Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Sooo much gratitude, i will have to come back to catch up. In a rush to get to work but i want to practice my gratitude first.

Greatful for…

My sobriety, 50 days free from my addictions
Hubbys love and support
My mom
Gained perspective
I can handle this day. One step at a time
Self care

Peace my friends


Today I am grateful for…
The new book I added to my repertoire, Courage to Change (thanks, @Dazercat for the suggestion, bought it last night from Apple, want to devour it all right away but will focus instead on one day at a time, lol)
The lovely sunny warm weather today.
The fact that there are two Indian grocery stores only a half hour drive away. Have been to one several times, gonna check out the newer one today, heard they sell samosas. Can’t wait! It’ll be todays sober treat,
The fact that my husband introduced me to Indian cuisine and cooking. Our tattered , stained, falling apart Classic Indian Cooking book by Julie Sahni is a clear indication of how much we enjoy it. Probably our fave Indian cookbook, though we have lots of others, and Madhur Jaffrey is another fave.
The fact that I’m finally going to an orthopedist to try and figure out how to handle osteoarthritis, especially my knees, so I can remain physically active, without so much pain.
Finally, as always, grateful for all of you here at TS, you are amazing!!!:pray::pray:


@cjp congrats on 50 days of vape free!

I am so very grateful for this too! You are a beautiful loving capable woman!
@pattycake How is your hand healing? Grateful that you will see a Orthopedist and hopefully be able to manage the pain (hopefully no pain).

Its Hump Day – happy Wednesday my sober friends
I am so grateful for spending a lovely evening with my brother.
I am so grateful that i woke up to so much to catch up on here - my goodness these threads are jumping lately. I LOVE IT - just means more souls working on sobriety.
I am so grateful for my family who is so supportive (sometimes i feel guilty of feeling suffocated but realize that my feelings are valid and also realize that all that they do is out of love).
I am so grateful for good days and bad days - have to remember that we can only appreciate the good because we have experienced the bad. Also key is to not let the bad swallow us whole - know how to escape the dark grips and make ourselves whole again. I do feel like i’m doing this dance on more days lately but practice makes perfect - right. I will conquer my inner dark side while i heal.
I am so grateful that talking with a friend this morning I learned that Kind Thins have a pumpkin chocolate bar. OMG - i’m on a hunt to find one near me… sorry Eric – tis the season LOL
I am so grateful that one of the local grocery stores reached out to me and asked if i would be up to doing the holiday pies. With some discussion with my brother i’ve decided to only offer three flavors and asked for the order by 11/1 so I can order inventory. My brother will be helping me so I will not have to do this alone. They are struggling to find a GF / Vegan baker and I feel like I can help out this one time.
I am so grateful that i am in a better place today… just got off the phone with my renter and they need to leave asap. I did have them on a month to month for this year with a 2 month notice. SO now i need to start looking for a new renter and also go and make sure things are in order at the house. Deep breathes that the weather is breaking and any amount of work is easier to handle with some cooler days.
I am grateful that i have my meditation and prayer practices to help soothe me right now. My renters are having to leave due to her SO’s father being ill and the panic in her voice has left me all jumpy and out of sorts. I am so damn grateful that the universe had my mom call me right then - listening to her voice has really helped too.
I am so grateful that i am not angry with my OBGYN and her assistant for being utterly useless. Getting messages that contradict what they said earlier or setting me up for tests that they did not discuss with me – WTF assholes. I know jobs can be stressful but please do not take on more clients than you can handle. I will be finding a new OBGYN moving forward so i’m very grateful to have choices
I am so grateful for all of you here and our growing community! Grateful for ODAAT and crushing it for another 24 hours!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day and sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for the cool weather that has recently swept in. It’s still quite warm outside, but not so much that when you step out of the house the arid heat sucks the air and moisture from your body, leaving you to survive the rest of your time outdoors as an imitation of an embalmed zombie.

@Cjp congrats on your 50 days! Go you!


What’s the podcast, if you don’t mind sharing? I have a long commute everyday so I’m always looking for stuff to listen to.


It’s called The emotions mentor. I found it on spotify.
I’m listening to an episode about Maladaptive and adaptive goals currently


Today I’m grateful for a good day. The appointment with my psychiatrist was uplifting. My bloodwork is fine exept for slightly raised triglycerid. No wonder after my poor diet over the summer. My meds are ok, we discussed to continue with this dosage for the next months as I’m sensitive enough to realize when a change is needed.
I’m grateful I can tick off everything from today’s to do list. It was a busy morning.
I’m grateful I was happy to come home and hit the couch.
I’m grateful for resting, cooking and having fun with the cats.
I’m grateful I enjoyed the evening sun on the deck.
I’m grateful I texted a friend I didn’t hear from over summer. She is devasted, her mum died during their vaccation. It’s heartbreaking allthough her mum has been in bad health for some time. I’m grateful she knows I respect her desire to not talk, she knows I’m there when she needs me.
I’m grateful yesterday’s talks still echo in me. The lovely soon to be retired neighbour I met today said some wise words that added to yesterday’s insights. I’m grateful for all the wonderful people in my life.
I’m grateful for all my blessings, for the nice texting with the nice man I met last month, for my cozy big wonderful house, for peace, freedom and kindness. May we all find some peace, just for today :pray: ODAAT


I am sorry you are going through troubled times right now. I too have a rocky road with my relationship. I am learning to keep doing the right thing for me. Have a better day.


I am grateful I can tackle early sobriety in a safe beautiful home

66 days af


Afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful for it!
I’m grateful for the 7 Mantras To Unblock Your Chakras 10 day course I stumble upon on Insight Timer on my walk with the Ol Burner this morning.
I’m grateful I going to try and make that my morning recovery routine for awhile.
I’m grateful I can have gratitude anytime and all the time.
I’m grateful for that amazing sunset I saw this morning first thing when I woke up. I’m grateful I noticed it put a big smile on my face.
I’m grateful for my afternoon meditation :pray:t2: nap :zzz: I’m grateful for the Nescafé after it.
I’m grateful we signed our closing docs today.
I’m grateful for my ice pack.
I’m grateful I’m going to the chiropractor in a bit.
I’m grateful we are going out to celebrate and neither one of us is drinking :scream:.
I’m grateful we both talk about recovery now b
I’m grateful I got this in and I gotta run.
Grateful for gratitude and gratidudes.

“Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are.” Bethany Hamilton


I’m grateful for another sober day.
I’m grateful for good food.
I’m grateful I’ve been busy today so am only now squeezing a gratitude in.
I’m grateful I gave gratitude throughout the day.
I’m grateful I’m dropping into bed now.
I’m grateful for you all.


Im greatful i made it thru the workday


i’m extremely grateful to be going to bed sober and to wake up tomorrow morning without a hangover. i’m grateful for my bandmate he is such an amazing friend and i have healed a lot thru our relationship. i am grateful for music & technology. i am grateful to be aware of the way the smell of beer made me feel tonight upon instant sensing - i felt nauseated. it was only slight and passed just as soon as it came, but it was a clear feeling. that’s my body as my guide telling me that she really don’t want the stuff. my brain and heart agree. i am grateful that my systems are becoming more harmonized and i am more deeply embodied now that i have 11 days of sobriety behind me. i am so very grateful to already be feeling more clarity and focus, and a sense of deep confidence and knowing blossoming. so grateful for this community, you guys!! :heart::heart:


I’m grateful for today for friendships that have weathered time and all kinds of life events. For reconnecting after lulls. For accepting the ebb and flow of some relationships, and not blaming myself or others for these. I’m grateful for my family of friends.

I’m grateful for some interesting projects on the horizon with work. And currently. I’m grateful I get quite a lot of satisfaction from my work, and that it gives me plenty of fodder for personal growth :smile:

I’m grateful for brave newcomers to my online dharma meetings. And here. I’m grateful when they share the raw stuff of trying to get sober. I’m grateful to be reminded of it, and to remind myself that all I need is one drink and before long, I would be right back there too.

I’m grateful to learn to be compassionate to myself for who I was, and to hold myself accountable for who I am now and in the future.

I’m grateful for the dog girl, snoring away. For the migrating geese and their honking. For the fall colours. For fresh local produce.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Ah, I’m grateful you shared this. Hugs to you, friend. None of this comes across in the photos of beautiful you and your delightful boys. I wish this wasn’t part of your story :pensive: :orange_heart:

Alas, I have no magic wand to wave this situation or any pain it causes away, but we do have a good thread on this topic. I’m grateful to our Gratidude Dazercat for getting it started. :point_down:


Checking in with some extra early morning gratitude.

I’m grateful we had an active shooter presentation at work Tues done by an FBI agent. Sad that this has become our reality in the US. Grateful to learn the run, hide, fight survival tactics. Grateful to work in a building with plenty of security.

I’m grateful for the meditation class at work yesterday. Grateful I felt the zen in the middle of a hectic day even though it was short lived. Grateful to arrive very early and stay a little later working on lightening my load just a little bit. Grateful to have a husband that shops and cooks for our daughter. Grateful he let me fall asleep early after a stressful day, hence why I’m up at 3:30am posting gratitude.

Grateful Eric signed his closing docs. That entire process went super fast.

Grateful for this gift from my sister who had no clue it was my soberversary and it’s very fitting. Grateful for the laugh we had about it. Grateful for the DUI accident that gave me the push I needed to start my journey.

I’m grateful a lovely friend sent me a new book for my soberversary. I just shared at a meeting that I needed some new recovery material to incorporate into my routine. I’m grateful to have this friend to celebrate with me from afar.

I’m grateful for all of you here on TS. :two_hearts:


Good morning guys
Waking up and I’m grateful for this coffee.

I’m grateful for the Ot my boss has given me this week.
I’m grateful to have the means to fix my cracked windshield.
I’m grateful to be getting back to my workout routine.
I’m grateful for @Lisa07 and her soberversary and and her helpful writings these past few years. Happy 4 years!!!


Thank you @Runningfree! I’m so grateful to have you along for the ride. Grateful to share my experience, strength and hope.


A cup of Meh. In the morning makes it all good Jennifer. I am grateful I’m a goofball. I am greatful for @Cjp. And @Juli1 and her 19 days! I’m grateful for my program. It is a perfect fit. I’m grateful for my new neighbor, we have a great soul connection. Grateful for fried potatoes. Grateful for impermenance. Grateful for gratidudes. For TS. What a phenomenal experience :heart_eyes: Y’all have a day of happiness and ease and free from suffering. Oh almost forgot,grateful for @Mno and his great pics. Felt like I was about to coast down that hill into the horizon.

“Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley


I am grateful for this thread.
I am grateful for this community
I am grateful for recovery
I am grateful for life
I am grateful for my three children