Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Awe this would have me in knots. I’m sorry for the memories it brought up. :hugs:

I do hope you enjoyed your breakfast. :yum:

Oh this would be grand! I would love to share a meal with you my friend…maybe someday.
I moved off of the vegan thread and joined the foodie thread …we can share a virtual meal in the mean time :wink::kissing_heart:


Congratulations 60 days no vaping.


I’m grateful to call it a night. A good sober night.
Grateful to get caught up on here.
Grateful for the Ode to Coffee machine. Kiki.
Love the Jersey Cow on top. Nice touch.
Grateful to read CJ’s 60 days no vape.
Grateful to read the concerns and thoughts about my wife and me from friends on this thread and other threads.
Grateful for the fun sober September I had with my wife.
Grateful I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I know she’ll drink. But hopefully not get herself fucked up.
I’m grateful I was grateful for hummingbirds too this morning.
Grateful for the turmeric raisin toast with my egg white omelette.
Grateful I found a nice authentic New York deli here where I’ll be living sometime.
Grateful for the gorgeous house we looked at but it’s not the one, thank God.
Grateful this hotel has a Stumptown coffee bar that opens at 6. No worries Jazz :coffee:
Grateful I got to see Gus and my daughter and SIL.
Grateful for a sober morning coming up. They got that beautiful bar downstairs that I so easily walked by. You can’t go anywhere in this hotel as it’s strategically placed on the way to the elevator.
Grateful for you all.

Gratitude is nourishing and comforting.


I’m grateful for the beautiful bedtime story this thread has been - tonight, and all last busy week. Can’t tell you how much I could have commented on! Grateful for this thread. That I carry you with me all week in my phone and in my heart - i know, sounds corny (cheesy?) - but it’s true!

I’m grateful I’m not hungover today. Had a bigggg deadline this week. Grateful the completion of something is the reward. Grateful that I can put myself into my work AND use my new tools to make sure I’m not using work to numb out. Or validate my existence, sigh.

I’m grateful to learn acceptance. Really, my choices are to accept or not, right? Neither change the outcome. Some things are harder to accept. I’m grateful it’s okay to admit that, to speak it.

I’m grateful I have more to be grateful for, but oh - bed calls! Grateful I will show some extra appreciation to my coffee-making implements tomorrow morning. (I can just hear them now - ahem, can I get an ode over here? :joy:).

Quite where I started this… I’m grateful for our smiles and shared laughs, for our mutual concern for each others’ physical and emotional goings on and wellbeing. For celebrating our successes! That when the world feels a little heavy, I know there’s a place and thread to take rest, to see things differently. Thank you for your eyes and your words. :relieved:

G’night sweet friends. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Congratulations on your 2 years Twizz


I hope the moving isn’t too stressful and you reward yourself with some time to realize you are an awesome person and I wish we saw more of you. But you just keep doing what you’re doing. I hope you get all settled in soon. Much love to you and all your fur babies.


I don’t think I ever thought of it, whatever it is, like this. :thinking:

Grateful for you and your thought provoking words. And beautiful humor.
Nitey Nite


I’m so grateful for you. Sending you lotsa inner peace. Soothing beanies for when there’s too many thoughts in your head. If there are no understanding gamble quails where you are, wishing you crows or some other bird to yell at briefly (I do - they can take it in the heat of a moment far better than a human.) Busting-a-gut laughter with Gus.
And hope.
And sweet dreams. :orange_heart:


Top of the morning to you. Off to swimming in an hour. Going to cook scallops later from the freezer, with maybe hazelnuts and peas? Then heading to see Chelsea play against Tottenham in the late afternoon, it’s the first game of the WSL season.

My sister’s super stressing me out but I’m starting to realise I can’t keep perpetuating the negative parts of the narrative. It’s so not helpful. We all have the responsibility to at least try to move our feet. My mental health has been struggling lately in sympathy.
I’m so glad I’m swimming and walking and getting out to exercise my own demons so that I don’t take on unnecessary water in my boat. It feels good, and healthy.

Have a good Sober day guys, let’s do this


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful to be back and sober.
I’m grateful there’s way too much gratitude here to catch up on. I hope you are all doing well! I missed you.
I’m grateful it’s fall even if it hasn’t quite cooled off here yet.
I’m grateful I have a park close to home with a trail through the woods and along the lake. That’s been the one place lately I can find some peace.
I’m grateful I like my new therapist and like his approach.
I’m grateful my GP is compassionate and understanding.
I’m grateful my boss is compassionate and understanding. And that work is flexible.
I’m grateful for the company if my cats even when they are being little assholes.



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 17 months free
Sleeping in
A day without a list of to dos and adulting
My hubby
Healthy eating
Steady weightloss
Compliments, even tho im terrible at receiving them
I get to get a manicure today
We can afford groceries
Crockpot meals
Golden oldies radio on pandora
Our freedoms
A daily reprieve
This amazing community.

Much love my people


Checking in grateful this Sunday morning.

I’m grateful we’re getting an oil delivery today. It ran out yesterday and I’m not so grateful for the cold shower last night. Not used to the fact that we no longer have an electrical hot water heater. No wonder the electric bill is much lower than the old house.

