Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful for air plane sunrises.
I’m grateful I’m too old to travel that early.
I’m grateful CJ is going to have the time of her life.
I’m grateful for the morning clouds outside.
I’m grateful I got a pic.
I’m grateful I had a great doctors appointment yesterday. Just keep doing what I’m doing.
I’m grateful my Mantra practice keeps my bp low.
I’m grateful he’s not concerned about my cholesterol numbers.
I’m grateful I’m sober and was bragging to him about my 4 year chip I took.
I’m grateful it was a pretty good day yesterday.
I’m grateful I didn’t pass out in my chair last night from drinking box wine.
I’m grateful moist damp wet January is over.
I’m grateful I can’t wait to see what February is. Fuck it February maybe :thinking:
I’m grateful it will be surround myself with recovery February for me.
I’m grateful for a nice lunch with Ala John.
I’m grateful my sponsor is a double winner and I’m going to check out his AA meeting tonight.
I’m grateful I get to go to 2 different recovery meetings today.
I’m grateful I get to be a double winner if I work it.
I’m grateful for my cats and dog and wife and children and grandchildren and house and home and hot running water, indoor plumbing, a big comfy bed, clean sheets I never have to wash, clean clothes I never have to wash, my cooking and coffee skills and all of you gratidudes.

“We have all had to learn painful lessons. We are all recovering from some mistake, loss, betrayal, abuse, injustice or misfortune. All of life is a process of recovery that never ends. We each must find ways to accept and move through the pain and to pick ourselves back up. Be patient with yourself.”
Bryant McGill


I’m grateful for my beautiful, healthy, pain in the ass teen and tweenager.

I’m grateful for coffee and sarcasm.

I’m grateful for crisp sunny days.

I’m grateful for morning puppy (not so much puppy, but always a puppy to me) snuggles.

Also grateful for my old lady Labrador snuggles, even if she doesn’t want them.

I’m grateful for weekly bestie lunch dates.

I’m grateful for an amazing support system.

I’m grateful for Sparkling Ice Water.

I’m grateful for day 32 AF.



Grateful to have an in law coming for dinner, even though it does challenge my comfort.
Grateful for sunshine
Grateful for the two goofballs that have played all day, happy as the happiest cats alive
Grateful for discomforts in life, as that then makes comfort feel so nice. proves that you shouldn’t take it for granted.

Grateful for this in my apartment garden:

They are so joyful.
Grateful to the renegade gardener who year on year out feeds our birds out of his pocket and kindness. Hugh, you’re a legend.


That’s exactly how I feel but you’ve said it much more eloquently than I ever could. You explained it perfectly, thank you :sparkling_heart:


Good morning.

I was grateful to wake up beside a copy of the yoga sutras this morning and not a strange man. I am grateful that my head is aching because my neck is effed up not because I poisoned my body last night. My body has become so accustomed to a daily yoga practice that if I skip a couple of days she is not happy, and takes no time it letting me know. I am grateful that I found a way to exercise my body that works with my chronic pain and fatigue.

I started a new set of steps that uses the Living Clean text, they are amazing. I am grateful for the addicts who take their time to come up with questions that challenge us and help us grow. These questions are deep, one of them is “describe walking through fear.” My answer was 2.5 fullscap pages long. What the absolute fuck??? What kind of question is that? A deep one.

I am grateful to have decided to do this set of steps with a woman in the program who has 30 years clean. She has not written (pen to paper) a set of steps since her first set. I can already tell we will learn a lot from each other. She has alot of fear, I have a lot of faith… sometimes too much. The first meeting she hadnt done her questions… the second meeting she didnt show up. I am grateful for the lessons that I am learning. I already knew this but cleantime does not equal recovery… abstinence and cleantime are the same. Some people in this program have decades clean and are still very sick. So what am I learning??? I am learning to apply empathy, patience, understanding, curiosity and love to a situation that would have pissed me off, frustrated me, caused me to become judgemental and be rude. I am grateful for the spiritual principles I have learned and the opportunities I am offered to live a virtuous life.

This beautiful soul was put on my path for a reason. I helped her through the passing of her partner last summer. I am grateful it was me she chose to hold his hand and hers as he took his final breath. We had a circle of loving energy flowing and he went so peacefully. I barely knew this woman when she chose me to be with her that day… but for some reason it was me. I am grateful that when the universe calls me to duty today I am not too loaded to hear the calls. :sparkles:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I felt some kind of calmness today.
I am grateful for my monthly Thai massage.
I am grateful we have some warmer weather at the moment.
I am grateful my new jigsaw puzzles aka active calming the monkey tools arrived today.
I am grateful I could fix the issues I had with my phone and diabetes related things. I am grateful for people helping me with this. I am grateful I somehow seem to be more patient.
I am grateful I am okay with my new diet.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I keep going to the swimming course. I am grateful I will attend the non violent communication session later. I am grateful for baby steps.


His books are absolutely amazing :100::ok_hand:


I’m grateful for a beautiful day, lush coffee and my current read, No Mud, No Lotus.
Grateful for a different and peaceful mindset. Grateful for pausing and breathing. Grateful for traffic lights and being patient. Grateful my cat, Suki, is feeling better today. Grateful for my car, my daughter, who came shopping with me today. Grateful for walking my shadow, Rocky! Grateful to be able to read people’s gratitude, when I was at my worst in addiction I nearly lost my sight. Super grateful it came back and the hallucinations stopped. Grateful I can walk because my ability to walk nearly went too due to scarring on my brain and signals not going properly to my legs. Super grateful I didn’t need a wheelchair for long. Grateful for life and the people in it. Super grateful for recovery. Grateful, even though I’m now tearful thinking back to how I nearly died through my addiction, that I can share pieces of my addiction. ODAAT my friends, that’s all we can do. Much love to you all :rose::v:


Grateful for a good day today. Grateful for my partner and our relationship. Grateful for a run after work today, I tried upping my pace a bit today.
I’m grateful for a nice bath and then another early night.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Grateful to be alive with dogs, a cat, and two growing kids.
Grateful to be housing at the moment. I do love this place.
Grateful that I finally was able to get the state to remove a fraudulent movement on unemployment. Hey, it only takes 3-4 weeks to get any income after filing - grateful there’s an answer despite timing.
Grateful that I will process the things my life is committing.


Grattitude is my attitude!

I am very grateful my tummy is much better today. I even had some real food. Man was I hungry!

Yesterday I had this very weird experience of going on a side addiction track. I did not try to numb my feelings with food, but with work and other stuff. I only caught up with it in the evening and was really horrified. It was a total binge day, I had lost control, neglected my needs, snapped at family members, everything I was used to from abusing food. Seeing exactly the same reaction for exactly the same reasons but with another ‚substance‘ was really scary.
I am grateful I was able to see what was happening. Grateful to have caught myself and have done some selfcare.
I am very grateful to people here helping me understand what had happened, and finding a way to deal with this experience. @MrFantastik for giving it his great “that was some addict behavior bro” attitude. @SoberWalker for giving me a perspective how to move on without panicking :grin:

I am grateful for sunshine today, moving in my body, finding a way to be at peace with myself, taking care of my needs, taking brakes.
I am grateful for my wonderful partner, my child, my mother, my family. Grateful for caring friends. For work I love. For my plants.

Hell I am grateful to be alive today!


Life has been busy the last days.
I’m grateful for busy. I’m grateful I’m able to accomplish things. I’m grateful I’m able to do what’s necessary. I’m grateful I rest when I need it.
Today I’m especially grateful for

  • putting the trashbins for paper & plastic at my late mum’s house for collection
  • filling & putting the paper bin out for collection at the farm
  • heating the farmhouse
  • bringing logs to the furnace room at the farmhouse
  • documenting what happened at the farm (ex was obviously there)
  • eating healthy
  • having a good drive to my chosen family
  • participating at the 40th wedding anniversary of my second parents (chosen family)
  • meeting my chosen family
  • being happy & grateful
  • having faith that everything will turn out as it is supposed to be
  • putting work in the things I can do
  • feeling save, cared for and loved

Special gratitude to @Starlight14 and their thread :pray:

Yesterday I was grateful for digging into finances, especially claims against the ex. I’m grateful my brain and energy found their mojo again to function and work. I’m grateful I tackled hard tasks. I must do it and it’s way easier when I’m ME and function properly. What a blessing. I’m grateful I still accomplish a hell lot of shit when I’m … ME. Without any health or mental bullshit keeping me busy and robbing my energy and focus.

I’m grateful I’m a lucky, happy, grateful, loving person with lotsa flaws :pray:
I wish I had a partner to share the beauty of life this day brought to me. I dearly miss my ex, the version who lovingly and vividly, happily shared those moments. I’m grateful for those times. I’m grateful I cherish them allthough they are long gone.

I’m grateful I know my parents where here with us in spirit today :pray: ODAAT


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that something made me look ay my stats on here and that I have posted nearly 2500 times on this site over the last few years and am fairly certain at least 80% have probably been gratitude lists, laughs, check-ins and rants. I’m grateful to be reminded of all the people whos posts I have liked over that time @erntedank @Nowenbrace @Dazercat @M-be-free49 @Peace @Sunflower1 @Soberbilly @JazzyS @Its_me_Stella @anon74766472 ten is not enoughand my memory cant go far enough to remember them all like menno, jason fisher, bootz, here i am, nordique and so so many others, lisa07 and catman, caroline and trevor, the teacher who lost famy recentlt that posta every Saturday that guy from japan or china dang it what was his name and/or alias or avatar, anyway he was here so ofter and made me feel seen. I am grateful for connection. I’m grateful for the steps. Im grateful for good food I make myself even though its rare that I cook these days. I should though I have gotten quite good at it during my recovery journey. I’m grateful for growth. I’m grateful I have been cigarette free for five days. I’m grateful my back hasn’t been sore in months. I’m grateful to start a new month and the opportunity to one day atatime attempt to stay clean and sober for another full calendar year and have a goal to keep the same job for a full calendar year for the first time ever. I’m grateful there is an AA meeting soon.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t quit before the miracle. Ya you!!


@tifflynn07 Oh yes – so many lovely tears of joy and love brought by reading these beautiful gratitude’s
@soberbilly Thank you friend :pray: Appreciate our gratitude practice and how it helps us get through life’s challenging times
@soberwalker so lovely to see you on the Gratitude thread Claudia :heart:

So lovely to read this and yes – sober living is so much more than just not engaging in our DOC’s. Who would have thought that life would be this beautiful :heart:
@cjp whoa – so many amazing milestones girl and the first day of your vaca! Love your timers my friend. You are absolutely crushing it! :hugs: :muscle: :heart:
@dazercat so thrilled for your good health news Dazer!! Way to go my friend. All your hard work and recovery is showing its fruitfulness :hugs: Love that you are focusing on yourself and surrounding yourself with recovery / support. Keep this going strong :muscle:
@cocojanie13 Oh I am so grateful for your recovery and how your health has improved. Keep living your best life my friend :hugs:
@i.cant.we.can So excited that in less than a week we will be celebrating your 1 year milestone. WOW Brian – you have come a long way friend. Congrats on your 5 days of being cigarette free :muscle:


Grateful for my coworkers, they are pretty much all awesome and I’m getting to know them a bit better.
Grateful for my dog and just being a total weirdo around him.
Grateful that my partners oral surgery went fine and grateful I have the ability to be there to help him recover.


I am grateful I have no appointments and that it’s okay to go back to bed for some more zzz. I had a short night, so after this morning’s dog walk I crawled back into my web :spider:

I am grateful I was sober yesterday, I had a friend for diner who was a bit know-it-all about a place she’s never been (but I have). Had I been drinking I would have gotten argumentative, but now I just let her be. I was still a bit annoyed, but I am grateful I can handle those kind of situations more gracefully.

I am grateful for getting better at setting boundaries in favour of my (mental) health. I planned to help my parents with cleaning and organizing this weekend, but I need some me-time to recover from a busy week. I’ll join them Monday and Tuesday to their hospital and notary appointments.
I am grateful I can combine work, my own things and family time. I feel like I found a good balance.

I probably won’t go to Thailand in March, but that’s okay. The idea of everything that’s going on at home and in my head and going away for a whole month makes me a bit nervous. I’m grateful I’m learning to listen to my body.

Yesterday we watched the new Color Purple movie and they called alcohol ‘giggle water’, I never heard of that one before. I am grateful I don’t need a poisonous liquid to have a good time. My son called me an alcohol and cigarette hater lol.

I am grateful for feeling so damn good, it’s a difference like night and day. I was depressed and anxious, I hated who/what I became and felt stuck. I’m grateful to be back on the road to recovery.
I have to say that losing 15 kg also played a part in feeling better in my skin. Not liking what I saw in the mirror casted a shadow on my whole day and made me hide and drink. I am grateful I take better care of myself.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Our safe arrival into costa rica
Walking up on a fire dancer show last night
Waking to takein my first costa rican sunrise, granted my hotel is west facing but i saw some pretty colors
Ocean sounds and breeze
My ability to see color
My sobriety
The amazing coffee here


@Naomi new color purple movie? I didn’t know they were remaking it. One of my absolute favorite movies. Thanks for the heads up. I’m sorry your trip is cancelled… hopefully just delayed and you can go when things calm down. So grateful that you can be there for your parents. Big hugs to you - take care of you also :people_hugging:
@Soberbilly so lovely to see you in the Gratitude thread sober buddy :wink:.

Friday morning gratitude’s with you beautiful souls
I am so grateful for a cozy warm bed to lie in. Grateful that I am up and alert. Still no good sleep but enough to get me moving.
I am so grateful for coffee. I’m sure it will help soothe me and give me the comfort I desire.
I am so grateful for my new sleep aid mouth guard. It is awkward but I am no longer cracking my jaw every time I open my mouth. I can feel a little release of pressure on my jaw line. Seriously impressive. Grateful for my splint that helps me reposition my jaw in the mornings.
I am so grateful for my back scratcher. It’s such a helpful tool to have - otherwise I’m doing the ants in the pants dance against the wall.
I am so grateful that I’m going to have some momma time with my coffee this morning :sun_with_face:
I am so grateful that @cjp is on vacation and is going to have a wonderful time in Costa Rica :heart: grateful she is able to wake to such beautiful sunrises
I am so grateful that a friend adviced me to do more research on my upcoming operation. So amazing how far medical technology has come. Grateful that on Monday I’ll be able to sit with my surgeon and review my options and concerns.
I am so grateful that I have my head MRI scheduled for Tuesday. Grateful that I will hopefully get some answers.
I am so grateful that I did order a lovely vegan pizza yesterday. Grateful that I didn’t get mad when I came home to find bread and sauce. I had asked for extra sauce, no cheese veggie pizza…well- they forgot the veggies. We laughed about the mistake and they were able to remake it.
I am so grateful for my family. Greatful for their support. Grateful that I have my mom to spend time with.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for mindfulness and easy breathing. Grateful that I am managing my heart rate and stress levels on my watch.
I am so grateful that I am able to move, breathe and am living a beautiful life. Grateful for the peace and love in my heart. Grateful that I am free of my addictions and working on healing myself thoroughly and properly.
I am so grateful for all of you beautiful souls. Grateful to be a part of this amazing supportive community.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


I am grateful for buttery popcorn.

I am grateful for hazelnut creamer in my coffee.

I am grateful for lifted and positive spirits.

I am grateful for motivation and new goals.

I am grateful for today.

I am grateful for the adorable show Young Sheldon on Netflix I’ve been binge watching.

I am grateful for day 33 AF.

I am grateful for new friends.


Today I’m grateful for the cheeky lay in I had. Grateful Suki had another good night. Grateful for coffee, my lash extensions and Amazon. Super grateful for another day sober and my new book, Thoughts and Feelings by Daniel Chidiac. Serenity and love to you all :rose::v: