Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Congratulations on 2 years @Callie99 what a milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I’m grateful for my big bath and Epsom salts. I’m grateful I have had two, TWO baths today to ease my head and back (I’m living quite the decadent lifestyle these days :joy:) which have done something to help.
I’m grateful for my snuggly dog.
I’m grateful I got some paperwork completed and feel less anxious now.
I’m grateful for good homemade food in the freezer for days like today.
I’m grateful I recognise the signs my depression might be about to bite me in the butt. It’s annoying because I love this time of year but my brain doesn’t like the shorter darker days…ffs, get over it brain!
I’m grateful I am in a safe and (relatively) tidy house and don’t feel pressured to make it all perfect, right now- if I leave the cobwebs they count as Halloween decorations right?!
I’m grateful for this site and you guys, for all the smiles and shared joy I get from signing in and reading.


Good afternoon.

Stopping in for a quick prayer, to thank the universe for all things in my life. I was told in therapy that when I was depressed, stuck in self loathing and self pity to use the suffering of others as a meassure for my own pain. Of course I pushed this idea away, it sounded inhumane to me and completely absurd. Why would I ever find relief in my own pain through the suffering of others…Years later my perspective has changed and I can see the value in this and how to do it in a loving, compassionate and grateful way.

I am grateful I am not stuck in a chaotic existance anymore, where my life and the lives of those I love are in constant danger. I am grateful that my friend shares his pain so openly on facebook, his partner died last night, I shouldnt assume, although I feel its safe. I am grateful that he didnt die last night too.

I am grateful that instead of anxiously combing back alleys for friends who might off themselves, tonight I am heading to a recovery house to do a panel. I am grateful that I have accepted I am powerless over other people and their actions, we all have a story and I am not everyones author.

I am grateful that my child is safe in her room. I am grateful that I get to hear her sing in the shower. I am grateful that Nugget is healthy and happy, and that my parents are too. Whoa was that weird i put Nugs before my parents and in the same sentence. Hahah

I am grateful therapy was on zoom today.


@everyone thank you for the shout outs, gifs, pics, sweet messages, and notes. You know how to make a girl feel celebrated on her sober birthday. :slight_smile:
I’m grateful yesterday was a normal day. I went to work, made pizza, got some sobriety flowers and a trip to the beach to watch the sunset with my girlfriend.
I’m grateful that after two years of not drinking that a normal day was a perfect way to celebrate.
I’m grateful I find joy in the little things.
I’m grateful my days are filled with laughter, tears, obstacles, wins, challenges, movie nights, hugs and so much more. I’m grateful that it’s enough. That it’s more then enough. That everything I have always wanted and needed has always been here with me. I’m grateful sobriety in some indirect or maybe completely direct way opened my eyes to that.
That the grass isn’t greener and that we are all already perfect just as we are. That blessings are hidden in even the hardest moments of life. That being in love with my imperfect life somehow makes it more beautiful then whatever perfect is.
Thanks for celebrating, teaching, and seeing me graditiude fam. Always grateful for you :yellow_heart:


I love you.


I love you :yellow_heart:


You go gurl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful I made it to Cali.
I’m grateful it was pretty smooth getting all the fur babies packed away to the vet. Benson walked. Got Alice a full tank. Food and meds packed. Car loaded. Smooth drop off.
I hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Dropping them off at the vet. I’m grateful now that they are there I’m over it. But the day before I feel so bad, sad for them. I’m grateful when it’s go time I get my shit done. Im grateful I know they are in GREAT hands. We’ve all gotten use to the staff and they are so kind and friendly to the pets and us. I’m grateful for them.

I’m grateful for a Pacific view.
I’m grateful Santa Monica gets an A++ in people watching.
I’m grateful to be in my old stomping grounds.
I’m grateful for a couple of days here before getting to the Gus Stop and fam.

