Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful you are done with colonoscopy and other procedure, grateful you can drink your coffee now. I hope you gonna feel better soon.
I’m grateful I tried intermittent fasting, I think it might work for me.
I’m grateful for new colouring book and crayons, which I have to hide from my kids, this ones are only mine mine mine :sweat_smile:
I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful for this community, you are great.


I’m so happy you are out and doing good! All my bestest wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery! :hugs:


Grateful for a sober Friday
Grateful for music
Grateful for literature
Grateful for coffee
Grateful for healthcare
Grateful the car is fixed
Grateful it didn’t cost more than the eye stinging amount it did
Grateful for parakeets, they make me giggle as they are so naughty
Grateful to be going to Chelsea football game on Sunday at Stamford bridge
Grateful for the chance to start again


I’m grateful to God for guiding me while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, talking sober and this home thread filled with gratitude. I’m grateful to see @Callie99 and a belated congratulations on two years. I’m grateful that if memory serves, which it does pretty well being primarily clean and sober these last four years @Dazercat has experienced this with Kelly before and can hopefully draw on that for comparison and ways to improve. I’m grateful that I am doing the same comparison and ways to improve this time around as it pertains to my back. I’m grateful I used this time off so far to work on me and with others. I’m grateful I am partway through day 3 without cigarettes instead of laying around inside smoking like a chimney when I got sore and depressed before. I’m grateful to be attempting to not drown my thoughts, feelings and pain in food or unhealthy sexual behaviours. All these ways to numb want to creep up at times like this and a I can choose today to embrace them, or? ask my higher power and supports to help me be the best version of myself, just for today. I’m grateful my mother is visiting tomorrow and I can get a ride up to work and speak with the manger and hand in my doctors note. I’m grateful I relaxed and watched quite a few movies this week being home and laughed lots at them. I’m grateful for non narcotic medication to help with my pain. I’m grateful my sister made it to and from her out of town doctor’s appointment yesterday. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for the sun and moon and nice fall weather. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful to be reminded of the funny because its kinda true statement I heard again recently, the steps helps us not attempt suicide and the traditions helps us not attempt homicide.

May our higher powers restore us to sanity.

p.s. You’re a freaking star so shine bright. Ya you!!


So glad that this may be showing some results for you. I know many have had great results.

Thank you love and @Tragicfarinelli - that coffee did taste great :yum:
Because of the biopsy it may take longer to heal. I am blessed to have my mommy taking such good care of me :hugs:
I’m having some trouble swallowing so no solid foods today either. Plus my chest really hurts - guess this is expected for a few days. Thank god that coffee is not a solid :wink:


:dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: can you imagine…the horror!!! Grateful you are out and through it all, hope you feel better soon.

Grateful to be laying a sober head down on my pillow tonight.
Grateful the whole weekend is stretching out before me and I will get to enjoy it sober.
Grateful for my sleepy tea.


Grateful it was a nice day.
Grateful I didn’t ruin it.
Grateful for my Hope In Uncertain Times meditation. Again.
Grateful for our beach walk.
Grateful for my beach cliffside selfie.
Grateful I brought my beanie.
Grateful for the lunch out and dinner.
Grateful for the support and all the kind words here and on that other “Loved One” thread.
Grateful for the amazing 60 minute foot reflexology massage on my boats. My feet feel like buttah :upside_down_face:
Grateful meeting friends from Austin tomorrow and catching the Gus Bus later maybe hit up an open house.
Grateful it’s still September.
Grateful for y’all.
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.


Greatful im 60 days vape free!!!


So grateful you’re 60 days vape free! You planned it, considered what you were going to do and did it! Happy, happy for you. You are amazing how you set your goals and accomplish them! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thanks @Alisa for being a cheerleader! Its been difficult but im super proud! Saved lots of money too…now if i can only find it lol


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for husband helping with neighbourhood stuff
Grateful for a good morning at a high school festival with the kids
Grateful for health of all
Grateful for croquettes for dinner
Grateful to eat mindfully
Grateful for kids growing up
Grateful for financial stability


Good morning to all you amazing and wonderful and sober humans, doing this life one beautiful day after another.

I’m grateful to be here and get to start my Saturday with my reflections on my gratitude.

I’m grateful to have made that decision and do the work of getting sober. And the work of staying sober. My life is better because I kicked alcohol out of my body and even my home.

I’m grateful to be in good health. I am on a good routine of swimming and working and eating and sleeping well. I feel great!

I’m grateful to continue to rise to the challenges I face in moderation of other behaviors in my life. Moderation of my exercise means I can do it more frequently. And do it without pain or injury. Moderation of my work activities means I don’t turn into that controlling and judgemental person I don’t want to be. These are challenges for me and im grateful to have the mind space to work on them. Yup, shockingly, moderating is not too natural for me. Yikes! Good thing I found sobriety!

I am grateful for meaningful and mostly enjoyable work. My students are doing well.

Im grateful for my home and the love and security we enjoy there.

Im grateful for this marriage and the efforts we put into keeping it healthy.

I am grateful that my brother is making progress.

I am grateful that next weekend is the wedding of my niece and that my sons will be around as well as my brother and his daughters. More to celebrate!

Im grateful that I know how to manage myself around the quantity of drinking that happens at a Wisconsin wedding and that I will be fine with being sober.

Im grateful this wedding is in the town I live in, so things will be easy to manage.

Im grateful for the support of my friends and family and for all of you. I hope you have a peaceful and enjoyable Saturday!


60 days vape free! This is amazing work CJ.

So much to celebrate today! Love this for you – :hugs: :heart:



Happy Saturday my sober friends.

I am so grateful for a great night sleep - woke up an hour ago feeling drugged. It was a strange feeling (glad it’s over). My throat is feeling better and i am hoping by tomorrow my chest pains will also be gone. I am grateful to be awake and moving around
I am so grateful – i mean so damn grateful to be enjoying my full cup of hot coffee this morning. I do hope that Eric is able to find a good place for coffee this morning to start off his day. I can’t believe we forgot to celebrate National Coffee Day yesterday :scream:
I am so grateful that my brother spent time with me watching horror (not scary in the least) movies last night.
I am so grateful that i worked on my blanket (i don’t knit as much these days as my hands hurt especially with the blanket cause its such thick yarn). I may actually finish it by the end of the year. :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful that i am accepting that my body needs one more day to rest and heal.
I am so grateful for my mother. She took great care of me yesterday. So thankful for her :pray: Bless her heart cause she wanted to talk and for her she knows how i’m doing by the tone in my voice but i really did not have it in me to talk yesterday.
I am so grateful that I will be able to eat solid foods today.
I am so grateful that i sense a nap in my near future.
I am so grateful that after 3 days, my migraine is now a light headache. I just needed coffee :laughing:
I am so grateful that i realized my brother turned down the brightness on my phone and i’m not going blinder than i am now.
I am so grateful that tomorrow marks the beginning of my favorite month!
I am so grateful for a cozy bed to sleep in and having an abundance of entertainment at my fingertips to keep me amused when i can’t sleep.
I am grateful that I am not waking up drunk or hungover. Grateful that i didn’t have to battle with the thought of not drinking before the procedures.
I am so grateful that the entire crew that worked on me was absolutely amazing.
I am grateful to be here and have such great friends. Appreciate being checked in on throughout the day and thank you for making me laugh (truly meant a lot) :hugs: :kissing_heart:
I edit my statement from earlier - i can’t eat solids just yet (throat just pretended to be good and feels like the food is getting stuck in my chest) so back to soup for today. Luckily - my mom brought over a ton a soup so i’m golden.
OOH - the sun is coming out in full force! Love this fall weather feeling - grateful to be alive to enjoy such a beautiful day.
Have a wonderful addiction free day my beautiful sober souls. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for some pretty basic things this morning. I’m grateful I can come out to a clean kitchen in the morning, because I can take time to tidy it the night before, and I don’t eat weird things in a drunken stupor and leave the dishes and wrappers etc. on the counter. I’m grateful I get my nails done now because I won’t chew them while battling hangxiety. I’m grateful life is easier without the noise alcohol brought. I’m grateful for all of you❤️


Good morning to all. I’m grateful to be here.
Grateful to be alive and mobile and one pound lighter🤭recovering my physical fitness is possible and will take patience and vigilance, grateful I have so many options to do this.
Grateful for cool autumn days, and bike rides on rails to trails all around my area.
Grateful for my walking buddy, who gets me out there once a week.
Grateful for apple cider and apple season!
Grateful for the hummingbirds who lived with us for the summer, sad to see them go but hopeful for their continued survival. Same for the orioles.


Today after a bad night’s sleep I’m super grateful for my coffee machine.
I’m so grateful I wrote it a poem.

Ahem…‘Ode to My Coffee Machine’

Oh coffee machine, my faithful friend,
Thou art the start of my day without an end.
I’ll never leave you, never let you go,
For you’re the reason I wake up each morning to glow.

Thou art my sunshine, thou art my moon,
With your wake-up call I am never doomed.
Thou art the anchor of my early start,
And the fuel that keeps me ticking until the dark.

So here’s to you, my beloved machine,
May we always brew and laugh and dream.

I love you buddy :heart::heart::heart:
P.s. I think the lack of sleep might be sending me slightly delirious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::joy:


Love the ‘Ode to My Coffee Machine’
:heart: :coffee:

The gang on top is pretty cool too :sunglasses:


Good morning.

I am grateful for my powerlessness over other people because that means their own life’s mess is not my fucking fault.

I am grateful for all the times I started to use again after a substantial amount of abstinence and how sick I would feel. Sick in all ways; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I am grateful that my addiction would take me down immediately; hard, fast and worse than ever before because as we all know it had been doing push ups in the parking lot while i white knuckled some dry days. I am grateful for the sheer fear I would feel inside when after thinking “see I can stop when I want”, I would realize I had absolutely no control. I am grateful for the false pride I walked around with all my life, I was afraid to be wrong, I was afraid to show my belly, I was afraid to know myself. All of this has taught me absolute humility today where I can reach a leave of deep vulnerability. I am grateful that when I was done with the facade I was fucking done, and that I tried alllllllll the tricks first many, many times until my life so, so painful. I am grateful my exhusband stopped enabling me so the pain could really start.

I am grateful I can still feel that pain when I need a reminder.
I am grateful for my scars.
I am grateful I live in the present.



Its still morning where im at! Soooo…not late to my gratitude practice. Still showing up.

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

@Dilettante delirious ode to the coffee machine
My continued sobriety
60 days no vape
9mo healthier lifestyle
Tmrw will be 17 months of no booze
Hubby did dishes while i prepped dinner and lunch
Got a decent workout in
My planning self so i have 30min to chill before lunch, errands, and a diaper party
Im greatful im content with my decision not to have children
I realize my limits
My determination
Feeling and seeing progress towards goals
Looking forward to a manicure i can now afford because im not vaping 24/7

This community rocks. You’re part of this community. Therefore you rock