Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Hello Peace! I’m grateful for the good chuckle this gave me - my human too!

I’m grateful my human feeds me well and I don’t hafta try to catch a cat for dinner. :wink:

I’m grateful she’s sober and working on her recovery. You know I can really tell? Well, I’m a slower dog now, and I walk darn slow. Some people pass us on the trail and they say stupid things like - “not breaking a sweat today, hey?”. Others are more kind, but comment on my age (like, as if they are spring chickens, sigh). Anyway, where was I… …so we walk slow. And just take it all in. She thinks of them as moving meditations now. And I plod along beside her and sniff anything that catches my fancy. Today we walked by the river and took some pictures of the public art and the leaves.
No bolting home to gun down a drink… Super grateful for that.

I’m grateful for those online Recovery Dharma meetings she does. Like the one she just finished. Man, when they start the meditation part? I dunno what happens, but whammo! Naptime for this dog girl!

We didn’t get our trip to see grandma for her birthday. A whole bunch o’ stuff got in the way. I’m grateful we’re gonna go next week. And I like where grandma lives. Everyone there is old(er than me) and thinks I’m just the cat’s meow! (lol, just trying to hold your interest, Peace!) :smiley_cat:
We’ll see some of my human’s friends and our dog friends too. I’m grateful for her friends. (But I’m grateful she just set a big hard boundary with one of them. Was long overdue, if you ask me.)

I’m so grateful she’s got all of you Gratidudes. You really don’t know how much you just being here helps us both see each day and the world a bit different.

We’re super grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

EDIT to add: :point_down:
Yes! There are pics of me (the dog girl) in some German tourists cameras! . :dog2: :dog: :joy:


Grateful I survived having some inlaws over and everyone seemed to have fun. Also grateful her highness didn’t seem stressed to have new people over.


Way too early morning gratitude. It’s 4.30 a.m. and I’ve been awake since 1:30 :yawning_face: Maybe napped a bit.
I’m grateful Missi and the old boy surround me with snuggles, purring and miowing. I napped twice yesterday so maybe I just had enough sleep to be rested. I’m grateful I laze around in bed and google nonsense. I’m grateful I’m still too lazy to get up and make tea. It’s a weird but nice start into the week.

I’m grateful I rested yesterday. Three good meals, two long naps, early to bed. That’s it :pray:
I’m grateful I enjoyed me-time, a long call with a friend and petting the cats.
I’m grateful I was calm and relaxed yesterday, it’s nice when all the inner monsters are quiet and relax too. I’m grateful I focus on being present because this week again will be a very busy one.
I’m grateful I will get up soon as my back and hips start hurting from lying around, they demand moving my lazy ass. I’m grateful to start the week well rested, sober, focused and with lots of cat snuggles. I’m sure they will join me at the office later and lie in my way, on the mouse, on the keyboard … :pray:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
Boscoe and his huge personality
Warm blankets to cuddle up in
Creature comforts
Opportunities to practice
A weekend to rest
Ability to learn
A new week of opportunities

Peace and sobriety my friends


Good morning, TS family. I am grateful to be here. I’m grateful I finally got to be with my sister again after four long years. We had a fun two days together. I’m grateful she is still alive and within a few hours drive. I’m grateful my niece and her boyfriend drove up and joined us for dinner Saturday evening as well. He may be her “one”, and I’m happy for her. I’m grateful I had time away from home, I needed a break. I’m grateful the deer are grazing on all the fallen apples around my yard. I’m grateful for the turkey flock making regular rounds here too. :heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I am off work today, so it’s ok that I didn’t sleep good last night. I’m grateful that my kids are safe, have enough to eat, and are moving forward in life. I’m grateful that I have tools in my toolbox to help with me deal with anxiety, and drinking doesn’t cross my mind. I’m grateful for sunshine, and that I live in Arizona where there’s almost always sunshine. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness, and a sobriety toolbox. Everyone have a great day❤️


I’m grateful I woke up with a big floofy cat butt under my chin. :scream_cat:
I’m grateful for long hard sleeps.
I’m grateful we are starting to feel better over here.
I’m grateful for both my recoveries and how I can still build on them.
I’m grateful for my Al-Anon army.
I’m grateful for tears.
I’m grateful for letting go.
I’m grateful I’m learning, not letting go, can cause more toxic shame. I’m grateful I believe toxic shame can be what keeps people in their addiction. #fucktoxicshame
I’m grateful for chats with friends.
I’m grateful for my DIL
I’m grateful I get to see Norma this week.
I’m grateful I’m good today. Right now. Currently.
I’m grateful last weeks nightmare has made me stronger.
I’m grateful I know I cannot do it alone.
I’m grateful I get to work on my recoveries.
I’m grateful she can work on her recovery.
I’m grateful I will know the difference.
Her recovery is not my recovery or my responsibility.
Grateful for you and this wonderful Monday morning.