I’m grateful when my wife ask me, or told me, I hope you won’t get mad when I have a drink Sunday my heart sunk :broken_heart: it was and has been very difficult trying to get over the feelings of the trauma I been through with her drinking this year and last. I’m grateful I have a pretty cool friend I could chat about it with and she has problems of her own. But makes time for everyone. :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful I know my brain goes into survival mode and that’s why I think of past chaos and hurt. I’m grateful I got on Insight Timer and listen to Hope In Times Of Uncertainty by Gisele Bündchen. God gave me exactly what I needed. “Hope is believing everything is happening for a reason.” Now I just have to believe that shit. I’m grateful right now I’m over it. It took awhile. But I’m good. I would have been a tad more grateful if she didn’t tell me that while waiting to board the plane. For fucks sake! I’m grateful I can’t wait to see the fucken reason this will be happening for.
I’m grateful for my father. He would say. “Oh well. What the hell.” Love you Ed.

Grateful for the cool pacific breeze and the beach walk I’ll have tomorrow and the stroll to Hillstone tonight.
I’m grateful for palm trees. Although they are kind of useless but the look pretty.
Grateful for y’all.
Look Back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion and up in gratitude.”
Zig Ziglar


Damn! What a let down. I was really hoping feeling the benefits of sobriety would change her mind. :pensive:
Grateful you’re using your alanon tools.
Grateful you’re back in your old stomping grounds and I’m looking forward to pics.



So phrase Super Men made me think back to another time!


Let me just say I will pray for trip to be amazing sober time.:hugs:


Like Lisa - i was truly hoping that she would want to continue the sobriety journey once her challenge was completed. I’m sorry friend - I know how this conversation would have made your heart sink.

Grateful that you are able to come here and unload with us here. Grateful that you have your Al Anon tools to help you.

Another well thought out quote!

I do hope you have a wonderful time in Cali :heart: :hugs:


Grateful for you guys
@Lisa07 @tailee17 @JazzyS
OFDAAT right.
I’m grateful I can feel like shit. And eventually move on and feel better about it.
And I learned something about HOPE already.
Still hurts. But I cannot control anything but myself.
I’m grateful I don’t know what the future holds.


I’m grateful you can talk about it, share your hurt, disappointment and anxiety about it. I hope she’s just testing you and has no intention to drink. ODAAT
Fingers crossed she’s not going back where she was.
Have as good of a time as you can in Cali, the waves, and then the Gus Bus.


Dear friend, I’m sending you strenght. It’s hard to enjoy sober time with your spouse and facing drinking & the drunk behaviour coming back. It’s heartbreaking, I feel with you remembering how exhausting, frustrating and sad I felt with my ex. Do tell her how much you enjoy the sober time together and be honest about how you’re feeling about her drinking again. I think it’s important to share openly and ask how she feels about it.
I remember times when this was helpful in my relationship, before my ex chose beer and stones over me and our relationship. Just wanted to share :people_hugging:


Extra morning gratitude today.
I’m grateful I slept reasonably well.
I’m grateful I have a day of online training today and get to meet my new colleagues.
I’m grateful one of the first posts I read on this thread this morning was from @Its_me_Stella with a new strategy I can try for my silly blue brain, thank you for sharing.
I’m grateful @JazzyS has her appointment today and will hopefully get some answers to support her health :crossed_fingers:
I’m grateful @Dazercat is safely in Cali and will see his family soon. I’m grateful he has hope for wifey although I know it must be tough.
I’m grateful the people in @Soberbilly s RD sangha get to share his generosity of spirit and experience.
I’m grateful all of us on the GT and this site are all on this journey together and never have to do it alone…team work makes the dream work.
Have an amazing Fri-yay everyone.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

This amazing community and the support we provide each other in good and bad times
My sobriety, 59 days and some change free from all unhealthy addictions
My family
Boscoe his royal fuzziness
Boscoes grooming appointment is next week
I made it to my ladies aa meeting and it filled my cup of soul
Planning to do nothing but a manicure sunday! Day of mf rest ya’ll
Its friday (not payday)
Good communication
Hubby made a DELICIOUS dinner last night
Hubby watched the golden bachelor with me :slight_smile: lol (better than the other bachelors imo)
All of you. You are FABULOUS


I am grateful for another day of sobriety. Day 66 to be exact. I am grateful that I have finally accepted the fact that I do need to find a meeting in my area that works with my schedule, I kept telling myself I didn’t need to go to a meeting after the last time I tried and the meeting didn’t even happen and no one was there but me. I am grateful that I am recognizing I need to learn more tools to beat my addiction and I cannot just do this all by myself.


