Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

@Its_me_Stella Thanks for sharing your gratitude on interdependance. It really spoke to my heart.
@Naomi Yes to recognizing boundaries in sobriety. Sometimes when I have immense cravings, I realize that I just want to use in order to ignore my boundries and neglect myself. I still have a lot to learn on that.
@anon68572606 Your words about those smiles on your face, made me smile too. It‘s magically infectious :smile:

I am grateful I am such an IT badass :wink: and the electrician today switching the power everywhere in the flat randomly off and on did neither affect my kid’s home schooling with all those video calls nor my work :muscle:

I am grateful I could lie down this afternoon and take a long nap. My belly felt strange and I had to run to the loo, and well, resting after that was really good.

I am grateful for being compassionate towards myself today in the following afternoon, taking things slowly, being patient with myself. I am gratful for the relaxing meditations I did instead of yoga asana.

I am grateful for my inlaws who took my kid clothes shopping today. Now my kid has new jackets for spring and I had time to recover.

I am grateful to know that no matter what happens in my day, I can come here and read and share and feel uplifted.

Thanks to you all!


Today I’m grateful for a normal monday.
I’m grateful for all I accomplished today. I’m grateful I was up early and felt rested. I’m grateful for noodles. I’m grateful for cats sleeping in the sun. I’m grateful for chosen family. I’m grateful for calling it a day when I’m low energy. I hope I didn’t overdo it today. I’m grateful for smiles. I’m grateful the old boy let me clip his claws today. I’m grateful I do what I can. It’s enough. ODAAT :pray:


So much to be grateful for. Another sober day, strong coffee in the morning (a must) my boys going to school. Archie being well enough for school. I’m grateful his CFS hasn’t been too bad today. Grateful for a beautiful walk with Rocky, my little shadow! Grateful for my house plants and repotting them. Grateful to be present and able to order bits for my sons 16th in a couple of weeks. Super grateful for Amazon :100: lol. Grateful for being grateful and taking in and cherishing all I have. SO grateful for having balance in my life and for all of you! :rose::v:


Grateful to get some outside jobs done yesterday, there’s still alot to do but we’ve made a dent.
Grateful for my first ever pilates class this evening, I went with my daughter and we both really enjoyed it, grateful for not getting the giggles.
I’m grateful for a last minute dog walk booking this afternoon, it all adds up and I love the dog I was walking, he’s so cute.
Grateful for early nights, love them :sparkling_heart:


so grateful to hear that your sister is doing better now. I am hopeful that the stomach pain and pressure will be removed once I have the surgery. Right now they are saying it will be an easy laparoscopic procedure with only 2 short cuts and 1 long one where I will be able to walk out of the hospital same day. So that is a positive.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I went a week without cigarettes then smoked a few Saturday and now back to day two of not smoking. I’m grateful that Peace is going wild running around the apartment and that he is healthy. I’m grateful my laundry is done and I can go to bed all showered up and enjoy clean sheets. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for music, creativity, humor and laughter.

May our higher powers grant us purpose.

p.s. Enjoy the moments, you’ve earned it. Ya you!!


gratefulness with my gratitude’s

What a wonderful Monday!
I am so grateful that i had my pre op appointment this morning. Went well enough if i ignore all the “this could go wrong and its common that it could go wrong” speech LOL. Glad that hey have a plan for if / when things go wrong. Grateful that the surgeon is skilled and one of the best.
I am so grateful for productivity – that i was able to all documents needed printed, up to date with my accounting, have payroll tutorial scheduled for tomorrow morning, got my Salvation Army donation dropped off, scheduled my donation for the Scrap Box for Thursday.
I am so grateful that i got my steps in early today.
I am so grateful for 100% dark chocolate. Grateful that i get my sweet fix even it is super bitter LOL
I am so grateful for quick and easy healthy meals. My go to is a veggie stir fry and it really was so delicious.
I am so grateful for the lovely movie recommendations from a dear friend for while i’m recovering from surgery.
I am also grateful for my coffee meme buddy :coffee: :heart: :yum:
I am so grateful for my mom. Grateful for her unbelievable support. Grateful that we do get our coffee times on most mornings.
I am so grateful that today was my last session with the Chinese doctor. Could have done without the appointment. He mentioned that i should be removing my uterus during this operation as that would make the most sense. Only then i wouldn’t be able to do the operation laparoscopically. I have messaged my surgeon and will be ok with whatever way she decides.
I am so grateful for TS and all you super beautiful supportive souls.
I am so grateful for a warmer day today. Expecting a cold spurt tomorrow and more snow.

Much to be grateful for … thank you all for your lovely gratitude’s - they help me keep going when i can’t get my own written down :hugs:

Wishing you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for waking up refreshed, I slept like a baby for the full 8 hours. Thats a win! The world is a different place after good sleep.

I heard an old friend lost a close relative. I reached out to her and we will meet up after the funeral.
We had the same background and a shared love for drunk pseudo-intellectual nightly conversations.
She told me she is doing well, so I guess she got older and wiser too. I remember we used to say life without alcohol would not be worth it, how in the hell would we be creative without it?! I feel sorry for the younger us, we wasted alot of sleep and braincells lol. I am grateful that it finally clicked with me, although I’m already in my forties. Better late than never.

It sounds wrong to say, but I am ‘grateful’ my parents situation with dementia and liver failure makes me even more determined to stay sober. I know they are proud of me, but I also feel bad that they didn’t get to work on their health when they were younger. I told my dad yesterday he shouldn’t be so angry with himself, because it was a different time and nowadays there’s more research on the damaging effects of drinking. I really hope he still has some years to live, also my mom (although thats a rough one with dementia). I fucking hate seeing them this way.

To end on a positive note, I am grateful for getting up early and feeling energized to get some work done. I will check of my work to do list today :muscle:


I’m grateful for another day. Not feeling so out of sync today. Grateful for my new dog lead, much better helping me with my very excitable Rocky lol grateful for my washing machine, got so much laundry done today!! Grateful and appreciate my life each and every day. Grateful for learning to take notice of red flags and not ignore. Grateful I now know my worth. Grateful I’m not married to my narcissistic ex husband. Grateful for peace and serenity. Super grateful for my beautiful children :rose::v:


Today I’m grateful for another day, a new opportunity to work for my life, I’m grateful for my job, my peace, my friends and family and for service to others, just helping and giving instead of being asking and receiving it’s the way I’ll find the real humility


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Waking refreshed although my fitbit sleep score wasnt the best
Got an awesome workout in. Im not scared when my trainer says her next goal is to get me in a bikini
Boscoes excitement when i get home…boy am i gonna miss the lil guy while we are on vacation
My folks will love and protect boscoe while hubby and i are having the time of our lives!
Less than 2 days until coasta rica!
Past me for planning for present and future me
The reminder to pause, breathe, and not get overly anxious
I will have time to finish the book The Power of Now
My family
The 12 step promises
My recovery and all the support ive found in the rooms of AA and the TS community

Peace and love. Live like your dying. No better time than now


Late afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful I accomplished so much yesterday. It was a mediocre night with nightmares, I’m grateful I turned around and slept in for another 1,5 h after the alarm went off.

I’m grateful I tackled the bills today.
I’m grateful for therapy where I can express my insecurities and dig behind avoiding behaviour.
I’m grateful for healthy lunch and tea in abundance.
I’m grateful I called it a day after lunch, I feel exhausted.
I’m grateful my health is nearly back to normal. At least I hope so.
I’m grateful I got cat litter today. Last time I went it was sold out.
I’m grateful my cats have a good time.
I’m grateful for all my blessings.
I’m grateful nobody cares when I fall asleep soon. It’s ok. ODAAT


Good morning friends, I’m grateful it’s a day off of work. I’m grateful to be getting together with a friend to do a small hike. I’m grateful movement, sunshine, and fresh air do so much for me. I’m grateful I can admit that I have been slacking with my gratitude, and I can feel the difference. Time to get back into the groove. I’m grateful I have good examples here on the homethread. Everyone have a great day :heart:


Tuesday morning gratefulness with my beautiful sober peeps

I am so grateful for waking up alert and ready to go even with another crappy night of sleep. Need to work on being able to sleep through the pain as it is really messing up my nights. I’m sure i am due for a crash day soon. Grateful that i have most of my work caught up to allow for a crash.
I am so grateful that i got to spend some morning time with mom and enjoy my coffee. Grateful that i pushed her to get her radiology appt. They finally got the referral and need the dept nurse to call and set it up. Grateful i got her a couple appointments with a different more qualified yet less expensive Acupuncturist who works with healing the body post cancer treatment.
I am so grateful that i was able to get my zoom meeting completed this morning and remembered to ask all the questions that have been piling up. I do appreciate our new accountant and am grateful that she will be taking over our payroll portion and the tax forms related to payroll. Will make 2024 much easier.
I am so grateful that i have bit the bullet and done one long streak of green in my hair - front and center. Waiting for it to set in so i can wash and see the results. :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful that i received some nice colors of allergy friendly nail polish. I am looking forward to painting my nails. The little things make me so happy.
I am so grateful that i was not bothered by a text from an old friend that i have decided to cut out of my life. The relationship was one sided. She only started showing concern or support once i cut things off. Not my idea of a good friend. Me being blitzed out of my mind did not realize how toxic our relationship was. SO grateful for sobriety and how it opened my eyes.
I am so grateful that my brother offered to shovel my driveway while he was out. Grateful that we are now talking a bit via text. He is still upset with me for not liking his GF. Grateful that i did not have to call in the usual guy - grateful that he is available when i need him but man is he a bit over the top.
I am so grateful for starting the Dahmer series last night. Am only able to do a show at a time - it is super slow and unnerving. Also a lot of differences from when i studied him in school. SO grateful that i changed to engineering and did not pursue the criminal phycology.
I am so grateful the roads are clear enough now and that my parents will be able to go pick up my sister. She is returning from Puerto Rico today. Grateful that we live closer to the airport so it is easier for us to pick her up rather than her leaving her car in the parking garage.
I am so grateful that i am able to do slow walks so that it is some sort of movement. I am grateful that if i can’t work out that i have set timers for my walks and have managed to get my steps in each day. i had set my goal to 7500 but except for one day in past 10 i have exceeded that goal and managed 12k each day. I am hoping that this is not overdoing it. I am being mindful of my swelling and trying not to increase my heartrate for too long a stretch.
I am so grateful for my family, my ever so slowly improving health, for my meditation and prayer, for a safe warm home, for my ability to move and take in deep breathes without effort or wheezing.
I am so grateful for good wholesome food. Grateful that my tastes have become better and i am now craving healthier foods/ drinks.
I am so grateful for this beautiful community and all you lovely souls! So grateful for all your posts (especially your gratitude’s) :pray:
Wishing everyone a blessed addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Let‘s get it straight. Tummy bugs are no fun. But I am really grateful I could stay in bed this morning after my family got out. Grateful I didn‘t throw up. Grateful I did not have to spend the whole day on the loo.

I am grateful for caring friends, for ridiculous memes that made my laugh, for being part of this crazy creation of life.

I am grateful to be alive and not using. I am grateful for peace and freedom.

Sleep tight you wonderful people.


Hello fam :wave:

This is my first day on the gratitude thread. As I have been struggling recently in my recovery, it might be time to give gratitude a try…

I am grateful to be 330 days sober.
I am grateful that I was able to reflect on myself and that it led me to this thread.
I am grateful for all the support I’ve received through TS over the months… special shout out to @JazzyS for always taking the time to respond. I am really grateful for that! You might be right: big milestone isn’t that far off and it rattles me.
I am grateful for that chance encounter I had a few days ago with an old acquaintance of mine. I am grateful that I had the guts to open up to him about my addiction. I am grateful that he shared his knowledge about his own journey and the help he offered.
I am grateful for my day today, it was a good day with extra time in bed this morning.
I am grateful that I can have downtime now with early bedtime, my book and a cup of herbal tea.
I am grateful for all of you, reading my first ever gratitude list :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope you all have a wonderful sober day/night


Grateful for sleep
Grateful for good people
Grateful for comfort, hygge
Grateful for enough, we need no more
Grateful for patience and kindness
Grateful that we continually learn


Grateful that I am in bed and today is almost over.
Grateful for finding something for dinner in the freezer, I’d put it in there a while ago, it was something mushroomy. I was too tired to cook today.
Grateful for another early night and a new sleep story. I’ve been listening to Sherlock Holmes :mag_right:
Grateful I’m here :sparkling_heart:


SOOO lovely to see you on the Gratitude thread and thank you love for you beautiful shout out. We really are so much stronger together.

Grateful that we are able to open up about ourselves with friends and find that we had nothing to fear bur rather get advice and support in return.

Much love friend - looking forward to many more posts from you :people_hugging:


Grateful to be back sharing my thoughts with you all. Whether you read or not posting is therapeutic.