peace each day and pleased to see 820 days on my counter, but I get to celebrate each day of sobriety with my husband and my siblings. My brother got his 8 month chip this week and my sister is so pleased with how she feels now a few months in. My husband is taking another step now and has declared he is “Facebook sober”, kicking that time sucking experience to the curb.

I wish you all the best and hope you have a day of peace and freedom that brings you some joy with the hard parts of life.



I’m grateful for being sober. Grateful for getting off my arse and getting car cleaned, grateful to the guys at the car wash. My car was a right state :see_no_evil: grateful Rocky behaved himself when we went animal food shopping this morning and super grateful he didn’t pee in the shop!!
Grateful Samuel has gone out with his mates as he’s had a blip with his mental health the last few days!
As always, grateful for coffee and waking up with a clear head and mindset!
Grateful for my family, Rocky, my home and being present! :rose::v:


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, without it i wouldnt have turned the trajectory of my life around

636 days free from weed and alcohol
179 days free from vaping

In home laundry
Hubby and Boscoe cuddles
Only 3 days of work left until the longest vacation of my life
I keep working out even though my $ bet is over, thankfully over the last year ive created some healthy habits
Im a list maker which makes packing easier
Our home
Our neighbors
Our family
Chewy.com for boscoe
I dont mind doing the dishes all weekend bc hubby picked up the slack this week
My mom is still kicking and mobile at her age
Family bday party for mom sunday, i get to bring a fancy cake
Hubby helps with bills
Our love and marriage
Text buddies
TS and this awesome community
My heart and soul are filled with all this gratitude and more


I’m grateful it is not snowing and that I don’t have to shovel. Shoveling is antithetical to my desire for a lazy Saturday. :laughing:

:scream: :scream_cat: :scream:

@Cjp I hope you have a great vacation!

:100: agreed!


I am grateful to be 30 days AF today! I am so grateful that my daughter surprised my teenage son by taking him out to Monster Jam last night. When they were little they fought so much, I never thought this friend phase would come for them. So grateful it has. As always, grateful for this thread ODAAT :people_hugging:


Yesterday evening I want to a very nice club and spend some time with a friend and nice music. I am grateful for friends, music, this great safe and welcoming space, and the wonderful evening.

I am grateful I could take as much time as I needed to get going today. Everthing felt slow and like body and mind needed to go through molasses.

I am grateful for good food, for friends, for my family, for yoga and sunshine.

I am grateful for my recovery practice. I have learned how to breath through the hard moments, into the pain and confusion. I feel I am getting deeper into this way of living every day. I am grateful to have learned these skills.

I found a book about Yoga and the 12 steps. As I am very much into yoga as a big part of my recovery practice, but usually have trouble understanding the wording of the 12 steps of AA, I find this perspective on AA as a life practice in the same vein as Yoga very enlightening. I am grateful I have found this resource.

As every day I am grateful to have made it through the day without using, and this place here.


Grateful for you @Naomi and so many others :smiling_face::pray:


Today I’m grateful I can live at my pace. I’m grateful that I loved my exhusband and happily accomodated to what I thought was the pace of our mutual life, our relationship, our love. I’m grateful that was an illusion. So now I live at my pace only. Feels lonely today.

I’m grateful for a productive morning. Basic chores, grocery shopping, recycling, cooking, preparing the quickpot plate to prick out the seedlings tomorrow. I’m grateful I had a lazy afternoon with reading, knitting, TV and cats. I am fucking not sorry, it’s my time and all the “shoulds” can go to hell and enervate whomever there. No, I did not search for old pictures, make the finances for my lawyer to pluck the ex, list my belongings I want back or pay this week’s bills. And it’s ok. It. is. fucking. ok. Shut the fuck up you nagging voice in my head. I’m grateful the nagging is far less intense in quality & quantity than a year ago. Progress, not perfection.

I’m grateful for frozen fruit mush and frozen fish I digged out the freezer. It will be a delicious lunch tomorrow! To be clear, this goes to separate dishes.

I’m grateful the cats are fine. The red furball is a miowing cuddleboy these days, it’s so sweet that he comes, demands pets & scritches and goes when he had enough. The other two are on me purring the moment I hit a couch or bed.

I’m grateful for a chat with a distant friend. Her breastcancer surgery is scheduled next week, luckily she caught the knot very early. I’m a bit sad that I was tired after half an hour chatting and ended the call.
I’m grateful I reactivated the smartwatch to track my activity as I want to increase it and move my ass more.
I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life. ODAAT