Well said! I’m so damn grateful for this forum!
Also grateful I got to ride my bike yesterday, planning on it again today.
Grateful for garden season winding down, it’s been a battle between us and the deer and rabbits all summer. Not to mention the droughts…
Grateful for the local herbalist. Drinking an infusion of herbs designed to help with my heart and anxiety, seems to be working🙂


Grateful for early mornings with no leftover alcohol BS. Grateful for my kids who are super supportive of my adventures in balancing going back for my masters in Art Therapy and work.
Life is great.


@Jwfletcher4792 How’s it going Jake - been a minute since we’ve seen you on the G’tude thread
@diletttante keep living that lavish lifestyle - you deserve it! Thank you for your well wishes
@sasxoxo Yeah to 66 days – this is awesome and Yes – we can’t do this alone. I am grateful for this realization and wish you luck in finding a meeting that works for you.

HAPPY FRIDAY my beautiful sober friends.
I am so grateful for you all and all the well wishes - today went swimmingly well. I am a bit groggy and my throat is super sore. My stomach feels severely bloated as they pump air into it for the EGD. Should pass in a few days.
I am so grateful that i did do both procedures. Found nodules in my EGD that were biopsied. A few polyp’s found on my colonoscopy and removed. Also sent for biopsy. To think i almost cancelled today.
I am so grateful that my prep wasn’t as bad as anticipated. I did have a lot of acid inside me so am feel major burns but i’m sure this will pass soon enough. Thank god for coconut oil :pray:
I am so grateful that my mother re-arranged her schedule today so that she could be here for me when i returned. Has set up my meals and making sure i will be ok. I told her that i will be spending a lot of time in bed and will check in every 2 hours (LOL). I am grateful for my brother for getting up early to take me to my appointment and waiting patiently for me to be discharged.
I am so grateful that I took my coffee with me so that it would be the first thing i would enjoy after the procedure - unfortunately i couldn’t drink it. I spent all of yesterday and last night so damn hungry and when I can finally eat - nada!
I am grateful that i’m still sedated so not really grasping all of the news but i am pretty sure that they were not able to find the source of the inflammation. Grateful to know that my HP wouldn’t just leave me high and dry. My aunt called a few days ago and said she is working with a Chinese medicine doctor and that he may be able to help - i told her i would wait for these results first. Grateful the road of hope did not end - it just branched off to the right.
I am so grateful that to have awoken to Tracy Chapman’s life rendition of Stand By Me. I feel like my HP was reaching out to me today.
I am so grateful that i did not have to break my nose ring. The nurse was worried that the rings would get in the way for the anesthetist - i was able to take out my stud buy my ring i had permanently put in place as i was sick of the damn ball coming loose- my tattoo guy clamped the ring shut. in hind sight i wasn’t expecting a procedure 25 years later where i might need it removed.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer. I too followed Eric’s lead and did my mantras under my breath while awaiting to be knocked out. Grateful that no one heard and really don’t care if they did.
I am so grateful that I believe that everything happens for a reason and I am so damn grateful that i am figuring out what is going on now when I am still fit and able to fix it. Grateful that it could be so much worse and i should be so thankful that i am capable of handling what’s in front of me.
I am so grateful that i have love and support all around me. Not sure what i did to deserve this but thankful that i am not alone.
I am so grateful for my cozy bed and space heater - not sure if i’m weak and that is what’s causing these chills but i do know it will be just a matter of minutes till i’m all warm and cozy.
I am so grateful that i am finally able to enjoy this coffee (sipping slowly but sipping none the less).
I am so grateful that I am a part of this fantastic community. Grateful that through the miracles of the universe we have all found each other here and created such a everlasting bond.

What a glorious day to be alive and breathing such fresh air - HAPPY FRIDAY all you lovely souls. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: