Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Congratulations on 2 years @Callie99! :partying_face:
Grateful you have many years ahead to live your best sober life.


Quick gratitude - I have to catch up on your posts, my wonderful gratidudes and gratidudettes!

Grateful to be at the end a crazy, crazy week, coffee in hand (so grateful for my second cup!) and ready to finish some work deadlines on time (I hope) and see friends this weekend!

Have a great day, much love to you all! :heart:


Congratulations, Callie!! :heart:


Congratulations on your soberversary @Callie99 ! 2 years is beautiful as you are. Iā€™m happy for you :sunflower::birthday::four_leaf_clover::dizzy::sun_with_face:


WOOT WOOT!!! This is awesome - hope you celebrated your achievement :tada:
tenor (2)


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to recontract at my job
Grateful to be taking a class
Grateful to come home early and do stuff
Grateful to watch kids develop
Grateful to have an early night


Good Thursday morning my sober friendsā€¦

I am so grateful for being alive and well this morning.
I am so grateful for all my beautiful TS friends - thank you for reaching out and comforting my crazy thoughts yesterday and providing me with knowledge about what to expect and how to prepare for my procedures.
I am so grateful to learn that @erntedank handle meansThanksgiving
I am so grateful that i did manage a few hours of sleep and won my tug a war with my blankets (they wanted to leave the bed (yes - i sleep with 2 heavy comforters).
I am so grateful that I am able to enjoy my morning coffee! Thank goodness that i can have this 1 cup today. I am so grateful for my pumpkin spice tea to provide the caffeine boost i need for the rest of the day.
I am so grateful that I donā€™t have to start the ā€œprepā€ till 1 pm today.
I am so grateful that I am going to go and enjoy some morning mom time today in a little bit.
I am so grateful that I we live so close to Meijer and i can pop over to get my last minute items needed. I was totally prepared but hey my body had other plans :laughing:
I am so grateful for microwaves. I am able to nuke my coffee to make sure this one cup that i get to enjoy is the perfect temp. :coffee:
I am so grateful for a lovely cool day today. Grateful that it was meant to be high 70ā€™s but now is mid 60ā€™s for the day. I will take it and love it :heart:
I am so grateful for this community, all my friendships and connections.
I am so grateful for so many milestones everyday! So grateful to feel the rush of each and every one of these milestones and only enriches my own drive to keep moving forward! Grateful that we are all here for each other and can support each other in ways that others canā€™t because they have not experienced this addiction and do not know the depths of its hold.
I am so grateful that this coffee is magic and is livening up each cell in my body!
Have a wonderful addiction free day my sober friends. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on 2 years!! Iā€™m grateful you shared with us!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety 1.41 yearsā€¦time flies when youre having fun and not drowning in addiction
Got my ass to the gym and did the most burpees ive done in yearsā€¦yay me
Hubbys making dinner tonight
My AA homegroup tonight
The ability to let go and deligate
My mom didnt die from a 3rd wasp sting in the last 2 months(shes deathly allergic but doesnt seem to grasp the gravity of the situation)
My parents
Got to have dinner with my folks last night
Boscoe, of course
Healthier lifestyle


Iā€™m grateful today forā€¦
A good nights sleep
Sun streaming through the windows
Leaves turning colors.
Cats greedily chowing down on their breakfast servings of kibble.
Getting back into cardio and strength training.
Meme wars here at TS, always a great time!
All the folks in this community,thanks for sharing and inspiringā€¦


@Soberbilly thank you. I always appreciate your encouragement and advice. I am grateful for this community and for those of you who I interact with on here. It definitely helps keep me motivated with my gratefulness and with my sobriety. I fell off on the meditation for a week or so now but I do plan on getting back to it because it was really helpful.


Hell yeah ā€“ thatā€™s awesome CJ! What a great way to start off your Thursday.

Grateful that momā€™s survived the bee sting :pray:

Throwing in a meme cause why not ā€“ right @Pattycake @Dazercat :joy: and of course it had to have a Halloween flare


Good morning. I missed the what? Procedure yesterday but know I am praying for positive outcome as a result.

Couldnā€™t start my sober day without you.



you are too cute Lam ā€“ thank you and a very Happy Thursday to you dear friend.

I had a ultrasound and pelvic exam which shows my ovarian cyst is still large and growingā€¦ will need to schedule OB visit and figure out next step.

Tomorrow i have a EGD and Colonoscopy to hopefully figure out source of inflammation ā€¦ fingers crossed i get some answers.

OOH that is a beautiful pic - thanks for sharing :heart:


I pray for you!


thank you :hugs:


Good morning guys. I didnā€™t have time for my gratitude first thing but I did take a picture of my coffee.
I am grateful to have a morning routine.
I am grateful for my fur children and their happy faces.
I am grateful Friday is almost here :confetti_ball:
I am grateful @Mischa84 hit 90 days
I am grateful to feel ready for my long run tomorrow (It got moved from tuesday)
I am grateful to be able to be flexible with my workouts and running and not beat myself up like I use to.


Today Iā€™m grateful to come here and find so much to read about milestones, living a good life, sticking to healthy food and procedure preparations, pets, family, work ā€¦ Itā€™s beautiful and encouraging. I wish all a good sober day :sunflower:

Today Iā€™m grateful I accomplished a lot allthough I took it easy and even napped in the afternoon.
Iā€™m grateful for routines, I start to get used to them. Iā€™m grateful for the beautiful autumn weather and that I take time to enjoy it.
Iā€™m grateful I tackled some cleaning and putting away tasks. Itā€™s a good start.
Iā€™m grateful I did laundry and did some money laundring too. Obviously next time I should check the pockets more carefully. I smile about the unexpected and clean extra money that dries on the laundry rack :blush:

Iā€™m grateful for my 3 lovely cats, their talking and cuddles. They make my heart overflow with love.
Iā€™m grateful we all are a bit weird due to full moon. Itā€™s fun. Iā€™m grateful the cats and me have fun.

Iā€™m grateful for texting and talking with friends. Iā€™m grateful that I donā€™t overthink. Iā€™m grateful I keep focused on being present, let go and trust. What will be will be. Iā€™m happy a dear friend is feeling better, we will cook together next weekend and discuss the menu mid week.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m hesitant to believe that the emotional rollercoaster with my ex and the screaming princess in me are settled and at peace. With all the codependent stuff Iā€™m still working on I better be cautious to trust the peace and silence of love-related emotions. Nevertheless Iā€™m very grateful for equanimity and the lack of emotional spikes. Iā€™m grateful to feel save, content and at peace :pray: ODAAT


I do love your word play ā€¦I did a second look at your post and then laughed so hard ā€¦thank you for that