I’m grateful for the celebration AA meeting last night. It was an honor to celebrate with 3 old timers (25 yrs, 30 yrs & 34 yrs). I’m grateful for all the nice things my sponsor had to say when she gave me my coin. I’m grateful my husband called from his meeting, had me on speaker and all the men congratulated me.

I’m grateful it’s my day off. Not that I have anything planned other than cleaning but at least I get a break from work.

Grateful for all of you here on TS.


Ok – this was priceless to read and a healthy reminder that we are only responsible for our own actions and our own fate.

Grateful for this time. No matter what comes next you will have this time - We are here for you :hugs: You are not alone and I know you have the strength and tools to help you keep moving forward.

OH Emm – THANK YOU! Yes – this is a glorious place to visit to see things a bit differently. Grateful for all the stories, triumphs and achievements shown through the gratitude’s :heart:

@tragicfarinelli Grateful you have your swimming to turn to (I do feel so free in the water – it’s like all of life’s issues just wash over me with each stroke). I am so sorry for your sister and all that she is dealing with. Do hope that she is able to feel safety and peace soon. I do know how much sympathy and not being able to do anything to help can mess with mental health. Sending you strength to help deal with all these emotions.

@karenkw Grateful to have you with us friend :heart: You were missed! Grateful that your GP and therapist are working out for you. OFDAAT! :muscle:

@CJP 17 months CJ – you rock!!! Enjoy your day of self care my friend – you deserve it :heart:

Oh love – this was so beautiful! Love your hubby for this. Grateful you were celebrated :hugs:

@soberbilly grateful you and your group were able to be there for this newbie and show compassion and support.


Sunday afternoon gratitude
I am so grateful for my loving and caring mother. She is such an incredible soul! I am grateful to have her in my life and grateful to receive her love every day.
I am so grateful for my family and all their support. I am so grateful that i will find the strength to keep pushing forward and staying positive. They believe and so shall I … this too shall pass.
I am so grateful for my HP and His guidance
I am so grateful for the first day of October. My favorite month for oh so many reasons but mainly cause its Halloween!
I am so grateful that my sister’s SIL was grateful for all the Halloween stuff I gifted them. She still has not gone through all the boxes but I was told the kids are super excited. This makes me happy. I am hoping to have enough energy to do some light decorating this year.
I am so grateful that my throat is 90% healed. I am having other issues which i know will heal too… just making it ODAAT.
I am so grateful for getting my irrigation system fixed tomorrow and get the last zone blown out. Hoping it’s not too expensive.
I am so grateful that my renters will be moving out by Tuesday morning so will give me some time to get the place ready for showing - i am hoping to have it rented out by 11/1 (not wanting to rush myself and fuck up my energy in the process).
I am so grateful for a laid back Sunday! My sleep is up and down. I am grateful that when i finally pass out (as long as i don’t move) i can get some decent hours of sleep.
I am so grateful for you all - this community is the fucking best! All of you are unbelievably supportive and i love each of you for that. Thank you for being here :hugs:
I do hope everyone has a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


A little bit more gratitude I forgot.

Grateful for all the thoughtful gifts I recieved at my celebration last night. I opened them all this morning. These ladies are pretty crafty making cards and decorating gift bags. This gratitude box is the perfect size to carry in my purse or leave in my desk at work.


Thank you :sparkles::hugs::hugs:

I have just sat down after days of just pushing forward and organising all our stuff in the temp place.
Surprised myself actually, everything is done. It’s livable and nice at the same time. Glad I just got on with it - as and sober!

I am exhausted, but I am settled which is great.

How are you doing? How are your settling in ?

Thanks for your message :blush: means alot :sparkles:


I’m grateful for my HP, children, friends, day 1, my home, sunny weekends, peace, perspective, grace, forgiveness, good food in the fridge, my cat, job, and being alive.


Grateful for my Sober weekend, it’s been lovely
Grateful for football
Grateful for the possibility in the future.
Grateful for tea
Grateful for movies
Grateful today and probably tomorrow as every day Sober is a day grateful


Grateful my coffee machine ode brought a smile to some faces :laughing:
Grateful for sleeeeeep last night.
Grateful for my parents visiting today.
Grateful for the comedy gig we went to this evening and proper belly laughs.
So grateful for my wonderful family.
Grateful as always to you all.


I’m grateful for the good day I had.

I got precious little done, but hey - that’s good Sunday, if you ask me.

I’m grateful for the good walks with the old dog girl, (am gonna have to get some cardio on the side, but at least our walks have a nice calming feel about them.) For a nap in the sun. For potted mums. For the quick chat with a pal going through a rough time. For easy eating today - leftovers yay!

(I love you back! not corny at all. maybe a bit vegan-cheesy? :smile:)

I’m grateful for this thread and the love fest it is. Perfect timing, Billy. I really want to get to your Monday morning RR meeting! Alas, I have a standing zoom work meeting with a client Mondays at 8am (MT). I contemplated calling in sick. But that would be dishonest. At least I won’t have a Monday morning hangover! Grateful for that.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I love that Gratitude box! I know it’s your box, but if I could, I would sneak a note in there about how grateful I am for you. :orange_heart: