Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning sober fam,

Im praying for all of my fellow addicts who are suffering.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 530 days free from weed and alcohol
73 days free from vaping
A safe space in the rooms of aa to celebrate sobriety
This amazing community
My hubby and Boscoe…i think theyre pretty great
Feeling less stressed this am. Circumstances at work havent changed but ive been able to surrender and let go of outcomes atleast yesterday and hopefully for today
Its friday!
Looking forward to a restful weekend
Time with family
Mental health improving and the patience to reassess day by day
God winks
My aa homegroup

Peace and love


I’m grateful it’s good to be back.
I’m grateful my nightmare is presently over, currently :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for all the wonderful support I get from this forum and all the people reaching out. I’m grateful and just floored from the support on here from people I don’t even know and some I’ve never even heard of before.

I’m grateful for the lurkers.

I’m grateful for the trouble of getting more support; I cannot possibly reach out to every single one of you all and thank you from the bottom of my mending heart. I’m grateful for this magical forum of support.

I’m grateful for the IRL friends, IRL recovery friends, and sponsor and therapist, I have now. And it’s just impossible to even remember to thank everyone individually here or IRL. I’m grateful it’s what recovery is all about and I can just pay it forward.

I’m grateful I woke up at 3 and couldn’t sleep and realized I had slept for a solid 6 hours uninterrupted.

I’m grateful when I first got up I was thinking wifey is going to be top of my gratitude list today. I’m so grateful I remembered to mention her here. I’m so grateful what I think is going to make my gratitude list usually doesn’t make it because I forget and write down new stuff to be grateful for.

I’m grateful for my wife, best friend, soulmate, my person,
I’m grateful I spent most of my day yesterday telling her why I loved her. I’m grateful I know about shame. I’m grateful I know Toxic Shame can prevent recovery.
I’m grateful it got to a point where it was so comical me giving her reasons why I would love a person like her.

I’m grateful I left her a sticky note on my Spiritual Principle A Day book,
that said I :heart: U. And wrote how much I loved todays reading. 10132023 could be her sober date. How cool is that? Friday the 13th sober date :ghost: and in October :jack_o_lantern:
I’m grateful for this hope without expectations. I’m grateful it’s out of my hands.

I’m grateful she’s been pretty serious all day yesterday about going to my new AA speaker meeting tonight. I’m grateful if anything she’ll be going for my son because she said she was going. Im grateful when she is sober she keeps her word. I’m grateful I told her we can go not early, sit in the back and run out whenever you like. I’m grateful I also told her we could meet Janet, AlAnoninc, and George, alcoholic. I’m grateful when she said, but they know about me, I was able to say you know about George, he’s a fucking bleeder :scream:
Disclaimer…….I don’t tell my wife what I hear in meetings. Well 95% of the time I don’t. Sometimes things slip. I value anonymity. But I feel what friends talk about outside of meetings can be relayed back to my spouse. I mean, who knows? Maybe Janet and George and Eric and Kelly have some things in common, and could be friends.

I’m grateful for the support of my children. I’m grateful how loving they are. Intelligent. Funny, Beautiful souls. I’m grateful everyone fucken knows now. Even Eileen :heart:. This is huge!

I’m grateful I feel free.

I’m grateful I didn’t even tell my kids. My wife called them and told them she’s an alcoholic :cry: I’m grateful by the end of the day with all the outpouring of support she said I wish I hadn’t told anyone :grimacing: I’m Grateful too late baby. Cats out of the bag :smirk_cat:

I’m so grateful. I’ll close with a story.
Wifey was texting our daughter and at one point wifey said to my daughter. “How does everyone know? My daughter said. “I told all your friends. I’m not afraid of you like dad is.” This makes me cry with happiness and tears.


I am grateful its Friday and I am grateful that tomorrow is the Renaissance festival where I live! I don’t have a Renaissance outfit to wear this year so I am going as a witch.


I’m so glad to see this, Eric! Grateful your wife has recognized her addiction and how wonderful for her that she has your loving support. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:


How good is your daughter?!

Wishing you well Eric, lfg.
Hope it sticks.


I am grateful today is the 13th. It would have been my baby brothers 64 th birthday. He was a wonderful, kind, generous,compassionate human being who died suddenly four and a half years ago. I’m grateful he was in my life and I miss him every day.
I am grateful I am finally getting to see my sister this weekend. The last time I saw her was at my brothers funeral in 2019. We all live in different states, so getting together always involves flying or driving long distances, and the pandemic and other factors have made it hard to get together.
I’m so glad we will celebrate our brother’s birthday together today!!
I am grateful I am well enough to exercise and take care of my body. I’ve been kind of a slouch for a while and now I’m AF for long enough, the motivation is back and it feels so good.
I am grateful for this forum, all you amazing people, you keep me lifted up and I’m so damn grateful for you!!:heart::heart::heart::heart:


Wow! I have no words other than I’m grateful for your (and your kids) difficult but yet loving conversations with wifey. Praying she keeps her word and goes tonight. :pray:

On a side note…hubby and I discuss shares from meetings, without names but we both know who the other is talking about. Always positive stuff though like getting feedback from each other on how we can help the person. Or how our stories are similar.


Grateful that you are surrounded with so much support Eric – here and in real life. :pray:

WOW - what a day you had. I am grateful that you were able to dote your wife with so much love and affection. I know that she was able to feel the compassion and hopefully her addict side will allow her to commit to trying to get sober. Sober date October Friday 13th – WOW - that would be awesome indeed.

So damn grateful that the cat is out of the bag! Who knows what happens next but do know that you are loved and supported.

Wishing you both well with tonight’s meeting. :hugs:


@sasxoxo ooh we will hopefully get to see pictures of the witch costume – have a great time at the festival!
@pattycake So sorry for your loss my friend :people_hugging: Grateful that you and your sister will re-unite face to face this weekend. Much love to you Patricia :heart: :hugs:

Happy Friday 13th my sober companions – what a wonderful day to be alive!

I am so grateful that I am alive and breathing well. Grateful to have awoken to this beautiful autumn day!
I am so grateful that i have my morning coffee keeping me company and working hard to provide me with the energy i need to tackle this day.
I am so grateful for family support. Grateful that we are so close and even through bickering at times do show up for each other.
I am so grateful that i can list stuff on craigslist and Facebook market etc - have some items the renters left behind that i can just put on the “for free” sites. Hopefully someone will pick em up.
I am so grateful for meditation and prayer - thankful for the peace and serenity this practice provides. Grateful for my connections (internally and externally and most of all with my HP).
I am so grateful that i may get help this weekend for the house paining (only one floor but it’s still more than what my body can handle right now).
I am so grateful for this community and how connected i feel with all of you! Grateful that we can all be our raw vulnerable selves and be loved and accepted for who we are.
I am so grateful for soup and chilli season.
I am so grateful that i am 4+ months gluten free and hopefully at the 6 month mark i will be able to eat my breads again :pray:

Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Evening gratitude :city_sunset:

I’m grateful we have settled in to the temporary property.
I’m grateful the works have already started at my permanent home.
I’m grateful this temp place accommodates all 5 pets.
I’m grateful for the NHS and workers.
I’m grateful I have been doing lots of walks to keep fit and eating healthier.
I’m grateful I am still sober, there have been moments, many, romanticising and almost convincing myself. Grateful I knew better.
Grateful for everyone who has checked up on me over the past few months :hugs: Thank you.
Grateful to notice the good in life, and to let go of what needs.
Grateful it’s Friday and I am already tired.
Grateful I am looking after my body, and have also noticed a huge difference in my mind and my perception of things.

Grateful for every single one you here :purple_heart:
Grateful I know it’s time for me to commit to an outside group and become apart of it, recovery dharma, aa, smart recovery - which ever it may be, I know it’s time for me to see what fits and commit to it.

Grateful for trees, they are beautiful :heart:



Safe travels and you will be missed :hugs:
A great adventure awaits you :pray:


I’m grateful I have long since learned how to not accept BS from people, and not care what others think of me in most things, as we are humans and will always have something in which we care about how others see us.

@Dazercat I’m happy things with your wife are starting to look up after all this time. The journey is hard for you both, but worth it. :heart:

@JazzyS Thank you, though it’s alright. Many years ago I was hit by a snowplow and my life changed forever in so many ways, and some things not manifesting right away or coming as a result of things that were done to ‘help’ me. But good things come too, and through all the difficulties I learned to face the worst of my deepest fears. While I am constantly suffering physically in many ways, all of these things were part of the cost I paid for wisdom and learning how to not be manipulated by others and by my own fears.

So in this, I am grateful.

To answer you about the haircut, but under a tab because it's slightly off topic...

The hair appointment went alright, though honestly I was in a very bad mood once I got there because I had to do some errands first, but only one of them got done because I stopped by to pick up cat meds, and for the third time in a few months, the vet clinic was closed for “meetings” and would not reopen until the time of my appointment. There is no way I would have been able to go do the other things and come back that day, so I was just stuck waiting until they reopened and was late. I think the haircut is “okay”, but I’ve learned to recognize that sometimes I can get nit-picky about things that don’t matter when I’m emotionally compromised in some way, so I decided it looked good enough and if I really hated it, then it would grow out and I’d cut it again. It’s just hair; but what we say and how we act is forever recorded in the invisible book of history.


Today I’m grateful for another nice friday the 13th. It’s my lucky date.

I’m grateful I’m already in bed, tired, showered, full. I’m grateful I feel content. I’m grateful I accomplished a lot today. I hope I did not overdo it :pray:
I’m grateful I enjoyed this beautiful warm autumn weather. It will be over on sunday. I’m so grateful we got a beautiful warm autumn for weeks, it filled my soul and gave me peace.

I’m grateful for the third day of being civil and getting along nicely with the ex. I’m grateful neither the codependent monster nor the pink princess threw a fit today. I’m grateful to enjoy the evening alone after this busy day. I need quality me-time. Even the cats are sleeping somewhere around the house, not on me. Maybe it sounds weird but I feel quite “adult” today. Kind of emotionally stable and having my shit together, just for today :pray:
I’m grateful I can focus on the firewood tomorrow, all weekly chores are done, all errands too.
Good night and good luck sober peeps! ODAAT :pray:


After a rough few days, reading this gave me a lift and a smile! I’m grateful that things are changing for you both!


Oh Chiron damn girl - i am so very sorry! Good things do come - i am grateful for your attitude :hugs:

So sorry for the constant suffering. I am grateful that you were able to find the silver lining in the situation.

Hiar cut …


I am grateful that my good friend was my hair dresser and many times even when i didn’t really like the look i would say yeah good and then come home and say “its only hair and it will grow back”. I actually did begin to love the cuts after a few days home.
I am sorry for the chaotic day you had leading up to your haircut. I would do my hair appointments first thing in the morning so that hopefully with coffee in hand nothing could go wrong before the cut :laughing:
Its ok to be nit picky at times - i’m sure you are pulling off the cut perfectly. :hugs:


Great to see you Twizzle :sparkling_heart:


I’m so grateful that I decided to stop drinking inspired by all the stories, advice and success stories I’d been reading on here.
I’m grateful to be where I am now and not where I’d be if I hadn’t made that decision and stuck to it. I don’t want to imagine what the past 19 months would’ve been like, what I’d’ve progressed to doing and saying. I am grateful every day.
I’m grateful to have made a decision to put some space between myself and a friend. We have been friends since high school but the friendship is very one sided and I don’t feel valued or listened to. It took a lot of thinking about but I feel lighter now I’ve actually made the decision. I’m grateful that sobriety enabled me to recognise my feelings and act on them.
I’m grateful to have rejoined my walking group and am going out with them tomorrow, I’m so looking forward to it.
I’m grateful for everyone on this site, I am still here because of all of you, thank you so very much :sparkling_heart:


:hugs: Thank you it’s great to see you too :sun_with_face:


Boundaries with mom for the win!! Way to go! I’m working on that too.


Good morning from the cold dark rain of Saturday morning in Wisconsin.

I’m grateful to be sober for 715 days now. The hubby is with me on this journey and I’m grateful for the time we have together without booze.

I’m grateful for this rainy day because I need a day of rest. The last few weeks have been great, lots of time with family, lots of progress at work. I’m looking forward to a day of reading and napping. I got my flu and COVID shots yesterday and that usually makes me feel a bit sick, so planning for rest is on the ticket for today.

I’m grateful for the shots. Working in middle school means I’m with all the germs all the time. I did get COVID last fall, but it was a mild case.

I’m grateful for time alone with hubby today.

I’m grateful for this community and all the support you share. My brother reads here too and he is making great progress. I will be checking with my sister to see if this is something she wants to be seeing too.

I’m grateful for my work. It continues to be challenging and rewarding. So I’m lucky (or did I work hard to get here :thinking:) to be in a job that brings me the good mix of challenge and joy.

I’m grateful for my cozy and safe home. And my pets.

I wish you all the best today. Peace and progress in your journey.