Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for freedom from the insanity of active addiction. I’m grateful for H.A.L.T. I’m grateful for attending at least one good meeting each of the last three days. I’m grateful my family and friends have been coming to check on me since hurting my back and that I have a safe place and good relationship with them that they can do that. I’m grateful for the serenity prayer. I’m grateful that I don’t just read the big book of AA I study it. I’m grateful that when I slept in and missed churh this morning I forgave myself, prayed and invited my sponsee over to join me for coffee and to read and discuss a bunch of the daily readings and devotionals I have. I’m grateful that I kept checking the scores of the football games today and that my team won but I didn’t feel compelled to watch obsessively all day, my addict can allow even my love for sports to consume an entire day and for me that is not what I consider healthy behavior anymore. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful my back feels a little better and I didn’t need to use my new cane today. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for forgivenss and the reminder that since my HP has forgiven me who am I to not forgive myself.

May our higher powers help us find balance.

p.s. Don’t ever forget, you rock. Ya you!!


I’ve been away for 3 days, I’ll catch up during the week :pray::sunflower:

Where do I start?

I’m grateful it’s ok to take a gratitude break. Mostly because I fell asleep before I started writing. I’m grateful I slept well allthough not enough the last days.

I’m grateful the intense last week is over. The workshop on saturday was powerful and I got some deep insights that hopefully lead to better understanding myself and letting go of things I can’t change and have no influence on. I’m grateful we set up a whatsapp groupchat to stay in contact as this group setting will end in november. I’m grateful all participants are openminded, kind and really nice people.

I’m grateful I had to deal with an emotional hangover yesterday. My ex was at the farm saturday and did everything I asked him for. When I came home sunday I was :sob: because the princess in me screamed “he does everything for you”. This pink fit-throwing bitch can be exhausting. Yes, I’m grateful he cared about doing what I asked for and I texted him to thank him. Nope, this is not “doing everything for me”, stop that codependent bullshit-thinking. I’m grateful for a long call with a pal I hear rarely, the talk helped me to calm myself and find some encouragement.

Today I’m grateful I take it easy. I already did the necessary calls to make appointments for the week. I feel insecure, emotionally unstable, irritated and unwell. I feel overstrained by the simplest tasks. Thinking about how I will drive the tractor to the garage on thursday gives me horror.
This is not helpful. I KNOW I’m capable to do everything on my plate. I’m just scared. Because I lack routine. Because my ex was here and after he did those heavy tasks I’m not able to do I feel inferior. Which is nonsense, it’s how he made me feel for many years. Out of the blue this feeling is back. Oh my gosh, still a lot to work on. I’m tired of working on myself. I want a loungechair at the end of the world :pray:
Checking HALT I’m hungry, angry, lonley and tired. Time for lunch. Be back later.


Good morning grateful friends

I’m grateful to be on day 3 sober.
I’m grateful I managed a little sleep last night.
I’m grateful for a quiet morning with my coffee.
I’m grateful I can go walk as a break from work mid morning.
I’m grateful for all of you.



Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

The gratidudes
My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
A decent haircut from a new stylist
Self care sunday
Time with hubby and boscoe
Skipped the gym and hope to get to work early
My planning mind
A fresh week with all the opportunities


@i.cant.we.can Grateful you do have family and friends around you to help while you are dealing with your back pains ( I do hope you recover soon)
So good to see @SobrietyForMe and @calgary5577 on the gratitude thread! :pray:
@Lisa07 I absolutely love your gratitude box! Such a precious gift :heart:

Grateful to read this love - love having you back here on the G thread with us. :hugs:

Monday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful for waking up to a beautiful sunny morning with fresh air in my lungs. My chest pains are almost gone (thank god).
I am so grateful for a decent nights sleep. I did wake up a few times and did feel groggy when i awoke but I did also feel light and free (i listened to a lovely meditative mantra all night long.
I am so grateful for having the energy needed to head over to the house to finalize my irrigation system being blown out. I really hope that its not to expensive to replace this valve.
I am so grateful that my morning concoction that my brother has me on for a week was easy to swallow this morning. 1/2 oz olive oil, 1/2 oz lemon juice and pinch of cayenne pepper. Lucky for me I had my coffee ready to go right afterwards. Apparently, this is supposed to help with fatty liver. :woman_shrugging: Willing to try anything once.
I am so grateful for my coffee (Always and forever) :coffee:
I am so grateful that i had enough to make some today as I did not get around to grinding my weeks worth yesterday.
I am so grateful that my family (minus my sis) live so close and I am blessed with their support and love. Luckily still get to see my sis enough as she is frequently in the area.
I am so grateful that i just got to see Patricia’s @Pattycake Floridian Pumpkin. So flipping amazing.
I am so grateful for my HP and His guidance /support. Grateful for my meditative and prayer practices to keep me connected. Grateful for re-wiring my brain so that i can live a healthier more fulfilled life.
I am so grateful for this site and all of you. Grateful for all the support and love received here daily. You guys ROCK!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Alright. Let’s get this gratitude shit over with. Ya that’s how I feel. I know some of you might have been waiting……

I’m grateful for September.
I’m grateful I can remember how happy I was.
I’m grateful it was a good run.
I’m grateful for Hope. Everything is happening for a reason. I’m grateful she didn’t fall and get hurt last night. I’m grateful she made a drunken staggering fool out of herself in front of our friends from Austin. I’m grateful that cat is out of the bag. I’m grateful I no longer have to keep my dirty fucking little secret from my best friends. I’m grateful “like, they didn’t know?” I’m grateful they were upset with me because I haven’t shared my misery with them because they love us. I’m grateful they understood though. I’m grateful they care so much. I’m grateful I noticed the change immediately yesterday morning when her addict took over. Like it had been training for this ultra marathon. It was actually quite a sight when it was set free and knew it could have a drink at first chance on October 1.
I’m grateful it was actually utterly amazing to watch the transformation.
I’m grateful for humor.
I’m grateful for the beautiful hotel and their nespresso machine in the room.
Grateful for the Stumptown French roast and croissant this morning.
I’m grateful I shared my croissant with Norma through the internet as I was the first one to ever share a croissant with her. I’m grateful for those kind of memories.
I’m grateful I’m not going to ruin this day.
I’m grateful I left my martyr hat at home. No. I left that fucking hat in Flagstaff when I sold that house. And I’m not getting a new one.
I’m grateful I got my big boy pants on this morning and my coffee :coffee: :kissing_heart:
I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
Grateful for you :kissing_heart:
Grateful for my recoveries.
:pray:t2: :broken_heart:

”The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them.


Well… grateful for 2 days sober. Grateful that I have the courage to face myself even though I had a major set back and recognize that this mistake doesn’t mean I have to give up. I’m back focused and ready to try this again.


I’m grateful your right back here.


So proud of you for stepping up and not giving up. We got you here love – keep pushing forward :muscle:


Glad you tossed that martyr hat and no looking back.


I am so sorry Eric. That addict demon is a devil. Waiting so patiently and quietly for its turn to show up. I am grateful that you had your friends with you and did not have to be alone. Grateful you know you are not alone in this. We are here - you have your Al Anon and now your friends are also able to provide support as the cat is out of the bag.

I do hope you had a wonderful breakfast and coffee! Beautiful memories made with Norma :heart:

Much love dear friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ah Eric… I don’t know what to say, I hope she might feel the difference a little in how SHE feels after all this. Perhaps she might want to change after this month off?

I’m so sorry, that’s tough on you. X


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. My children
  2. HP
  3. My home
  4. Job
  5. Morning walks


I’m grateful for amazing ppl that I have in my life now, even though they are only virtual.
I would love to mention every each one of you but Im afraid I will forget somebody and feel bad about it.
Eric, you are such an inspiration, you are such a strong person. And with great sense of humour :slight_smile:
I hope one day she will understand that there is nothing good in alcohol. Fuck addiction.
I’m grateful for you guys.


Good Afternoon Sober October friends.

I am grateful that the body shop called and said there’s no structural damage on my car. Just under $10K worth of damage.

I am grateful that I get to Chair the meeting this afternoon.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m very grateful for my new kitten I got today and seems fitting to call him PEACE as he has brought me some and seems to be in that state himself right now.

I’m grateful my friend gave me a litter box, cat food and dishes, litter and I could give her money for it all knowing she needs it and wouldn’t ask. I’m grateful for the two way prayer and meditation group I attended and chaired this morning. I’m grateful my sister is coming by later to drive me up to work so I can chat with a manager and drop off another Dr’s note. I’m grateful to have some binaral beats playing in the background, PEACE seems to like the vibrations too. I’m grateful that its beautiful outside. I’m grateful for the chicken soup my Mom made and left for me to enjoy. I’m grateful that I have a bunch of service work to do with my NA homegroup this evening.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


I am grateful that Peace has found a great home!


Back for more evening gratitude.
I’m grateful for all the gratitude, smiles, creativity, healing and joy on this thread.

I’m grateful the old boy was purring on my chest several times today. He is such a lovely sweet soul. I’m grateful my cats love me. They make me feel less lonely.
I’m grateful the certificate of inheritance after my late mum arrived today. I’m grateful it’s time to close this chapter.
I’m grateful my friends are understanding and kind. I was too tired to chat in the evening so we rescheduled a call for tomorrow. Healthy boundaries. I’m grateful I had a good laugh in the afternoon exchangeing pictures with another friend. We can be so silly :grin:

I’m grateful I joined a zoom discussion in the evening allthough I was already tired. The lecture was very interesting and the discussion amused me. I’m grateful I spoke up in the discussion and expressed appreciation and gratitude for all the work those people put in and the great output they generate with limited ressources.

I’m grateful I feel a bit more stable. I’m grateful for food in the fridge, tea in the cupboard, this wonderful house I love, internet, TS, naps, medication, ODAAT, beautiful autumn weather, the last icecream of the season, it’s ok to have a mähhh day. I’m gratefull this too shall pass :pray:


Peace is lovely and you two look good together Brian! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::orange_heart::blush: Happy catdad :hugs:


I expect daily pictures of Peace :peace_symbol:


This is the greatest thing I’ve seen today my friend. Great name. Peace. I love it and her. White cats are squirrelly fun. She’s such a cute fluff ball. She’s going to bring so much Peace and joy to your life.