Al-Anon moves mountains
- inside people’s heads.
Al-Anon .org


Good morning. :sparkles:

I woke up excited this morning… excited about nothing in particular just my life I guess. Imagine that! I am grateful for butterflies in my tummy because my life is so amazing. I am grateful for the program of Narcotics Anonymous for helping me make it that way.

I have this beautiful friend who is taking a 30 year cake next week. There are people who, when I look at them, literally stand out. Its almost like they are super imposed on the scene, and it only happens when I first see them. These people always end up being big players in my story, she is one of those. I am grateful that we will be starting a new set of steps together, just her and I. I am grateful for the opportunity.

I am grateful for the understanding of the word concede and the power that word has in my life. There is such a big difference between concede and admit, for anyone who doesn’t know what concede means look it up.

“When we fully concede to our innermost selves that we are powerless over our addiction, we have taken a big step in our recovery.”

NA Basic text.


Does that officially mean we are in the #photogenicdogposse @M-be-free49 ? :rofl:

Today I feel very grateful for the simple things.
I’m grateful that I can brush my teeth and wash each day.
I’m grateful for socks and a hat now it’s cooler here.
I’m grateful I can appreciate a cool crisp day when I’m out and that I’m not having to think about sheltering from the cold.
I’m so grateful for my house.
I’m grateful I can feed my family and my pets.
I’m so so so grateful my daughter has come home happy today from her new school and wanted to tell me about her day.
I’m grateful I found this site and this wonderful sober family.


@Dazercat I love your posts :people_hugging:
@Its_me_Stella concede and admit … looking both up and taking a look in german was something I take to think about … language and meaning :pray:

Today I’m grateful for a busy day which ended with a nice evening with a friend and 2 kg figs :yum:

I’m grateful the neighbour invited me for tea while waiting for the chimney sweeper. What a nice chat!
I’m grateful I did office work and asked for help where I was clueless.
I’m grateful for the meeting with my counselor. Fuck do I have to reflect and work on my attitude towards my ex. Fuck codependency.
I’m grateful a friend offered me figs, they grew in this beautiful autummn weather. I’m grateful for this lifelong friend and the deep talks we had. And the love we share. Real friendship never dies :people_hugging::orange_heart:
I’m grateful to be me (again) :pray:

@Dilettante That’s great news :people_hugging: I’m happy for your kid :orange_heart:


May I ask how you feel today?


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I slept better last night, and don’t feel much of the anxiety I was having. I’m grateful I still got some stuff done yesterday, and rested. I’m grateful my Dad called just to chat and check in on me, that was a wonderful pick-me-up. I’m grateful for all the tools in my toolbox, and there’s room for more. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Sobriety and the glimmers of hope
A seminar last night on radical acceptance
Feeling like i am on the right path
The power of now and trying to stay in the present
A day of no shoulda’s. Today i am good enough
Boscoe cuddles even though the fucker didnt greet me at the door this morning
My mom
Realizing im more frustrated with the hubby because i dont feel supported at work. I wish he helped more with chores around the house but getting short with him accomplishes nothing but makes our time together tense.
Treating myself to a blue lace agate that is described as a spiritual stone that can ground you and help enlighten you. :pray:
A sunrise that reminded me of my 1year sobriety grand canyon sunrise hike.


I am grateful that the app sent me a message officially declaring me a member of this community now. :rofl: it was kind of surprising considering I been using this app consistently since July 22 but yeah… still grateful lol


Those are beautiful pictures thank you for sharing :heart_eyes:


Today I’m grateful for…
TS and everyone here.
Another fall day full of promise
My kitties
My husband
My house in the country where it’s peaceful and FAR FAR away from big city traffic that makes me crazy nervous, I don’t know how anybody survives that shit, but somehow the must.
My bike rides on the trails nearby.
The leaves turning colors even though the huge maple in the driveway that is a brilliant yellow umbrella over everything, is gonna drop LOTS of leaves and make me remove them all so they don’t clog the snowblower come winter.
Apples. Apple cider. Apple crisp.
Pumpkins. Pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin carving.
Halloween. Halloween candy. Halloween decorations.


I’m grateful I stood my ground and didn’t reschedule the window cleaner today. We forgot yesterday when I got the text. It’s inside and out. I like clean windows. I’m grateful what I want, and like matter.

I’m grateful I’m kindly telling the landscape people here today what I want and like too.

I’m grateful to be sitting back down with Alice purring on my lap.

I’m grateful wifey got up early and is walking my Ol Burner. I’m grateful I can hold down the fort.

I’m grateful my coffee was good.
I’m grateful my new Tulsi Turmeric Ginger tea is better and stronger that my other brand.

I’m grateful I got a lot going on this week and I told my sponsor I’d hook back up with him when I get back in town. I’m grateful I thought to text him a question and I’ll patiently wait for his call or reply.

I’m grateful we’re getting the house clean. I’m grateful I’m still not cleaning up any of wifey’s mess.

I’m grateful for the hard sleeps I been getting. I’m grateful when I wake up and my mind starts racing I been able to focus on my breathing. Specifically exhaling longer than inhaling and I been able to get back to sleep.

I’m grateful for my new man bag. It’s styling. Im styling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m grateful I’m going to get another one just like it only smaller. I’m grateful for the fun conversations with my wife about how to use my new purse. Purses :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I’m comfortable with my girlie side :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful I got therapy tomorrow.
I’m grateful I’ll be seeing Norma soon.
I’m grateful I asked the kids to get a sitter so the 4 adults could go out to a restaurant alone. Sorry baby. Not sorry. I’m grateful I suggested a restaurant that I really want to go to. I’m grateful after all my suggestions I’m ready to Step 3 it. I’m grateful I’m gonna have a good time since I’m going to be with my son and his family. I’m grateful the family dynamic with them in Dallas is so much easier. I’m grateful that’s ok. I’m grateful I love them both.

I’m grateful I’m done feeling like a victim.
Grateful for gratitude.
Grateful for G-dudes.
:pray:t2: :pouch: :heart: :sunglasses:

Sending love to everyone who is trying to rediscover their voice after life made them believe silence was safer
Todays Hope


LOVE your list! I live in the country toowa and it’s the best!
Have a fantabulous day :grin:


Today I’m grateful I’m home again. I’m grateful I stayed in town over night as I had therapy today and it was late yesterday. I’m not quite sure how to feel about today’s therapy session. I was reaching out for help to deal with longing and missing the ex after last week and ended up with the statement that love is hurting too and life is an impertinance :thinking: I’m irritated when a therapy session seems to be so useless. I’m grateful it’s ok to put it aside.

I’m grateful my cats are fine when they are alone for one or two days. I’m grateful I give them extra snuggles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m deeply grateful I met a dear friend by chance after therapy. She lost her mother recently, very tragic and sad. I’m grateful for our spontaneous, lovely talk, we see and hear each other rarely, she is always very busy. She is such a sweet soul.

I’m grateful for flexibility. I’m grateful for hugs. I’m grateful every feeling passes. I’m grateful I’m definitely not comfortable seeing my ex so often. It triggers illusions of togetherness. This is the opposite of clarity.

I’m grateful when this week is over. It’s only tuesday and I’m already exhausted. ODAAT


Good afternoon. :sparkles:

I just got in from the dentist, I had a great appointment! I am grateful for my hygienist who is so gentle and compassionate, taking extra care because of my anxiety. I am grateful for the way she is so engaged when she listens, she really listens. :heartbeat:

I am grateful to have our power back, our house got super cold last night when we went without power for 11 hours. I am grateful for the gentle reminder to get a supply of wood to the house. I am grateful that my kiddo can help me get all of that sorted out.

I am grateful for my body and I am so happy with how well it is doing??? I got my most recent labs back and everything is within range! EVERYTHING, including my vitamins!!! I am grateful that even though sometimes I feel like I am not progressing with my ED, even slipping at times, I am clearly not. I am grateful that getting a juicer has been a positive move and not a set back. I am grateful that drinking my food feels comfortable. Oh and… my hygenist even commented… “have you changed your diet?”. I am grateful that my body is healthier.

I am just sitting down to start step 7 with my sponsor. I am grateful to be at a place in my stepwork to shine some light on these defects of mine. :sparkles: