Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Hello TS Fam!

I am grateful for my day today. I’m grateful for this quiet time. Holding my baby and listening to jazz music. Im grateful for being able to find the time to put away some laundary and pick up. I’m grateful for the play time with my toddler. Im grateful for my work day and that I was able to get caught up. Im grateful for my plants and having time to tend to them. I am grateful for my husband who helped watch the kiddos so I had time for these things :sweat_smile::rofl: i am grateful that my pain levels aren’t too bad and for my body as well as my sound mind. I am grateful for my sobriety!

Thank you God, I am blessed. Hope everyone has a splendid Wednesday! :black_heart::pray:


This morning I am grateful for a

check in with an old friend
a plan how to move forward
the one coworker who always brings healthy snacks for all of us
the smell of freshly washed laundry
giggles of children
my mostly healthy body
more light during the day


I am grateful for a clear mind. Due to a thread here on TS about finances, I got to think about my own. I am grateful I get to save more money by not smoking, drinking and ordering Uber Eats.

I am contemplating about either working more hours, find another (better paying) job OR get back to swing trading. I am grateful to have more energy but I notice I’m on my phone alot, so I need to do something… I’m grateful sobriety opens up possibilities and because of a clear mind I feel like I’m better at decision making.
Drinking was my second job, I am grateful I quit.

Especially on days when I have appointments I am grateful to my past/yesterday sober self for not drinking. Today is office/team day and although I prefer working at home I don’t mind it that much in comparison to when I’d still drink.

I am grateful for better skin. I notice my skin and eyes aren’t as dry anymore! Yesterday I got a compliment I looked good. I do feel good! :blush:

I love reading your posts. I am grateful for being part of this community :heart:


Grateful for 34 days
Grateful for 7 hours sleep
Grateful that the kittens will see their uncle on Thursday after the vets, socialisation is still a need
Grateful one of my bestest friends messaged to sat that she and hubby are in London in February and can they visit. Yes, I need it.
Grateful I know I need to reach out more, at some point I became antisocial and feral.
Grateful for the fox that sat in the garden area for about twenty minutes yesterday, observing life. Beautiful creature :heart_eyes:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 640 days, milestone tmrw :slight_smile:
Less than a day till we take off on vacation
Past me for planning for present and future me
Boscoe cuddles
Slept well
Soon i will be on a beach
Got a workout in this am
A job i love
A hubby i love
A family i love
Protein powder
Muscle mass
Good mood

Peace and love soberinos


Good afternoon my sober peeps.
Today im grateful our vet could see Suki, our senior cat, she has pancreatitis, kidney disease and now her feline dementia has progressed! Grateful I could take her to the vets, so grateful she’s been given some medicine so she won’t be so distressed at night. Super grateful I’m able to make her more comfortable by making life easier for her. Grateful she’s sleeping right now and that she’s eaten something!
Grateful for another 24hrs sober, grateful for all of you. Grateful for pausing and reflecting. :rose::v:


I’m grateful I know where Costa Rica is again :grimacing: thanks Google thanks CJ. I’m grateful I’m so excited for you.

I’m grateful I’m enjoy TF reaching out more around here. I’m grateful she’s such a pleasure. Grateful for the fox I saw in the Embankment Gardens last spring. And grateful for Blue and Bear.

I’m grateful for my clear mind and that I quit my first full time job of drinking after retirement.
I’m grateful I’m still not sure what to do in life but wasting it drinking won’t be it. I’m grateful I get to surround myself with all kinds of people in all kinds of recovery.

I’m grateful I finally chatted to a lady yesterday, her name is Susan. We’ve been doing pleasantries for about a year. I’m grateful I told her it was always easy to remember her name as I had a sister named Susan who sadly passed away a awhile back because of MS. I’m grateful she shared she had a brother that died of MS.

I’m grateful I got to console a woman who lost her 16 year old dog last week.

I’m grateful for the smell of my wife’s clean laundry. I’m grateful I’m still not allowed to touch the laundry. I’m grateful I’m still not :100: sure which side the washer is actually on. I think the dryer is on the right :thinking: and I’m grateful for music and giggle laughing grand babies.

I’m grateful for my day today. I get to see my doc and go over blood work. I’m grateful for my clear head about it all and I haven’t googled anything about some of the results like I obsessed over last year. And I don’t remember this year. I’m grateful I try as I might, but; when I’m asked what’s my cholesterol numbers I just can’t remember. I’m grateful that’s just who I am.

I’m grateful to see Lam back and that gentle giant of a beast. I hope that’s a big bed.

I’m grateful Pinky is here and I’m grateful I’m defrosting a lot of freezer dinners this week and I don’t have to meal plan for a week or 2.
Well, I still have to meal plan but I’m grateful there’s no prep.

I’m grateful for Sassy, Lisa and Stella and M. and Brian who have been with me since day 1. Well in my mind, as far as I’m concerned, since the very beginning of my sober, calm, hangover, rollercoaster of my life. I’m just going to call it day 1. I’m grateful it’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

I’m grateful to see Squid here. I thought it might be your first time on this thread. I’m grateful that Holy Squid avatar always catches my eye. Grateful for your 330 ODAATs. I’m grateful you must have a shit load of gratitude to share her and brighten up my day.

And I’m grateful for my coffee meme buddy every morning :coffee::heart:

I’m grateful for every one of us on this grateful thread and grateful sober life we get to live.

“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.”
Bucky Sinister
I’m grateful I just got to think who the hell is Bucky Sinister :thinking: what a GREAT last name!!


I am grateful to have a spouse who is willing to work through this tough time with me. He stopped drinking years ago because he hated to see what it was doing to me, and he gave up his DOC, marijuana, several months ago to assist me in my sober journey. I was watching a TV show last night and someone ordered my exact drink of choice, down to the 2 lemons. I’m grateful that the urge to sneak one in subsided. Because it’s never just one. I’m so grateful that I made the right choice for once. ODAAT


Hump day gratitude’s – i am feeling so full of love
I am so grateful for starting this beautiful day with breath in my lungs and a pep in my step. Still no solid sleep but i feel like i got what i needed.
I am so grateful for a calm winter day. Last day of January. For past few years it feels like time has been flying by and for some reason this January felt like it lingered forever. not that i’m complaining - really don’t need to push time faster than it is already going.
I am so grateful that i got a call from my surgeon and she can squeeze me in on Monday to have discussion of what type of surgery i should get and how to proceed. I realize that changing things up may delay the surgery. May be better to go under once than have to do this again down the road.
I am so grateful that i was able to talk it through with a friend who’s undergone the surgery and get some great advice and support. Also some homework - going to check out the other surgeons in my area and possibility of robotic surgery.
I am so grateful that my mom is feeling good from the Chinese treatments and will continue them until her surgery. Grateful for the beautiful voicemail message from my aunt in Iran letting her know that everything would be ok. My mom did not want anyone to know what was going on and somehow her sis found out - so grateful that she did. No need to keep your health a secret from your family and loved ones.
I am so grateful that i was able to get a refund for my hair dye – after spending 45 min waiting for a wonderful green streak – i got nada. i understand if my dark hair was an issue but the reviews and the notes on site said that it wouldn’t be. plus i had plenty of grey’s that could have shown color. I had told my mom i was going to do it yesterday and she was staring at me in the car with a perplexed look and finally said - i don’t see it - where is the green? :laughing: i said aaaahhh now that is the question of the day.
I am so grateful for my mom and her crazy sense of humor. Grateful that she is learning sarcasm - still throws me off a times.
I am so grateful for morning gratitude’s, coffee, coffee memes, my meme buddy!
I am so grateful for a light heart today, a peaceful mind and of course that pep in my step :wink: Not going to let the clusterfuck of symptoms get me down!
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful that i still have faith in Him and love for Him. Grateful that i know that this too shall pass. Grateful that i know it could be a whole lot worse. Grateful to be on the side of healing. Grateful for no longer being bound to addictions. I am the ruler of my ownself!

All right all you beautiful grateful souls – wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you ALL so much love :heart: :heart:


Safe travels and enjoy your holiday! I hope you’ll share some pictures with us :sunny::palm_tree:


I am grateful to have more than I need. I am grateful to have enough to share, lend, and give away.

Its wet here, wet and cold; it gets into your bones. I am grateful that I am not trying to protect myself and my child from the elements day and night. We have a warm, dry, safe home, I wish everyone did.

I get to pick up the key to our new meeting tomorrow. I am grateful to feel excited… I remember when I was new in recovery and my first sponsor promised me I would feel excitement again. I hadnt felt it in years… probably 20 years. Lets be honest, I hadnt felt many good feelings in 20 years, not much could get past the fear that was masked as rage, anger, depression, and anxiety; the obsession and compulsion, intrusive thoughts and debilitating self loathing. Its no wonder I couldnt feel excited. :smirk: I am grateful that today I wake up with a clear head and an open heart, ready to face to world.

I love my life today, I am very grateful for it.


Is it normal for the grateful thread to bring you to tears? The happy kind. The kind that gives you so much hope.

I’m grateful for finding this place.


I’m grateful I’m not the only one to have this thread bring me to tears. Especially early on when I was feeling those early raw feelings. I was just so dang grateful each morning to be surviving. And realizing how much of an asshole I had been all those years. And grateful to know that guy doesn’t exist anymore. I’m grateful I don’t know that guy anymore and I’m grateful I’m never going back to him.
Totally natural Tiff.
I’m grateful you’re here.


There he is!! Missed you on the gratitude thread sober buddy :people_hugging:


Good morning gratifiends. I am grateful for the new month and the new adventures, challenges and joys it will bring. Grateful for coffee and my morning stretches. Grateful for variety in people things and places. Grateful for universal kindness and connection laughter creates. (thinking of you, Brian). Have a fantastic vacation in Costa Rica @Cjp. Would be lovely to see some pics, if you like.


Grateful I missed my gratitude last night because I had an early night. I went to sleep at 8.40pm. I’m so grateful this morning. I’ve had a week of early nights. I needed them, I think I overdid things last week and over the weekend. I’m grateful for running and walking and hiking and stacking our free wood but I think I need to find a balance and not go all guns blazing, I’m no spring chicken.
I’m grateful for snowdrops showing their heads and the first daffodils and primroses and I saw a lonely crocus yesterday, I love spring flowers, they bring hope.
There was something else I’m grateful for but I’ve forgotten what it was… I may be editing later.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Gratefull for not having much of migrain since menopause.
For my cat snoring right now :orange_heart:
For my aunt who is always willing to listen to me when I want to vent something.
For rediscoverering meditation and doing it every day since.
For my sober stretch of days, the work I put in it and the growth since :seedling:


I am grateful for you, the good people on this gratitude thread. I definately get emotional here too, in a good way. Beautiful quote there, Bill. So true!

I am grateful for morning gratitudes. I love to start the day with being thankful and reading all of your gratitudes. It fills me with this warm feeling I can hardly describe.

I had always a quite cynical view on life, but I notice I got so much softer these days. I wrote it before, but this time it feels so different. It exceeds getting sober. It’s healing, connecting, slowing down, turning inside and feeling feelings. I don’t know, it’s weird but beautiful.


I am grateful for last nights good sleep. Doesn’t happen too often, so I really notice it. Grateful I managed to run all my errands today and do the big shop with ease.

Grateful that I feel my sore muscles in a good way. I did three gym classes yesterday, two of them I hadn’t done since lockdown and the instructors and regulars welcomed me back with open arms. Made me a little emotional. After one of the classes the instructor came over and said how nice it is to have me back and that I was really missed. I opened up and explained that after lockdown I was in active addiction, so that’s why I didn’t come to the class anymore. My openness was met with understanding and empathy. I am so grateful for that, I do feel blessed. I am grateful I already managed to secure a spot for next weeks class.

I am grateful to have a couple hours now for some me-time. Grateful for yummy herbal tea, cozy blanket, quit-lit audiobook and my TS family. So I can use these few hours to put some work into my recovery.


Good morning sober fam!!

Today i am greatful for…

21 month sobriety birthday, 1y9m

6 months no vaping

Im sooo excited, my energy was too much for the energy of the plane at 5am. It could be excitement or the redbull i chugged on the way to the airport


The ability, time, and funds to travel

Made it to our gate just in time for boarding

My joy and excitement

Safe modes of transport

Paying extra for comfort+ airline seats

My folks love Boscoe almost as much as we do

Hubby and i didnt argue once…so far

No hangovers

Got to watch the sunrise

Greatful i realized ive been spelling costa rica wrong :sweat_smile: